Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 11:45 pm
Hawk, you are embarrassing yourself, and making the rest of us chuckle. But I do have to thank you since it's been a very very very long time since I have met such a throwback. My Dad always said that we should be kind to people like yourself because you really don't know any better, but I think my Dad would give me a pass on this one,
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 11:50 pm
Hawk, you are embarrassing yourself
I feel fine, but thanks for the concern.
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 12:22 am
I think that you will like this Bill, I know I do.
PAGLIA: It's a mess out there. Men are suspicious of women's intentions. Feminism has crippled them. They don't know when to make a pass. If they do make a pass, they don't know if they're going to end up in court.

PLAYBOY: Is that why you've been so critical about the growing number 6f sexual harassment cases?

PAGLIA: Yes, though I believe in moderate sexual harassment guidelines. But you can't the Stalinist situation we have in America right now, where any neurotic woman can make any stupid charge and destroy a man's reputation. If there is evidence of false accusation, the accuser should be expelled. Similarly, a woman who falsely accuses a man of rape should be sent to jail. My definition of sexual harassment is specific. It is only sexual harassment--by a man or a woman--if it is quid pro quo. That is, if someone says, "You must do this or I'm going to do that"--for instance, fire you. And whereas touching is sexual harassment, speech is not. I am militant on this. Words must remain free. The solution to speech is that women must signal the level of their tolerance--women are all different. Some are very bawdy.

PLAYBOY: What, about women who are easily offended and too scared or intimidated to speak up?

PAGLIA: Too bad. You must develop the verbal tools to counter offensive language. That s life. Feminism has created a privileged, white middle class of girls who claim they're victims because they want to preserve their bourgeois decorum and passivity.

PLAYBOY: You're expecting girls to stand up for themselves in a culture that discourages them from doing just that?

PAGLIA: That's right. We must examine the degree to which we coddle middle-class girls. There is something sick about it. The girls I see on campuses are often innocuous, with completely homogenized personalities, miserable, anorexic and bulimic. The feminist movement teaches them that it's men's fault, but it isn't. These girls go out into the world as heiresses of all the affluence in the universe. They are the most pampered and most affluent girls on the globe. So stop complaining about men. You're getting all the rewards that come with the nice-girl persona you've chosen. When you get into trouble and you're batting your eyes and someone is offending you and you are too nice to deal with it, that's a choice. Assess your persona. Realize the degree to which your niceness may invoke people to say lewd and pornographic things to you--sometimes to violate your niceness. The more you blush, the more people want to do it. Understand your part of it and learn to parry. Sex talk is a game. The girls in the Sixties loved it. If you don't want some professor to call you honey, tell him.


Glitter is certainly right, Reading Playboy is useful.

"Let's get rid of Infirmary Feminism, with it's bedlam of bellyachers, anorexics, bulimics, depressives, rape victims, and incest survivors. Feminism has become a catch-all vegetable drawer where bunches of clingy sob sisters can store their moldy neuroses. "(Vamps & Tramps, p. 110-110)
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 12:55 am
BTW Bill, can you picture the scene if Camille Paglia were to show up at a2k? My oh my, that would take the hysterics up a couple of notches. Firefly might actually be forced to deal with the issues though, as she could not slough them off as she does now. Paglia is a recognized expert in the field of study, and is a woman, so the usual evasions would not work.

Oh well, the people who want something other than the rape feminist talking points have resources on the internet, hopefully people are thinking, and learning.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 03:04 am
Hawkeye what the hell do we tell our young males?

I do not wish my step grandsons to fear entering into loving and trusting relationships with women or not to be able to court their future mates/wives in the same manner as we were all able to do.

On the other hand, I do not wish them to have their lives destroys if they happen to meet up with the wrong woman in this insane anti-male culture that had form of late.

Lord now the government itself is beginning to define rape in such a manner that half the women who they label as being victims of sexual assaults disagree that they had been assaulted at all!!!

Hell how long will it be before sexual assaults charges are similar to domestic violence charges and it will no longer matter if the woman think she had been rape or not the man still will be charge if the couple interactions meet some strange government standard similar to the new government supported surveys of rapes?

What the hell do you tell young males and it cannot wait either to the age of puberty, not when tens years old boys are being drag into adult courts on charges of rape for playing doctor or four years olds are thrown out of day care for the crime of hugging their females care givers.

Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 04:11 am
Hawkeye what the hell do we tell our young males?
You tell them that it is more important than ever to pick your friends and women wisely. As so much of normal sexuality and male/female interaction becomes criminalized it is important to protect yourself as best you can from the state until the darkness lifts.

