Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 06:50 pm
C'mon Bill. Kuhn got shafted by Lt. Jim Anuszkiewicz not by Ms Joseph.
This has 0 to do with a false rape accusation. Don't you read the pigeon droppings you post?
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 07:00 pm
Let me guess, Bill is still posting about false rape accusations? I don't know what it is going to take to get him to understand what the topic of this thread really is.
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Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 07:34 pm
Joseph was charged with filing a false report of a felony and convicted six months later, county court records show. Kuhn sued her and won a $1 million default judgment two months ago when she failed to respond to the suit.

Is this your idea of a man who was "victimized" by a false rape allegation?

He won a $1 million dollar judgment against the woman.

The rape allegation was not the source of his problems within the police department. It was known all along that her allegations were untrue.

Are you too dumb to even read and understand what you post?

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Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 08:12 pm

Man gets 336 years in prison for Lone Tree rape
By Howard Pankratz
The Denver Post

Posted: 09/03/2010 03:40:09 PM MDT

A man who attacked and sexually assault a 16-year-old girl in the parking lot of the Lone Tree Library was sentenced today to 336 years in prison.

The man, 27-year-old Scott James Sylvia, was found guilty in June of kidnapping, sexual assault, aggravated robbery, and two counts of second-degree assault. He was also convicted of retaliation against a witness or victim and first-degree criminal trespass, according to a release from the Douglas County District Attorney.

During the sentencing hearing, Judge Paul King told Sylvia that the crimes he committed against the 16-year-old were "unimaginable."

"The crime that you committed on the victim was brutal," the release quoted King as saying. "I cannot imagine the horror she must have felt when you sexually assaulted her."

The attack happened in the parking lot between the library and the Cook Creek pool about 5:10 p.m. on July 7, 2008.

The teenager called police about 5:30 p.m. saying she had been assaulted in her car.

Sylvia was arrested five days later after he was identified from library surveillance photographs and from DNA.

The Douglas County district attorney's office said that Sylvia pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity but was found sane by the jury.


More elderly women rape victims...


Man gets sentencing break for help in Pasco rape case
By TODD LESKANIC | The Tampa Tribune
Published: September 3, 2010

DADE CITY - A man whose testimony helped convict his two codefendants in the attack and rape of a 66-year-old Zephyrhills woman pleaded guilty to burglary today.

Andre Brathwaite, 21, was sentenced to 42 months in prison as part of a deal with prosecutors. He originally was charged with home invasion robbery and could have faced up to life in prison had he not cooperated with the state.

His codefendants, Bobby Lee Black III and Jathniel McMichael, are serving life sentences for the March 1, 2007, crime.

Black, 22, and McMichael, 21, also were sentenced to life for an attack on a 68-year-old Zephyrhills woman on March 27, 2007.

Brathwaite was not involved in the second incident.

Testimony showed Black, McMichael and Brathwaite were at a party the night before the March 1 attack. At Black's order, the men got into Brathwaite's car and drove to a parking lot near the mobile home park where the victim lived.

McMichael and Black left the car and were gone for about 20 minutes while Brathwaite waited. The victim testified she was awakened about 2 a.m.; a masked man was straddling her and holding a knife to her throat.

McMichael and Black pulled her out of bed and into her living room, where they took turns raping her. They left with her keys, camera and rosary beads.

The items were found six days later when a Zephyrhills police officer conducted a traffic stop on Brathwaite. Black was riding with Brathwaite.

The rosary beads were hanging from the car's rear-view mirror.


Morris guilty in day care '07 rape
Published: September 3, 2010

TAMPA - Kendrick Morris couldn't beat the odds.

A state crime analyst testified there was a 1 in 320 quadrillion chance - that's 1 in 320,000,000,000,000,000 - that someone other than the teen could have left the DNA profile found on a 62-year-old rape victim.

It was enough for a jury to convict Morris, 19, of the rape and three other charges after almost four hours of deliberation Thursday.

