Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

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Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 02:42 am
This rapist-father actually used "date-rape" techniques to facillitate his sexual assault of his daughter. He also terrorized her into keeping silent about her abuse.

Oz man plied daughter with drugs before sexually abusing her
Melbourne, Sept 23, 2010 (ANI):

A man in Melbourne has been revealed to have plied his daughter with drugs and alcohol before sexually assaulting her, and then telling her that he would kill everyone if she told her mother.

The Victorian County Court heard that the 35-year-old father, who cannot be identified, began his assaults under the guise of teaching his daughter about sex at their suburban home between September last year and February this year.

Crown prosecutor Susan Borg said that in late January, the daughter began crying at the dinner table, prompting the father to threaten her.

"Do you want me to get a knife and kill someone?" the Age quoted him as having told his daughter.

He then warned her to "think about what you're going to say or you will kill us all".

The matter came to light two days later when the daughter divulged the abuse to her mother while she was driving her to school.

Borg said the father gave his daughter marijuana, alcohol and pills before he assaulted her, and described his behaviour as that which tore a family apart.

"A child should look to her father for protection, not harm. The family has been destroyed. The child will now have to live with what's been done to her," Borg stated.

Defence counsel Jason Gullaci said the father had no prior convictions and his time in custody so far had been "a significant experience for him".

Gullaci said his client, who told police in an interview "I don't know what's wrong with me; I tried to stop myself", realised what he had done was wrong and was remorseful.

He pleaded guilty to 20 counts, including 11 of incest, three of administering a drug of dependence for sexual penetration and one each of attempted incest, intentionally causing injury and assault police.

Borg said the man should be jailed for 11-13 years, with a minimum term of eight to 10 years.

The father was remanded to reappear for sentence at a date to be fixed. He will be a registered sex offender for life. (ANI)
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 07:34 am
YOU will kill us all. How many times did I hear it would be my fault if the family broke up or my mother's heart would be broken? Enough times to start believing it. Rape is not just a violation of the body. It is also a violation of a person's mind, soul, and heart. In cases of incest (I can only speak for me) the rape of the mind and heart is what takes the longest to heal.

I did not trust men for years and years. Oh, I had relationships, etc., but I never truly trusted the men. Thank God I have Johnny. He is the first man in my entire life that I completely trust. I never thought I'd have that with any man.

So much is being done to help victims and the most important help any victim can get is validation of how they feel and to learn it is not their fault! There is a lot of shame associated with rape. Unfortunately, most of the shame is carried by the victim. There is usually so much denial on the part of the rapist they seldom "seem" to feel any shame, that is, until they are caught and it's proven. That's been my experience and I cannot say that is how it is for every victim.

This thread has really been kind of refreshing for me. Some of it hurt a bit to talk about but seeing the steps being taken in the world to work on this problem is so encouraging.
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 08:52 am
Here is more on the case involving the Pope's knowledge of the abuse. Is it just me, or does it seem really INSANE to not be able to defrock a priest unless the priest gave his permission? Huh? They can't get rid of him without his own permission?


When he was 16, McCormick tried to kill himself with a knife and with an overdose of pills. His father had to break down the door to his room to save his life.

“I felt like a victim and I felt ashamed,” McCormick said. “So [it was] denial, denial, denial until I got to the point that I could move away and not have to deny anymore because people wouldn’t ask.”

As a teenager he also drank heavily and used marijuana – both habits he said Campbell introduced him to.

“A lot of the times he would get us into that frame of mind where you’re not quite yourself, where you’re a little out of it and that’s when the molestations would start,” McCormick said.

McCormick, now 41, is happily married. He’s received a settlement from the Catholic Church and has been one of only a handful of Campbell’s victims to speak publicly about the abuse. Campbell died in 2002.

But until CNN contacted him in June, McCormick had no idea that the case of Father Campbell had gone far beyond his local parish.