At some point it will, because the excessive criminalization of normal human activities degrades life. For instance

As every woman knows, a simple compliment can brighten a gloomy day.
But in these politically-correct times, it seems, gentle flattery has become something of a lost art.
Not only are men failing to compliment female friends and colleagues for fear of causing offence - but women are highly likely to suspect the motives of the individual offering the admiring comment.
Two-thirds feel uncomfortable if someone other than a partner offers praise, and a similar number mistrust the motives of the man behind the praise.
Unfortunately for women, this all presents something of a conundrum because, according to research, nine out of ten claim they love to be complimented.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-455616/Men-frightened-women-compliments-need.html#ixzz0z7SCIory

This flows directly from the criminalization of sex talk, and the fear mongering about sexual violence that tends to make women fear for their safety and men want to make sure that they dont look like one of the "bad" men. It follows directly from bad sex law and rape feminist propaganda. But we have bad sex law and we have allowed the rape feminists to spread their propaganda without challenge so what has developed in is wake is a greatly degraded interaction between men and women. Those feminists who consider all sex with a man rape are probably fine with this result, but I don't think that the rest of us are going to put up with this.
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 06:07 am
hawkeye10 wrote:

But, what else would one expect from a misogynist who has no regard for women.
I have enough regard for women to throw them up against the wall when they want to be thrown up against the wall. I suspect that you could never do it, out of some ancient useless sense of morality that you possess. You would rather leave your woman wanting then offend your morality, how fucked up is that?

And then after being so impotent you try to sell yourself as better than me? Pleeeeease, go peddle that BS to someone who is dumb enough to buy it.
You are such a hypocrite! You blast Intrepid for trying to assassinate your character and turn around and try to assassinate his!

Say it all you want Hawkeye, no SELF RESPECTING DECENT woman wants a man to act like you!
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 06:50 am
@Arella Mae,
Say it all you want Hawkeye, no SELF RESPECTING DECENT woman wants a man to act like you!

Therefore, any woman who does not act and think like you is not a self respecting and decent woman.

You are the reference standard that all women need to be judge by and should be found in the US Bureau of Standards right next to the gram weight. LOL
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 07:51 am
BillRM wrote:

Say it all you want Hawkeye, no SELF RESPECTING DECENT woman wants a man to act like you!

Therefore, any woman who does not act and think like you is not a self respecting and decent woman.

You are the reference standard that all women need to be judge by and should be found in the US Bureau of Standards right next to the gram weight. LOL

You and Hawkeye should be grateful that self-respecting decent women don't judge all men based on you two. I could not care less what you think of me Bill. Your opinion of me or your opinions period mean less than squat.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 07:55 am
My belly hurts from laughing so hard. I have come to the conclusion that Hawk and his sidekick Billy must love getting bitch slapped all over the place.

You big mean feminists! Laughing

Tsk, tsk, tsk, Billy and Hawk. One would think that you little men-wannabes would learn your lessons by now. Your are far outclassed on this thread.

Now, run along boys. I hear your better halves screamin' atcha and they ain't happy! Sumthin' bout' takin' the trash out. Go on! Get!

0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 09:09 am
It seems that Hawkeye is not used to ladies. He only associates with the trampy slutty type who like to be thrown up against a wall. He wouldn't know what love is. He wouldn't understand that there is a difference between love and lust.

Given the language he uses, mostly beginning with the letter F, he does not have much class and wallows in self importance. He doesn't realize that he is viewed as a slimeball and if he does, he doesn't care.

He calls those who don't share his warped ideals puritans. He and Bill feed off each other and seem to have formed a bond in posting idiotic comments that usually have no connection with reality.

They are on the fringe and don't even know it. They think they are normal.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 09:16 am
Amazing the world we are moving toward...........


Am I A Sexual Predator?
September 9, 2010
A few nights ago, I got drunk and knocked on my roommate's door and confessed my attraction to him while he was lying in bed in nothing more than his Skivvies. (It was dark and I stayed at the door, so I didn't know that until after the fact.) And then I asked him if I could sleep in his room because our other roommate—whose bedroom is directly above mine—was having sex so loudly that I couldn't sleep. Which was true, but it clearly didn't make the bed of the roommate I was drunkenly confessing to the appropriate alternative, and it makes me an asshole to the roommate who actually has a sex life. Not being able to sleep on work nights is sometimes a real problem, but one to be addressed with her, not used as drunken fodder to get into someone else's bed.
I feel pathetic and embarrassed for having thrown myself at my roommate and completely freaked-out that I got wasted enough to do something I have daydreamed about but wouldn't do sober. But much more importantly, I think my behavior did not reflect active consent, trashed my roommate's boundaries, and was generally creepy—all characteristics of sexual assaulters.

I am biologically female, and if the situation were reversed, I would commit a huge double standard because I would back any woman who did not feel safe continuing to live with a dude who did what I did. I feel like I should be held accountable and move out immediately, though my housemate has told me he doesn't feel threatened and that I should stay.

