Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Arella Mae
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 10:14 am
BillRM wrote:

And people wonder why some rape victims are fearful of bringing charges, or testifying at the rapist's trial?

You just have to be more careful in hiring hitmen as many many women had found out when trying to do so in order to have their husbands kill.

Maybe there is a business opportunely here to set up an offshore website featuring bonded and guarantee hitmen for hire.

You could offer specials rates for hits schedule for weddings anniversaries and Valentine's Days.

Somehow, rapists seeking to have their victims kills seem likely to be only a very small percents of the total market share for people seeking to hire a hitman.

Such seem not worth advertisings to compare to wives and husbands.

You really are a disgusting person. You think this stuff is humorous? It's NOT!
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 10:16 am
Firefily that picture of you before your computer is just how I had picture you in my mind eye.
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 10:18 am
I think the term "drug-addled" says it all. It seems Australia has it's own Andrew Luster. I never would have imagined more than one of his kind.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 10:21 am
@Arella Mae,
You think this stuff is humorous?

Yes, along with the claim that Firefly had expressed that the likelihood of a rapist hiring a hitman is so great that it had have a chilling effect on women reporting rapes or going to court over the matter.
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 10:24 am
BillRM wrote:

You think this stuff is humorous?

Yes, along with the claim that Firefly had expressed that the likelihood of a rapist hiring a hitman is so great that it had have a chilling effect on women reporting rapes or going to court over the matter.
Considering common sense escapes you, your answer makes perfect sense.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 10:31 am
You moron, many women fear retaliation of some kind from their rapists, particularly when the rapist is known to them or even a family member. It might not be a hitman, but it might be some form of retaliation.

If you bothered to read the things that have been posted throughout this thread, you would know that. And you would also know that this is not the only story of a convicted rapist trying to hire a hit man to kill his victim that has been posted.

You are so concrete in your thinking--another indication of brain damage,
Drunk keep it up--the sooner you pass out, the better.
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 10:34 am
You moron, many women fear retaliation of some kind from their rapists, particularly when the rapist is known to them or even a family member. It might not be a hitman, but it might be some form of retaliation.

The devil who is most likely female had made me reply that they just going to have to MAN UP.

One other reason that women do not report rapes is that 42 percent or so of the rape "victims" label as such by the government studies do not think they had been rape.
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Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 10:36 am
Re: Arella Mae (Post 4346579)
You think this stuff is humorous?


A man who finds this stuff humorous should never question the fact that he hates women.

Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 10:39 am
A man who finds this stuff humorous should never question the fact that he hates women.

Just a very small sub-set of women who you happen to be part of my dear freind.
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 10:42 am
Seriously girlfriend, you have got to stop calling Bill a moron. You are giving him WAY TOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH CREDIT!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 10:58 am
Hawkeye and BillRM are experts in the use of sexist language, as any self respecting misogynist should be.


Sexist language is on the rise, but now there is a new way to fight back

The Guardian,
Friday 3 September 2010

Sexist words are multiplying. Women! Dare you approach the Pyramid of Egregiousness? This is the new chart that's been put together by women's groups in the US to classify the hate words used against us, from bad to worse to really quite stinkingly repulsive. Use your finger of defiance to log on and see it at NameItChangeIt.org. There, a reeking sewage system of sexist sideswipes has been organised into a colourful triangle. It's the latest project in contemporary feminism's use of the internet to network, campaign, critique and challenge, and it is spearheaded, among others, by renowned US feminist Gloria Steinem.

Looking at the Pyramid I am impressed by men's creativity, tenacity, complexity, sincerity and commitment for the very first time. It's a bit like the Top 40 Smash Hits countdown – a few old faves peppered among the contemporary classics, novelty jingles and one-hit wonders. At the pinnacle are terms classed as Severe Misogyny – outright objectifying and dehumanising hate words such as bitch, whore, slut, ****, feminazi, and new entries such as cougar and MILF. BTW, MILF means Mom I'd Like to ****. And FYI, the first time I heard it was in New York at an otherwise all-male meeting of advertising guys at a major women's magazine corporation. Oh, how those men laughed among themselves as I worked out the acronym. I couldn't protest, because I'd lose my job and be labelled – yep – a feminazi.

