Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Arella Mae
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 09:56 am
What is wrong with you? There is NOTHING EROTIC about rape! You continually try to make rape sound like an act of love between two people. I'm really disgusted by you. I know what it is like to be raped. Everytime you spew that disgusting rhetoric of yours I want to throw up. I am enjoying this thread other than for you and Bill is on ignore. It's kind of hard for me to follow along when he's on ignore but I am going to do the same to you.

Can't you take a hint? No one wants to talk about your "view". This is a thread about rape. Rapes that actually happen and how it effects people and how we can be more informed.

I swear Hawkeye, you talk like a rapist. You justify what they do, you blame the women, etc. When you can't speak to the truth you start attacking firefly personally. I don't know if you have ever raped anyone but you sure do seem to think a lot like them.

So, to save me from vomiting because of what you post. I am putting you in ignore with Bill. You should be quite comfortable there.
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 10:14 am
@Arella Mae,
Can't you take a hint? No one wants to talk about your "view". This is a thread about rape. Rapes that actually happen and how it effects people and how we can be more informed.

I swear Hawkeye, you talk like a rapist. You justify what they do, you blame the women, etc. When you can't speak to the truth you start attacking firefly personally. I don't know if you have ever raped anyone but you sure do seem to think a lot like them.

Interesting if you talk about the normal interactions between males and females they think that you are talking about rape.

Hell in the UK it would seems that two tens years olds and one eight years old playing doctor is now an attempted rape.

In any case, in my opinion, these ladies are two very cripple women who can never enjoy a normal relationship/partnership with a man.
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 10:38 am
Now firefly is posting attacks on our young men in the military that willing placed their lives on the line and in a sadly large numbers of case loss them in order to protect us all.

No shame at all in her heart.

You are apparently unconcerned with the welfare of women in the military--women who willingly place their lives on the line, and sometimes lose them, in the service of our country.

It is beyond shameful that you have no concern for these women, or for the fact that they are subjected to sexual assaults during their military careers.

Read the article again, you hypocrite. Read it as many times as it takes you to understand it.


Features » August 13, 2008
Why Soldiers Rape
Culture of misogyny, illegal occupation, fuel sexual violence in military
By Helen Benedict

An alarming number of women soldiers are being sexually abused by their comrades-in-arms, both at war and at home. This fact has received a fair amount of attention lately from researchers and the press — and deservedly so.

But the attention always focuses on the women: where they were when assaulted, their relations with the assailant, the effects on their mental health and careers, whether they are being adequately helped, and so on. That discussion, as valuable as it is, misses a fundamental point. To understand military sexual assault, let alone know how to stop it, we must focus on the perpetrators. We need to ask: Why do soldiers rape?

Rape in civilian life is already unacceptably common. One in six women is raped or sexually assaulted in her lifetime, according to the National Institute of Justice, a number so high it should be considered an epidemic.

In the military, however, the situation is even worse. Rape is almost twice as frequent as it is among civilians, especially in wartime. Soldiers are taught to regard one another as family, so military rape resembles incest. And most of the soldiers who rape are older and of higher rank than their victims, so are taking advantage of their authority to attack the very people they are supposed to protect.

Department of Defense reports show that nearly 90 percent of rape victims in the Army are junior-ranking women, whose average age is 21, while most of the assailants are non-commissioned officers or junior men, whose average age is 28.

This sexual violence persists in spite of strict laws against rape in the military and a concerted Pentagon effort in 2005 to reform procedures for reporting the crime. Unfortunately, neither the press nor the many teams of psychologists and sociologists who study veterans ever seem to ask why.

The answer appears to lie in a confluence of military culture, the psychology of the assailants and the nature of war.

Two seminal studies have examined military culture and its attitudes toward women: one by Duke University Law Professor Madeline Morris in 1996, which was presented in the paper “By Force of Arms: Rape, War, and Military Culture” and published in Duke Law Journal; and the other by University of California professor and folklorist Carol Burke in 2004 and explained in her book, Camp All-American, Hanoi Jane and the High-And-Tight: Gender, Folklore and Changing Military Culture (Beacon Press). Both authors found that military culture is more misogynistic than even many critics of the military would suspect. Sometimes this misogyny stems from competition and sometimes from resentment, but it lies at the root of why soldiers rape.

