Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Arella Mae
Reply Wed 22 Sep, 2010 08:31 pm
Ya gotta forgive me firely. I have had such an emotional day because my best friend is in the hospital and she's very ill.

I'm having trouble really connecting thoughts right now. Did the child's mother turn the guy in?
Reply Wed 22 Sep, 2010 08:32 pm
What does stranger rape have to do with date rape?

Moron--rapes of college students include both date/acquaintance rapes and stranger rapes.

Reply Wed 22 Sep, 2010 08:43 pm
@Arella Mae,
No, she didn't turn him in. In fact, she originally lied to the police about the fact that he was living in the house and babysitting for the 4 year old. She protected him. She apparently didn't care about leaving this man with her child, or what he might have been doing to the child, that's why she got 20 years in jail. Mothers are supposed to protect their children.

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, Arella Mae. I hope she will be all right. I can certainly understand why you might feel very emotionally upset and rattled right now. Take care.
Arella Mae
Reply Wed 22 Sep, 2010 08:47 pm
So the mother knew her child was probably in danger. Twenty years ain't long enough.

Thank you about my friend.
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Reply Wed 22 Sep, 2010 09:04 pm
@Arella Mae,
Are you REALLY ignoring them? They are still getting the recognition they crave. It doesn't matter to them whether it is negative or positive.
Reply Wed 22 Sep, 2010 09:06 pm
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Reply Wed 22 Sep, 2010 09:13 pm
Another elderly woman raped. She did not "ask for it". She was assaulted for 30 minutes.

North Port police arrest suspect in rape of elderly woman
September 22, 2010

Signs of retirement fill the neighborhood off Biscayne Drive where police say a rapist chose his victim. She is 76 years old. He preyed on her mid-morning on Sunday.

"I mean 9 o'clock on a Sunday. It's probably the most safe time," said North Port Police Chief Terry Lewis.

Lewis says the man is 23-year-old Eduardo Vaskas, who was arrested today.

Detectives say Vaskas assaulted the victim for 30 minutes.

A police report says Vaskas knocked on the woman's door claiming he was looking for tree trimming work.

"When she opened the door to talk to him, he grabbed her and forced her into the outside laundry room where he raped her," according to the report.

The report also said the man threatened to "kill her with a rock if she called police."

Chief Terry Lewis says Vaskas was on his way home to nearby Isabel Street and randomly chose the elderly woman.

"It's an act of evil," he said. "I mean especially in this case. It's an act of evil that I'll never quite understand."

Police charged Vaskas with sexual battery and burglary.
Reply Wed 22 Sep, 2010 09:14 pm
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 07:31 am
Intrepid wrote:

Are you REALLY ignoring them? They are still getting the recognition they crave. It doesn't matter to them whether it is negative or positive.
I can't bear to read anything they post anymore. They are User Ignored and I think that is best. Most of what they were saying made me really angry and I wanted to say things to them that I shouldn't.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 08:24 am
The murder victim in this article was to be married tomorrow. It seems the suspect has a very lengthy rapsheet including a sexual offense he was walking free and able to go in and kill this woman. I am going to look for more on this. This guy is still at large.

Police: Fire Was Set To Destroy Bride-To-Be's Body

It was a picture perfect summer day in Southern California's San Fernando Valley -- the sun was shining, the weather was perfect. But Cheree Osmanhodzic's weekend was full of wedding plans.

Cheree and her fiance, Adam Culvey, were in the final stages of planning their nuptials. On July 24, 2010, the couple's Valley Village home was the base of operations -- the DJ had come over to talk, Cheree's family was in and out, and most importantly, there were shoes to try on.

As the sun began to set, Adam left to run a quick errand. However, when he returned 30 minutes later, something was very wrong. His front door had been locked and when he tried to enter, someone tried to keep him out.

Cops say Adam saw a Hispanic man inside the home. He chased the man out of the house and down the street -- neighbors even saw Adam pursuing on foot. Neighbors also saw Adam and Cheree's home engulfed in flames; the unknown man had apparently set a fire to cover up a far more awful crime.

A neighbor helped keep the blaze at bay until the fire department arrived. But authorities say the fire was set to destroy Cheree's body: The 34-year-old Armani saleswoman had been murdered.

On Sept. 14, 2010, the Los Angeles Police Department named their suspect: a transient named Omar Armando Loera. They say he's a 34-year-old Hispanic male who stands 5 feet 9 inches and weighs 170 pounds. He has distinctive tattoos of Aztec women on both of his shoulders. LAPD says he frequents the North Hollywood and Fresno areas of California. He also collects bottles and cans for money.

If you see Loera, call 1-800-CRIME-TV, and be careful: Cops consider him to be armed and dangerous.

They lost him for a month???????????????????


According to police, Loera was arrested in 1998 for carrying 48 pounds of marijuana over the U.S.-Mexican border. He was convicted in 2000 and later deported. He came back to California and was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon in a Fresno knife attack and was deported again in 2001. In 2004 he was convicted of sexual battery and released in 2005. In 2008 he was convicted of armed robbery and was paroled last February. He hasn't been seen by law enforcement since.