The priest was convicted in 1985 on multiple charges of sexual assault and sentenced to a 14-year prison sentence. But Campbell’s bishop, Daniel Ryan, was bothered by a disturbing fact: Despite his criminal conviction and prison sentence, Campbell was still a priest – and refused to quit.

Ryan brought the case to the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, headed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who today is Pope Benedict XVI. Ryan asked Benedict to forcibly remove Campbell from the priesthood.

In a personally signed letter, Ratzinger, citing Canon law, said he couldn’t defrock Campbell without Campbell’s permission – and instead suggested a local church trial, which would have taken years. It would be three more years before Bishop Ryan could persuade Campbell to request his own defrocking.

The Lincoln Correctional Center in Lincoln, Illinois, where Campbell served his prison sentence.
McCormick was speechless when he read the letter that kept his abuser an ordained priest.

“I think common sense should supersede Canon law,” McCormick said.

Video: Watch McCormick's reaction to the letter

Monsignor Charles Scicluna, the prosecutor for the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, says things have changed in the church.

“Today, Canon law has a different scenario,” Scicluna said. “This thing would not happen under [today’s] Canon Law.”

After coming to terms with his own experience, McCormick now plans to start a foundation to support other survivors of sexual abuse.

“The children are the ones who will grow up to be the parishioners that fill the pews,” he said. “They’re the ones that need the protection. They’re the ones that need the safety net and they need the supervision and it’s not there.”

Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 10:48 am
@Arella Mae,
We hear so much about child abuse, and the need to recognize and report it. But it is generally physical abuse and not sexual abuse we are hearing about. And, when we do hear about sexual abuse of a child, it is most often when a child has been abducted or sexually assaulted by a stranger. But only about 10% of children are sexually abused by strangers, while 30-40% of victims are abused by a family member. Children are also sexually abused by someone they know and trust outside the family, and by older and larger children. So, by focusing most of our public attention on the stranger/pedophile roaming the streets, we are ignoring most of the perpetrators of child sexual abuse.

And children tend not to disclose the fact they are being abused:

Most children don't tell even if they have been asked

Evidence that a child has been sexually abused is not always obvious, and many children do not report that they have been abused.

Over 30% of victims never disclose the experience to ANYONE.
Young victims may not recognize their victimization as sexual abuse.
Almost 80% initially deny abuse or are tentative in disclosing. Of those who do disclose, approximately 75% disclose accidentally. Additionally, of those who do disclose, more than 20% eventually recant even though the abuse occurred.
Fabricated sexual abuse reports constitute only 1% to 4% of all reported cases. Of these reports, 75% are falsely reported by adults and 25% are reported by children. Children only fabricate ½% of the time.

As is the case with adult victims of sexual assault, children's reports of sexual abuse must always be considered and investigated seriously.
A study conducted at Children's Hospital Medical Center of Cincinnati (Amy Arszman Daso and Robert Shapiro, M.D) indicates that child sexual abuse allegations should be taken seriously and found children's testimony more reliable than physical exams in cases of sexual abuse. The researchers reviewed the records of 31 pedophiles who confessed between 1994 and 1999. The 31 perpetrators confessed to a total of 101 acts of sexual abuse, some of which they committed multiple times. The perpetrators abused 47 children. The 45 old enough to provide a history described 111 acts of sexual abuse. "Physical exams are an unreliable indicator of sexual abuse," says Dr. Shapiro. "We're not saying that children never make things up, but the responsible reaction is to listen carefully to allegations of abuse so that abused children will be identified and false allegations recognized." (May 2000)

Despite some extremely misleading data being posted in this thread by someone pathologically obsessed with the issue of adult male victimization, it is obviously ludicrous to assume that most children are victimizing adult males with deliberate false reports of sexual abuse, and anyone with an ounce of intelligence and common sense easily finds there is absolutely no data to support such assertions. Nor are sexual abuse allegations even a significant issue in most child custody cases, since issues of sexual abuse arise as factors in an extremely small percentage of cases.
In a twelve state study of approximately 9000 divorces cases, child sexual abuse allegations were made in less than 2% of contested divorces involving child custody.
Source: Association of Family Conciliation Courts, 1990.