One recent Iraq War veteran reflected this misogyny when he described his Marine Corp training for a collection of soldiers’ works called Warrior Writers, published by Iraq Veterans Against the War in 2008:

The [Drill Instructor’s] nightly homiletic speeches, full of an unabashed hatred of women, were part of the second phase of boot camp: the process of rebuilding recruits into Marines.

Morris and Burke both show that military language reveals this “unabashed hatred of women” all the time. Even with a force that is now 14 percent female, and with rules that prohibit drill instructors from using racial epithets and curses, those same instructors still routinely denigrate recruits by calling them “pussy,” “girl,” “bitch,” “lady” and “dyke.” The everyday speech of soldiers is still riddled with sexist insults.

Soldiers still openly peruse pornography that humiliates women. (Pornography is officially banned in the military, but is easily available to soldiers through the mail and from civilian sources, and there is a significant correlation between pornography circulation and rape rates, according to Duke’s Morris.) And military men still sing the misogynist rhymes that have been around for decades. For example, Burke’s book cites this Naval Academy chant:

Who can take a chainsaw
Cut the bitch in two
**** the bottom half
And give the upper half to you…

The message in all these insults is that women have no business trying to be soldiers. In 2007, Sgt. Sarah Scully of the Army’s 8th Military Police Brigade wrote to me in an e-mail from Kuwait, where she was serving: “In the Army, any sign that you are a woman means you are automatically ridiculed and treated as inferior.”

Army Spc. Mickiela Montoya, who was in Iraq for 11 months from 2005-2006, put it another way: “There are only three things the guys let you be if you’re a girl in the military: a bitch, a ho or a dyke. One guy told me he thinks the military sends women over to give the guys eye candy to keep them sane. He told me in Vietnam they had prostitutes, but they don’t have those in Iraq, so they have women soldiers instead.”

The view of women as sexual prey has always been present in military culture. Indeed, civilian women have been seen as sexual booty for conquering soldiers since the beginning of human history. So, it should come as no surprise that the sexual persecution of female soldiers has been going on in the armed forces for decades.

• A 2004 study of veterans from Vietnam and all wars since, conducted by psychotherapist Maureen Murdoch and published in the journal Military Medicine, found that 71 percent of the women said they were sexually assaulted or raped while serving.

• In 2003, a survey of female veterans from Vietnam through the first Gulf War by psychologist Anne Sadler and her colleagues, published in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine, found that 30 percent said they were raped in the military.

• And a 1995 study of female veterans of the Gulf and earlier wars, also conducted by Murdoch and published in Archives of Family Medicine, reported that 90 percent had been sexually harassed, which means anything from being pressured for sex to being relentlessly teased and stared at.

• A 2007 survey by the Department of Veterans Affairs found that homelessness among female veterans is rapidly increasing as women soldiers come back from Iraq and Afghanistan. Forty percent of these homeless female veterans say they were sexually abused while in the service.

Defense Department numbers are much lower. In Fiscal Year 2007, the Pentagon reported 2,085 sexual assaults among military women, which given that there are about 200,000 active-duty women in the armed forces, is a mere fraction of what the veterans studies indicate. The discrepancy can be explained by the fact that the Pentagon counts only those rapes that soldiers have officially reported.

Having the courage to report a rape is hard enough for civilians, where unsympathetic police, victim-blaming myths, and the fear of reprisal prevent some 60 percent of rapes from being brought to light, according to a 2005 Department of Justice study.

But within the military, reporting is much riskier. Platoons are enclosed, hierarchical societies, riddled with gossip, so any woman who reports a sexual assault has little chance of remaining anonymous. She will probably have to face her assailant day after day and put up with resentment and blame from other soldiers who see her as a snitch. She risks being persecuted by her assailant if he is her superior, and punished by any commanders who consider her a troublemaker. And because military culture demands that all soldiers keep their pain and distress to themselves, reporting an assault will make her look weak and cowardly.

For all these reasons, some 80 percent of military rapes are never reported, as the Pentagon itself acknowledges.

This widespread misogyny in the military actively encourages a rape culture. It sends the message to men that, no matter how they feel about women, they won’t fit in as soldiers unless they prove themselves a “brother” by demeaning and persecuting women at every opportunity. So even though most soldiers are not rapists, and most men do not hate women, in the military even the nicest guys succumb to the pressure to act as if they do.

