Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 12:36 pm
If that's how you would describe a passionate woman, you truly have nothing but contempt for women.

Hawkeye has been labeled as deviant, in terms of his sexual views/behaviors/preferences by most people posting at A2K. I am hardly alone in my perceptions.

Rape is deviant behavior. Rape is not an expression of normal sexuality--it is an assault--it is a crime.

Rape is a crime rough sex and BDSM games or fantasy rapes is not a crime and who care what you or others think is deviant sexual behavior between two consenting or more adults for that matter is?
Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 12:43 pm
who care what you or others think is deviant sexual behavior between two consenting adults?

Awww...who cares what mean old firefly thinks. Laughing You are such a baby.

The point is, idiot, you don't have two consenting adults in a rape situation. Rape is not rough sex, it is a sexual assault upon an unwilling victim.
Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 12:46 pm
The point is, idiot, you don't have two consenting adults in a rape situation. Rape is not rough sex, it is a sexual assault upon an unwilling victim.

True however I do not remember Hawkeye claiming he had rape anyone.

Second non-consenting sex is illegally but it still is sexual driven to a large degree and to state otherwise is PC nonsense.
Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 01:04 pm

Second non-consenting sex is illegally but it still is sexual driven to a large degree and to state otherwise is PC nonsense.

Are you also turned on sexually by unwilling women in their 8o's and 90's?

How about gang raping a mentally retarded woman--for an entire day--does that turn you on sexually?

How about a frightened 11 year old? Does that thought give you a great orgasm?

Hawkeye actually understands rape better than you do. It is about "conquest"--the "sexual pleasure" in rape comes from overpowering and dominating the victim.

Rape is not a normal sexual act. It may involve sexual arousal, but only in the context of being able to dominate the victim. The domination of a victim is the sexual stimulus, and the source of the sexual satisfaction. Just the way that Jeffrey Dahmer found that eating the flesh of his victims was sexually arousing. Do you think that was normal? After all, eating is normal behavior, isn't it? Rolling Eyes

Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 01:10 pm
Are you also turned on sexually by unwilling women in their 8o's and 90's?

How about gang raping a mentally retarded woman--for an entire day--does that turn you on sexually?

How about a frightened 11 year old? Does that thought give you a great orgasm?

I am not but that hardly mean that others are not so turn on.

Hawkeye love for DBSM is not my cup of tea but that does not mean that he and his partners are not turn on by playing such games.

Sexual turnsons or offs depend on the person but it still a sexual turn on.

Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 02:26 pm
How do you know so much about the feelings and motives of rapists?

Have you met any? Spoken to any? Read anything a rapist has written?

The research on convicted rapists has found several important motivational factors in the sexual aggression of males. Those motivational factors repeatedly implicated are having anger at women and having the need to control or dominate them

Factors increasing men's risk of committing rape include alcohol and drug consumption, being more likely to consider victims responsible for their rape, being less knowledgeable about the impact of rape on victims, being impulsive and having antisocial tendencies, having an exaggerated sense of masculinity, having a low opinion on women, being a member of a criminal gang, having sexually aggressive friends, having been abused as a child and having been raised in a strongly patriarchal family.

Although there are many underlying motives behind why a man would rape, three of the most conspicuous are anger, power, and sadistic purposes. When an average person hears of a rape, he frequently assumes the offender was reacting to sexual frustration or that he was a demented sex-fiend harboring insatiable and perverted lasciviousness. The rape offender is often accused of being primarily motivated by sexual desires, and by committing the act of forced assault, he is gratifying only his sexual needs. On the contrary, according to A. Nicholas Groth and H. Jean Birnbaum, "Careful clinical study of offenders reveals that rape is in fact serving primarily nonsexual needs. It is the sexual expression of power and anger"
Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 03:11 pm

Am J Orthopsychiatry. 1990 Apr;60(2):268-80.
Motives and psychodynamics of self-reported, unincarcerated rapists.
Lisak D, Roth S.
Department of Psychology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.

Fifteen men, classified by self-report as rapists and attempted rapists, but who had never been arrested or convicted, were compared to a matched control group on standardized instruments and content-coded interviews. Differences in hostility toward women, power motivations, and hypermasculinity were similar to findings from studies of convicted rapists. However, results suggest a greater role for the father in the etiology of rape-associated dynamics than has previously been reported
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Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 03:19 pm
We haven't touched on the particular problems of women with disabilities, but women with such problems, which make them more vulnerable, are also more often the victims of rape.

This is from a Australian study, but the findings seem applicable to North America as well.


Barriers to justice when rapists attack women with disabilities: Australian report
By lauredhel on 19 October, 2009

“This young woman [“Caroline”] has cerebral palsy, is wheelchair bound, totally dependent on carers for her personal and daily living activities, and non-verbal. Cognitively very aware, she depends on assisted communication to enable her to communicate … Caroline was sexually assaulted by the taxi driver who picked her up from home and drove her to school …

Caroline uses a communication book to communicate, but her communication book did not have the vocabulary she needed to describe what had happened to her. Her communication book did not include words such as “penis” or “rape”, and police would not allow these words to be added after the incident, because as the police explained, in court this would be seen as leading the witness. (Excerpt from an interview with a support worker cited in Federation of Community Legal Centres, 2006, pp. 7–8).”

