Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 01:31 pm
Yes to Facebook shutting that down!

I have to say this. Saying she reported it only because she was embarrassed is about the dumbest statement I have ever heard. The way the media is today, anything is apt to be going viral around the world, the more sensational the better so saying she was embarrassed so she reports it? STUPID STATEMENT!

They have pictures of the crime. The police have investigated and are convinced it was a gang rape. They have arrested people. So for the 119 members that signed up and then got kicked off that facebook page? Uh, exactly what should happen because if you want to see those pictures or blame that victim, you are just as sick as the rapists themselves.
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Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 02:06 pm
@Arella Mae,
I am glad Facebook showed moral fortitude in this case. Facebook does not have to allow rape victims to be slandered and libeled and humiliated on their Web site. That victim is not lying, and, because the police are so certain that a rape took place, this case will never get to trial. Those rapists would have to be crazy to take this to trial. The videos and photos that were taken identify them--that's about the only good thing about the fact that people took pictures. The police believe that 5 to 7 people raped the girl and they will lean on those they can identify from the photos and get them to finger the others involved by offering them plea deals.

The girl can also bring civil suits against the rapists for damages. And she can also sue those who took and posted online videos and photos of her rape for invasion of her privacy. Other rape victims have successfully done that in the past.

This is one "date rape" situation that will result in justice for the victim. And, as a result of this incident, a lot of adolescent males are going to get a crash course in the meaning of "consent"--and that seems to be something that is sorely needed in order to prevent future rapes.


Women warned about dangers of date-rape drugs
By: ctvbc.ca
Sep. 17 2010

After the suspected rape of a teenage girl at a party over the weekend, police and women's advocates in B.C. are warning teens about the dangers of so-called "date-rape" drugs.

Investigators believe that the 16-year-old victim was drugged -- likely with GHB or Rohypnol -- before the assault at a party in Pitt Meadows, but are still waiting for test results to confirm that suspicion.

Marissa MacDonald, founder of the defunct Student Nurses for Clean Drinks, says that these date-rape drugs can virtually incapacitate women.

"We're talking about something that has the ability to completely knock you out," she told CTV News.

MacDonald began her campaign to educate women about the drugs after a friend's drink was spiked at a bar. Within 15 minutes, the friend became extremely dizzy, nauseous and clumsy, and when she was taken home, her breathing slowed and she began to experience hallucinations and amnesia.

"If someone's ingested the date-rape drugs, which procure a sexual assault, what you see is a woman who is almost asleep, you're not able to scream for help, you're not able to kick or fight somebody off. Somebody who decides to do a rape using these drugs is the epitome of a coward," MacDonald said.

The drugs are hard to detect because they wear off after eight or 10 hours.

"By the time the victim is becoming conscious enough and aware that something's happened to them and they seek medical attention, often the concentration of the drug in the system has dissipated to what might be considered a naturally-occurring level of that substance," RCMP Sgt. Jennifer Hyland said.

Although GHB is known as "the date-rape drug," Daisy Kler of Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter says that alcohol and prescription drugs are much more commonly used to facilitate sexual assault.

"Women usually don't have a very good memory and are not sure what's happened to them," she said.

"This cannot be understood as anything consensual; this woman was not in a position to give consent."

Police are cautioning women to stay close to friends when they're out and keep an eye on their drinks.

Arella Mae
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 02:11 pm
And let's not forget the rapists that are in our pupits on Sundays. This is truly horrible.

Father Murphy was “one of the worst pedophiles” in U.S. history, says Peter Isely, a leader in SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. Isely, of Milwaukee, says he himself was raped repeatedly by a priest as a child. He has led groups of victims to Rome to criticize the church and demand accountability – especially in the case of Father Murphy.

For more of this horror tale:


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Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 02:28 pm
@Arella Mae,
That is indeed a horror story. And that man kept silent for 50 years with such a horrible secret about what that priest did to him, and to at least 200 other boys just like him.

I found this part particularly distressing
Groups of boys tried to tell local police and even the local District Attorney in Milwaukee about what was being done to them, according to Kohut, Geier, Nelson and others CNN interviewed. But no one ever believed their story, and local police even drove them back to the school, returning the boys to Father Murphy.