He faces up to life in prison for the assault at a Clair-Mel City day care center in June 2007.

Morris also is scheduled to stand trial this month in the rape and beating of a teenage girl who was dropping off books at Bloomingdale Regional Public Library in April 2008. Investigators say DNA also links Morris to that assault.

Hillsborough County Circuit Judge Chet A. Tharpe postponed sentencing in the day care rape until the conclusion of the library rape trial.

The victim broke into tears as the verdict was read and accepted hugs and pats. She had no comment as she was led from the courtroom by a victim's advocate.

Morris did not react as he listened to the verdict, other than tilting his head back. He did not testify during the four-day trial.

The side of the courtroom behind the prosecution table was packed with deputies, detectives and other prosecutors. On the other side, Morris' mother sat with two public defenders.

Like boxers going to their respective corners to await the next round, neither prosecutors nor defense attorneys had any comment as they filed out of the courtroom.

A quirk in the verdict means Morris faces more prison time for breaking into the day care center and trying to rob the woman than he does for raping her.

He was found guilty of armed burglary of a structure with assault while using a deadly weapon and wearing a mask. He faces life on that charge; the use of a knife and mask kicks up the punishment.

He was also convicted of attempted robbery with a deadly weapon while wearing a mask. That could bring a 30-year sentence; the use of a mask increases the penalty again.

Jurors convicted Morris of sexual battery rather than sexual battery with a weapon. That brought the crime down to a second-degree felony, which carries up to 15 years.

The victim testified that she saw the silver knife only when the attacker barged into the center.

Morris was also convicted of misdemeanor battery.

The victim told jurors she had arrived early at the Children's Lighthouse Day Care Center to prepare breakfast for the children who soon would be arriving. It was supposed to be her next-to-last day before retiring.

After opening the double-lock front door, the woman reached behind to close it when a man pushed his way inside.

She could not remember much about him, except that he was wearing a ski mask and had a knife in his right hand.

The man demanded money. When she said she didn't have much, he took her into a back classroom and raped her.

In closing arguments, prosecutors told jurors there was no doubt as to the attacker's identity.

They held up pictures of Morris. They stood over him and pointed at him. And they repeatedly flashed a huge poster board with his DNA profile. "This is the rapist," Assistant State Attorney Michael Sinacore said.

But Morris' lawyers told jurors they should not trust the DNA tests, pointing to testimony that the tests had to be done twice.

"If there is nothing wrong with this evidence, why are they being rerun?" asked Maria Pavlidis, an assistant public defender.

Sinacore said Morris left jurors enough to convict him: the DNA profile.

"The rapist left a calling card," he said. "That is what this case comes down to."

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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 08:16 pm
Okay, maybe it is me but raping children and the elderly has to be one of the most evil things committed! What is wrong with people? Lord have mercy on this wicked world. What on earth would a 21 year old male find attractive about an elderly woman? Just makes it more clear to me rape is not about sex. It's about power and control and it's disgusting!
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 08:16 pm
What a horror this poor woman has been through. It took great courage for her to testify against this man.


Broomall man charged in rape now faces murder plot rap
Friday, September 3, 2010


WEST CHESTER – A native of Sierra Leone who raped a fellow immigrant at her apartment in the borough, and who then tried to force the victim to keep quiet about his crime, has been charged with trying to hire a fellow inmate at Graterford state prison to kill her.

Foday Phillip Kanu, 37, formerly of Broomall, is currently awaiting a preliminary hearing in Montgomery County on charges of criminal solicitation to commit murder. The hearing is tentatively scheduled for Sept. 7 before District Magisterial Judge Albert Augustine of Skippack.

Kanu, who worked as a nursing assistant at a senior facility in West Goshen at the time of his arrest, is serving a 16- to 32-year sentence in state prison. He was found guilty of rape by forcible compulsion, sexual assault, aggravated assault, intimidation of witnesses, and false imprisonment in October in a trial that featured testimony about the cultural stigma and attitudes towards victims of rape in Sierra Leone, from which he and the victim in the case immigrated in the early 2000s.

