BillRM wrote:
In fact, up to 42 percents of the total women that the surveys labels as victims do not consider themselves victims with many of them in ongoing relationships with their so call rapists.
Billy boy and hawk-ass are not giving you the whole story when they quote their nonsence.
Quote: The NCWSV study found that, of the college women who experienced unwanted completed penetration by force or the threat of force, only 46.5% of the victims reported that they considered the incident to be a rape (Fisher, Cullen, & Turner, 2000). In Koss et al.’s (1988) study, only 27% of the women who reported experiencing an assault that met the legal definition of rape the researchers use considered the incident to be rape.
Students are particularly unlikely to label the incident as “rape” when no weapon is used, no sign of physical injury is evident, and alcohol is involved (Fisher, Cullen, & Turner, 2000). Victims may not define the event as sexual assault or report the incident because they are embarrassed, are reluctant to consider someone they know as a rapist, or do not understand the legal definition of sexual assault (Pitts & Schwartz, 1993).
The sick little boys don't want you to know why these girls are reluctant to consider themselves a victim of rape. They would rather you believe that it's because they indeed were not raped, and the poor souls are being forced into the rape statistics when none occurred. Not having a gun held to your head or a knife at your throat does not mean a rape did not occur. Just because there are no cuts or bruises left on your body afterwards, does not mean a rape did not occur. Being in a drunken state does not mean a rape did not occur, that a rapist has the right to violate you.
Nice try, idiots.
I very rarely read one word these guys write. I generally either thumb them down to get them out my way so I can read the honest facts about rape in this thread, or I just slide on down the page without thumbing them down, but still not reading their trash. Thank God I did read what sick Billy wrote.
Do you seriously want to engage these guys? They have proven over and over that they know nothing and are here to simply derail your thread.
I used to read this thread more often. Not so much now as I used to. While it can be funny to see you punch these guys lights out via your knowledge, it does get a little bit tiring. My main concern, now, is that there will be some girl find this thread and miss out on a lot of good information due to her growing tired of reading the trashy stuff and lies thrown about by these misfits. You may think that you need to go back and forth with them, but you have already proven over and over that they lack credibility. I think when they post something that is non-factual and has not already been addressed, that yes, it would then be good to counteract via a reply. Let's face it though, most everything they are saying is the same ole' - same ole'.
If you thumb them down, it will put them out of the way, and it won't take long at all for someone reading this and trying to find out real information, to realize that these guys don't have a thumbs down for nothing.