Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 03:28 pm
BillRM wrote:

In fact, up to 42 percents of the total women that the surveys labels as victims do not consider themselves victims with many of them in ongoing relationships with their so call rapists.

Billy boy and hawk-ass are not giving you the whole story when they quote their nonsence.

The NCWSV study found that, of the college women who experienced unwanted completed penetration by force or the threat of force, only 46.5% of the victims reported that they considered the incident to be a rape (Fisher, Cullen, & Turner, 2000). In Koss et al.’s (1988) study, only 27% of the women who reported experiencing an assault that met the legal definition of rape the researchers use considered the incident to be rape. Students are particularly unlikely to label the incident as “rape” when no weapon is used, no sign of physical injury is evident, and alcohol is involved (Fisher, Cullen, & Turner, 2000). Victims may not define the event as sexual assault or report the incident because they are embarrassed, are reluctant to consider someone they know as a rapist, or do not understand the legal definition of sexual assault (Pitts & Schwartz, 1993).

The sick little boys don't want you to know why these girls are reluctant to consider themselves a victim of rape. They would rather you believe that it's because they indeed were not raped, and the poor souls are being forced into the rape statistics when none occurred. Not having a gun held to your head or a knife at your throat does not mean a rape did not occur. Just because there are no cuts or bruises left on your body afterwards, does not mean a rape did not occur. Being in a drunken state does not mean a rape did not occur, that a rapist has the right to violate you.

Nice try, idiots.

I very rarely read one word these guys write. I generally either thumb them down to get them out my way so I can read the honest facts about rape in this thread, or I just slide on down the page without thumbing them down, but still not reading their trash. Thank God I did read what sick Billy wrote.

Do you seriously want to engage these guys? They have proven over and over that they know nothing and are here to simply derail your thread.

I used to read this thread more often. Not so much now as I used to. While it can be funny to see you punch these guys lights out via your knowledge, it does get a little bit tiring. My main concern, now, is that there will be some girl find this thread and miss out on a lot of good information due to her growing tired of reading the trashy stuff and lies thrown about by these misfits. You may think that you need to go back and forth with them, but you have already proven over and over that they lack credibility. I think when they post something that is non-factual and has not already been addressed, that yes, it would then be good to counteract via a reply. Let's face it though, most everything they are saying is the same ole' - same ole'.

If you thumb them down, it will put them out of the way, and it won't take long at all for someone reading this and trying to find out real information, to realize that these guys don't have a thumbs down for nothing.

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Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 04:19 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Can a man asked to be raped?

Neither a man nor woman can really "ask to be raped", if you consider that rape is unwanted sexual contact, or sexual contact without consent.
Once someone requests something they are consenting.

If you are referring to "ask to get raped" in the sense of the title of this thread, and wondering whether a man's attire, or his behavior, or his drug/alcohol use, could be used as a rape apology, to justify his being raped, and to "excuse" his rapist, I would think the answer would be, "Yes". I think this could be the case in some instances of male on male rape, including incidents where the rapist was heterosexual and the victim homosexual (and most men who assault other men identify themselves as being heterosexual). Male rapes do occur and there is no reason to believe that there are no rape myths, involving victim blame, when the victim is male.


In general, the extensive research on rape myths shows that male and female victims tend to be perceived in accordance with gender stereotypes. For instance, male victims tend to incur blame when they fail to adhere to the male stereotype (ie, being in control, unemotional, and able to fend off attack), whereas female victims incur blame according to specific characteristics (ie, if they were perceived as passive, vulnerable, or sexual)...
These rape myths may even be used by the victims themselves to self-blame for the assault, believing that they were somehow responsible (ie, "as a man I should have fought harder to stop being raped").


It is not uncommon for a male rape victim to blame himself for the rape, believing that he in some way gave permission to the rapist.
male rape victims suffer a similar fear that female rape victims face -- that people will believe the myth that they may have enjoyed being raped. Some men may believe they were not raped or that they gave consent because they became sexually aroused, had an erection, or ejaculated during the sexual assault. These are normal, involuntary physiological reactions. It does not mean that the victim wanted to be raped or sexually assaulted, or that the survivor enjoyed the traumatic experience. Sexual arousal does not necessarily mean there was consent.

I really don't think that most women would think that a man was "asking to be raped", regardless of how he dressed or conducted himself. Studies of college students attitudes have shown that women tend to reject rape myths when the victim is male. Rape is a crime committed almost exclusively by men. About 98% of the rapes of men are committed by other men. However, rape myths can operate when the rapist is female, particularly the belief that the man really "wanted it".

Struckman-Johnson and Struckman-Johnson report evidence suggesting that male rape myths may be more influential when the rapist is female. Although men and women are raped in similar ways (ie, through violent attacks with weapons, deliberate intoxication, or verbal coercion) and by similar perpetrators (ie, friends, lovers, strangers), it is difficult for society to imagine a woman forcing a man to have sex, or for a man to be unwilling to have sex if the opportunity occurs.
These authors also contend that men who report not having profoundly negative responses to rape may be interpreting the experience in terms of their masculine identity to reduce the impact of the experience. They argue that men are socialized to engage in sexual activity if the opportunity exists; as a result, sexual coercion or intimidation by women may be considered a sexual experience (albeit a negative one) rather than sexual assault or rape. However, it should be noted that although some perpetrators of male rape are female, the vast majority of both male and female rapes by strangers are committed by a male perpetrator.

Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 04:33 pm
if you consider that rape is unwanted sexual contact, or sexual contact without consent.
Not the same thing now are they....a person who has been deprived of the right to consent by the state (normally done retroactively in court) can indeed ask to be raped. The rape feminists are trying to continually move down to level of impairment required to make the event rape, at one time is was passed out, currently in is showing impairment, and the goal of many is to make it the legal standard for driving. Had the rape feminist left things alone and rape remained the determination only in the cases where the impaired person is passed out we would never be in this mess, but of course they could not. So yes, as of today a person can asked to be raped, a person can want sex that they ask for and for which if the recipient of that asking complies will provoke a rape. And unless the rape feminists are stopped the problem will become increasingly common.

That will of course make the rape feminists happy, because they need more victims made so that they can sell themselves as a needed resource. The rape scare is a brilliant marketing technique, but I would argue that America needs to learn to resist it, for our own good. What we are doing currently is not good for us.
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 04:40 pm
My main concern, now, is that there will be some girl find this thread and miss out on a lot of good information due to her growing tired of reading the trashy stuff and lies thrown about by these misfits. You may think that you need to go back and forth with them, but you have already proven over and over that they lack credibility. I think when they post something that is non-factual and has not already been addressed, that yes, it would then be good to counteract via a reply. Let's face it though, most everything they are saying is the same ole' - same ole'.

I agree completely. Their main motive is to trash the thread by filling it with their junk. BillRM, in particular, tries to post as often as possible which significantly clutters up the thread and buries the good information and worthwhile posts so that they can easily be missed by people without the patience to slog through his crap. I have lately taken to responding to him only when that allows me to make another point more directly related to the topic. I really don't want to additionally clutter the thread by simply insulting him, or by needlessly responding to his insults, or taunts, or deliberate provocations, or idiotic comments. Nothing he posts is actually worth reading, and that is true of Hawkeye as well. We have already heard it all. They don't merit our emotional reactions, or our responses, or our attention, and, when we give it to them, we are helping to downgrade this thread.

Ignoring them, or giving them a thumbs down, is the best approach.
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 04:43 pm
Nothing he posts is actually worth reading, and that is true of Hawkeye as well. We have already heard it all. They don't merit our emotional reactions, or our responses, or our attention, and, when we give it to them, we are helping to downgrade this thread.

go right ahead....any who come here with even a slightly open mind will see clearly that you are evading, and they will instantly question why. I have faith that they will come to the same conclusion that I have which is that you are both dishonest and wrong.
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 04:56 pm
which is that you are both dishonest and wrong.

Very very dishonest and it never a good sign of the worth of a position if the supporters of that position feel a need to be both dishonest and personally insulting when challenge.

Hawkeye what I still find amazing is that a major department of the US government is willing to put out such junk science over this matter.
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 05:09 pm
Hawkeye what I still find amazing is that a major department of the US government is willing to put out such junk science over this matter
Really? After all the junk science we saw so long for global warming? After it is very easy to see that science has not been allowed to pursue huge chunks of human sexuality because the answers would likely offend too many people who have too much power? After just a few days ago a career economist was forced to give up his career because he brought science to bear on the connection between Muslim immigrants of Germany and the lowering of the general IQ of Germany, which is a message that the masses are willing to accept because it jives with their experience it is none the less heresy that must be punished?

You have been around the block a few times just as I have Bill, you should have known damn well that the drive to support beliefs that we want to have is very strong in humans, you should have known that reality is twisted to make it fit our needs a good deal of the time, that truth that is not welcomed is pushed away with any means at our disposal.
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Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 05:11 pm
Osso, a person, says ignore Hawkeye and BillRM.
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Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 05:22 pm
BillRM wrote:

model, someone like Intrepid

I do not think so as I would like great grandkids someday.

It would be nice if they could be legitimate.
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Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 05:23 pm
A far as I am aware there is currently there is no real solid legal standard for the degree of impairment in a large percents of the states and it is whatever a DA can sell a jury on in those areas
Right, the laws are a mish-mash, there is no universal or clear standard. I am going by the norm, as it is actually practiced in America, amongst all the jurisdictions. There are certainly places where the norm I claim does not apply.

But keep in mind that this variance, and this unwillingness of the state to be clear to men about what the legal standard for rape is is unfair to men. It is next to impossible for men to know the truth. And I think the feminists are fine with this, because the message they have for men is to always do what the woman wants them to do, that men should cede control of not only sex but all areas of the relationship to women, and that if we do that we will stay out of trouble.

The current jumble of sex law works to the advantage of feminists as they continue to attempt to manipulate men into letting women drive.
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 05:23 pm
BillRM wrote:

Firefily that picture of you before your computer is just how I had picture you in my mind eye.

Mind eye? Oh, sorry about your blindness.
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Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 05:26 pm
BillRM wrote:

up with a video of Hawkeye and Bill!

Lord I wish I was that young....................

I wish you were that smart
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Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 05:28 pm
The trouble with all this is there is room for argument on all of this stuff.

The gaming of all this is what is obnoxious.

It also seems folks command gaming
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 05:29 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Do u propose that Internet anonymity be ended ?

It seems to me, however I am said be not all that bright, that OB was referring to the fact that the pieces of **** in question would not dare to bring their crap into the real world. They prefer to hide behind the anonymity of a forum where that can sling their crap without having to take responsibility and stand up like men to those who would probably puel them
Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2010 05:33 pm
state to be clear to mean about what the legal standard for rape is is unfair to men.

Laws had been thrown out more then once by the courts over the issue that the law is so unclear that a reasonable person could not tell if they are breaking it or not.

With the rape laws not defining what the standard is for being too drunk to consent to sex and how in the hell the average untrained man judge the state of intoxication of his partner, the law on it face in that aspect look invalid.
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