Help. I feel like a total piece of **** for having done this and can't stop wondering...

—Am I A Sexual Predator?

Calm the **** down—and no more women's studies classes for you, okay? I think you've had quite enough, and I'm cutting you off.
Look, AIASP, you didn't assault anyone, you're not a predator, you shouldn't have to move out. You made a drunken, ill-advised-in-retrospect pass at a roommate. If that makes someone a “sexual predator,” AIASP, then we'd better build walls around our better universities and start calling 'em all penitentiaries.

As for that double standard: In light of your recent experience—you made a drunken pass at someone who wasn't interested in you—you might want to revisit the assumptions you've made about men who make passes, drunken and otherwise, at women who aren't interested in them. Making a pass is not grounds for eviction or conviction. It's how a person makes a pass (did you pounce or did you ask?) and how a person reacts if the pass is rebuffed (did you graciously take no for an answer or were you a complete asshole about it?) that matters.

Of course, men's passes at women—roommates and otherwise—exist in a context of male sexual violence. So it's understandable that a woman might feel uncomfortable living with a dude who did what you did. But if the dude wasn't a creep about it and graciously took no for an answer (if the answer was no), perhaps he should be judged as an individual and not as someone who bears collective responsibility for the crimes committed by members of his sex throughout history.

And even if you were an asshole about that no, AIASP, that still wouldn't make you a sexual predator. You're only a sexual predator—or guilty of sexual assault—if you refuse to take no for an answer and force yourself on someone. (Or if you go after people who are incapable of granting consent.) You didn't force yourself on anyone. All you're guilty of, AIASP, is asking someone whom you wanted to **** if he wanted to **** you. It's a legit question, and no one gets fucked without asking it.

And that simple question doesn't magically become sexual assault or harassment when the answer is no.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 09:22 am
Hawkeye what the hell do we tell our young males?

Well, for starters, I'd suggest that neither you nor Hawkeye speak to any young males about any topic that has to do with sex, women, male/female relationships, morality, or normal/appropriate "masculine" behavior.

If you really care about their welfare, well being, and future capacity to enter into loving and fulfilling relationships, you should let a far more intelligent, and emotionally mature, male role model, someone like Intrepid, sit down and have a talk with them at periodic intervals.
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 09:24 am
model, someone like Intrepid

I do not think so as I would like great grandkids someday.
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 09:31 am
Just raping someone isn't enough for some men...And people wonder why some rape victims are fearful of bringing charges, or testifying at the rapist's trial? Because of things like this...

Convicted rapist sentenced for hiring 'hitman' to kill rape victim
By WKTV News
Sep 9, 2010 at 12:44

UTICA, N.Y. (WKTV) - The man who tried to arrange for the murder of his rape victim from behind his prison cell was sentenced in Oneida County Court today.

Colby Clayfield is from Warrensburg, NY, bought was tried in Oneida County because he was in Mohawk Correctional Facility when he tried to hire a hitman to kill his rape victim.

Prosecutors say Clayfield's plan was for the hitman to force his victim to write a suicide note vindicating him so that he could withdraw his guilty plea and not have to register as a sex offender. But the hitman was really an undercover police officer.

Clayfield will spend the next 12 and a half to 25 years in prison.

Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 09:54 am
And people wonder why some rape victims are fearful of bringing charges, or testifying at the rapist's trial?

You just have to be more careful in hiring hitmen as many many women had found out when trying to do so in order to have their husbands kill.

Maybe there is a business opportunely here to set up an offshore website featuring bonded and guarantee hitmen for hire.

You could offer specials rates for hits schedule for weddings anniversaries and Valentine's Days.

Somehow, rapists seeking to have their victims kills seem likely to be only a very small percents of the total market share for people seeking to hire a hitman.

Such seem not worth advertisings to compare to wives and husbands.
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 10:00 am
What a total pig this rapist is...I don't believe him, I do think he's trying to rub it in with his victims. Inmates in that jail spend 16 hours a day in their cells, and they also have to work. But, the types of things he says, and his whole tone, strongly remind me of BillRM--same mentality as Billy Boy--a woman hater is a woman hater.


Stop woman hater John Xydias, says campaigner Phil Cleary
by Wayne Flower
Herald Sun, August 30, 2010 12:00

IN his own words, serial rapist John Xydias has been living the good life behind bars since his reign of terror ended in June 2007.
When he's not playing video games and eating Tim Tams, he's taking a dip in the pool or having a kick of the footy.

Anti-violence campaigner Phil Cleary said Xydias needed to be stopped.

"He shouldn't be surprised if people have nothing but contempt for him. He is a classic misogynist - a woman hater," he said.