I don't see anything saying that he raped her so I am thankful for that but why was he lost for a month? Why didn't his parole officer do something? I am not saying the parole officer could have saved this woman's life if they had track of him but it is a distinct possibility.

Arella Mae
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 08:48 am
48 Hours Mystery is going to be doing a show on Rodney Alcala, The Dating Game Serial Killer/Rapist this week. Here is a link to the preview:

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Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 10:07 am
If BillRM had any real interest in the issue of men's rights, and the victimization of men, he'd get out of this thread for good and go post in Hawkeye's "Man-bashing" thread, where such issues really belong.

But Dumbo BillRM is probably too chicken to post his male-victimization rants in a thread where more men are posting--he can't "man-up" on his own issues. Laughing

Guess old BillRM is just more interested in woman-bashing in this thread than really discussing the harm that comes to men as a result of false rape accusations...he's got to stay here and take potshots at the "girls" because he's too scared to actually act like a man and discuss his issues in a thread where they actually belong. What a wimp!


Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 10:53 am
Earlier this month, Ines Sainz, a sports reporter for Azteca TV, complained that she was subjected to catcalls, unwelcome stares, and comments that made her feel very uncomfortable while she waited in the locker room of the NY Jets to interview one of the players.

•A Fox and NFL Network sports analyst, Brian Baldinger, has said that Mexican sports reporter Ines Sainz was sexually harassed by members of the Jets football team and staff because she was “asking for it.” (And yes, that’s a direct quote.) Apparently Mr. Baldinger is of the opinion men are just big testosterone-swollen lunkheads who can’t control themselves

Well, not everyone agrees with Baldinger. The NFL chastised the New York Jets on Friday for unprofessional conduct and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said on Saturday that the league will implement a training program for all 32 teams on proper conduct in the workplace.

Ms Sainz is an attractive woman and she does dress in a manner that enhances her physical attributes. This is her style, and she, rightly, does not feel she has to hide it. She was working when she was in the Jets locker room, and the Jets players were working too. She deserved to be treated with respect. She was not "asking" to be sexually harrassed while doing her job. Similarly, women do "ask to be raped", regardless of how they dress.

The Weekly Buzz Kill: So what if she’s a skank?
Posted by Josh Gamble
Opinion, Sub Feature
Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

Last week, The Arbiter ran a couple of pieces about TV Azteca reporter Ines Sainz, and the controversy about women in sports reporting that bubbled-up around her. A lot has been said about the appropriateness of women interviewing mostly-naked athletes, proper work-place attire for sports journalists and about whether or not she deserved the alleged harassment due to the way she was dressed.

The aggravating part of this whole ordeal isn’t the comments made by Clinton Portis. It isn’t the conduct of the New York Jets players, and it definitely isn’t the way Sainz was dressed. The problem is the “she was asking for it” rhetoric, based on her manner of dress and her sexually-charged photos.

Regardless of whether or not Sainz was actually harassed, no woman “deserves” harassment, and no woman is ever “asking for it.” This is the exact same rhetoric used by rape-apologists. (“Apologist” stems from the Greek word for defense, not the English apology.) It’s victim-blaming. It’s the notion that if a rape victim isn’t doing everything she possibly could to protect herself, she deserves what she got.

The idea often takes the seemingly innocuous form of rape prevention tips. “Don’t walk alone at night,” “Don’t drink around strangers” and “Take self-defense classes,” are a few of the more common ones. Since 77 percent of rape is acquaintance-rape or date-rape, maybe we should start handing young women pamphlets that say “Don’t have friends.”

Here’s a rape-prevention tip – don’t be a rapist. If we, as a society, drop the notion that to be manly, one must be predatory, maybe we’d see fewer rapists. A crime is the fault of the person who commits it, not the victim. Society is selling men short by claiming that they lack the self-control to act like a civilized human being around women.

This attitude isn’t limited to rape. The same argument is invoked to defend sexual harassment. “If she didn’t want to be a sex object for me, she wouldn’t be attractive.” The idea that if a woman doesn’t want to be harassed, she shouldn’t wear tight jeans, short skirts or low-cut shirts is absurd. Have you been to a department store recently? What else is there to buy?

“Sorry I’m not Amish enough for you, the black robe store is closed on Sundays.”

Women are told they must be sexy to do well in society, but if they are too sexy, they get no respect. It’s called slut-shaming. Society as a whole seems to think that if a woman makes herself too available, has too much sex or dresses too provocatively, then she is a whore and therefore lesser. Men, on the other hand, are encouraged to flaunt abs and chest muscles (if we have them) and have as much sex as possible. Men must be aggressive and virile, women must be passive and receptive.

The same is true of sexual expression. If a woman wants to have naked or semi-nude pictures or videos of herself distributed in magazines or online, that’s her business, not the business of the press.

In professional environments, particularly in male-dominated fields, a woman who is sexually available is a whore and gets no respect. However, if a woman is sexually unavailable, she’s just one of the guys, stripped of her gender identity.