In April, about one month after he was sentenced by Judge Ronald Nagle, Kanu allegedly approached another inmate at Graterford and told him Kanu asked him to kill the victim, whose name is being withheld by the Daily Local News, in exchange for $5,000.

Kanu said he wanted the murder to look like an accident, and that it had to occur before the date of his next court appearance, at which he intended to ask for a new trial, according to court documents.

“The bitch has to die,” Kanu is quoted as telling the inmate, whose name is being withheld because of concerns expressed by authorities for his safety.

In addition, prison authorities were able to intercept two letters from Kanu to his brother, Ibrahim Conteh, also asking that he make arrangements to have to victim killed. He apparently believed that he would win a new trial in the case and that with the victim out of the way, the case against him would be dropped.

“We take this very seriously, especially considering the defendant’s status as an inmate,” said Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney John Gradel, who is prosecuting the case. He said that Chester County authorities had taken steps to insure the victim’s safety, but did not specify what had been done.

Chester County Assistant District Attorney Deborah Ryan, who prosecuted the rape case against Kanu and who had called the victim’s travails “the stuff of novels,” was cautious when responding to questions Friday about the mater. She confirmed that the victim had been relocated by county authorities because of fears for her safety, but declined to discuss her whereabouts.

“She is completely distraught,” Ryan said.

Indeed, the victim had undergone severe trauma concerning the July 2008 rape in its aftermath not only because of the attack itself but because of the pressures placed on her by family and friends – both hers and Kanu’s – to maintain silence about the rape and to accept Kanu as her “husband.” In her testimony, she described being targeted by Kanu’s supporters with voodoo practices and tribal religious rites to get her to recant.

In one incident, she was driven to a home in Philadelphia where several of Kanu’s friends and family berated her and tried to get her to have the charges against him dropped.

Ryan, in describing the woman’s demeanor at the time, recalled for the jury in the case the victim hiding under a conference table in her office, paralyzed by fear, when she first met her. She initially declined to appear at one preliminary hearing for Kanu, and not until early 2009 could she summon the courage to appear in court and testify about what happened.

Kanu appeared in Common Pleas Court at the Chester County Justice Center on Tuesday for a hearing on his motion for a new trial. When Ryan told Nagle of the pending solicitation to murder charges, his attorney, Jack McMahon of Philadelphia, expressed surprise.

“I didn’t even know about that factor,” McMahon told Nagle.

According to a criminal complaint filed by state Trooper Keith Verbilla, he was initially contacted on April 28 by Chester County Detective Harold "Butch" Dutter, who informed him of contact he had had with the mother of an inmate at Graterford about the alleged murder contract.

Verbilla interviewed the inmate on May 15, at which time the man told him of conversations he had with Kanu. He said Kanu had first offered him $5,000 for the alleged “hit,” but later dropped that to $2,500. He said the two had between six and eight conversations about the request to have the victim killed.

Earlier, a corrections official had given Verbilla copies of two letters written by Kanu to his brother. In them, Kanu said he was going to be deported unless he was able to have the charges against him dismissed,

“If she die, I will still have to put the government in court,” Kanu allegedly wrote. “Without (her) they have no case against me. That is why I don’t mind to spend $10,000 to pay somebody to kill her before the next trial.”

In June, state police monitored a wiretapped conversation between Kanu and the inmate he tried to recruit. In it, Kanu is heard telling the man, I want it done right now, I’m not gonna wait for the conviction to be overturned.” He said he would pay either $4,000 or $4,500.”

In her testimony at trial, the woman said both she and Kanu had come from Sierra Leone after winning a government lottery that guaranteed them a United States visa. They met at work in 2005 when she lived in West Chester. But then after he began borrowing large sums of money from her and not repaying it, she said she confronted him. Growing angry, he forced her to have sex with him — assaults she said occurred over a period of months.