"The sad reality is that our courts are so soft on women haters ... this bloke at least is saying what he really believes.

"The Government should do everything in its power to stop him being able to do what he is doing."

The Xydias letters have appalled a victim of Xydias's notorious rapist friend Harry Barkas - known as the hot chocolate rapist.

The victim said: "I think it's just his sick mind and his sick way of making his victims go through more hell.

"I don't think he'd really be enjoying his time in prison, they're just words to try to anger people more.

"I don't think he's really an intelligent man and couldn't see him getting along with people in jail.

"I don't think he's remorseful for anything he's done or understands that he's even at fault. He's living in la la land."

Four months before Xydias pleaded guilty to his hideous crimes, the gourmet grub wrote of his overwhelming joy at his holiday retreat at Ravenhall's remand centre.

"I'm writing this letter as I'm just lying by the swimming pool sipping on a cold can of Coke," he wrote. "I live like a king at this place ... my room has so many munchies it's like a 7-eleven store."

Once a suburban chef, Xydias explained in great detail his love of prison food and lists his menu:

Monday: BBQ chops.

Tuesday: mushroom and spinach bake.

Wednesday: beef hot pot.

The drug-addled convict boasts of smoking "nine billion bongs" without detection.

"Wow all my results came back negative ... the result of cannabis came back negative.

"What a spin-out, I just couldn't believe it. I'm clean as a whistle and it feels great.

"I haven't felt like this since I was born. Man I feel so good."

Although Xydias has his heart set on a transfer to Langi Kal Kal prison where he believes the convicts roam like free range jailbirds, he settled into life easily inside Barwon's notorious Hoya unit where he said he flipped through girlie mags such as Ralph with a bucket of Tim Tams.

The porky food lover says he can't believe his luck.

"I'm munching out as I'm writing to you. I ordered the fetta cheese parmigiana stack. It's so f--ken yummy. It's three different types of fetta cheese."

Between movie reviews of The Dark Knight and Gran Torino, tales of dips in the pool and more Tim Tams, Xydias spits bile at his victims with rant after rant.

"I'm not a rapist. Those putanas are gold diggers who haven't got $20 between them and the only reason they are doing this and are accusing me is for $$$," he wrote. "All I've given them is a lazy $200,000 to cat fight between them hahahahaha ... the Dromana holiday house (where he committed many of his crimes) is owned by my parents 100 per cent and no one can take it away."

The evil rapist believes he'll have years stripped off his minimum 20-year sentence - 16 of which he's still to serve.

"Let's just see how my appeal goes," he wrote.

"Everyone says to me that I will get something chopped off my sentence for sure ...

"In my personal case there was no violence whatsoever so an injustice was done to me."

This is what that bastard did to get behind bars..


Serial rapist John Xydias jailed for 28 years
Kate Hagan
June 30, 2009 - 11:49AM

A Melbourne serial rapist who rendered his victims unconscious and then filmed his sexual assaults on them has been jailed for 28 years.

John Xydias, 45, one of Victoria's sex offenders, blamed his victims for being drunk, he humiliated and degraded them by rendering them unconscious, dressing them in his collection of women's underwear and filming them in various poses.

He pleaded guilty to 86 charges, comprising 25 of rape and 61 of sexual assault, in a series of sex attacks on 11 women between 1991 and 2006,

He rendered the women unconscious, probably with the date rape drug Rohypnol, before sexually assaulting them and filming the attacks.

The assaults were recorded on 17 tapes found by police during a search of the Glen Iris house he shared with his parents, and their Dromana holiday house.

Xydias was caught by chance when police began investigating claims of a hidden camera in a change room of a Richmond restaurant where he worked as a chef.

His victims, aged between 19 and 39, were unaware they had been attacked until they were shown the videos by police. Four remain unidentified.

In sentencing, Victorian Supreme Court Chief Justice Marilyn Warren said Xydias humiliated and degraded his victims who at the time were like rag dolls.

"Your offending was sustained over a period of 15 years, your conduct was not low-level or less-serious rape.''

"The worst aspect of your conduct was the degrading and dehumanising of your victims," she said.

"The community will not tolerate the abuse, degradation and humiliation of women as you have carried out.

"Your conduct warrants utter denunciation.

"You present as an inoffensive, humble and modest individual, yet on the films you are seen to change into a sinister and depraved man whose demeanour and conduct would shock and frighten the community.

Justice Warren described the rapes as very serious instances of a very serious crime.

This story was found at: http://www.theage.com.au/national/serial-rapist-john-xydias-jailed-for-28-years-20090630-d366.html

Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 10:03 am
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 10:06 am
BillRM--same mentality as Billy Boy--a woman hater is a woman hater.

And a man hater is a man hater right Firefly...........
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 10:10 am

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