Promiscuous women are not only dismissed and ridiculed, but are viewed as somehow being morally dubious. Fun fact: people have sexual appetites. Oddly enough, women are in fact people. Shocking, I know.

Aside from rape and infidelity, a person’s bedroom activities have no bearing on his or her character. Women deserve to have sex how they want, with whomever they want, as well as dress themselves as they see fit without coming under scrutiny from the rest of society.
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Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 01:08 pm
Good for Facebook! They closed down the site that was set up to claim that gang rape in Canada was an act of consensual sex--which of course implies the 16 year old victim was a slut--despite the fact that the police have insisted that an actual gang rape took place. The site that was shut down was nothing more than a place to continue publicly bashing and humiliating this rape victim and painting her as a liar. Facebook doesn't have to provide users the space to do that sort of thing. They did the right thing.


Pitt Meadows gang rape 'Reasonable Doubt' Facebook group shut down
By Cassidy Olivier,
The Province
September 22, 2010

Creators of a Facebook page questioning the veracity of claims made by a 16-year-old girl allegedly gang raped at a rave party in Pitt Meadows are angry their group was suddenly shut down Tuesday night.

Kayla Smith, one of administrator's of "Reasonable Doubt in Pitt Meadows," said she was surprised to learn the group — which was launched Sunday and had grown to 119 members — had been blocked without warning.

She said someone posted on the page: "Enough is enough. This page is getting shut down. There will be a statement shortly." The administrators and members were then kicked off the page, she said.

"We don't think the group should be shut down," said Smith. "There were no malicious comments on there. People are asking why it is being taken down."

Meantime, a Facebook group called "Support for 16yr (sic) old victim in Pitt Meadows," remained active Tuesday night with 11,390 members.

Both groups were launched in the wake of the media frenzy surrounding the alleged drugging and rape of the girl at the Sept. 10 party. Police have denied the sex was consensual and said it involved five to seven males.

A 16-year-old male was arrested then released for allegedly taking pictures of the incident and posting them online. Days later, an 18-year-old male was arrested and also later released.

Police said they are hoping to charge the 18-year-old with sexual assault and the 16-year-old with the production of child pornography.

Smith and others, however, claim the 18-year-old and the girl engaged in consensual oral sex only. The other people weren't involved, she claims, and only surrounded the couple to take pictures and poke fun.

Taking pictures of a gang bang, even if onlookers thought the sex was consensual on the female's part, seems rather sick. Posting the photos and videos does constitute distribution of child pornography since the victim is only 16. Now these kids are worried about being hit with child porn charges, but they're still not concerned about the victim or about the fact that they caused the documentation of her rape to go viral over the internet.

Status update: rape is not entertainment
When a peer is being sexually assaulted, you use your phone to call 911 — not to film a video for your Facebook page
By: Marlo Campbell

By now, the disgusting news story out of Pitt Meadows, B.C., has gone global.

RCMP are alleging a 16-year-old girl was drugged without her knowledge at a rave which took place earlier this month on a rural property just east of Vancouver — likely with GHB or some other so-called "date-rape drug" — then taken to a field where she was gang raped by up to seven boys and young men while others watched.

This is a horrible crime, as anyone with an ounce of empathy understands. What has made it the fascination of countless news outlets and blogs, however, is not that an incapacitated teenager was raped at a party — frankly, that happens every day — but the fact that a 16-year-old boy at the rave is alleged to have taken pictures and video of the assault with his cell-phone camera, then posted them on Facebook.

The images soon went viral. Last week, RCMP officers held a press conference to plead with area teens to stop forwarding and re-posting them, noting that anyone who continues to do so could be criminally charged with distributing child pornography. Some have complied but others have refused.

Equally as troubling, although not surprising, is that several young people interviewed by reporters after the story broke suggested that what really happened was probably consensual sex, and that the victim only went to authorities because she was embarrassed.

It’s an odd thing, our reaction to sexual violence against women: for all society loves to talk about it, write about it, and profit off it by producing movies, TV crime shows and pornography about it, it’s still difficult for some to grasp that plenty of people are capable of committing it. Instead, the default response to such reports is to look for a reason to excuse the perpetrators and blame the victims.

Then again, maybe our lack of compassion stems precisely from the fact that our culture is now steeped in such images. For years now, disgruntled ex-boyfriends have been posting nude pictures and/or sex tapes of former girlfriends online without their consent with the intention of humiliating them; entire websites devoted to the subject are easily accessible to anyone who wants to seek them out.

What happened in B.C. is the continuation of that trend; apparently, we’ve now reached the point at which graphic pictures of a gang rape are just another type of entertainment fodder, no different than the latest YouTube video of cute kittens.

People looking at and/or disseminating these photos need to realize that they are actively participating in the continued violation of a fellow human being — something that, in addition to being illegal, is morally repugnant. I don’t care if you’re curious — that **** ain’t cool and you need to stop.

People also need to understand that the appropriate course of action upon coming across a peer being sexually assaulted is to use one’s phone to call 911.


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