Incest between a child or adolescent and a related adult has been identified as the most widespread form of child sexual abuse with a huge capacity for damage to a child. The damage can be physical, emotional, psychological and neurological, and the effects are long lasting. It is a devastating form of rape.
Incest between adults and those under the age of majority or age of consent is considered a form of child sexual abuse that has been shown to be one of the most extreme forms of childhood trauma, a trauma that often does serious and long-term psychological damage, especially in the case of parental incest.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incest

It is rather unfortunate that we have a poster in this thread who appears perversely inclined to smear the integrity of children who report sexual abuse, particularly abuse which is being done by a parent. This is not an alleged men's rights advocate doing this, since no responsible, thinking, advocate would ever try to distort data to that end. This individual is actively engaging in tactics designed to promote the continued sexual abuse of children, by suggesting that children are not to be believed when they report such abuse. This is not merely irresponsible, it is malicious, perverse, and downright dangerous to the welfare of children, children who deserve every protection possible from the pedophiles in their midst, including the pedophile parent that lives under the same roof with them. The purpose of this thread is not to make it easier for pedophile parents or child sex abusers to escape detection, by attempting to discredit their young victims reports and testimony. That someone would even try to do that, particularly in a thread where two posters have revealed their own sexual abuse as children, reveals an extremely perverse sensibility and mentality.

Arella Mae
Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 11:15 am
When my dad came into my room the very first time, I told my mother about it the next day. She asked my dad about it. He said, "Oh she must have been dreaming." My mom believed him. That really emboldened him to not worry about getting caught because "I was not to be believed." I think a lot of children don't report their parents or relatives because of the fear of not being believed. That may be different in society today but I'm not so sure.

There seems to be such a saturation of charges of incest, rape, etc., that some people now have the attitude, "yeah, yeah, if one person says they were raped then a hundred more will say it." I can say that because I heard it said in a chat room. See what happens? We get saturated to the point of denial! What kind of sense does that make? To me, absolutely none.

I don't know what all the answers are for making the world a better place involving the issue of rape but I do know there does have to be answers.
Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 11:23 am
@Arella Mae,
The Catholic church operates by its own rules. It took the global exposure of the widespread child abuse by priests to reveal the extend to which the Church's secret procedures were designed to protect the pedophile, at the expense of the young victims, in order to protect the Church from public scandal. So now, the Church must address not only the criminal sexual activity it implicitly condoned, but also the self-serving cover-ups it engaged in. And those with knowledge of such activities may well have included the current Pope. The Church has a great deal to answer for. Clerical garb will no longer protect such people from prosecution in criminal courts, or from civil actions. This has been far too long in coming, but, hopefully it will finally lead to the end of wholesale abuse of children by priests.

Reading about that other case, the boys who had been abused by the priest at a residential school for deaf children, I was struck by how similar the situation was to the cases of incest which occur in the homes of children. In both those types of situations, the victims are trapped under the same roof with their abuser, so the instances of abuse are repeated and dreaded. In both instances, the abuser is someone in a position associated with a high degree of trust, so the degree of betrayal is quite profound. In both instances, there is considerable pressure on the victim not to reveal the abuse, and even if it is revealed, it may be disbelieved. Therefore, I would expect that many victims of sexual abuse by priests would exhibit the same sorts of profound long term psychological and emotional damage that is seen in incest victims. The harm that was done to children by priests cannot be underestimated. It is a horror of enormous proportions.
Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 11:45 am
@Arella Mae,
I don't know what all the answers are for making the world a better place involving the issue of rape

Certainly, having you come forward to shine a light on incestuous rape is a start.
I have just returned from a devastating visit with my Mom in Canada where she lies in a hospital bed on life support.
She was the victim of her fathers sickness and it left a big black hole in her life. Although she never went into detail with me, my sister was her Mother Confessor and she told me my Mom moved half way round the world to get away from her father and mother.