Next down on the Pyramid are words classed as Really Damn Sexist. This is for all those backstabbing phrases, euphemisms and digs. Think ice queen, nag, shrill, difficult, cold. At the base of the Pyramid is Just Plain Sexist. This is your daily, standard, bread-and-butter misogyny. It includes commenting on a woman's appearance, calling her a girl, a babe, a sweetie or lightly saying she's bossy or flighty. The point of the pyramid, so to speak, is not to have every word filed in its rightful place. We are not 1950s librarians. All the terms are terms of hatred, originally invented (sometimes centuries ago) by men, now used by both sexes. The Pyramid is a symbol, a resource, a focal point, a concentration of their hate and our anger. You can add to it, and on the same site you can also testify about examples of media sexism.

I'd like to add some words to the Pyramid myself. There's humourless, paranoid, selfish, prudish, unable to take a joke, hysterical, man-hating, aggressive, butch: these words essentially just mean "shut up, woman". They're for any woman who dares to get angry and, instead of letting the insults sink deep, asks the perpetrator just what the hell they think they're doing. Man-hater in particular makes me laugh. Women waste a lot of time submissively explaining to misogynists, like good schoolgirls, why they don't hate men, how feminism benefits both sexes and how misogyny must be recognised by all of society. I'll say this: I do indeed hate any man who hates women and expresses his hate in his language, his manner, his behaviour and his art.

Then there are the so-called ironic seaside-postcard terms for women and our body parts. How about funbags? I think the Pyramid should proudly bear a rack of funbags. Or how about some casual infantilisation? In his last series Jamie Oliver made a meal for some inmates at a women's prison in Venice. He delivered it to them with a leer and the phrase: "Here you go, girlies."

Like a square of ****-soaked toilet paper, the Pyramid is a repository for so much nasty matter. But much misogynist language is far subtler than one-word disses. There is the question of tone, which renders any word – even one as seemingly innocuous as "she" – totally malign. The cleverest, most belittling insult I ever heard against a woman was a posh man at the Tate Modern, talking about Rachel Whiteread's Turbine Hall installation: "Yeah," he said. "She's fun." Delivered with an infuriating, mocking grin.

Then there was the radio network head I heard talking to a male producer about a globally famous pop star who came in and was professional, articulate and intelligent: "She's a funny one, isn't she?" "Yep," replied his flunky, "If you open her up you'll just find batteries and wires."

Even seemingly nice words are often used against us, delivered with sizzling spite and patent enjoyment of the victim's discomfort. The hisses of "That's good, keep doing that" and "That's nice" whenever I go jogging. The homeless guy who said to a friend, "Got a light? No? Well, you're looking quite smoking to me, babe." One afternoon at a road crossing in Covent Garden a man turned around and began harassing the woman next to me: "Hello! How are you, darling? You are so pretty. You look like a supermodel. Where are you going?" She didn't reply, he didn't stop. All these arseholes would say they were "only" complimenting their victims.

What are we going to do with our pyramid when it's all filled up, once we've exhausted ourselves typing our testimonies? Are we supposed to tote it, like a school art project, from pavilion to pavilion hoping to shame people into stopping? That won't work. Misogynists don't have any shame. They really enjoy attacking women. They are not afraid of us. They enjoy the sight of our anger and frustration.

One of my qualms about online activism – particularly sites where we "out" harassers and other types of sex attacker, or anonymously post reports of the daily casual misogyny we all endure – is that, while we feel better afterwards, we have not changed anything in the outer world. We have just invented a coping mechanism, a way to squeeze out and siphon off our rage. We have set up an online sympathy group, a survivors' forum, a venting arena. But we have not fought the perpetrators.

