Quote:In any case, I do not agree that a man have some responsibility to be a guardian to his sexual partner anymore then a woman had that responsibility to her male partner.
That's why you don't understand the crime of rape. You just don't get it.
The man is responsible for his own behavior--not being a "guardian to his sexual partner". Although, any man who cared about his partner would probably want to be protective of her, just as she would want to protect him. That's what people do when they care about each other--but I wouldn't expect you to know about such things since you do not speak of "caring" when you talk about relationships.
But, because a man, like all people, is legally responsible for his behavior, sexually and otherwise, if he engages in sex without the woman's consent, he is committing rape.
That's very simple, even for someone as dense as you are.
If she is drunk, he doesn't have legal consent. If he has sex with her, that is rape.
If you leave the door to your house wide open when you go out, and someone, without your consent, enters your home and steals your property, would you want him arrested? Suppose he claims you "invited him in" by leaving your door open. Should that mean he isn't considered a thief or burglar? Is he entitled to keep your property? If the police pick him up, would you want him charged with entering your home and taking your property without your consent?
If you haven't given consent to someone to take your property, they are stealing it from you. If a woman hasn't given a man consent to have sex with her, he is raping her.
If a man is unsure whether he has a woman's clear, conscious consent, he should refrain from having sex with her,
and this is his responsibility.
Only the rapist is responsible for the rape.