Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Arella Mae
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 12:37 pm
I have heard some talk of obtaining DNA from anyone that is arrested so it can be put into a national database. I think it's a great idea but I would think getting everyone's DNA that is arrested is a bit too much to hope for. Perhaps if they set a certain criteria for particular types of criminals or make it based upon the level of the crime? I'm interested in your thoughts ladies and the true gentlemen on this thread.
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 02:47 pm
I have discovered that there have been quite a few serial rapist/killers in Australia. Here is a particularly nasty one:

The Bad Seed
The Leonard Fraser Story

Before he was sent to prison for the rest of his life on September 7, 2000, for the abduction, rape and murder of a 9-year-old girl, Leonard Fraser had spent almost 20 of the preceding 22 years behind bars for a series of rapes.

Leonard John Fraser

While in prison Fraser confessed to four more killings and took police to where the remains of some of his victims were concealed. His subsequent murder trial caused a world-wide sensation when one of his alleged victims, a 14-year-old schoolgirl, turned up alive and well in the middle of proceedings.

Leonard John Fraser was born in the sugar growing community of Ingham, north Queensland, on June 27, 1951. He was the second youngest of four children and when he was six his family uprooted and moved to a brick house in Mount Druitt in the blue-collar outer western suburbs of Sydney.

According to court psychiatrists there was not the slightest indication in young Lenny's early childhood that he would grow up to be a vicious rapist and killer. While his upbringing, childhood and environment appeared to have been outwardly normal, his schoolwork was poor. By the time he dropped out of second year high school at age 14, Lenny Fraser had learned to read but little else and had trouble writing his own name.

I think it is extremely interesting to note that there was "not the slightest indication in young Lenny's early childhood that he would grow up to be a vicious rapist and killer.
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Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 06:10 pm
This is sicking that we have such nonsense coming out of our government and kind of frighting to as what other nonsense is our government feeding us in other areas?

All I can said is I hope to hell such departments as the CDC are doing a far better job of fact checking the informations they are putting out then the justice department.


September 9, 2010 College campus rape rate 10 times higher than Detroit’s? Don’t believe everything the Justice Department tells you
By Caroline May | Published: 10:02 AM 09/09/2010 | Updated: 12:53 PM 09/09/2010

By Caroline May
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Caroline May is a political reporter at the Daily Caller.

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As college students poured back into classrooms this week, ABC Nightline breathlessly reported (and other news outlets and blogs echoed): “A recent study from the Department of Justice estimated that 25 percent of college women will be victims of rape or attempted rape before they graduate within a four-year college period.”

The short statement is enough to make parents think twice before sending their daughter to college. Despite the seriousness of the claim, the hook is riddled with inaccuracies and misrepresentations — not least of which is the actual statistic.

Indeed, nearly 50 percent of the “rape victims” referred to in the report said they had not been raped.

The document in question, “Acquaintance Rape of College Students,” by attorney Rana Sampson, is not a study but rather a report combining and relying on several studies — the largest of which remains problematic.

Sampson released her report more than four years ago and though the Justice Department provided her with some funding, she was not a Justice Department employee. “The opinions contained herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of the U.S. Department of Justice,” the report disclaims.

The one-in-four statistic, according to footnotes, is derived from a study conducted in 2000 called, “The Sexual Victimization of College Women” (SVCW), by Bonnie S. Fisher, Francis T. Cullen and Michael G. Turner.

Dr. Neil Gilbert, a professor of social welfare at University California, Berkeley, told The Daily Caller that the SVCW’s numbers are severely inflated due to the study’s broad definition of rape and the manner in which subjects were questioned.

According to Gilbert, the SVCW study results found a rate of rape that was 10 times higher than when the methodology for the National Crime Victimization Study (NCVS) was used. Namely, “the National Crime Victimization study had a check to make sure that the codes [or definitions of rape, force, etc.] of responses reflected the interviewees precise description. The SVCW study did not use this type of control on coding,” Gilbert explained.

In the SVCW study, researchers asked subjects to explain what happened to them and then decided, using their own definitions, what was and was not rape. The study defined rape in exceptionally wide terms: “Forced sexual intercourse including both psychological coercion as well as physical force. Forced sexual intercourse means vaginal, anal or oral penetration by the offender(s). This category also includes incidents where the penetration is from a foreign object such as a bottle. Includes attempted rapes, male as well as female victims, and both heterosexual and homosexual rape. Attempted rape includes verbal threats of rape.”

The inclusion of the phrase “psychological coercion” as part of the definition greatly increased the number of “victims.”