Much as I like and applaud it, I want to see the three-dimensional foldout version of the Pyramid of Egregiousness. I want a 3D glow-in-the-dark dodecahedron, a planet-sized Matrix of Misogyny, a Trillion-Faceted Dynamo of Jet Black Turbo Hate. Then I'd heave it aloft and hurl it into the sun, where it would set off a massive chain reaction and shoot out sky-scraping beams of feminist rage which kill anyone, male or female, who's ever used those words, wiping out (I'd say) 90% of human society, but leaving the non-woman-haters behind. Then we could all relax and be happy.

• Which sexist terms and phrases do you find most annoying?

And this is the link to The Pyramid of Egregiousness. Just move your mouse over the levels of the pyramid to reveal the sexist terms.

And, this is the sort of "male horseplay" that BillRM and Hawkeye might treat us to if the subject was political candidates. Demeaning women is an art they have mastered.

Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 11:17 am
Man-hater in particular makes me laugh. Women waste a lot of time submissively explaining to misogynists, like good schoolgirls, why they don't hate men, how feminism benefits both sexes and how misogyny must be recognised by all of society. I'll say this: I do indeed hate any man who hates women and expresses his hate in his language, his manner, his behaviour and his art.

LOL calling someone a woman-hater is fine however along with all others manner of insults. Only true victims IE women should be protected from insults.

Damn that man written US Constitution that limits our abilities to ban “hate” words or even art from the public square we do not approve of.

Once more I can only suggest that until the happy day that the women movement can repeal the Constitution the only choice is to MAN-UP and act like adults.
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 11:25 am
Sistah, how on earth did you come up with a video of Hawkeye and Bill! I'm checking the Pyramid out.
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 11:28 am
@Arella Mae,
up with a video of Hawkeye and Bill!

Lord I wish I was that young....................
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 11:32 am
BillRM wrote:

up with a video of Hawkeye and Bill!

Lord I wish I was that young....................
Yeah better to be young and disgusting. It at least gives you some excuse.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 11:52 am
firefly wrote:
And, this is the sort of "male horseplay" that BillRM and Hawkeye might treat us to if the subject was political candidates.
Not a chance. BillRM and Shorteyes are entirely too cowardly to ever show their faces or stop hiding behind fake names and phony avatars to deliver their misogynistic BS. They know only too well that the women who actually know them would out them as cowards who can only fantacize about being the disgusting pieces of **** they inexplicably wish to portray themselves as here.

firefly wrote:
Demeaning women is an art they have mastered.
Not really. Every passerby with half a brain in their head can see they do nothing but paint themselves as idiots and phonies. What they do seem to have mastered is the art of trolling. As obnoxious as their sophomoric drivel is; that is their purpose precisely. If either was the man they claim to be; they wouldn’t need to cower in anonymity. The fact is; they incite with their disgusting drivel on the internet on purpose, because it’s the only venue where they can get away with needling decent people without getting their asses kicked by men and women alike. I can ill imagine a more pathetic purpose or existence.

Ps. It is generally better to thumb down, rather than feed, a troll.
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 12:55 pm
Do u propose that Internet anonymity be ended ?
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 01:05 pm
They are not afraid of us. They enjoy the sight of our anger and frustration.

Not women as a class but you firefly and others like you I sure do...........

I love interfering with your spreading of such false information as that 25 percents of all college women will be rape during their four undergraduate careers.

Love I mean love pointing out that the surveys that this kind of nonsense is base on have such little tiny problems as counting as victims women who do not consider themselves victims of any kind of sexual assaults.

In fact, up to 42 percents of the total women that the surveys labels as victims do not consider themselves victims with many of them in ongoing relationships with their so call rapists.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 01:50 pm
Can a man asked to be raped?
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 02:10 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Now, THAT'S a question I wouldn't begin to know what to say to.
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