Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 05:17 pm
Congratulations. If nothing else, I see that you have learned to write English so that it is actually understandable. An overnight miracle so to speak.

That is the first step. The second step is to learn how to use this new talent in conjunction with a brain. I will not consider step 3 since I think that step 2 is a long time coming.
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Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 05:29 pm
@Arella Mae,
The most popular tourist destination in the state, Williamsburog has a growing crime problem attributable to its illegal alien population, who are largely employed by the hotel and restaurant industry.

Minor side note my wife a few years ago got her pocketbook stolen at the visitor center at Colonial Williamsburg.

One hell of a interesting place to visit in sprite of that however.
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 05:33 pm
@Arella Mae,
You just can't stick to the topic can you? I wasn't talking about any ten year olds. I was talking about the article I posted. Surely, you are not as dense as you appear to be?

LOL we was talking about who care and who does not care about children being harm and my position that as long as the child is male you do not give a ****.
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 05:34 pm
Ah, your grasp of the English language only lasted for two posts. Oh, well.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 07:02 pm
BillRM wrote:

Can't you take a hint? No one wants to talk about your "view". This is a thread about rape. Rapes that actually happen and how it effects people and how we can be more informed.

I swear Hawkeye, you talk like a rapist. You justify what they do, you blame the women, etc. When you can't speak to the truth you start attacking firefly personally. I don't know if you have ever raped anyone but you sure do seem to think a lot like them.

Interesting if you talk about the normal interactions between males and females they think that you are talking about rape.

Hell in the UK it would seems that two tens years olds and one eight years old playing doctor is now an attempted rape.

In any case, in my opinion, these ladies are two very cripple women who can never enjoy a normal relationship/partnership with a man.
Okay you are being this way on purpose. Normal interactions? Since when do knives, guns, beatings, etc., have to do with normal interactions? Normal interactions? Is it normal for someone to die in these normal interactions? Your opinion is worthless to anyone or anything as far as I am concerned. You are devoid of any compassion or common sense. RAPE is not normal interaction.
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 07:04 pm
BillRM wrote:

The bible is right. The heart is deceitfully wicked, who can know it? Having no compassion on rape victims is just plain evil as far as I am concerned. They never even said "those poor children" when the articles about 200 women and children being raped were posted. They have no compassion for women and sadly, obviously none for children that are raped.

Women like you who have no compassion for young men who had ended up facing false charges of rape do tend to reduce the caring of males in general toward females rape victims.

Sadly that is human nature if you do not care about my problems why should I care about your.

However as we are all humans and any act that harm females harm males also and the reverse is of course also true.

Too bad you are so cripple you can not understand that concept.

I see, so if a man kills a woman during rape he gets harmed? What kind of drugs are you on? I can think of no other reason for such a stupid comment.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 07:07 pm
BillRM wrote:

You just can't stick to the topic can you? I wasn't talking about any ten year olds. I was talking about the article I posted. Surely, you are not as dense as you appear to be?

LOL we was talking about who care and who does not care about children being harm and my position that as long as the child is male you do not give a ****.
You show me where I said if the child is male I do not care? I would never say such a disgusting thing! The article I posted about the 200 women and children being raped included male children. You are so blinded by your bias it is depravity. May God have mercy on you.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 07:13 pm
@Arella Mae,
Since when do knives, guns, beatings, etc., have to do with normal interactions?

You mean you do not have sex with a few knives and guns laying around?

How strange of you. Normally when I had sex there is at least one revolter in reach and a shotgun in the bedroom closet.

Too bad there no longer private email working on this system so you could connect with Hawkeye and at least get to try out a few whips and chains.

Oh I just remember I need to change out the two batteries in the bedroom stun gun. Better sex by way of electric.

Hawkeye do you find that one 9 volt power stun gun or the higher power two batteries models give better results?
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 07:24 pm
BillRM wrote:

Since when do knives, guns, beatings, etc., have to do with normal interactions?

You mean you do not have sex with a few knives and guns laying around?

