Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 08:33 am
It is unfortunate that your abysmal ignorance prevents you from understanding the information you post.

To begin with, this article has been posted before, and has been thoroughly discussed.

In addition, many of the statistics do not differentiate between the vague term "sexual assault" and the specific crime of "rape", so it is difficult to know what they are referring to.

Then, there is this factor:

First, the category of 'false accusations' does not distinguish between accusers who lie and those who are honestly mistaken. Nor does it indicate that a rape did not occur, merely that the specific accused is innocent.

These statistics do not refer to women who deliberately lie about a rape. They include cases of honest mistaken identity, including honest mistaken photo IDs. The Innocence Project has made this point repeatedly, pointing out difficulties with cross-racial recognition of suspects in lineups and photos.

This article proves nothing about malicious false identifications by women.

But, even given the cases of honest misidentifications, the rate of accurate rape reports remains quite high

Second, even if false accusations are as common as 1-in-4, that means 75 percent of reports are probably accurate and, so, all accusations deserve a thorough and professional investigation.

So, at least 75% of rape reports, and accusations, are accurate. That is a high percentage, and, given the prevalence of the crime of rape, it represents sexual attacks on thousands and thousands of women.

And, as Ms Elroy concludes..

all accusations deserve a thorough and professional investigation

So, thanks for helping us to reinforce the message that it is important to investigate all complaints of rape. BillRM. Very Happy

That is what we want to see happen. There is no reason not to investigate all reports of rape and to test all rape kits for DNA in a timely manner. That is the only way to insure that rapists can be apprehended and convicted, and to exclude those who might be innocent.

Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 08:38 am
Nothing to compare to your claimed that one in seven husbands had rapes their wives!

I am sure you have a solid backing for such a claim other then your hate for all males even tens years old males.

You are a sick sick puppy indeed.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 08:42 am
One in 7 husbands rape their wives my rear end

Always knew your rear end was controlling your thinking in lieu of a brain. Laughing


What a perfect avatar for you!
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 08:48 am
You are repeating yourself................
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 09:49 am
Whatever is causing your braincells to disappear at an , apparently, rapid rate should be of concern to all that come in contact with whatever is causing this in you

A shrinking brain might be one explanation...
People who have been drinking large amounts of alcohol for long periods of time run the risk of developing serious and persistent changes in the brain.

Structural damage to the brain resulting from chronic alcohol abuse can be observed in different ways:

Results of autopsy show that patients with a history of chronic alcohol abuse have smaller, less massive, and more shrunken brains than nonalcoholic adults of the same age and gender.

•The findings of brain imaging techniques, such as CT scans consistently show an association between heavy drinking and physical brain damage, even in the absence of chronic liver disease or dementia.

•Brain shrinking is especially extensive in the cortex of the frontal lobe2 - the location of higher cognitive faculties.

•The vulnerability to this frontal lobe shrinkage increases with age. After 40 some of the changes my be irreversible .

•Repeated imaging of a group of alcoholics who continued drinking over a 5-year period showed progressive brain shrinkage that significantly exceeded normal age-related shrinkage. Moreover, the rate of shrinkage correlated with the amount of alcohol consumed

You don't really expect BillRM to be able to rationally discuss this topic, do you?
That would really tax his diminished abilities too much. It's beyond him.

Throughout this entire thread, BillRM's responses have been predominantly emotional, rather than intellectual, and the primary emotion expressed has been anger. The man dislikes women and, he is so angry at them, that it renders him incapable of objectively discussing a topic such as sexual assaults of women. His anger, and his own feelings of self pity and victimization by women, engulf him to such an extent that he can only paradoxically conclude that, when women are raped, men are somehow being hurt by women. That, of course, makes absolutely no logical sense, but it is apparently the reason that he continues to obsessively post his nonsense about "false accusations" in this thread. He hasn't been able to empathize with female rape victims because he is too busy identifying with the rapists or men accused of rape. That's why he feels that any comments about rapists are "anti-male". He sees rapists as representing all men---including him. Rolling Eyes

Well, maybe old BillRM knows something about himself that we don't know. He is certainly angry enough at women to have entertained a rape fantasy or two. And he appears to have had such difficulty understanding the notion of "consent", when we discussed it in this thread, it is possible that he has caused a woman to have unwanted sex with him. Who knows? You clearly understand that we have not been making "anti-male" comments in this thread, but he doesn't. If that's because he takes remarks made about rape and rapists personally, perhaps that's because they hit home with him.