She finally forgave her mother after her father had died, but when I think about the misery she suffered and the way that she loved everyone unconditionally, it fills me with deep respect for her tenacity to lead a semi-normal life.

I hope anyone else within earshot of this thread who has suffered familial or other rape can come forward and testify and hopefully shine a cleansing beam of light in these dark, twisted corners; maybe we can start to get a handle on the problem

Arella Mae
Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 12:05 pm
I am so sorry to hear your mother is so ill. I will keep her and you and your family in my prayers. To me, a real rape survivor is a woman like your mom and BBB and Osso. Despite all the odds they raised children and loved them and protected them. I can just feel the love and respect you have for your mother in your words. I am sure she feels blessed to have you.

One of the hardest things I ever had to understand in life was someone saying, "I'm glad it happened because if it didn't I wouldn't be who I am now." That was so hard for me to grasp for a very long time. How could anyone be glad a tragedy happened?

I learned finally that it wasn't joy at the crime committed but it was joy at the life a person went on with. I blew that off for so many years but now, I can say, I'm even glad that happened because it makes me who I am now.

May God bless you and your family and grant all of you peace, joy, love, and comfort.
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 12:07 pm
It's going to be very interesting to see what happens with this case. It could go either way I imagine. One thing is, it won't go away so they had better be prepared to handle it.

I do feel sorry for those that love the Catholic Church and the Pope. I know it can't be easy having this as a shadow. It's another form of trust destroyed because of rape. It never ends, does it?
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Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 01:05 pm
This case, currently in the NJ courts, is deeply disturbing--so disturbing that they are going to select a higher than usual number of alternate jurors in case any jurors have difficulty dealing with the material and ask to be excused. What went on within this family, and what happened to these children, is hard to believe. That these people were able to elude and evade Child Protective Services for so long is nothing short of tragic. The father appears to have been psychotic. He was arrested in 2006 but not declared competent to stand trial until earlier this year. He has apparently entered a Not Guilty plea rather than an insanity defense. Opening arguments in the first trial begin next Thursday.

NJ man accused of raping daughters stands trial
September 22, 2010

PATERSON, N.J. — A New Jersey man who claimed that apocalyptic visions drove him to create pure family bloodlines by raping his five daughters and keeping the offspring they bore him off the societal grid goes on trial Thursday.

The man, who was arrested in 2006 and ruled competent to stand trial earlier this year, faces 27 charges including sexual assault, lewdness, child endangerment and criminal sexual contact. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Prosecutors say three of the five daughters he is accused of raping are believed to have given birth to a total of six children.

The Associated Press generally doesn't identify victims of sexual crimes and is not reporting the names of the man or his former wife to protect the identities of their children, now all over 18.

Opening arguments are expected to begin Thursday for the first of five separate trials, one per child victim. Because the trials will be held separately, New Jersey Superior Court Judge Raymond A. Reddin ruled earlier this year that jurors can hear testimony about the home atmosphere but not specific allegations of sexual abuse that pertain to the other cases.

Testimony describing some of the physical abuse and isolation of the family is relevant to the case, Reddin said in his March ruling, including allegations that the man ordered all children be born at home to remain undocumented, deprived them of food and medical care, kept them out of school, subjected them to beatings and threatened them with death if they told anyone.

Authorities say the assaults began in the mid-1980s and lasted until 2002, when the parents separated, and occurred at residences in Paterson, East Orange, Orange and Eatontown. That period overlaps with the family's coming to the attention of the state's child welfare agency on another matter.

According to court records and published reports, the girls' father was arrested in 2000 and charged with kidnapping for allegedly trying to take three of his children from state custody at a Monmouth County medical center. He posted bail and later pleaded guilty to assault and child endangerment and was sentenced to a year's probation.

In pretrial testimony, the man's former wife said he spoke of being "chosen," believed that the world was coming to an end and was convinced that he and his offspring would be the only remaining inhabitants. She said some of the babies were delivered at home and never received birth certificates, and that in at least two instances babies who died in the home were buried without authorities being notified.