How strange of you. Normally when I had sex there is at least one revolter in reach and a shotgun in the bedroom closet.

Too bad there no longer private email working on this system so you could connect with Hawkeye and at least get to try out a few whips and chains.

Oh I just remember I need to change out the two batteries in the bedroom stun gun. Better sex by way of electric.

Does that get you off Bill? Talking filthy to a woman? Is that what does it for you? Do you think you are humorous perhaps? All you just accomplished was to prove to me and anyone else reading this post how depraved you really are. I pity people like you.
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 07:27 pm
@Arella Mae,
I pity people like you.
then why do you keep responding?
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 07:30 pm
dyslexia wrote:

I pity people like you.
then why do you keep responding?
That's a really good question. I keep responding because I have been raped in my life and quite honestly Bill and Hawkeye's cavalier attitude about rape really ticks me off. I am doing my best to keep from calling him names because no matter what, that's not right. Calling him depraved I think is just telling the truth. Dys, thanx for stepping in. Maybe I need to sit back and just be quiet for awhile.
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 07:43 pm
@Arella Mae,
You been rape that is sad but you need to try not to allow the rapist to control the rest of your life and how you view all men and the normal relationships between the sexes.

A very bad first wife had color my viewpoint toward all women but I do fight again that effect on me and from your postings you do not do so.

Arella Mae
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 07:52 pm
BillRM wrote:

You been rape that is sad but you need to try not to allow the rapist to control the rest of your life and how you view all men and the normal relationships between the sexes.

A very bad first wife had color my viewpoint toward all women but I do fight again that effect on me and from your postings you do not do so.

It is completely obvious to me now that you have read nothing of what I have posted about my rape. I do not allow anyone or anything to control my life. I do not view all men as rapists because of what one man did to me. I base my opinions about people individually. My opinionof you and Hawkey is strictly based on the posts you have made displaying your attitude about rape. The whole idea of rape seems to totally escape you and Hawkeye. Normal interactions it has been called.

Firefly has done an excellent job of trying to educate everyone interested on all aspects of rape, yet, you and Hawkeye have continually tried to derail the thread, talk filthy, make jokes, etc.

Bill, you go right ahead and think what you think. I will say this. I pray to God that you are never raped or that anyone you care about is never raped. I guess that is the only way you are going to understand how serious rape actually is.
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 09:28 pm

Prevalence of Marital Rape
Current studies indicate that as many as one in seven women have been sexually assaulted by their husbands. Marital rape is often used as part of a pattern of brutality by husbands who abuse their wives.

Consequences of Marital Rape
Marital rape is a brutal crime, often with more severe and long-lasting consequences to women than rapes by strangers or acquaintances. According to the US Department of Justices, more than 50% of spousal rapes and rapes by ex-spouses resulted in injury to the victim, as compared to 40% of all rape victims.

Some consequences of marital rape are as follows:

•Suicidal tendencies
•Long-term sexual dysfunction

The Offenders
Nicholas Groth, in his book, Men Who Rape, defines marital rape as forcible sexual assault on an unwilling partner. He states that “the refusal of sex is not, in and of itself, the reason for such assaults; rather it is how such denial is experienced by the offender in the context of the marital relationship.” Groth has postulated five belief systems held by men who rape their wives:

Men who hold this belief rule their wives and epitomize the image of the domineering, patriarchal spouse. These men believe they have the right to force their wives in sexual relations.

Men with this belief are insecure about their own personal worth. They believe that if a wife does not desire sex with her husband, then she doesn’t love him. He believes that if he forces sexual relations, that affirms his worth, even though she has “agreed” as a result of the force he used.

Many men believe that sex is a proof of manhood. For these men, sexuality is based on conquest and domination of a woman by a man.

For some men, sex is an expression of hostility, of punishing a wife, of teaching her a lesson. If the wife refuses sex, forcing her shows her who is “boss.”

Sex= “Cure–all”
For men who hold this belief, sex is a solution to a problem, a form of reconciliation. If the wife can be “persuaded” to engage in sexual relations, then he feels and believes that the marriage is okay.