Just look at the comments he has made about Arella Mae and me--and we are complete strangers to him. Apart from being untrue and personally insulting, he couches them in sexual terms. So, I must be a lesbian, or no man would want to marry or have sex with either one of us. He not only puts women down, he does it in a way to demean our sexuality. That's not all that different from what rapists do--they demean women sexually.

If BillRM wasn't so obnoxious or personally offensive, I might feel sorry for him, because he is rather pathetic. But he is so intolerable, and he has so deliberately and repeatedly tried to derail this thread, that I can't muster up such feelings--he really isn't worthy of respect, let alone compassion.

Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 11:02 am
Seven in one husbands rape their wive indeed


Wife falsely accused ex-husband of rape 'to get rid of him'
A "calculating" wife falsely accused her estranged husband of rape because she wanted him out of her life, a court heard.

Published: 9:16PM BST 02 Jul 2009

Michaela Lodge, 45, accused her husband Martin of raping her in November last year because she was involved with another man when, in fact, she had initiated sexual intercourse, the court was told.

Mr Lodge was arrested and questioned before eventually, three months later, she wrote a letter to him admitting she had lied to the police.


Judge Rodger Hayward Smith QC said it was "a wicked allegation that was pre-planned to hasten his departure from your life".

He added: "Every false allegation of rape increases the plight of women who have been genuine victims of rape in that it makes a genuine allegation harder to prove because juries know that false allegations are made from time to time."

Andrew Jackson, prosecuting, said Lodge went to a police station on 26 November last year and said her husband had raped her. Mr Lodge was arrested, held in custody and released on bail.

On 21 January Lodge made a witness statement in which she said she didn't want him prosecuted but she still maintained he had raped her.

But on 19 February she gave her son Daniel a letter to pass on to her husband which read: "I am so sorry about what I have done to you. My head was and still is all over the place. I cannot deal with this anymore, I need to put it right. When we went to bed we both wanted to make love and the fact I lied to police about you raping me.

"My head was a mess with you pulling me one way and Pete the other. I just didn't know what to do. I will say goodbye and hope one day you will be able to forgive me. I am so sorry."

Marc Brown, mitigating, said Lodge had not acted out of malice or revenge. "It was born more out of a confused desire to remove him from the picture.

"She accepts it was an outright lie. The following morning she began to have regrets about what had gone on and she wanted to make her situation easier by removing Mr Lodge from the picture. She did what she did without thinking of the consequences to him, on her children or herself. It was an irrational reaction to a difficult emotional position she found herself in."

The judge read a letter from Mr Lodge, who was in court with their children, which he described as "a magnanimous appeal for mercy", not to send her immediately to prison but jailed her for four months.

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Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 11:03 am
Maybe it isn't only his thinking ability that is miniscule. Maybe Billie gets laughed at by women and this is his way of taking revenge.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 11:06 am
the tiniest iota of common sense would have ended this thread on the first page.
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 11:12 am
Here is another woman who is cheerfully misusing the courts.

One in seven husbands is a wife rapist indeed.

At least women are now adding false rape charges to false assault charges to false child abused charges as a tool during divorce actions.


Estranged wife jailed for falsely accusing husband of sex attack
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 3:09 AM on 6th April 2009
Comments (58) Add to My Stories Lies: Gemma Louise Scoones