The rape for which Kanu was found guilty occurred on July 21, 2008. The woman said she had come home from a long day of going to work and to school and began to make dinner — a pot of African oatmeal. She said that Kanu snuck up on her while she was in the kitchen, grabbed her and forced her into her bedroom, where he pushed her onto a mattress. She struggled but at some point saw a knife on the mattress and gave up the fight.

At the court proceeding on Tuesday, McMahon argued that Kanu had not been given a fair trial because his attorney, Jacob Gurwitz of Reading, did not call any witnesses on his behalf. Nagle, however, said such an argument normally is made in a post-conviction motion to state Superior Court, and told McMahon he would rule later on whether McMahon would have to go that route.

More than a dozen of Kanu’s supporters appeared in the courtroom. The victim did not.
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 08:25 pm
Rape is so hard to explain to someone that has never experienced it. I think if everyone really understood what it does to a person, whether it be man or woman, perhaps sentences would be more harsh across the board. Why do rapists think they can do these things and get away with them? Thank God for the women who report rapes no matter the cost to them because in doing so, they may be saving other women from the same fate.
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Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 08:50 pm
@Arella Mae,
It's definitely not about sex, Arella Mae. Women in their 80's and 90's are being raped--frequently. The more vulnerable and frail the woman, the easier to rape her.

It's all about power and control, and often, degradation of the woman as well. Consider this fairly recent news story...10 young men gang raped a mentally disabled woman. Do you think they even thought of her as being a person, or was she just a piece of meat to them?


2 held, more sought in rape of disabled woman
April 23, 2010 2:55 PM

For at least a day they took turns raping a severely handicapped woman in a South Side basement as others looked on, prosecutors say.

Two suspects -- Phillip Brown, 17, and Rajah Latimore, 18 -- appeared in court today on charges of aggravated criminal sexual assault and aggravated kidnapping. Police are still looking for up to eight others.

The 18-year-old victim, who prosecutors said has the mental capacity of a 6- to 8-year-old and has bi-polar disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, had taken the trash out Monday without telling her mother.

When she didn't return, her mother called 911, reported her missing and began posting fliers around the neighborhood.

Brown and someone whose identity is unknown lured the victim to the basement of a building in the 5600 block of South Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Assistant State's Attorney Iris Ferosie said at the men's bond hearing this afternoon.

The victim was raped repeatedly by a succession of men, Ferosie said.

The victim was found walking near the home of her attackers on Tuesday. She took police to the scene, where they found Brown, Latimore and alleged evidence of the crime, Ferosie said. The woman identified them at the scene and later picked them out of a photo array, according to the prosecutor.

Neither suspect has any previous criminal history, Ferosie said.

Brown is attending Kennedy King College, while Latimore is a student at the Chicago Public School's Dawson Technical Institute.

Associate Judge Peggy Chiampas ordered both men held on $750,000 bail.


And this woman, who is also emotionally disturbed, was being raped in broad daylight, while cars were passing by, and no one stopped to help her.


Ohio rape victim: No one came to my rescue
Disabled woman says she yelled for help on street during daylight attack
.updated 1/21/2010 2:31:29 PM ET

TOLEDO, Ohio — A woman who said she was raped along a street in daylight as motorists drove past is upset that no one came to her rescue.

The 26-year-old woman told The Blade newspaper in an interview published Thursday that she yelled for help and noticed at least two cars drive by. Police arrested a teenage boy who lives nearby in the alleged attack.

"I'm ticked off because people were doing nothing. Just driving by. What kind of humans are we becoming?" she said.

The woman said she was attacked Tuesday afternoon as she was walking from a friend's house to a library in a neighborhood of densely packed detached homes. The assailant had a pair of scissors and said he would cut her if she made a sound, the woman said.

She said after the assailant fled, she asked a pedestrian talking on his cell phone if she could use the phone to call for help. He kept walking, she said.

Police said several drivers saw the attack and some called 911, but the witnesses were unsure if the public act was consensual and might not have been aware that they were witnessing a rape. One driver slowed down and beeped the car horn; another turned around to return to the scene and saw a person running away, police said.