In an interview with TheDC, Sampson made no distinction between violent rape and regret after seduction. “Rape is rape is rape,” she said. “I think that the kind of harm that one experiences during rape is not something we want to belittle.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2010/09/09/college-campus-rape-rate-10-times-higher-than-detroits-dont-believe-everything-the-justice-department-tells-you/#ixzz0z4zYsAjV
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 07:05 pm
LMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bill, your buddy Hawkeye thinks quite highly of the Department of Justice Statistics. LOL! I guess only when it serves your agenda, eh Bill and Hawkeye?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 07:21 pm
@Arella Mae,
In NY I think they are considering requiring a DNA sample from everyone who plea bargains to a misdemeanor. At least that's what I recall reading several weeks ago.

I think it's a great idea. The larger the DNA base the better.
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 07:31 pm
I agree! I can imagine many a crime would be solved if they started keeping a DNA database. I know it would probably be expensive but isn't it worth the cost?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 09:08 pm
This thread is moving too fast for me...but as a favor Bill...could you please take a minute to reread what you write before you hit reply? I'm only asking because you seem to be skipping words that might make your sentances literate, and God know I make my fair share of typo's but I am begging you check the spelling, I can barely make out what it is you are trying to convey.

For any of the women out there who may still be slogging thru this incredibly stinky pile of horse doo doo passing as opinion......Has any one ever heard the "term" (rape feminist) before. That's a new one on me. But as we all know when people get frightened they come up with all kinds of crazy crappola. Is it something that Rush Pigbrains dreamed up in his feverish mind???? That I would understand, and could safely tuck away in a lock-box.
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 09:13 pm
I never heard it before this thread. Of course, I didn't know there were actually men who think rapists shouldn't be held accountable either.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 09:15 pm


The long and short of it is if a woman on a college campus does not made a habit of getting drunk in public or with men she does not know well in private and take normal security precautions otherwise her chance of getting rape is very small indeed. There is a lot more too it than that Bill.....this "fact" that 1 out of 4 college girls is raped before she graduates is arrived at using the worst of the new definitions of rape. Basically one pat on the ass is rape now. Or any drilling where the woman did not yell first "**** me now, for the love of Christ **** me now!" No, they don't willingly document this standard but suffice it to say a huge part of this alleged rape crisis on college campus is a snow job.

People still buy the BS with no questions asked though, so I have to hand it to the rape feminists and give credit where credit is due. I appreciate the successful use of power, even when dishonesty is used to get there.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I have figured it out...both Bill and Hawk are still reading old copies of Penthouse and Hustler that there Dad's had hidden in a root celler. Once I read the above I finally realized the source of the twisted rational and the victimization fantasy of women over men. Extreme Taliban practioners believe the same things, only they are driven over the top by just the idea of the sight of a bare ankle. It all falls into place. Bada bing!
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 09:22 pm
Bada boom! Laughing
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Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 09:25 pm

hawkeye10 wrote:

My two girls constantly complain that they cant find men who have balls.

They must be meeting men like their father

High five, Intrepid...you made me laugh out loud. I can just imagine what my father would have said had I ever made an idiot remark like that...And I would be sorely disappointed if my father pretended I had said something like that. But then again, my Dad was a real man, not some quivering knuckle-dragger afraid of women. And he equipped me to be an honest and independent woman. I loved/love my Dad.
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 09:26 pm
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Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 09:45 pm
glitterbag wrote:


hawkeye10 wrote:

My two girls constantly complain that they cant find men who have balls.

They must be meeting men like their father

High five, Intrepid...you made me laugh out loud. I can just imagine what my father would have said had I ever made an idiot remark like that...And I would be sorely disappointed if my father pretended I had said something like that. But then again, my Dad was a real man, not some quivering knuckle-dragger afraid of women. And he equipped me to be an honest and independent woman. I loved/love my Dad.

But, of course, you did not come from a disfunctional family. Normal people look at things in a more rational and realistic way than people who live in a fantasy world where sex is something that is not part of a loving and nurturing relationship. Rather it is a right that can be taken at any time without regard for the will, feelings or freedom of the intended victim--err, partner.
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 10:28 pm
Hi Intreped, My family was a tad dysfuntional. We had our problems, but my parents were united in family matters. Most importantly to me and my brother, we both knew no matter what, our parents would love and support us and also importantly, would let us know if they thought we were headed in the wrong direction.

One example: while my pals and I were attending university, an old pal from high school got a job at the PlayBoy Club in Baltimore as "what else" a Playboy bunny. The money was incredible to those of us living off popcorn and no money for clothes, and my one friend suggested we should apply. OK We were on fire, a few hours at night as part time Bunnys we would be living large. So I told my Dad about this outrageously wonderful bonanza that was ours for the taking.........and he said "Sweetheart, you are lovely and I know you would do well, but I want you to think about something!" OK Dad, I said, like what? And in his way he would ask, "get yourself ready" "you do know that old men (I was 19 and thought old men were 30) will be patting you on the butt and grabbing at you the more they drink, right?" I said "what are you talking about why would they do that?" (dear God I was so stupid, but I thank God that my Dad wasn't).