A man has told of the pain and humiliation he endured when his estranged wife falsely accused him of rape.
Anthony Scoones, 27, spoke out after Gemma Scoones was jailed for a year for perverting the course of justice.
He described how he was arrested at his home - he was watching TV in bed when police arrived - and spent 16 hours in a cell.
His clothes were taken for forensic examination and he was left naked so that DNA samples could be taken.
Mr Scoones said: 'I wasn't just stripped of my clothes, but of my dignity. I was stood there naked, with two police officers at one side of me and a doctor at the other side, having swabs taken from all over my body.
'It was humiliating and degrading. I don't blame the officers for investigating, but it is a heinous crime to be accused of and I'm still having nightmares now.'
To add to his ordeal, even some people he thought of as friends doubted his innocence.
The rape accusation was part of an 'acrimonious separation' from his 26-year-old wife.
Durham Crown Court heard that she told police Mr Scoones followed her home from a shop, forced his way into the house and raped her in a downstairs toilet.
She claimed she was hurt but had not been able to call police immediately because he threatened to petrol-bomb her house.
It was only after discrepancies emerged in a police interview with her that Mr Scoones was told he was in the clear and his ex-wife was charged with committing an act intended to pervert the course of justice.
Jailing Scoones, who had pleaded guilty, Recorder Neil Davey told her: 'The course you embarked on was one of sheer wickedness.'
Mr Scoones, of Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, said after the hearing: 'My family and my girlfriend have always believed me, but when the word rape is used, it changes the atmosphere.
'People did question me and this has opened my eyes up to who I can trust.
'Right up until she admitted her guilt in court and justice was done by sending her to prison, she was muddying the water and I've been worried about how people look at me.
'She's taken away my trust, selfesteem, pride and confidence with one attention-seeking, spiteful lie.'
The court heard that Scoones, also of Newton Aycliffe, made up the allegation after reading claims against her in a letter from her estranged husband's solicitor.
Scott Smith, mitigating, said Scoones' actions arose from an acrimonious separation after a nine-year relationship.

Mr Smith said: 'She was upset and this built up in her as time went on. She accepts there was a degree of planning and she considered her actions for several weeks.'

Jailing her, Recorder Neil Davey told Scoones: 'In my judgement, the course you embarked on was one of sheer wickedness.

'You decided to take revenge on your ex-husband, by falsely accusing an entirely innocent man of rape, giving a lurid account of how it was inflicted.

'He was strip-searched, intimate samples were taken and he was humiliated, held in custody for more than 16 hours, and still you persisted in your claims.

'It was only the skill and expertise of the police that forced you to break down your story and prove your allegations were false.'

Mr Scoones said that although his parents and girlfriend have stood by him, some friends had doubted his innocence.

He said: 'Throughout the time Gemma and I were together, my family took her under their wing and supported her, but she would regularly take off and tell lies about me.

'My friends and family always believed me. But when the word rape is used, it changes the atmosphere.

'People did question me and this has opened my eyes up to who I can trust.

'Right up until she admitted her guilt in court and justice was done by sending her to prison, she was muddying the water and I've been worried about how people look at me.

'She's taken away my trust, self-esteem, pride and confidence with one attention seeking, spiteful lie.'

PC Elizabeth Graham, of Durham Police's domestic abuse investigation team, said the force was very victim focused and that the allegation of rape had been taken seriously and fully investigated.

It was only when the truth emerged that Scoones stopped being treated as the victim.

PC Graham said: 'This was a calculated and malicious allegation made by a frustrated ex-partner who had an aim of discrediting her former husband and subjecting him to the indignity of a police investigation into an allegation of rape.

'The sentence imposed reflects the gravity of the offence committed and takes into account the trauma the true victim of this incident experienced, as well as the significant waste of police time and money spent investigating a crime that never occurred.'

PC Graham said she hoped the incident would not deter genuine victims of rape and sexual assault from reporting crimes to the police.
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Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1167723/Estranged-wife-jailed-falsely-accusing-husband-sex-attack.html#ixzz0ylnUzZrd
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Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 11:20 am
Here is a wife who passed out flyers accusing her husband of child rape.

You have to love the little dears efforts to get one or two up on their husbands


Husband falsely accused of child rape wins $1.2 million from ex-spouse
By Phil Trexler
Beacon Journal staff writer

POSTED: 12:50 p.m. EDT, Aug 21, 2009

The flier went out to neighbors in bold letters: CHILD RAPIST.

The text contained the name and address of the accused with more bold words: BE ALERT! PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN.

Rodd Sutton, formerly of Akron, was the target of the flier. It was another part of his contentious custody dispute that began more than 10 years ago with his ex-wife, Victoria Douglas.

Police and Summit County Children Services investigated the rape complaint in 2004, when Douglas alleged her husband had inappropriate contact with their daughter, now 10.

Authorities found the charges untrue, but that didn't stop the ex-wife from passing out the fliers to neighbors.

The husband, 46, then went on the offensive, suing his ex-wife and her mother.

