Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 27 Sep, 2010 06:57 pm
Just how stupid are you? You were the one that made the comment when she made the statement! GO FIND IT YOURSELF. I DON'T LIKE YOU. I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU. I JUST GOT SICK THAT YOU EVEN STILL SHOW UP AT ALL.
Reply Mon 27 Sep, 2010 06:59 pm
@Arella Mae,
He is apparently as illiterate as he is stupid. His inability to interpret what he reads, or read back is not your problem. (Thumbs down...)
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 27 Sep, 2010 07:02 pm
I am sorry everyone. I had no intention of talking to him at all but I saw what Occom Bill (his mentioning what that IT said) said and I got all mad all over again for BBB. I do not understand people that have no compassion.

There are people on A2K that don't really like me but they are not cold and heartless like that. I don't understand people like him! It makes me angry, sad, disgusted and at sometimes just nauseous.

How does a person get to be so cold? I try to keep in mind something in their lives may have made them that way but if that is true wouldn't they know better than to be like that themselves?

I just don't get it!
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 27 Sep, 2010 07:03 pm
Just stop Bill. I don't want to talk to you okay? I don't understand cold people like you. I try too hard to understand you and I get sick and upset. Please, just leave us all alone!
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 27 Sep, 2010 07:23 pm
If I were being dishonest Jesus wouldn't like it at all. However, I am not being dishonest. You are and everyone but you seems to know it. Now, I am going to ask you kindly, Bill. Please just don't respond to me and I am going to try to do the same with you because there is no understanding you.
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 27 Sep, 2010 07:39 pm
I don't lie.
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Reply Mon 27 Sep, 2010 07:54 pm
Sure they are; but they aren't allowed to say yes, an enthusiastic yes, and then regret it later and say that she said no. Which does happen a lot.

I'm not sure that it happens a lot. I have no precise idea how often that happens, and probably you really don't either. Most of the time, these are not reported as rapes. But even when they are, unless the woman herself later recants, and admits she gave consent, there is no way of knowing that she is claiming a rape that did not occur. The literature on false rape allegations doesn't always separate outright lies from honest misidentification's, poor police work, D.A. misconduct, etc., and when BillRM parades his false allegations statistics he is using numbers that include all of those things lumped together, and not just the percentages of women's outright, deliberate lies. When those factors can be separated, the incidence of outright lies is extremely low (something like around 1- 2%), so it's certainly not happening " alot" that women change their mind afterward and lodge a deliberately false rape complaint.

I'm sure women have sex they later regret, and men do too. There are lots of reasons the woman might regret the sex (she could become pregnant, contract an STD, find herself harassed by a man she can't get rid of, find out he's married, feel her reputation has been compromised, find out the man really wasn't interested in her etc.). But why, otherwise, would a woman who enthusiastically, and fully consciously, consented to a sexual act even regret it later? Most of the time, normal people aren't having sex they later "regret".

A woman has to feel a lot more than "regret" about a sexual encounter or sexual act to want to report it as rape, particularly given the generally unpleasant ordeal the woman who reports a rape must go through. And it's particularly difficult to report a date rape, or a rape by someone who's known to her, because the woman might be in situations (like on a college campus) where she might continue to see the man, or she might fear retaliation by the man, as well as the fact that women in date rape situations tend not to be believed when they do report the rape and there might not be enough evidence for a D.A. to take the case to trial, so putting herself through this may not be worth it, if the rapist won't even be punished.

A woman more likely would have to feel violated, or used, or at least pressured into an act she really did not want to participate in, to actually report that a date rape occurred. And that may certainly happen if the woman was drunk or under the influence of drugs at the time the sex took place. She may not even remember what happened unless someone tells her or if they took a photo of her. Or, she may have passed out, and suddenly awaken to find the man penetrating her. That's not consent. If she's legally impaired by drugs or alcohol she may not be considered legally able to give consent, and, in those instances, she may feel she did not give consent, regardless of how "willing" the man thought she was or how "willing" she seemed and acted. In those instances, it's not "regret", it's actual rape as defined by law.

While the issue isn't always clear cut, it's also not as confused or muddled as Hawkeye or BillRM have tried to make it out to be. People should be communicating with each other about what they do or don't want to do sexually. If the man feels unclear, he should ask the woman directly. If she's drunk, and he doesn't know her well enough to be absolutely certain of what she does want in such situations, he should probably not have sex with her.

If you come home drunk, leave your front door open, and pass out on your couch, you are not giving people permission, or an invitation, to enter your home and steal your property just because the door is open and you are drunk. You don't have to hang a sign on that open door saying you don't want to be robbed. People cannot enter your home without your permission, period. If you are drunk, and have sex with a woman you barely know, in your home, you are not giving her permission to steal your watch and wallet as she heads out the door--consenting to one thing doesn't mean you consent to another.

Consent really isn't all that difficult to understand. If there is any doubt, at all, about consent in a date situation, and the man doesn't want to hurt the women, or find himself accused of rape, he should refrain from sex.

Arella Mae
Reply Mon 27 Sep, 2010 07:56 pm
I think anyone knows when it crosses the boarder to rape. How could they not?
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Reply Mon 27 Sep, 2010 08:43 pm
@Arella Mae,
I think anyone knows when it crosses the boarder to rape. How could they not?

Because the man may be drunk too, and not thinking about the consequences, or not even care about them. But the man is responsible for his behavior, drunk or sober, and without full, conscious, freely willing consent from the woman, the act is rape.

Or the man may think, like Hawkeye and BillRM, that men are entitled to take advantage of a woman and they should get sex in any situation that they can. So they don't even consider it rape.

That's why Hawkeye carries on about the current rape laws. He's accused us of waging a campaign to expand the laws, change definitions of rape, all so that men can be ensnared in those laws. That's rubbish. No one here has advocated expanding laws or changing definitions of rape--we just want current, existing rape laws enforced. And that's what most people--men and women--want.

Hawkeye doesn't like the current rape laws. They mean minors are off limits. Intoxicated women are off limits. Hawkeye wants to have sex with such females without it being considered rape. He doesn't care if he's sexually taking advantage of anyone, and he doesn't want her to be able to charge him with rape, or find himself charged with statutory rape, so he wants the laws changed. Hawkeye has said that women want to be raped. Would you wonder how he could cross the border and not know when it is rape? Because, despite current laws, people like Hawkeye don't want to recognize their actions as rape. They make up their own definitions of rape to suit themselves.

The current rape laws are not intended to ensnare anyone. Only people like Hawkeye and BillRM, who really don't want to keep their behavior within the bounds of the law, are likely to find themselves in legal difficulty. The man who hasn't engaged in a sexual act isn't going to break the rape laws.

Hawkeye considers all current rape law, to be anti-male and anti-sex . He wants to satisfy his own appetite for sexual "conquest" and those nasty rape laws are an affront to him and an impediment to his satisfaction. Well, that's why we need those laws. Left to their own devises, people like that don't respect any boundaries--including the boundaries of a woman's body and her right to say, "No".
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