I might have been 19 but my Dad was 49 and definitely not in the mid-life confusion that the poster who claims to be 48. Like I said, we were not perfect, but my Dad knew how to explain the tricky state between men and women and he apparently thought enough about me to make sure I would be a survivor, and not some slattern complaining she doesn't know any men with balls. If you don't have male role models and female role models growing up, how can you decide? As my Grandmother used to say "Balls! cryed the Queen, if I had two I'd be King"

I can't promise I will ignore this thread, but speaking as a grown women, all of us women should leave this alone. I suspect that by just responding to a couple of mysogisnists we are probably giving them much more than we are getting. This really isn't a discussion, it's just two crybaby's bitching that women are mean to men. I sent some of the earlier sludge to my adult son, I thought he would think it was funny, but he said, "Mom, don't engage these assholes, it's probably 2 fat f**ks sitting naked in a dark room" What could I say, his momma didn't raise an idiot either.

My father and mother expected us to behave with a certain grace and respect our fellow men, not necessarily because they deserved it, but because it was who we were supposed to be. If you cannot respect yourself, you can't teach it and you get to claim you have 2 whiney ass daughters who think they have never met a man with balls. The way you treat others, says a lot about yourself. I wouldn't want anyone to think I could ever express such vile as Bill and Hawk. Sorry guys, but, you really are two old or mid-life crisis kind of assholes. I hope you get help, but if being miserable makes you happy, go for it. Personally, I'm more into enjoying life, family and friends. Poor you two....sob.

Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 10:38 pm
Has any one ever heard the "term" (rape feminist) before. That's a new one on me. But as we all know when people get frightened they come up with all kinds of crazy crappola. Is it something that Rush Pigbrains dreamed up in his feverish mind???? That I would understand, and could safely tuck away in a lock-box.
I am pretty sure that if you did a search of the lit you would find the term goes all the way back to the 70's, thought is was not used in any organized way until the Post feminists started using it in the early 90's. Katie Roiphe notably went off on date rape feminists in her 1994 work "Morning after: Sex, fear and feminism". In the last decade the term has been picked up by men's rights advocates, as you can easily see for yourself with a google search. "rape feminist" is not a recognized term in feminism, it is a broad brush criticism of a large class of feminists who are obsessed with rape, who almost universally blame men for all wrongs committed sexually, and who advocate the punishment of those men though the law. We are beginning to see conservative pro women's rights women also pick up the term, as a slam of the feminist movement which they feel does not represent them.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 10:45 pm
fantasy world where sex is something that is not part of a loving and nurturing relationship
You are the one in the grips of fantasy. Try peddling that crap to young people, they will laugh at you. A great deal if not the majority of sex that is practiced by the young is recreational. I see a lot of older people doing it too.

We are not all puritans like Intrepid, in fact I dont think most people are. Your morality is a few generations out of date, and while it might work for you it is not what we do, or want to do.
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 10:47 pm
Pity that your morality seems to be non-existent. The fact that you think somebody that does not share your warped view of life is a puritan. But, what else would one expect from a misogynist who has no regard for women.
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 11:14 pm
I wouldn't want anyone to think I could ever express such vile as Bill and Hawk. Sorry guys, but, you really are two old or mid-life crisis kind of assholes. I hope you get help, but if being miserable makes you happy, go for it. Personally, I'm more into enjoying life, family and friends. Poor you two....sob.
So when you dont like something that is said you assassinate the character of the one who spoke....got it. What that makes you is one who is not interested in the truth, nor in the discovery of the truth. There are many like you, which goes far to explain why we are confronted with so many problems today. Those of us who are interested in truth and problems and fixing problems must work around you useless types...it was always thus, and always thus it will be.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 11:20 pm
But, what else would one expect from a misogynist who has no regard for women.
I have enough regard for women to throw them up against the wall when they want to be thrown up against the wall. I suspect that you could never do it, out of some ancient useless sense of morality that you possess. You would rather leave your woman wanting then offend your morality, how fucked up is that?

And then after being so impotent you try to sell yourself as better than me? Pleeeeease, go peddle that BS to someone who is dumb enough to buy it.
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 11:40 pm
It seems that Hawkeye is not used to ladies. He only associates with the trampy slutty type who like to be thrown up against a wall. He wouldn't know what love is. He wouldn't understand that there is a difference between love and lust.

Given the language he uses, mostly beginning with the letter F, he does not have much class and wallows in self importance. He doesn't realize that he is viewed as a slimeball and if he does, he doesn't care.

He calls those who don't share his warped ideals puritans. He and Bill feed off each other and seem to have formed a bond in posting idiotic comments that usually have no connection with reality.

They are on the fringe and don't even know it. They think they are normal.

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