Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 04:22 am
Here is some more information on the survey and the nuts who came up with the one in four numbers that Firefly love so must.


Koss also found that 42 percent of those she counted as rape victims went on to have sex with their attackers on a later occasion. For victims of attempted rape, the figure for subsequent sex with reported assailants was 35 percent. Koss is quick to point out that "it is not known if [the subsequent sex] was forced or voluntary" and that most of the relationships "did eventually break up subsequent to the victimization."[24] But of course, most college relationships break up eventually for one reason or another. Yet, instead of taking these young women at their word, Koss casts about for explanations of why so many "raped" women would return to their assailants, implying that they may have been coerced. She ends by treating her subjects' rejection of her findings as evidence that they were confused and sexually naive. There is a more respectful explanation. Since most of those Koss counts as rape victims did not regard themselves as having been raped, why not take this fact and the fact that so many went back to their partners as reasonable indications that they had not been raped to begin with?

Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 04:28 am
Hawkeye, I find it amazing that nuts like firefly can get away with stating it does not mater if the women do not consider themselves rape and even if they happily go on with a relationship with their "rapist".

I hear of such women who view almost all sex between men and women as rape but this is the first one I had every ran into.

I knew that firefly was out there in space but I had no clue how far out there she is.
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 04:41 am

No, Hawkeye, those 50% of women who did not categorize their experience as a rape, doesn't mean a damn thing. And, if you re-read that material you posted you will understand why. They quite clearly said they could draw no conclusion from that finding because it might have had something to do with the way the question was worded, or the woman's possible feelings of embarrassment about admitting she was raped, etc
I can see why you need to explain this away as the incompetence of the scientists, because my God, this surely needs to be explained away. These women must at all costs not be allowed to deny what the zelots have said has been done to them. And even if this explaining away demands that these women be dragged though the mud, be accused of not knowing their own minds, well, this is Gods work after all. What must be done must be done. If incompetent scientists can not be made to take the blame then we must blame the women....they must be sacrificed for the greater good of sisterhood.

Nothing, and I mean nothing, can be allowed to interfere with the rape feminists agenda. Even women with their personal experiences..
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Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 04:45 am
I knew that firefly was out there in space but I had no clue how far out there she is.
Well, I gave it the old college try explaining this to you earlier in the thread. The sad thing is that probably 95% of Americans have yet to figure it out the scam. And of those who have most are to0 scared to talk openly. But fear not, truth is making progress. Repression never works forever.
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 05:01 am
OH even the author of this survey that Firefly is quoting later reduce the silly 1 in 4 numbers to a slightly less silly number of 1 in 9 but Firefly had not gotten the word yet it would seem.

Yes this thread is worth little indeed.
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 05:23 am
No, BillRM you have the wrong survey. The "nuts" who did this survey were the Department of Justice.

The survey the 1 in 4 figure comes from is Sexual Victimization of College Women (NCJ 182369), written by Bonnie S. Fisher, Francis T. Cullen and Michael G. Turner--

And Hawkeye fails to realize that when the authors of a study tell you cannot take some of their statistics at face value, you listen to them, and you don't keep claiming that a 50% figure is accurate.

Neither one of you know how to evaluate data.

Nor are either of you making a rational or meaningful point. You baboons are actually joking about women being raped. Do exact numbers even matter? Would it be better if 1 in 15 college women was raped, or 1 in 25, we are still talking about women being raped. And you find that amusing? I guess that's because you find any number of rapes acceptable and something to joke about.

And do you think women really do not know whether they have been raped? Or that they do not know when they have been subjected to unwanted sex? Of course they do, as is perfectly evident from the surveys which ask women if they have ever felt forced,coerced, or pressured into having unwanted sex. It does depend on how the question is asked.

In addition to being boring and dull, you are both assholes. Dull, boring, assholes.

Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 05:36 am
Yes this thread is worth little indeed.

That's certainly true of the posts made by you and Hawkeye.
The rest of the thread is just fine.

If you're unhappy with the thread, just leave. Neither you nor Hawkeye will be missed.

This sums up both of you--and your appeal to women. Laughing

Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 05:48 am
This sums up both of you--and your appeal to women
You are a lunatic, so obviously I dont give a **** about your opinions. However, any facts that you want to bring to the table will be welcomed.
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 05:59 am
Hawkeye she is going to be bring facts to the table are you on drugs<grin>?

Oh can you just picture the women on this thread reactions if either of us had taken the same position that Firefly had that women are too dumb to know that they had been raped or not?