That's what happens when people, particularly the police and D.A.s, assume rape reports are "false allegations". All rape reports, including those against clergy, must be fully investigated. Think of all the rapes, and all the misery, that might have been prevented if this pedophile had been stopped when those boys went to the police.

It will be interesting to see if he wins his lawsuit against the Vatican.

Arella Mae
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 02:33 pm
At the very least, he is going to make this an even bigger subject than it has been so far in the media. The Pope himself is tied to this so it's going to be very interesting to see what happens. If the Catholic Church truly does the right thing I think it would go a long way for some of these victims in their healing. But, as we all know, the Catholic Church pretty much flat out denies such a thing could happen or has happened. Hmmm, sounds like a couple of A2K'ers, doesn't it?

Personally, I don't see how anyone could go that long with that kind of thing on their conscience. I certainly couldn't do it. But, we can't change what has happened, only what can happen.

You can deny the facts all you want but that will never make them any less true. Just a thought for.....................................well, you know.
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Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 03:01 pm
@Arella Mae,
A thoughtful comment on that gang rape in Canada from another teenage girl.


Gang rape spooks girl, 17
Published On Wed Sep 22 2010

As a 17-year-old girl who regularly attends high school parties, this article really opened my eyes to the startling truth: your classmates aren’t always who you think they are. I go to a high school where everyone recognizes each other, a small, tight-knit community. Even though I live in a different town, I feel extremely comfortable with my all classmates. Though, this now seems to be an issue.

I can’t even begin to imagine how the young girl who was drugged and raped at a party by six teenage boys feels or will feel upon her return to school. She may not even know who committed this crime against her — it could be her lab partner, or a friend’s sibling.

It really makes me wonder what kind of person can find enjoyment out of this horrifying act. No matter the circumstances, it is disgusting. No one ever asks to be raped, and to put the blame on this young woman is disgraceful and lacks any sort of integrity.

I hope that she finds comfort and support in all those around her and that those who committed such a terrible crime come forward and take full responsibility for their repulsive actions.

Jamie Darling, Lynden

It would never occur to anyone as morally bankrupt as BillRM that the males involved in this incident should come forward and take responsibility for their actions. The whole idea in "date rape" is to take advantage of the female and get away with it. If these young men really believe they had consensual sex with that girl, why aren't they admitting it to the police? Those who had sex with the girl should come forward of their own accord--that is the morally correct thing to do. By waiting until the police identify them they are showing what cowards rapists really are. They know they are guilty--otherwise they'd come forward--and apparently they have no remorse for what was done to the victim. If you are remorseful, you admit what you did was wrong and you take the consequences.

Arella Mae
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 03:09 pm
I am glad that the incident is opening the eyes of people. How frightening to not know who your rapist is but knowing he/they is/are there in school with you. That would be torture.

Unfortunately, rapists don't have morals IMO. Nor do the people that defend them IMO.
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Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 05:55 pm
@Arella Mae,
And the brave 16 year old has returned to school. One of the rapists is expected to be charged next week. And more witnesses have come forward, "despite extreme peer pressure"--so at least some of these people have some sense of responsibility. This will help them nail down the other males involved in the rape--the sooner the better.

As many as a dozen witnesses watched B.C. gang rape
Ian Smith/Postmedia News
Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010

VANCOUVER — Police say they believe there were more witnesses to what they’ve described as the brutal gang rape of a 16-year-old girl in the Vancouver area — photos of which were later posted on Facebook — and on Thursday authorities urged those witnesses to come forward.

“Police now have reason to believe that there may have been more witnesses and are strongly urging anyone who witnessed the sexual assault, and who has not already spoken to a police officer, to come forward and provide information on what they observed,” RCMP Sgt. Peter Thiessen said.

Thiessen told reporters that while RCMP still believe “several” males took part in the sex assault in the district of Pitt Meadows earlier this month, there may have been 10 to 12 people watching the attack take place.

He also said investigators now think the girl may have been drugged with GHB, a date-rape drug also known as liquid ecstasy. Odourless and tasteless, it dissolves in liquid and has sedative effects.

Ridge Meadows RCMP said two witnesses have approached police about the attack, which took place on Sept. 10 in a field behind a house in an isolated rural area, known to police as a party house.

Police said the 16-year-old victim had become separated from her friends during the Friday night rave party — dubbed “Another Night in Bangkok” and attended by about 100 teens.

