Quote:Why does this site continue to cater to demented trolls, who revel in the pain and suffering of others?
That's a good question. Although it's more that the internet, and not just A2K, has provided these creeps with a means of venting their anger and bitterness and hostility toward others. Whether they are dumping on women, or racial groups, or religious groups, as their scapegoats, in order to give themselves some false sense of superiority, their posts actually invite, and receive, condemnation and ridicule.
One does have to wonder why they continue this demented game. That they would sink so low just to have some scrap of recognition, even of the most negative sort, tells you a lot about how these particular men have failed in their real lives, in their real relationships, in the real world. These inadequate nobodies can make themselves feel like somebody just by seeing their name in print on a post, and they can reveal the crap that festers inside of them that they would never dare expose in real life because they'd likely be punched out by the decent men who like, admire, respect, and love women, and don't want to see them hurt. So, bored and ignored in reality, they troll here, releasing their mental farts and stinking the place up. Thank heavens for the Thumbs Down and Ignore buttons that help to clear the air.
I want to thank you for jumping in here periodically to slap these creeps down. That's exactly what has to go on in real life to help stop rape. It's the real men who have to speak up to help stop the sexism, and hostility toward women, that contributes to the crime of rape. It's men who have to let other men know that such attitudes are not acceptable, they are not "manly"--women alone cannot do this. Rape is not a joking matter, it's not something that any normal person banters about--and men have to send that message loud and clear. Thank goodness that we have men like you, and Intrepid, and panzade, and failures art, who step in here to say that. Your voices are the ones that matter.