Arella Mae
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 09:31 pm
Very interesting facts!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 06:18 am
@Arella Mae,
Firefly has done an excellent job of trying to educate everyone interested on all aspects of rape, yet, you and Hawkeye have continually tried to derail the thread, talk filthy, make jokes, etc.

Bill, you go right ahead and think what you think. I will say this. I pray to God that you are never raped or that anyone you care about is never raped. I guess that is the only way you are going to understand how serious rape actually is

I hope you are never accused of a crime you did not do that carry a sentence of 20 years to life and place your name in public disgraced and if and when it is found out that your accuser is lying the worst that will happen to them is a slap on the wrist.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 06:22 am
Prevalence of Marital Rape
Current studies indicate that as many as one in seven women have been sexually assaulted by their husbands. Marital rape is often used as part of a pattern of brutality by husbands who abuse their wives.

Bullshit and this is the kind of nonsense my friend you are claiming firefly is doing a good job of spreading.

What a fine anti-male education she is doing but then you or firefly will never need to worry about a husband now will you? How sad.

Note it is sad for you I would not wish any male the risk of having a sexual relationship with firefly she is one sick lady.
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 07:36 am
BillRM wrote:

Prevalence of Marital Rape
Current studies indicate that as many as one in seven women have been sexually assaulted by their husbands. Marital rape is often used as part of a pattern of brutality by husbands who abuse their wives.

Bullshit and this is the kind of nonsense my friend you are claiming firefly is doing a good job of spreading.

What a fine anti-male education she is doing but then you or firefly will never need to worry about a husband now will you? How sad.

Note it is sad for you I would not wish any male the risk of having a sexual relationship with firefly she is one sick lady.

Where are your statistics to backup your claim of "bullshit"? Anti Male? I don't feel that is the case at all. I have never read such foolish nonsense as I read from you.

The only one here that is sick, bozo, is you. What a bunch of crap you spread. Whatever is causing your braincells to disappear at an , apparently, rapid rate should be of concern to all that come in contact with whatever is causing this in you.

Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 07:53 am
One thing I had learn from my ex-wife that women will cheerfully lied during a divorce be that an assault that never happen my case or sexual abusing children by the husband in custody battles the numbers of such is 80 percents by some studies I had seen and now rape charges!

One in 7 husbands rape their wives my rear end.


False Rape Accusations May Be More Common Than Thought
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
By Wendy McElroy

Print ShareThisIs it the new 1-in-4 statistic?

I don't mean the widely-circulated '1-in-4 women will be raped in their lifetime' but a statistic that suggests '1-in-4 accusations of rape are false.'

For a long time, I have been bothered by the elusiveness of figures on the prevalence of false accusations of sexual assault. The crime of 'bearing false witness' is rarely tracked or punished, and the context in which it is usually raised is highly politicized.

Politically correct feminists claim false rape accusations are rare and account for only 2 percent of all reports. Men's rights sites point to research that places the rate as high as 41 percent. These are wildly disparate figures that cannot be reconciled.

This week I stumbled over a passage in a 1996 study published by the U.S. Department of Justice: Convicted by Juries, Exonerated by Science: Case Studies in the Use of DNA Evidence to Establish Innocence After Trial.

The study documents 28 cases which, "with the exception of one young man of limited mental capacity who pleaded guilty," consist of individuals who were convicted by juries and, then, later exonerated by DNA tests.

At the time of release, they had each served an average of 7 years in prison.

The passage that riveted my attention was a quote from Peter Neufeld and Barry C. Scheck, prominent criminal attorneys and co-founders of the Innocence Project that seeks to release those falsely imprisoned.

They stated, "Every year since 1989, in about 25 percent of the sexual assault cases referred to the FBI where results could be obtained, the primary suspect has been excluded by forensic DNA testing. Specifically, FBI officials report that out of roughly 10,000 sexual assault cases since 1989, about 2,000 tests have been inconclusive, about 2,000 tests have excluded the primary suspect, and about 6,000 have "matched" or included the primary suspect."