A Summit County jury this month sided with Sutton, awarding him more than $1.2 million in damages for defamation, invasion of privacy and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Sutton's attorneys, Tim Hanna and James Campbell, said collecting the settlement might be an issue, but the case is about more than money, they said.

''Maybe it's not about the issue of collecting,'' Campbell said. ''Maybe it's about the principal of vindicating this guy and showing you can stand up for what you believe in.''

Neither Douglas nor her attorney, Larry Shenise, were available for comment.

Paper consumes the dockets of the ex-couple's divorce and civil lawsuits with hundreds of entries and countless reams of motions filled with allegations of child abuse and drug use, as well as contempt of court findings against each side over visitation and other issues.

The case took a more public turn when Sutton sued over the fliers distributed to neighbors. It happened after complaints of sexual abuse lodged against the husband by the ex-wife in 2004.

Douglas, 44, made the allegations to Akron and Springfield police, Akron Children's Hospital and Children Services.

Each agency found no evidence of abuse.

Sutton's attorneys contend Douglas transferred a house in Lakemore from her name to her mother, Rosemary Douglas, to save it from possible loss in the defamation lawsuit.

A jury awarded Sutton $136,000 from his former mother-in-law for the property transaction. Victoria Douglas now resides in Florida with her daughter.

The case was heard by a jury and Judge Alison McCarty.

Campbell said the only question asked by jurors was whether they could give Sutton more money than he was seeking.

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Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 11:22 am
dyslexia wrote:

the tiniest iota of common sense would have ended this thread on the first page.

That would be true if the thread was kept to it's topic.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 11:24 am
the tiniest iota of common sense would have ended this thread on the first page.

All I and Hawkeye would need to do is to stop postings here and the thread would die out however it is too interesting and fun to challenge such a man hater as firefly.
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 11:32 am
If you are suggesting that you are challenging Firefly to a battle of wit and knowledge, you better stop now because you are unarmed.
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 11:40 am

London, Monday 06.09.10

Woman accused of crying rape is jailed
Last updated at 12:52pm on 03.11.06
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False accusation: Sally Henderson now faces a year behind bars
A woman was jailed today for making false rape allegations against her ex-husband.

Sally Henderson, 40, from Woodmancote, near Cirencester, Gloucestershire, was jailed for one year after claiming she had been the subject of a string of sex attacks.

More here...

•Mature student Henderson was found guilty of perverting the course of justice following a week-long trial at Gloucester Crown Court in September.

Mother-of-two Henderson lied about her long distance lorry driver husband Richard Cooke, 39, raping her during their brief marriage in 2004.

Five years earlier, she had made similar claims against her then live-in lover Mark Rowe, from Launceston, Cornwall.

Passing sentence at Bristol Crown Court today, Recorder David Lane QC said: "You told a series of wicked lies against both men and in particular Mr Cooke.

"The jury may have formed the view, as I did, that you are a skilful actress who is adept at making people believe that you are a victim when you are nothing of the sort."

The judge added: "You framed an innocent man, you accused him of the most serious offence to be brought against a man in the criminal calendar.

"The case against your husband was rot and the spotlight was turned against you."

The judge had lifted a reporting restriction allowing Henderson to be named following the guilty verdict.

During the trial, she claimed that her ex-husband, who she met on an internet dating site, had viewed her as a sex object, had demanded sex constantly and had raped her at a friend's wedding reception.

But the jury was told that the allegations were almost identical to previous claims made by Henderson against another former boyfriend, farmer Mark Rowe, 42.

Both men were questioned by police but neither was charged with any offence. Lynne Matthews, prosecuting, described Henderson as "wicked" for making up the allegations.

She said: "Sally Henderson is a wicked liar. There is nothing more wicked that a woman can do against her husband or partner than claim rape."

Mr Cooke had told the court that he had never attacked his ex-wife. He said he had suffered serious injuries in a crash shortly after his marriage to Henderson which had left him unable to perform sexually.

Mr Cooke said his wife had become increasingly angry with him due to his sexual dysfunction. He said: "Because of the problems I was having, I was unable to fulfil my wife. She had a very healthy sexual appetite."

Mr Rowe, a father from Launceston, Cornwall, was also accused of raping Henderson. He told the court that he met her in 1999 and they started a relationship shortly afterwards.