Detectives got a description of the suspect from witnesses, interviewed neighbors and school officials and later arrested Anferney Fontenet, a 15-year-old boy, at his house, where he lives with his mother and sister, Sgt. Sam Harris said Thursday.

Fontenet was arraigned in juvenile court on charges of rape and robbery. It wasn't immediately clear if he had an attorney. Prosecutors said Thursday they would seek to have Fontenet tried as an adult.

Harris said the teen confessed but offered no motive.

"He told us that he saw the woman walking alone on the street and in his mind he determined that he was going to have sex with her," Harris said.

Fontenet told police he was aware of car horns beeping but didn't stop his attack, Harris said. He also took the woman's cell phone when it rang during the attack, police said.

The boy, who was being held in a juvenile detention center, doesn't have a criminal record.

The woman's mother told The Blade that her daughter lives in a group home and has bipolar disorder and Asperger's syndrome.

The newspaper didn't identify the woman, citing its policy of not naming alleged rape victims. The Associated Press also doesn't name those who say they have been sexually assaulted.

It really is sickening to read these things. But this is what is going on. In order to understand the scope of rape we have to read about it. It is an ugly crime.
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 09:00 pm
I cannot imagine the horror of those in the second article. That made me cry. How can anyone have absolutely no compassion? I don't get it. I try to look for the good in everyone but everyday I find out there just is no good in some people. Those poor girls!
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Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 03:48 am
Rape is not an act of sexual desire sound good but seems unlikely to be true.
It sounds ridiculous, like those who make the claim must not know a damn thing about good sex. The conquest and ravishment of the female by the male I'll bet is an Archetype of sexual conduct that goes back at least to the stone age. The feminists think that they can change all that by telling a morality tale and making law against it. NOT!
Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 05:53 am
hawkeye10 wrote:

Rape is not an act of sexual desire sound good but seems unlikely to be true.
It sounds ridiculous, like those who make the claim must not know a damn thing about good sex. The conquest and ravishment of the female by the male I'll bet is an Archetype of sexual conduct that goes back at least to the stone age. The feminists think that they can change all that by telling a morality tale and making law against it. NOT!

Most of us have come out of the stone age. It is time for you, and those like you, to do the same.
Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 05:59 am
Most of us have come out of the stone age. It is time for you, and those like you, to do the same.

The human body is the same now as in the stone age with the same basic drives and desires as our ancestors.

On it face your comment is therefore as silly as the women on this thread if not more so.
Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 06:05 am
Nothing you have to say is of any concern to me. You have an opinion on everything and know nothing.

The human body is the same? You are a laugh a minute. If you had half the brain as the women on this thread you would be very fortunate. As it is, you are not even in the same league and fail miserably when you get up to bat.
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Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 09:04 am
those who make the claim must not know a damn thing about good sex. The conquest and ravishment of the female by the male I'll bet is an Archetype of sexual conduct that goes back at least to the stone age. The feminists think that they can change all that by telling a morality tale and making law against it. NOT!

If you consider rape, any type of rape, to be "good sex", you are really a deviant. And your degree of deviance prevents you from any objective consideration, or understanding, of the topic of rape.

The conquest and ravishment of the female by the male

Is YOUR fantasy of "good sex"--putting you in the company of male gorillas, or male dogs mounting a female in heat. Normal men understand that "conquest and ravishment" of a woman is an unwanted assault and not a sexual relationship of any type--there is no relationship in an assault, there is a victim of an attack and an aggressor. Normal women do not seek unwanted sexual contacts of any type. Normal men get no sexual pleasure when forcing their penis into an unwilling victim. Normal men want willing partners not victims.

Do women in their 80's and 90's provide "good sex" when they are raped? Does the thrill of "conquest" heighten your sexual pleasure when you think of such victims struggling against you?

Jeffrey Dahmer was sexually aroused by eating the flesh of victims he had murdered. Does the thought of that turn you on too? Isn't that sort of cannibalism the ultimate "conquest"? Is anything that heightens sexual pleasure good and acceptable in your mind? Just how deeply perverted are you?