She is showing amazing contempt for her 'fellow' women and one can only guess if she if right concerning at least the other females posters on this thread.

Are they going to agree with her that they are not able to know if they had been rape or not and need some woman study professor to point a rape out to them or not?

Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 06:02 am
Give a link to this study not the justice website and I will then do the research on that one to point out how silly it is for you.

I guess we need to keep the grants from the government coming!

Found it and it give the high figure of 2.8 per year or 12 percent per 4 years.

It does not come near 25 percent you are claiming however and I will do the research later today or tomorrow to find out how they got this sill number.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 07:15 am
BillRM wrote:

The post you just made is exactly why we feel you have no compassion. No one said what happened to those Duke players was right. It's too bad you don't have compassion for the women and children that are raped and/or killed.

My post was a direct responded to the claimed that campus athletes always get a free pass it have zero to do with rape children or adults or kill children or adults for that matter.

It just go to show how dishonest you can be.

I never said they ALWAYS get a free pass. I was speaking of specific instances I was aware of. You are the one being dishonest.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 07:22 am
hawkeye10 wrote:

This sums up both of you--and your appeal to women
You are a lunatic, so obviously I dont give a **** about your opinions. However, any facts that you want to bring to the table will be welcomed.
Okay, that statement really had me rolling. She has given you more facts than anyone on this thread. YOU and your buddy BILL refuse to accept them. I needed that laugh this morning!
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 07:25 am
firefly, I thought I had addressed my question to both you and Caroline. If I left you out, please forgive me. Your response to my question was so informative and I think you are spot on about it. I think your ideas for educating people about rape and how to possibly prevent it are very logical and I would say they'd have to have an effect!
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Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 08:30 am
Firefly, I think that 25% figure could even be higher. I have many, many, friends on campus. Just in that circle of friends, over half of them have been either raped, had an attempted rape, or been subject to sexual harassment. Outside of my close circle of friends, I still know of a sickenly high number of females that were raped. I, myself, have been sexually harassed. It got to the point where this guy was stalking me, and I reported it. It was then that I found out that I was not the only girl he had done this to. One of the things he kept saying to me was- "Stop playing hard to get, Brooklyn. I will be fu*king you before the year is out. Guaranteed." I knew that the only way he would be sexing me up, would be rape. Of course, if that were the case, I was prepared to remove his balls and hand them to him.

Concerning the ones that were raped, there are different reasons for not reporting the crime, but all of the them have one variable in common. That variable is the fact that they know the chance of anything being done about the rape is slim-to-none. There is rarely a witness to these crimes. Guys have mastered the art of lying about consent and knowing how to get away with their crime.

There is also the stigma that if you were drunk or drinking, then it is the females fault that she was attacked. Many girls have heard this so many times that they begin to believe it. Sadly, they then question if they were actually raped since it must have been their fault because of alcohol. There is a saying on campus that the dog-guys use often. You hear it almost daily as you meander your way around campus. When you hear them say, "Drunk em', flatten em' and pop em" they are talking about going out to get someone drunk so they can force sex on them. Pretty sick isn't it?

It doesn't matter if it is on a college campus, at work, at a bar, or wherever, rape happens too often. Sadly, it is a crime that is rarely punished. This thread has given me a fighting spirit, firefly! I owe that to you. When classes start up later this month, I intend to be more involved on campus in the fight against rape.

Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 09:11 am
BillRM wrote:

Found it and it give the high figure of 2.8 per year or 12 percent per 4 years

are tgere abny women repeat victims?
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Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 09:39 am
hawkeye10 wrote:

My two girls constantly complain that they cant find men who have balls.

They must be meeting men like their father.
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 11:37 am
There was a day knowing someone that had been raped was a rarity. Now, it's common place. Shows me just how sick this world has gotten.

Drunk 'em, flatten 'em, and pop 'em? That's flat out premeditated rape. It's obvious that is well known at your campus from what you have posted so my question is, if it is so common why isn't the school doing something or more?

Sadly, I think there will always be a stigma attached to rape concerning the victim. Until that mindset is changed, rapes are not going to be reported and the rapists are going to be free to do it again.
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Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 12:01 pm
Brooke, Hawkeye has said that no man in his right mind would want to report the fact that he was raped because the admission would be too humiliating for him, and his report would not be taken seriously. But his tiny pea brain cannot wrap itself around the concept that women may be inhibited about reporting rapes for similar reasons.