But he broke off the relationship after Henderson tried to pressurise him into marriage. He denied ever raping her, saying she was sexually in control of their relationship.

After breaking off the relationship, Mr Rowe said he was arrested by police after Henderson complained of being raped by him.

He said: "It was quite shocking to have three or four police officers arrest you, manhandle you and take you away for something you've never done."

Henderson, who represented herself in court today after sacking her legal team, showed no emotion as she was sentenced. Mitigating, she said: "I've told the truth, I've not made up any allegations."

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Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 11:43 am
all I and Hawkeye would need to do is to stop postings here and the thread would die out

Oh get over yourself Laughing
The only thing you've added to this thread is a cartoon poster child for the misogynists that make rape such a huge plague in our society.
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 11:45 am
BillRM wrote:

the tiniest iota of common sense would have ended this thread on the first page.

All I and Hawkeye would need to do is to stop postings here and the thread would die out however it is too interesting and fun to challenge such a man hater as firefly.
From your own statement you condemn yourself. You have been asked by how many on this thread to please start your own on your topic so we can continue with this topic?

I am learning a lot from what is being posted here, excluding you and Bill because everytime I see false accusation I don't read any further because it is not the topic of the thread.

So, one can only conclude that you are being selfish in your efforts here. Please Bill and Hawkeye, be gentlemen, and let us continue with this thread without your constant efforst to derail it. I am sure plenty of people would post on a false accusation of rape thread.
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 11:48 am
I've noticed something in my 3 week stay in Vancouver, Intrepid.

Night after night I see women walking around the city streets singly and in pairs who don't seem to have any fear of assault.(And they're not streetwalkers, I can assure you).

It's possible that in Canada, even without the presence of police around every corner, women feel a lot safer.
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 11:49 am
@Arella Mae,
am learning a lot from what is being posted here, excluding you and Bill because everytime I see false accusation I don't read any further because it is not the topic of the thread.

Head in the old sand so you only read what you wish to read, you are learning nothing but seem to be enjoying the meal of bullshit that Firefly is servicing up.
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 11:57 am
One wonder if firefly had quoted from this lady book "Sacred Womb"

Woman who cried rape was the rapist

By Catherine Elsworth in New York
Published: 12:01AM BST 13 Oct 2006

A woman who falsely claimed she was date-raped before becoming pregnant and abandoning her unwanted baby in a rubbish bin has been jailed for the statutory rape of the child's father – her 12-year-old cousin.

Twyana Davis, now 30, claimed the sex attack took place at a party in 1995.

David Gauke, Exchequer Secretary, on the Office of Tax SimplificationShe wrote a book, Sacred Womb, documenting her experiences and went on to become an advocate for troubled teenagers after she appeared on television.

But this week she was sentenced to 10 to 25 years in prison after confessing that she had invented the attack and that the child she abandoned was conceived when she raped her then 12-year-old cousin.

Michael Holbrook, the judge in the case in Franklin County, Ohio, labelled Davis a sexual predator and said she was guilty of "a series of manipulations". He also fined her $10,000 (£5,400).

Davis, who pleaded guilty to one count of rape, said she planned to appeal against the sentence.

After her release, she must notify authorities of her address for the rest of her life.

She has been prevented from seeing her daughter, Danielle, since April.

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Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 11:58 am
panzade wrote:

I've noticed something in my 3 week stay in Vancouver, Intrepid.

Night after night I see women walking around the city streets singly and in pairs who don't seem to have any fear of assault.(And they're not streetwalkers, I can assure you).

It's possible that in Canada, even without the presence of police around every corner, women feel a lot safer.

I live in Eastern Canada, but I have also lived in Western Canada and also spent a lot of time in Vancouver.

Big cities in Canada can also be dangerous, but having spent time in many cities in the U.S.A. as well, I would say that Canada, as a whole, is much safer than cities in the U.S.

I do not hesitate to walk at night in most places in Canada. Of course, common sense tells us the areas to stay clear of. I would stay clear of more places in the U.S. That is not a knock but rather an observation made over time.

The fact that many places in the U.S. allow the carrying of handguns probably has some effect on my decisions on where to go.

I don't know if Canadian women are more aware, but many are self confident and are savvy to the unsavoury element.

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