It is really a misnomer to consider you a cave man. Cave men behaved normally and appropriately for the time in which they lived. There is no reason to believe that they had to sexually assault their partners. There is no reason to believe that the women of that era were not willing participants in the sexual act.

Your thinking, unfortunately, is quite deviant for the considerably more civilized era in which you live. You are much closer to the typical male chimpanzee than to a cave man in terms of how you view females. You are constantly in competition with other males. It is to those other males that you must prove your prowess, sexually and otherwise. "Conquest" of the female only provides you with a trophy you can display to other males. Once "conquered" that female serves no other purpose for you. She becomes another notch in your belt to bolster your very fragile sense of masculinity. You crave the acceptance of other males. The female is almost irrelevant except as a masturbatory device for you to use.

You want other men to acknowledge your power. Your ultimate "conquest" would probably be the rape of another male. Deep down you are the most inadequate of men, and you hate women because you foolishly see them as the cause of your inadequacy. You could sexually "conquer" thousands of women and you would still remain inadequate and insecure as a man. Women are not the source or the cause of your inadequacy. It is other men. And, in the eyes of other men, you will never measure up because they can see right through you. They see the sniveling coward beneath the false bravado and the macho swagger. Every man at A2K has recognized you for what you are. And few, if any, have any respect for you at all.

You need to rant against those alleged, and somewhat imaginary "feminists" so you can continue to believe that the women are the source of your problems. Do you, or did you, actually fear or hate your mother that much? You act like all women are your mother--all powerful and all-withholding--and you are still a scared and impotent little boy who is controlled by them. And you hate them for making you feel weak. So, playing video games, or BDSM games, lets you temporally escape that sense of impotence. But, with every post you make, you announce just what an inadequate male you are. You are the victim of your own stunted emotional development and you whine and whimper incessantly like the weak and juvenile boy you really are. Thread after thread you whine.

In the real world, against real men, you just don't measure up. And everyone here knows that. You expose your indequacies with every post you make.

Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 11:36 am
Firefly I would bet a large sum of money that you have never been in a long lasting sexual partnership with a man.

In any case I am not into the BDSM scene like Hawkeye however in my life I had run into more then one woman that demand very rough sex.

Seem like there is a fairly large subset of women who wish to act in the manner of a bitch in heat.

So your judgment of what is deviant in human sexuality is hardly the governing one for men or for women, even if you think it should be.
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 12:29 pm
Oh you tell him sistah! Any man or woman for that matter that actually gets sexually excited because of violence is sick! It is not normal. Sex between a man and a woman is supposed to be a loving thing, not a violent degrading act.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2010 12:30 pm

Seem like there is a fairly large subset of women who wish to act in the manner of a bitch in heat

If that's how you would describe a passionate woman, you truly have nothing but contempt for women.

Hawkeye has been labeled as deviant, in terms of his sexual views/behaviors/preferences by most people posting at A2K. I am hardly alone in my perceptions.

Rape is deviant behavior. Rape is not an expression of normal sexuality--it is an assault--it is a crime.

And it is rape and rape victims we have been discussing in this thread. Hawkeye attempts to make it seem as though there is something normal about rape, and he has said so repeatedly. He has referred to it as an "intimate relationship" and insisted that the compulsion to "conquer" and "ravish" unwilling females is something inherent in the "masculine" genetic makeup. He has clearly said that the "conquest" is the best part of sex for him. Well, that just about makes great ongoing sex, with a more than willing partner, particularly in a marriage, just about impossible, because there is no "conquest". Hawkeye needs prey---he needs to "conquer" --he thinks like a rapist, and not a sexual partner.

I've never doubted for a moment that you, too, have substantial sexual problems and problems in your relationships with women. That's why you harp on male victimization. You and Hawkeye both feel victimized by women. Two whining wimps who fear and dislike women. The two of you are a great pair.

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