Of the 40 or so female veterans I have interviewed over the past two years, all but two said they were constantly sexually harassed by their comrades while they were serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, and many told me that the men were worse in groups than they were individually. Air Force Sgt. Marti Ribeiro, for example, told me that she was relentlessly harassed for all eight years of her service, both in training and during her deployments in 2003 and 2006:

I ended up waging my own war against an enemy dressed in the same uniform as mine. I had a senior non-commissioned officer harass me on a regular basis. He would constantly quiz me about my sex life, show up at the barracks at odd hours of the night and ask personal questions that no supervisor has a right to ask. I had a colonel sexually harass me in ways I’m too embarrassed to explain. Once my sergeant sat with me at lunch in the chow hall, and he said, ‘I feel like I’m in a fish bowl, the way all the men’s eyes are boring into your back.’ I told him, ‘That’s what my life is like.’

Misogyny has always been at the root of sexual violence in the military, but two other factors contribute to it, as well: the type of man who chooses to enter the all-volunteer force and the nature of the Iraq War.

The economic reasons behind enlistment are well understood. The military is the primary path out of poverty and dead-end jobs for many of the poor in America. What is less discussed is that many soldiers enlist as teenagers to escape troubled or violent homes.

Two studies of Army and Marine recruits, one conducted in 1996 by psychologists L.N. Rosen and L. Martin, and the other in 2005 by Jessica Wolfe and her colleagues of the Boston Veterans Affairs Health Center, both of which were published in the journal Military Medicine, found that half the male enlistees had been physically abused in childhood, one-sixth had been sexually abused, and 11 percent had experienced both. This is significant because, as psychologists have long known, childhood abuse often turns men into abusers.

In the ’70s, when the women’s movement brought general awareness of rape to a peak, three men — criminologist Menachim Amir and psychologists Nicholas Groth and Gene Abel — conducted separate but groundbreaking studies of imprisoned rapists. They found that rapists are not motivated by out-of-control lust, as is widely thought, but by a mix of anger, sexual sadism and the need to dominate — urges that are usually formed in childhood. Therefore, the best way to understand a rapist is to think of him as a torturer who uses sex as a weapon to degrade and destroy his victims. This is just as true of a soldier rapist as it is of a civilian who rapes.

Nobody has yet proven that abusive men like this seek out the military — attracted by its violent culture — but several scholars suspect that this is so, including the aforementioned Morris and Rutgers University law professor Elizabeth L. Hillman, author of a forthcoming paper on sexual violence in the military. Hillman writes, “There is … the possibility that the demographics of the all-volunteer force draw more rape-prone men into uniform as compared to civil society.”

Worse, according to the Defense Department’s own reports, the military has been exacerbating the problem by granting an increasing number of “moral waivers” to its recruits since 9/11, which means enlisting men with records of domestic and sexual violence.

Furthermore, the military has an abysmal record when it comes to catching, prosecuting and punishing its rapists. The Pentagon’s 2007 Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military found that 47 percent of the reported sexual assaults in 2007 were dismissed as unworthy of investigation, and only about 8 percent of the cases went to court-martial, reflecting the difficulty female soldiers have in making themselves heard or believed when they report sexual assault within the military. The majority of assailants were given what the Pentagon calls “nonjudicial punishments, administrative actions and discharges.” By contrast, in civilian life, 40 percent of those accused of sex crimes are prosecuted.

Which brings us to the question: Do the reasons soldiers rape have anything to do with the nature of the wars we are waging today, particularly in Iraq?

Robert Jay Lifton, a professor of psychiatry who studies war crimes, theorizes that soldiers are particularly prone to commit atrocities in a war of brutal occupation, where the enemy is civilian resistance, the command sanctions torture, and the war is justified by distorted reasoning and obvious lies.

Thus, many American troops in Iraq have deliberately shot children, raped civilian women and teenagers, tortured prisoners of war, and abused their own comrades because they see no moral justification for the war, and are reduced to nothing but self-loathing, anger, fear and hatred.

Although these explanations for why soldiers rape are dispiriting, they do at least suggest that the military could institute the following reforms:

• Promote and honor more women soldiers. The more respect women are shown by the command, the less abuse they will get from their comrades.

• Teach officers and enlistees that rape is torture and a war crime.

• Expel men from the military who attack their female comrades.

• Ban the consumption of pornography.