Suellen Murray and Anastasia Powell of the Australian Centre for the Study of Sexual Assault have just released a new report: “Sexual assault and adults with a disability enabling recognition, disclosure and a just response” [PDF].

This report starts to fill a huge gap in our knowledge of sexual violence in Australia. Although data in North America has shown that women with disabilities (WWD) are far more likely to experience sexual violence than those without, up until now there has been little or no systematic research into what is happening with WWD in Australia:

Despite being the major national data collection regarding the status and experiences of adults with a disability, the ABS Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers, does not invite participants to report on their experiences of violence or abuse.

Similarly, the ABS (2006) Personal Safety Survey report, which specifically investigates experiences of violence, does not identify the disability status of participants, and the International Violence Against Women Survey (IVAWS) specifically excluded women with an illness or disability from the sample for the survey (Mouzos & Makkai, 2004).

Therefore, despite evidence that approximately 20% of Australian women, and 6% of men, will experience sexual violence in their lifetime (ABS, 2006), there is no standard national data collection that includes the experiences of sexual violence amongst adults with a disability, or more specifically, the experiences of women with a disability.

There is one smallish South Australian study showing that adults with intellectual disabilities are over ten times more likely to have been sexually assaulted.

Particular risk factors include being female or being in residential care. This report recognises the spectrum of disability and victimisation, but concentrates on women with intellectual disabilities or severe communication or psychiatric disabilities, because of their particular vulnerability and difficulty in reporting.

The authors found that women in residential care are most likely to be sexually assaulted by male residents. Staff are another key perpetrator group. Women in their homes are mostly likely to be sexually assaulted by family members and partners. Family violence and paid-carer violence have been particularly ignored in the research literature.

Barriers to disclosure are a major problem. They include:

1. Ideas about WWD being particularly asexual, undesirable, dishonest, or promiscuous.

2. Inability of victims to identify their experience as grooming and sexual assault, due to lack of protective-behaviour and sexual education. (Issues of sexual agency are also touched on in the report.)

3. Punitive institutional responses to reports, including moving the victim rather than the assaulter, or locking victims in their rooms.

4. Dependence on perpetrators can leave victims unable to disclose because their care needs will no longer be met.

5. Communication difficulty, both practical and situational, related to disability or to physical and social isolation. Family carers or residential management act as gate-keepers and decision-makers, taking the power to report out of victims’ hands. Carers and workers lack training in appropriate responses to reporting.

The “gate-keeper” problem can lead to deliberate collusion, or to concealment in the name of “discretion”. Sexual assaults tend to be labelled as “incidents” rather than crimes. Forensic investigation can be delayed to the point of uselessness. Victims are often denied support, assistance, and counselling.

Solutions to disclosure barriers and to inappropriate and abusive responses to reporting can only work if they are pervasive and society-wide. At the moment, policy frameworks and procedural guidelines are patchy, resources are inadequate, and services are uncoordinated.

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Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 03:23 pm

Title: Convicted Rapists' Vocabulary of Motive: Excuses and Justifications (From Constructions of Deviance: Social Power, Context, and Interaction, P 261-277, 1994, Patricia A and Peter Adler, eds. -- See NCJ-151012)
Author(s): D Scully ; J Marolla

Note: Reprinted from Social Problems, V 31, N 5 (1984)

Annotation: Convicted rapists' accounts of their crimes include both excuses and justifications; those who deny what they did was rape justify their actions, while those who admit rape attempt to excuse it or themselves.

Five themes run through attempts to justify rape: (1) women are seductresses; (2) women mean yes when they say no; (3) most women eventually relax and enjoy the sexual act; (4) nice girls do not get raped; and (5) rapists are only guilty of minor wrongdoing. Men who admit to rape believe rape is morally reprehensible, but they explain themselves and their acts by appealing to forces beyond their control. Predominating excuses for rape are alcohol and/or drug intoxication and emotional problems. Men who deny rape indicate they sexually assault because their value system provides no compelling reason not to do so. Denial is buttressed by the cultural view of men as sexually masterful and women as coy but seductive. Justifications for rape are based on the belief that women are commodities, and the sexual objectification of women is an important factor that trivializes and perhaps facilitates rape. In general, rape has multiple causes and is influenced by a number of social factors.
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Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 03:34 pm
From today's news...a remorseful rapist

Rapist apologizes to victims at sentencing
Bobbie McGhee, of Springfield, gets life in prison.
Jess Rollins • News-Leader • September 3, 2010

