No, Hawkeye, those 50% of women who did not categorize their experience as a rape, doesn't mean a damn thing. And, if you re-read that material you posted you will understand why. They quite clearly said they could draw no conclusion from that finding because it might have had something to do with the way the question was worded, or the woman's possible feelings of embarrassment about admitting she was raped, etc. And when the people who do a study tell you not to leap to conclusions about the findings because other variables might have been an influence, you should listen to them.
Also, this was one survey, done about 10 years ago, in which only 86 incidents had been classified as rapes. How 86 females might classify a sex act tells you next to nothing compared to the total number of women who have had an unwanted sexual experience/assault. Try asking thousands, and thousands of women, and see if that percentage holds up.
Just digging up studies and posting them means nothing if you don't know how to properly interpret the data.
But, look how fast you were to try to give yourself another pat on the back for posting that meaningless statistic. For what? Taking another undeserved swipe at "feminists"? Is this your idea of being clever?
Your obsession about those evil "feminists" is absolutely blinding you to the fact that most women share similar views about the topic of rape--whether or not they happen to be card carrying feminists. Most women are concerned about issues that affect women, and that includes rape and the laws to protect women from sexual assaults. And it has nothing to do with "feminism", except, that in the broad sense, most women may likely share some basic feminist views. Feminists have never promoted an agenda that most women would see as antagonistic to their own interests, and most women would probably see "feminism" as a political movement working in their behalf. Women have benefited greatly from the feminist movement in the past 50 years. So, when you attack "feminists" because you, personally, don't like the current sex laws, you are actually attacking the beliefs of most women, and not just one particular political segment called "feminists". That's one reason, among others, that you come across as so anti-female.
And honestly, Brooke's discussion about the situation on her campus is more interesting, and more compelling, than any half baked statistics you can dig up, precisely because it is a more personal account by an obviously very intelligent, well informed, and perceptive woman, and because Brooke can express herself quite clearly and eloquently. I'm interested in what she has to say. You're only interested in winning some imaginary competition you seem to be having with all of us. So that's why you disregard her entire post, except for your KoolAid crack, and respond to her only by posting another meaningless statistic that adds nothing to the discussion. Among other things, statistics tell you very little about how women feel about rape or about being raped. Actually listening to women will tell you much more. Try listening. Try reading their posts and thinking about them.
College rape is in fact a huge problem. About 1 in every 4 or 5 college women will be raped. And colleges do not always deal with this problem well at all. And, because you dig up one lousy outdated statistic, that proves absolutely nothing, does not invalidate the real life problem or make it go away. Denial does not do away with rape. Joking about it does not make it less serious, it simply makes you, and BillRM, look like ignorant fools who dislike women. For your sake, and her sake, I hope your college bound daughter does not become one of those 1 in 4.
The fact remains that you cannot engage in a discussion. Your constant reiteration of only your own biased views, is not a discussion of any sort. You are standing on your soapbox preaching, generally ranting about "feminists". That's not discussing anything. Your idiotic banter with BillRM is completely devoid of wit, and his constant perseveration of his false allegations nonsense, often expressed in barely coherent fashion, really makes him sound brain damaged. I feel as though someone should be singing that old song, "Poor Johnny One Note" in the background when I read posts by either of you, because you are both so limited and confined to your one main issue each. Hawkeye="evil sex hating feminists", BillRM=False accusations. That's it.
How much more boring and dull can you get than that?
You have no idea how incredibly dull and boring you both are.
As for your daughters' complaints that they can't find "men with balls", what makes you think that has any connection to rape statistics? You think rapists "have balls"?

It is actually true that 'real men' don't rape--they don't have to.