Quote:If you want to talk about age how about we talk about how disputes about consent overwhelmingly tend to be an affliction of the young?
You contradict yourself, since at 48 (hardly young), you try to perpetuate the nonsense that most women actually desire to be raped ("conquered " and "ravished"). Since rape is an act done without consent, you still fail to grasp that essential fact, despite the fact you are pushing the half century mark. It would seem you are a little over-the-hill to be having such "disputes about consent" with most of the women in the world.
Furthermore, you laughably cite "scientific evidence" to support your views. Of course, such evidence could be obtained only by interviewing and gathering data from a large cross section of women who have reported they have been raped. Did these women enjoy their rapes? Were the rapes sexually and emotionally satisfying for them? Would they like to be raped again? Are those the sorts of scientific studies you refer to? Please, please post links to them, so we can all be persuaded by such evidence. It would mean that rape is actually a victim-less crime, and it would make BillRM so overjoyed to know that every man ever convicted of rape has been the victim of a false accusation. I mean, if she really wanted it, and really enjoyed it, how could it be a crime? Poor Freud, he could only wonder, "What do women want?", while Hawkeye has known the secret all along--women want to be raped.
You are old enough, or should be, to be able to separate fantasy from reality. That a woman may fantasize about being "ravished" is hardly the same as actually wanting to be raped. That a woman may enjoy reading "bodice ripper" romance novels does not mean she actually wants to be raped. People fantasize about all sorts of things--but their fantasies are under their control, they play out the way they want them to be. And, for most women who have such "ravishment" fantasies, they are generally erotic rather than violent, aggressive, or genuinely unwanted, highly unpleasant, forced assaults.
It is obvious that the time you spend in the BDSM scene exposes you to a group of atypical women in terms of their sexual behaviors. You cannot extrapolate your observations or conclusions from that particular group and then apply them to the entire female population. But, more importantly, those involved in BDSM are role playing fantasies--they enter into these situations willingly, and ostensibly know they can call a halt to them if they wish. So consent is definitely operating, even in the more deviant groups.
You really don't like women. You make that very clear in post after post on more than one thread. You don't even like having to make conversation with women in real life social situations. You insult female posters--often in sexual terms. You obsess about females having too much power (those darn feminists), and you clearly aim to manipulate, control, and dominate women sexually--and then you announce that this is what all women want, as proven by "scientific evidence". You not only deny the crime of rape, or apologize for it, you don't even feel that rapists should be jailed for their crimes, because you feel they are "sick" rather than criminals. What makes them any less criminal than thieves, murderers, or embezzlers? Should we pardon their crimes because 91% of their victims are female, and the welfare of women doesn't count? A man who likes women doesn't want to see rapists get a free pass. A man who likes women does not deny the fact that women do get raped--by strangers, acquaintances, dates, and relatives--and they suffer as a result of these assaults. A man who likes women would not make an absurd assertion that women actually want to get raped, nor would he refer to rape as an "intimate relationship" or an act designed to drive women to the "heights of passion".
You do not like women.
At best, women serve some purpose for you as controllable sex toys or masturbatory devices. They allow you to prop up your fragile and sagging sense of male adequacy or "masculinity" by giving you someone you can "conquer" in your BDSM sex games.
An inadequate 48 year man, who is fearful of and antagonistic toward women, posturing as some sort of stud, dispensing self serving sexual advice to other males, is rather ludicrous.
I'm surprised glitterbag thought you were 25. You sound closer to 17. And not a particularly mature 17 year old.