• Prohibit the use of sexist language by drill instructors.

• Educate officers to insist that women be treated with respect.

• Train military counselors to help male and female soldiers not only with war trauma, but also with childhood abuse and sexual assault.

• Cease admitting soldiers with backgrounds of domestic or sexual violence.

And last — but far from least — end the war in Iraq.

[Editor’s note: This article is adapted from The Lonely Soldier: The Private War of Women Serving in Iraq, to be published by Beacon Press in April 2009.]



You must often be the victim of female ridicule, BillRM, because you are such an out and jerk. Perhaps that is why you dislike women so much. It must be so hard for you to be outclassed by the women of this world--women who are smart, accomplished, self confident, attractive--the kind who'd never give you a second glance. Unfortunately, BillRM, size does matter to a woman--the size of a man's brain--and, on that score, you've been sorely shortchanged. You're probably shortchanged in the size of other body parts as well Laughing

From Arella Mae and me...

Arella Mae
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 10:52 am
I am thoroughly convinced that Bill and Hawkeye both would justify the actions of Andrew Luster. It doesn't matter who the man is, military, civilian, president, cop, etc. - IF HE RAPES HE NEEDS TO BE PROSECUTED.

I have a great deal of respect for our troops. But I would NEVER condone or justify a soldier raping someone because they are "over there" risking their lives.

Oh, and firefly, love that pic!
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 10:59 am
Love that your sources included the Duke university the same Duke University where 88 professors joined to hang completely innocents students charge with rape of a dancer/hooker by releasing an open statement title listening.

When it turn out beyond question that those young men was innocent not one of those professors feel that a public apology might be in order.

Instead they had the Duke University servers wipe out all copies of their public letter contained on their servers and someone had also gone to a great deal of trouble to suppress getting a hold of that letter internet wide.

Amazing that they had been able to pull off such an exploit.

The long and short of it any study done at the Duke University concerning sexual matters you can wipe your rear end with.

Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 11:16 am
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae, our female troops are being raped by the males in the military, and BillRM shows no concern about that at all. Neither BillRM nor Hawkeye can address the subject of rape because they both hate and fear women so much they really don't care when women become the victims of sexual assaults. I genuinely feel sorry for the women who have to live with both of them. Can you imagine what it must be like to live with a man who really doesn't like or trust a woman? No wonder BillRM has said his wife packs a gun. She knows who she's dealing with Laughing

The more Hawkeye and BillRM post, the more they look like jerks. They demonstrate why this thread has been necessary, so that's a good thing. And it is easy enough to ignore them--they just say the same old garbage over and over. You miss nothing by not reading their posts. You've heard it all already.

Glad you liked that picture. Instead of responding to BillRM with written comments, I might just keep posting that photo. Very Happy

Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 11:22 am
Nice picture of you, BillRM...

0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 11:23 am
Kindly please include me whenever you do post it! I feel sorry for them both also. But, there comes a time when you have to weigh things out and decide what a person really is about. It is not like people have not tried to reason with them to get them to understand the horrors of rape. They choose to continually deny it and blame it on the women. I would suspect honor killings are also okay in their book, judging from what they post.

The bible is right. The heart is deceitfully wicked, who can know it? Having no compassion on rape victims is just plain evil as far as I am concerned. They never even said "those poor children" when the articles about 200 women and children being raped were posted. They have no compassion for women and sadly, obviously none for children that are raped.

They are not the types of human beings I would want to know personally.
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 11:36 am
@Arella Mae,
I have a great deal of respect for our troops. But I would NEVER condone or justify a soldier raping someone because they are "over there" risking their lives.

But female troopers placing false charges in not a problem?

An air force study of over 500 such charges had found that at least 25 percent are false without question.

I would hate to be a sergeant with such females troops under me knowing that any time one of them get annoy at me she have a damn good chance of destroying a twenty year career if she would wish to try.

By the way, it is one of the jobs of sergeants to annoy the troops under them male or female troops.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 11:45 am
@Arella Mae,
The bible is right. The heart is deceitfully wicked, who can know it? Having no compassion on rape victims is just plain evil as far as I am concerned. They never even said "those poor children" when the articles about 200 women and children being raped were posted. They have no compassion for women and sadly, obviously none for children that are raped.

Women like you who have no compassion for young men who had ended up facing false charges of rape do tend to reduce the caring of males in general toward females rape victims.