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The authors continued, "these percentages have remained constant for 7 years, and the National Institute of Justice's informal survey of private laboratories reveals a strikingly similar 26 percent exclusion rate."

If the foregoing results can be extrapolated, then the rate of false reports is roughly between 20 (if DNA excludes an accused) to 40 percent (if inconclusive DNA is added). The relatively low estimate of 25 to 26 percent is probably accurate, especially since it is supported by other sources.

Before analyzing the competing figures, however, caveats about the one just mentioned are necessary.

First, the category of 'false accusations' does not distinguish between accusers who lie and those who are honestly mistaken. Nor does it indicate that a rape did not occur, merely that the specific accused is innocent.

Thus, there is a drive by voices for reform, like the Innocence Institute, to improve eyewitness identification techniques within police departments.

For example, the Innocence Institute suggests "Police should use a 'double-blind' photo identification procedure where someone other than the investigator -- who does not know who the suspect is -- constructs photo arrays with non-suspects as fillers to reduce suggestiveness."

Second, even if false accusations are as common as 1-in-4, that means 75 percent of reports are probably accurate and, so, all accusations deserve a thorough and professional investigation.

Third, the 1-in-4 figure has 'fuzzy' aspects that could influence the results. For example, Neufeld and Scheck mention only sexual assault cases that were "referred to the FBI where results could be obtained."

It is not clear what percentage of all reported assaults are represented by those cases. As well, the terms 'rape' and 'sexual assault' are often used interchangeably, especially when comparing studies, and it is not clear that they are always synonyms for each other.

Nevertheless, the FBI data on excluded DNA is as close to hard statistics that I've found on the rate of false accusations of sexual assault.

Where do the other figures come from and why is there reason to doubt them? Let me consider the two statistics that I have encountered most often.

"Two percent of all reports are false."

Several years ago, I tried to track down the origin of this much-cited stat. The first instance I found of the figure was in Susan Brownmiller's book on sexual assault entitled "Against Our Will" (1975). Brownmiller claimed that false accusations in New York City had dropped to 2 percent after police departments began using policewomen to interview alleged victims.

Elsewhere, the two percent figure appears without citation or with only a vague attribution to "FBI" sources. Although the figure shows up in legislation such as the Violence Against Women Act, legal scholar Michelle Anderson of Villanova University Law School reported in 2004, "no study has ever been published which sets forth an evidentiary basis for the two percent false rape complaint thesis."

In short, there is no reason to credit that figure.

"Forty-one percent of all reports are false."

This claim comes from a study conducted by Eugene J. Kanin of Purdue University. Kanin examined 109 rape complaints registered in a Midwestern city from 1978 to 1987.

Of these, 45 were ultimately classified by the police as "false." Also based on police records, Kanin determined that 50 percent of the rapes reported at two major universities were "false."

Although Kanin offers solid research, I would need to see more studies with different populations before accepting the figure of 50 percent as prevalent; to me, the figure seems high.

But even a skeptic like me must credit a DNA exclusion rate of 20 percent that remained constant over several years when conducted by FBI labs. This is especially true when 20 percent more were found to be questionable.

False accusations are not rare. They are common.

Wendy McElroy is the editor of ifeminists.com and a research fellow for The Independent Institute in Oakland, Calif. She is the author and editor of many books and articles, including the new book, "Liberty for Women: Freedom and Feminism in the 21st Century" (Ivan R. Dee/Independent Institute, 2002). She lives with her husband in Canada.

Respond to the Writer

Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2010 08:11 am
Minor side note my wife a few years ago got her pocketbook stolen at the visitor center at Colonial Williamsburg.

One hell of a interesting place to visit in sprite of that however.

LOL and more LOL this post covering nothing but my wife getting her pocketbook stolen at the visitor center at Colonial Williamsburg got a neg one vote down.

I love the PC unthinking people on this thead.
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