It's incredible that an adult male could have such a rigid and narrow focus. And, it's not just on this topic, it's true of pretty much all the topics he posts about. He appears to garner more insults and put downs than anyone else posting at A2K because of his absurd conclusions and opinions, particularly in light of his juvenile insistence that he is always "winning" his case. He's like the little boy who hasn't been picked for the team and paradoxically insists that was because he'd outshine the other players. He's really a caricature. He is woefully uninformed, and misinformed, and essentially ill equipped to engage in discussion on any topic which actually involves the capacity for flexible thought.

Bright thoughtful people, either male or female, are a profound threat to Hawkeye. They expose his inadequacies and leave him feeing impotent and vulnerable. So, what else can this sputtering birdbrain do in response except lash out in anger, and resort to schoolyard name calling. So, I am a man-hating lunatic, you are young and naive, the normal men who post in this thread, like Intrepid, are all losers who have been duped by "feminists", and on and on. BillRM is his buddy because Billy Boy, who has all the intellectual heft of a fruitfly, is no threat to anyone, and he's willing to mindlessly stroke Hawk's tattered ego. Gee, isn't their brand of male bonding touching. Those two can commiserate about how they have been victimized by women in-between grunting, farting, and thumping on their chests.

Were Hawkeye and BillRM to actually talk about what they'd like to do to women, we'd likely hear the sort of sick trash talk you describe hearing from some guys on your campus--and probably even much worse. BillRM and Hawkeye actually do understand rape--from the perspective of the rapist. They really do want to degrade, demean, and punish women, that's evident from their attempts to do that verbally to all the women who have posted in this thread. Their "contributions" to this thread are nothing more than attempts at harassment, that's why they hang around here, just to harass. This is the playground for them to discharge their hostility toward women. Sad, sick, misfits, both of them.

I couldn't care less about most of the statistics they dig up. Their statistics reveal very little about the crime of rape, particularly because the ones they choose are designed to deny that rape exists as a significant problem for women. Women really don't need statistics to understand the crime of rape, those statistics aren't illuminating and they certainly don't capture how many of our decisions, even little ones in the course of a day, are affected by our concerns for our own safety. Where you park your car, where you can walk alone at night, whether it is safe to let an unknown repairman into your home, whether you can let that cute guy give you a lift home from the party, whether you have to look around before you open your front door to go inside, whether it is safe to walk to your car when your arms are loaded with bundles and packages, whether you can put your first name on your apartment mailbox or in the phone book if you are female and live alone, whether it is safe to study with a male classmate, you really don't know well, alone in his apartment, and on and on. Safety is an automatic issue for most women.

I think you have it much tougher than I did at your age, I think your campus world is much less safe than mine was. It's not that young men have radically changed, but they are more bombarded by sexual stimuli these days, and the boundaries for their behavior are weaker. Their sense of entitlement sexually may be stronger and issues about "consent" may be more easily rationalized away by them. I was always fairly confident that when I said, "No", to a man it would be clearly understood and respected, we didn't need campaigns to remind young men, or older ones, about that, even without the threat of date rape charges. We didn't need campus rape education programs or campus groups to help combat rape. Stranger rapes on campus were very rare (I don't recall hearing of any) and females felt safe walking from the library late at night or working alone in a lab.

We did our share of drinking in those days, but when I and my sorority sisters and friends dished the dirt about the men on the campus, and our experiences with them, no one talked about about feeling forced, or unduly pressured, or coerced into having sex. Even the pushy guys, knew when they had to take, "No" for an answer. I'm sure more was going on than we were aware of, but generally we all felt pretty safe. We were careful, but something like date rape really wasn't a major concern at all. We didn't have to be on guard with all men we just met, or at least we didn't feel that way. In some ways we were young and naive. Nowadays I don't think young women can afford to be naive or overly trusting. I think the potential for rape to occur is higher now.I admire how aware and alert and prepared you try to be.

I don't think you needed any help to rev up your fighting spirit, Brooke, you seem like quite a fighter, but I'm so glad you joined this thread. If you do get involved with your campus fight against rape please let us know how they they deal with the problem and whether their efforts are effective.

Arella Mae
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2010 12:26 pm
If men don't report being raped then how in the world do they get the statistics for how many men are raped in prison by other men? Just another stupid evasion and ignoring of the facts from those two.

How sad it is that we have to actually discuss this topic. It is such a huge problem in the world, not just the US, as is evident by South Africa being the rape capital of the world, to the point of a device being created in order to help catch rapists.

We have to be aware of everything-people, lighting, our surroundings, etc. We can be taken off guard so quickly. If more discussions like ours were held I think it would really help. The exchange of information and ideas is wonderful and I thank y'all for it (y'all excludes THOSE TWO.)
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