Sadly that is human nature if you do not care about my problems why should I care about your.

However as we are all humans and any act that harm females harm males also and the reverse is of course also true.

Too bad you are so cripple you can not understand that concept.

Arella Mae
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 11:55 am
BillRM wrote:

The bible is right. The heart is deceitfully wicked, who can know it? Having no compassion on rape victims is just plain evil as far as I am concerned. They never even said "those poor children" when the articles about 200 women and children being raped were posted. They have no compassion for women and sadly, obviously none for children that are raped.

Women like you who have no compassion for young men who had ended up facing false charges of rape do tend to reduce the caring of males in general toward females rape victims.

Sadly that is human nature if you do not care about my problems why should I care about your.

However as we are all humans and any act that harm females harm males also and the reverse is of course also true.

Too bad you are so cripple you can not understand that concept.

I will probably be sorry for the fact I took you off of ignore to read your posts. I never said I have no compassion for men who are falsely accused of rape and neither has firefly. We have both said the OPPOSITE! It is wrong! The women should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If the woman is prosecuted and found guilty that goes a long way to restoring the man's reputation. BUT......................................


You and hawkeye are a disgrace to the real men of this world. Men that take responsibility for their own actions no matter what-men that know they don't need to conquer a woman or a child to be a man. A real man has compassion. Jerks have no compassion-only egos that allow them to blame anyone and everyone for their own flaws.

I doubt you are even married or in any relationship. No self-respecting woman would put up with the venom you spew.

And if you would dare compare the brutal rape of a child to a man being falsely accused of rape you are one sick puppy.
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 12:53 pm
@Arella Mae,
And if you would dare compare the brutal rape of a child to a man being falsely accused of rape you are one sick puppy.

Dragging two tens year olds into an adult court on charges of rape for playing doctor can indeed by compare to the harm of a child being rape.

It can scare those two boys for live and interfere with their normal sexual development into adulthood just as a rape can do to a child.

An what is worst instead of a sick person doing the harm it is instead a sick society doing the harm
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 01:03 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 01:37 pm

This website has been created by a concerned mother to increase awareness that women often make false rape charges, destroy the lives and reputations of innocent men, while the false accusers face no repercussions.

Innocent Men Slandered in
Air Force Academy Courts-martial

Some of the accused were innocent

Urgent Notice: Rape Letter

Some of the men accused of rape were innocent in the 2004 Air Force Academy onslaught of charges.

There were 56 cases of alleged sexual assault that allegedly happened between 1993 and 2000 at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Many of the females involved in the 56 cases of sexual assault were engaged in conduct such as drinking alcohol that could get them kicked out of the Air Force Academy.

Some – especially the young men falsely accused and their supportive families maintain that the Air Force Academy and its supervising Air Force commanders yielded to political pressure--at the expense of justice. They wonder if top Air Force brass buckled under political pressure when dozens of women claimed in early 2003 that the academy had not properly handled their sexual assault cases. When Congress applied political heat, top Air Force leaders pushed the academy commanders to find and prosecute the alleged offenders and bring their cases to court-martial.

But friends and families of the falsely accused men are not the only ones who urgently want their side of the story told. A number of attorneys who have represented men falsely accused of rape have become convinced of the reality of false rape charges and the damage they bring.

Accusers complain to press, but men's lives are ruined, too
Alleged victims have appeared on Oprah, on morning TV talk shows and have complained relentlessly to newspapers, some of whom have called the women "victims" instead of "alleged victims" — and ruining the lives of innocent men.

Some of the salient points from SECAF to Air Force Inspector General (Handling Of The Sexual Assault Cases At Air Force Academy, September 2004)-

*Air Force Academy Leaders took several steps between 1993 and 2003 to address the problem of sexual assault, indicating they took the issue seriously.

*No investigation found a single case where the Air Force Academy intentionally mishandled an investigation or covered up a known rape.

*Each year about two percent of the females report some sort of sexual assault, while at the average US College about three percent of female students report a sexual assault, indicating the AFA does a somewhat better job of preventing sexual assault than the average college.

*Out of 142 incidents reported over 10 years, the AFA found sufficient evidence to investigate 56. Of these, six resulted in Courts-Martial with one cadet being acquitted. Other cadets were expelled or received Non-Judicial Punishment (Article 15). This should put to rest the claim the AFA never punished a male cadet for sexual offenses.