The woman, expected to be the first witness called to testify, also previously testified that state child welfare officials had removed at least one of the children from the family's home and that the family had temporarily moved, first to Jersey City and then to Florida, to avoid the agency's investigation.

Jury selection at state Superior Court in Paterson lasted more than a week, with jurors given a brief overview of the charges by the judge, who mentioned the allegations of incest.

Several of the prospective jurors who asked to speak to the judge privately during jury selection were sent home, but it was not known why they asked to be excused.

Noting the difficult subject matter of the trial, the prosecution and the defense asked a judge for a pool of 16 jurors — 12 jurors and 4 alternates — in case some drop out.
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Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 01:38 pm
@Arella Mae,
A 10 year suspended sentence, 5 years of probation, and 18 months of home detention for a priest who molested at least 5 children? Talk about a slap on the wrist. Oh yes, the judge ordered Bevan to undergo a mental health evaluation and receive treatment. It seems a little late for that.

Former Md. priest sentenced for sex abuse
By Washington Post editors | September 24, 2010

A defrocked Roman Catholic priest has been sentenced in Frederick to 18 months of home detention for sexually abusing a local altar boy in 1976.

Seventy-four-year-old Thomas Bevan of Cascade was convicted after entering an Alford plea Friday to one count of child abuse.

In an Alford plea, the defendant doesn’t admit guilt but acknowledges the state has enough evidence to convict.

As part of the deal, the state dropped a second child abuse count and agreed not to prosecute Bevan for cases involving three other children from a Baltimore County parish where Bevan also worked.

The Archdiocese of Baltimore removed Bevan in August as pastor of the Church of St. Patrick in Cumberland.

-- Associated Press

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Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 01:49 pm
I suppose the only thing worse than being raped by a parent is to be raped by both your parents. Those are the charges against this Utah couple.

Bountiful couple charged with raping daughter
By Sheena McFarland
The Salt Lake Tribune
Published Sep 24, 2010

In 2007, the couple engaged in sex acts with their daughter when she was 11 and 12 years old, charging documents state. The couple, whom The Salt Lake Tribune is not naming in order to protect their daughter’s identity, engaged in sex acts with the child in front of each other and together, the documents state.

The information came to light during the child’s therapy session, said Lt. Randy Pickett of the Bountiful Police Department. Pickett did not know why the girl was in therapy. The girl, along with a younger sister and brother, have been placed in state custody, Pickett said.

The father is facing first-degree felony charges of rape of a child and sodomy upon a child, and a third-degree felony charge of dealing in harmful material to a minor.

The mother is facing first-degree felony charges of object rape of a child and sodomy upon a child and a third-degree felony charge of dealing in harmful materials to a minor.

Both are being held in the Davis County Jail and will make their first court appearance this afternoon in Farmington.
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Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 02:04 pm
This rapist completed his 20 year prison term, so he is free to walk the streets. And all the police in Toronto can can do is warn the public that he is at high risk to re-offend.

Police issue warning after two-time rapist released from jail
Tamara Baluja
Staff Reporter
September 23, 2010

A two-time convicted rapist who police say is at high-risk to reoffend has been released after serving his complete jail time.

Toronto police Const. Meaghan Gray warned the public that Ronald Peter Tibando, 46, will be living in Toronto after his release from prison on Thursday.

The Behavioural Assessment Section of the Toronto Police Service Sex Crimes Unit “assessed Ronald Tibando as a high-risk to reoffend,” Gray said in a release.

Tibando had been sentenced to 20 years for sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, forcible confinement and assault causing bodily harm.

In 1980, he attacked two women in underground parking garages in Toronto. Nine years later, while out on parole, Tibando sexually assaulted another woman in Peel region.

During his incarceration, he assaulted a female staff member and forcibly confined another in the same incident in May 1993, police said.

Police haven’t specified which area of Toronto Tibando will be living in, but said he will be under a number of restrictions.