A Springfield man who pleaded guilty to multiple counts of rape and burglary stood and wept in a Greene County courtroom Thursday minutes before receiving a life sentence.
"I want to apologize to the women. I'm sincerely sorry," said Bobbie McGhee, 48. He pleaded guilty in May to 12 felony counts, including burglary, sodomy and rape.
McGhee's voice cracked as the judge listened to his final statement. "I'm sorry to my family, and to their families, and to you, and to the court. That's all. Thank you."
Three of McGhee's victims stood and gave grim accounts of being violently attacked by a ski-masked man.
"I begged him to let me go," one said through tears. "I begged him not to rape me."
One woman was attacked entering her hotel room. Another was attacked leaving her apartment. One woke up in her own bed to a masked attacker holding her wrists.
McGhee removed peepholes from hotel room doors, allowing him to stalk his victims from outside before making his move.
One woman was pregnant when she was raped.
One was pulled to the floor by her hair before screaming and kicking herself free, but another couldn't escape. She said McGhee's training in restraint made escaping his grip difficult. McGhee was a correctional officer at the Ozark Correctional Center in Fordland at the time of his arrest.
The women complained of nightmares and post-traumatic stress. One said she was devoutly religious before the attack, but now questions her faith. One said she couldn't open a hotel room door without having a panic attack.
"I couldn't forget that day, even after I die," one said.
McGhee sat as still as stone while the women told their stories to the court.
Every victim and grief-stricken parent who spoke asked the judge to sentence McGhee to the harshest penalty possible.
"His freedom should not be an option," said one victim's statement, read aloud by Assistant Greene County Prosecutor Jill Patterson.
Patterson said she believed McGhee was remorseful for what he did, but he posed a dangerous risk to the community.
"He doesn't lack remorse; he lacks the ability to stop himself," she said.
McGhee's attorney, Stuart Huffman, argued his client had a turbulent life and asked Judge Calvin Holden to have mercy in sentencing.
Huffman said McGhee fought addiction to alcohol, drugs and pornography. He said his childhood was filled with physical and sexual abuse. He painted a picture of a haunted man who needed help.
"A life sentence isn't necessary," he said. "He has the ability to be rehabilitated."
Huffman asked for a 20-year sentence.
McGhee stood sharply and composed as the judge prepared to give his sentence.
"Someday, I hope he understands how much he has hurt these people," Holden said.
McGhee received six life sentences, which he will serve concurrently, and an additional 15 years for a charge of first-degree burglary.
Patterson said she is "satisfied" with the sentence even though the ruling leaves open a slim possibility of parole in McGhee's lifetime.
Patterson said she thought McGhee's victims were pleased.
"It's a nice start to closure," she said.

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Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 04:29 pm
several important motivational factors in the sexual aggression of males.

Firefly please read your own postings material as in the sexual aggression of males!!!!!![/size}

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Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 04:30 pm
BillRM wrote:

So you think that modern humans basic drives and desires are not the same as our stone age ancestors!!!!!!!!!!

How stupid can you be?

My mother told me not to argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

My mother was right.
Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 04:41 pm
An array of different genes probably moulds our sexual desire and behaviour, along with cultural expectations, upbringing and life experiences. But taboos around sex make the genetic underpinnings hard to research, says Dean Hamer of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, who authored a controversial study linking genetic variation to homosexuality3. "There's a cultural ban on sexuality studies," he says.

Hamer argues that such research is important because sex is a fundamental part of human behaviour and could, for example, explain why some people seek multiple sexual partners, which contributes to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Ebstein adds that people who aren't that excited by sex may find it reassuring to know that this may be partly down to their genes.

"The most important thing is it forwards scientific study of sexuality," Hamer says. "It's about time people started studying this stuff."

I believe that the only reason science has not proven a link back to our ancestors being the primary cause of the male urge to dominate his woman is that the Feminists refuse to allow it, they scream bloody murder when ever anyone strays from the script that it does not matter where this comes from, the only proper role for science is to help get rid of it.
Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 04:45 pm
Why are you writing that to me?

You are quoting something that I didn't write. Idiot.
Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 05:05 pm
You are quoting something that I didn't write. Idiot
So you did not mean to say that the idea that sexual aggression on the part of males is a link back to our ancestors is idiotic? How else am I too read your post that I responded to?
Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 05:35 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

You are quoting something that I didn't write. Idiot
So you did not mean to say that the idea that sexual aggression on the part of males is a link back to our ancestors is idiotic? How else am I too read your post that I responded to?

Don't be so presumptuous as to suggest what I meant to say when you don't have a flaming clue as to what I actually said. You ain't that smart.

Maybe you should go back and read it slowly so that you have at least a small chance of actually understanding what was written.
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Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 07:54 pm
An array of different genes probably moulds our sexual desire and behaviour, along with cultural expectations, upbringing and life experiences

Therefore, the need to dominate, or rape, women is also influenced by cultural expectations (which can contribute to negative or demeaning views of women, as well as exaggerated notions of "masculinity"), and upbringing and life experiences (abuse during childhood, etc.). Which is exactly what the research on rapists' motivations has revealed.

Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 08:06 pm
need to dominate, or rape, women

Interesting tie in dominate and rape as being one and the same in your eyes.
Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 08:17 pm
Rape is a form of domination.

Rape is the topic of this thread.

What's interesting is that you are too dumb to see the connection.
Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 08:22 pm
BillRM wrote:

need to dominate, or rape, women

Interesting tie in dominate and rape as being one and the same in your eyes.

There's a fine line between cuddling and holding someone down so they can't get away.
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