*Many of the alleged victims have changed their stories over time and could not be corroborated by witnessed, making prosecution difficult. At least one soaked topless in a hot tub with her alleged rapist after the alleged rape. Others wrote e-mails indicating the sex was consensual. These suggest that some female cadets may have filed false charges to cover up their own misconduct, to manipulate cadets or to leave the Academy without having to pay for their education.

This site is dedicated to the awareness that false accusations of rape are common and a troublesome reality.

Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 01:54 pm
Same old, same old...


0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 01:56 pm
HRW: Sexism trumps justice in rape cases
Published: March. 7, 2010 at 10:05 PM

UNITED NATIONS, March 7 (UPI) -- Rape and sexual violence victims globally are denied justice because of gender discrimination and stigmatization, two reports presented in New York concluded.

Human Rights Watch, an international organization that advocates for human rights, presented the reports Sunday at the United Nations, as part of International Women's Day. The reports examined sexual violence worldwide, and specifically in Cambodia, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.

"In poor and rich countries alike, women who are raped or abused have little chance of seeing their attackers brought to justice," Widney Brown, Amnesty International senior director of international law and policy said. "It is shocking that in the 21st century with so much legislation designed to ensure women's equality, that virtually every government fails to protect women or to ensure that their abusers are held to account for their crimes."

The reports concluded that obstacles facing sexual abuse and domestic violence victims include "inadequate, negative or dismissive responses by police, medical and judicial personnel." Citing "pervasive indifference of authorities," Amnesty International said many women feel shame or blame themselves and don't report the crimes against them -- and when women do go to the police they rarely get "reparation and justice."
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 04:15 pm
I suppose Hawkeye and Bill would say this SIX YEAR OLD child obviously did something to be raped..............................SICKOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Arrest of third suspect in which illegal aliens repeatedly raped 6-year-old (w/video of arrest)
August 6, 2010 by randyedye

Police in Williamsburg, Va., have arrested a juvenile, whose name is being withheld due to his age for repeatedly raping a 6-year-old girl. His arrest comes after two others, Tito Guirao-Aguilar, 39, and Samuel Eli Jacobo-Guirao, 20, were apprehended for victimizing the girl.

Guirao-Aguilar has been charged with three counts of aggravated sexual battery of a person under the age of 13, and Jacobo-Guirao is charged with one count of rape of a person under the age of 13 and two counts of aggravated sexual battery of a person under 13.

Both men are being held in the Virginia Peninsula Regional Jail without bond. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has also placed a hold on them.

The most popular tourist destination in the state, Williamsburg has a growing crime problem attributable to its illegal alien population, who are largely employed by the hotel and restaurant industry.

On June 10, Williamsburg police arrested illegal alien Raul Vasquez-Garcia, 33, in front of the same apartment complex where he allegedly shot a man, a week earlier.

On the night of June 4, police arrived at the Village of Woodshire apartments on Merrimac Trail, they found a man suffering from two gunshot wounds. According to police, the man and Vasquez-Garcia had been arguing over a woman.

The victim was taken to a local hospital, where he recovered from his wounds and has since been released.

Vasquez-Garcia is charged with attempted murder, use of a firearm in the commission of a felony and assault.


Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 05:01 pm
@Arella Mae,
I suppose Hawkeye and Bill would say this SIX YEAR OLD child obviously did something to be raped..............................SICKOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Given that you have no problem with dragging two tens years old male children into an adult court and charging then with rape I would not talk.
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 05:13 pm
Given that you have no problem with dragging two tens years old male children into an adult court and charging then with rape I would not talk
What, AM does not make you feel ashamed??!!

I not only dont feel any shame, I firmly believe that my view on regulating human sexuality is rational, reasonable, and sane. In my view it is the rape feminists and their supporters who are deranged.
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2010 05:15 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

Given that you have no problem with dragging two tens years old male children into an adult court and charging then with rape I would not talk
What, AM does not make you feel ashamed??!!

I not only dont feel any shame, I firmly believe that my view on regulating human sexuality is rational, reasonable, and sane. In my view it is the rape feminists and their supporters who are deranged.
You just can't stick to the topic can you? I wasn't talking about any ten year olds. I was talking about the article I posted. Surely, you are not as dense as you appear to be?

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