Police said the girl suffered significant injuries from what they described as an aggressive series of assaults involving multiple males that lasted 20 minutes.

“The term ‘gang rape’ conjures up a certain image in the minds of the public . . . it can be used here,” Sgt. Thiessen said.

The incident was exacerbated by the fact that graphic photos were taken of the assault, then posted to Facebook. Although the social-media giant quickly removed the images, police say copies were downloaded and have been “spreading like wildfire” across the Internet.

On Thursday, Sgt. Thiessen said the photos were slowly coming down, but that the victim “deserves a chance to heal without being re-victimized by the sharing or viewing of these photos.”

He also cautioned the spreading of the photos was akin to distributing child pornography, and those involved could face criminal charges.

Two teenage males have been detained in connection with the case.

A 16-year-old boy was arrested and released for allegedly taking the photos and posting them on the Internet; he is expected to face charges of distributing child pornography. About a week after the incident, an 18-year-old male was arrested and is likely to face at least one count of sexual assault.

In a statement read by Sgt. Thiessen at the news conference, the girl’s family lamented the fact that images of the rape are still circulating on the Internet.

“This act continues to re-victimize our daughter every day. She has no privacy,” said the statement. “This is a wound which is being continually reopened.”

The girl has returned to school and is “trying to get some normalcy back in her life” after the “devastating” attack, her family said.

“This incident has been devastating to our family and close friends. There are no words that would express the effect and hardship this has placed upon us now and for the future.”

Others have been using the web to condemn the alleged attack: A Facebook group named “Support for 16-year-old victim in Pitt Meadows” is nearly 14,000 members strong.
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 06:04 pm
@Arella Mae,
The man that raped the 4 year old so brutally that she died of her injuries was sentenced to life in prison. Exactly what he deserved. And his life behind bars will be hell. If they take their eyes off him for a minute, another inmate will probably kill him. Even other inmates cannot tolerate someone who commits a crime like that.
Texas man gets life in rape of 4-year-old who died
The Associated Press
Sept. 23, 2010
HOUSTON — A jury has sentenced a Houston-area man to life in prison without parole for raping his girlfriend's 4-year-old daughter shortly before the girl died last year.

Harris County District Attorney Patricia Lykos said 28-year-old Lucas Coe was given the maximum sentence Thursday, which included a $10,000 fine.

Coe was convicted Tuesday of super aggravated sexual assault of a child, an elevated charge that requires him to serve the entire sentence. Prosecutors say they didn't pursue a murder charge because the assault conviction potentially carried a stiffer sentence.

Prosecutors say evidence showed Emma Thompson had about 80 bruises, a skull fracture and torn genitalia after the attack in June 2009. She died later at a hospital.

The girl's mother is serving 20 years in prison for injury to a child by omission.
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 06:07 pm
Poor Billy. He doesn't even realize that nobody is even reading what he is writing, let alone reply to him.

It must be terrible for him to try to formulate something to write when it is intelligible anyhow. Even if anybody took the time to try to read what he wrote, they wouldn't be able to understand what he is trying to say. He should spend less time writing his drivel and spend more time on trying to type an actual sentence. Then , he might try moving on to paragraphs.

Arella Mae
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 06:23 pm
God bless that girl! How brave is that??????? I know what it takes to walk into a school where everyone knows what happened to you. She has it worse. She is walking into a school where who knows how many of them witnessed what happened and did nothing. She is so brave and I am praying God keeps her safe and gives her the courage she needs to get through this.

Sometimes I do think the death penalty is called for and that's hard to reconcile with my Christian beliefs. In this case I think if he had gotten death it would have been a just sentence but I am not his judge or jury. God is. And I know God will mete out His justice. I'm just grateful this man cannot get anywhere near another child.

Intrepid, I don't read a thing Bill or Hawkeye post. I view it long enough to thumb it down and then they are forgotten.
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 06:31 pm
He's basically been talking to himself throughout this whole thread. I wonder if even he can make sense out of his posts.Laughing

It's really very funny that he's too chicken to go post in buddy Hawkeye's thread on man-bashing. Thats really where his male-victimization "false accusation" rant belongs--that would be the appropriate thread for it. And Hawkeye looks like he needs old Billy's help in there. But the dolt remains here, being either ridiculed or ignored. Perhaps he's even too dumb to be able to find another thread... Laughing

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