He will report weekly to police, is not allowed to have contact with his prior victims, or visit any public parks or underground parking zones. Tibando cannot buy or consume alcohol or non-prescription drugs. He is also under curfew between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m., Gray said.

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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 06:52 pm
This guy gets the choice of how he dies. He never gave the girl he raped and murdered any choice. This is a particularly cruel crime. He actually called the girls home after he killed her and taunted her family.

Brown was sentenced to death in 1982 for the rape and murder of Susan Jordan, who was walking to Arlington High School in Riverside when Brown pulled her into an orange grove, according to court documents.

He raped and strangled her with her own shoelace and took her school identification cards and books. Later that evening, he looked up her family in the phone book and called their home, the documents state.

"Hello, Mrs. Jordan, Susie isn't home from school yet, is she?" court documents quoted him as saying. "You will never see your daughter again. You can find her body on the corner of Victoria and Gibson."

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Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 07:10 pm
This man is a police chief and ex-judge...and he's just been charged with 52 felony counts relating to the sexual abuse and attempted rape of a minor. Any wonder that women might be reluctant to report rapes to the police?

ND police chief, ex-judge charged in abuse case
By DALE WETZEL Associated Press Writer
Friday, September 24, 2010

A southwestern North Dakota police chief and former state district judge has been charged with 52 felonies accusing him of molesting and attempting to rape a young girl over the course of about five years, authorities said Friday.

Elgin Police Chief Randall Hoffman, 55, is accused of having sexual contact with the girl beginning in 2005, when she was 12 or 13 years old, according to a criminal complaint. The complaint alleges Hoffman "engaged in at least 50 sexual acts" with the girl from August 2008 until this month, then attempted to rape her Wednesday.

Hoffman is charged with a single count each of gross sexual imposition and continuous sexual abuse of a child. The sex abuse charge carries a maximum penalty of life in prison without the possibility of parole. He also faces 50 counts of corruption or solicitation of a minor, each of which carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison.

Hoffman, who is being held at Mercer County jail in Stanton, appeared by video Friday before South Central District Judge Thomas Schneider in Bismarck and was ordered held on a $500,000 cash bond.

During the video hearing, Hoffman requested a court-appointed lawyer and said nothing about the allegations against him. He did not respond to telephone messages for him left on the jail's voicemail system.

If released on bond, Hoffman must not carry guns or go within 1,000 feet of the girl's home and would be under electronic monitoring at his own expense, the judge ruled. He also must not drink or use any drugs for which he does not have a prescription.

"I don't have an alcohol problem. I don't do drugs," Hoffman, dressed in a dark green jail uniform with his wrists cuffed together in front of him, said after listening to his release restrictions.

Grant County State's Attorney Jim Vukelic argued Hoffman might flee the state if released, to which Hoffman responded, "I have family in central North Dakota who would be willing to be responsible for me during the interim period."

Hoffman has been police chief in Elgin, a community of about 700 people 90 miles southwest of Bismarck, since 2005, according to Mayor Duane Schatz.

Schatz said Friday that Hoffman has been put on administrative leave since his arrest Wednesday. Grant County Sheriff Steven Bay did not immediately respond to telephone and e-mail messages seeking comment.

Hoffman was a state district judge in Jamestown for almost five years before resigning in April 1999 after a disciplinary complaint accused him of showing disrespect for the court system. Hoffman had criticized another judge's handling of his divorce case. He ran unsuccessfully for the same judgeship in 2002.

During the bond hearing, Vukelic said the number of charges against Hoffman were "purposely underestimated" and that there was "strong corroboration" for allegations detailed in a Bureau of Criminal Investigation affidavit in the case. Schneider ordered the document sealed.

In arguing for a high bond, Vukelic said Hoffman's wife had described him as "a volatile and angry person" and said the girl and her family "have every reason to fear retribution."

"He has nothing to lose," Vukelic said.
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 07:12 pm
That is just sick! SICK! SICK! SICK!

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