Is Iran still a threat?

Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 07:30 pm
Pinochet73;47866 wrote:
We've never been. Who told you that? The entire story of the Americas is drenched in blood.:no:

"In the United States, this foreign policy (non-interventionalism) has been advocated at various times in the country's history, notably during the first century of US history. George Washington, the first US President, advised the country to avoid "foreign entanglements". Thomas Jefferson favored "peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none." John Quincy Adams wrote that the US "goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy."

0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 07:30 pm
Pinochet73;47860 wrote:
Look at you -- the perfect Muslim sympathizer. You went native.

You are a terrorist enabler. You spread hate, and distrust, and bigotry, and that is EXACTLY what terrorist want to see in America. YOU enable their ideology to spread.

I sympathize with people who's country we are tearing apart, and killing by the thousands, who have NEVER attacked America. Who the **** are we to take our personal agenda to wreck havoc on their land to make giant corporation billions of dollars at the expense of OUR soldiers lives, and their civilians lives. YOU and YOUR hatred are a disease that needs to be cured.
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 01:33 am
We cannot allow our selves to be scared by all of the possible who/what/where/when/whys and hows. That makes us weak. We cannot start running around screaming terrorist every time someone could have maybe at some point done something wrong. That is a pretty horrible way to live your life. Iran may not be at the top of our list as far as terms go but we cannot start rattling our scabbard at them and tell them they had better shape up or they are gonna get the U.S. special. Living in Fear is no way to live at all. If we are the all powerful, the only remaining super power then what do we have to be afraid of?

On a side note, Pino stating that 92b went native is one of the most offensive things I have heard. No one has a right to say that about anyone, more over if you your self have not been there. I my self have never served but I do serve my country with my current employer serving Veterans just like 92 and you your self if you have served. You are doing all of them a great disservice by saying that about anyone. Any sliver of respect that you had in my eyes is now gone. I know that you dont care but just know that what you said is not to be taken lightly.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 10:49 am
Drakej;47889 wrote:
We cannot allow our selves to be scared by all of the possible who/what/where/when/whys and hows. That makes us weak. We cannot start running around screaming terrorist every time someone could have maybe at some point done something wrong. That is a pretty horrible way to live your life. Iran may not be at the top of our list as far as terms go but we cannot start rattling our scabbard at them and tell them they had better shape up or they are gonna get the U.S. special. Living in Fear is no way to live at all. If we are the all powerful, the only remaining super power then what do we have to be afraid of?

I completely agree :thumbup:
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 10:57 am
On a side note, Pino stating that 92b went native is one of the most offensive things I have heard.
Why is it not ok for Pino to say it but not one word when 92 does? "You are a terrorist enabler"?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 11:22 am
DurtySanches;47928 wrote:
Why is it not ok for Pino to say it but not one word when 92 does? "You are a terrorist enabler"?

calling someone a "terrorist enabler" is hardly comparable to calling them someone who "went native".
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scooby-doo cv
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 11:46 am
Pinochet73;47860 wrote:
Look at you -- the perfect Muslim sympathizer. You went native.

pino take your head out your arse,and go play soldiers with your guns,its well seen you worked in latin-america,i think you got sent to the same training camps,the US used to train guys like norieaga and other right-wing fascist nutters down there.
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 12:03 pm
Being an enabler is not the same as referring to someone going native. Terrorists want to strike terror into us, crazy where they came up with the name eh. They win every time someone is afraid to step outside, get on an airplane that sort of thing. That is a terrorists goal is to instill fear and terror, to disrupt our daily lives. American threating to kick everyones ass over hearsay and "well they could have" mentality to me is absolutely living in fear. Where the more realistic threat is the Dollar finally hitting rock bottom, poverty and illiteracy grows. A prison population that is out of hand. Those concern me much much more than what Iran could have maybe done in 10 years.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 05:00 pm
Being an enabler is not the same as referring to someone going native.
How so?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 05:13 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;47939 wrote:
pino take your head out your arse,and go play soldiers with your guns,its well seen you worked in latin-america,i think you got sent to the same training camps,the US used to train guys like norieaga and other right-wing fascist nutters down there.

Just remember all the lame crap you Brits have done in your rather long exercise of global power. Don't preach to me, Limey.
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 05:17 pm
92b16vx;47873 wrote:
You are a terrorist enabler. You spread hate, and distrust, and bigotry, and that is EXACTLY what terrorist want to see in America. YOU enable their ideology to spread.

I sympathize with people who's country we are tearing apart, and killing by the thousands, who have NEVER attacked America. Who the *** are we to take our personal agenda to wreck havoc on their land to make giant corporation billions of dollars at the expense of OUR soldiers lives, and their civilians lives. YOU and YOUR hatred are a disease that needs to be cured.

I think your only relief is to be found in actually joining Al Qaeda. Only then will you be able to breathe and loosen up. You must be hell to live with. :no:
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 05:23 pm
Pino you seem to be hung up on this, if you do not want to see the M.E. as a whole nuked into nothing you must be with them. Just because you want something better does not mean you are not a patriot or that you hate this country and wish to see it burn to the ground. Being intolerant to other peoples ideals is a lot like those who wish to see the west fail.
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 05:51 pm
Drakej;48003 wrote:
Pino you seem to be hung up on this, if you do not want to see the M.E. as a whole nuked into nothing you must be with them. Just because you want something better does not mean you are not a patriot or that you hate this country and wish to see it burn to the ground. Being intolerant to other peoples ideals is a lot like those who wish to see the west fail.

I'm overreacting to the Bush Derangement Syndrome that so many have come down with lately. I hear all day long -- 'BUSH IS SATAN. BUSH IS ANOTHER HITLER. HILLARY WILL MAKE IT ALL BETTER. AMERICA IS DEMONIC'. It makes me sick.
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 06:19 pm
It is everyones right to disagree with someone or someones actions. I do not see people flying off the handle and screaming bush sucks at the top of there lungs. Maybe I am not as good at reading between the lines as you but several intelligence agency's have also stated that Iran has stopped its nuclear development. It seems to me that this was the only reason we where going to step in and deal with Iran. Because they have stopped production what reason do we have to be there? They are doing what they have been doing for decades.
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Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 09:09 pm
Pinochet73;48020 wrote:

I don't think anyone here has said a single thing you have mentioned.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Dec, 2007 12:19 am
Pinochet73;48000 wrote:
I think your only relief is to be found in actually joining Al Qaeda. Only then will you be able to breathe and loosen up. You must be hell to live with. :no:

Kill yourself you ******* bigot ****. I watched my friends die because warmonger fuckheads like you puke up your vile, chickenshit, ignorant, blind hatred. You haven't done **** in the "war on terror", you are a ******* useless rhetoric spewing douchebag. You sit behind your computer crying about morals, talking about the mass murder of a whole race, and religion, and call yourself a christian, you are ******* disgusting. I **** on people like you.
Reply Sun 9 Dec, 2007 05:47 am
92b16vx;48045 wrote:
Kill yourself you ***ing bigot ***. I watched my friends die because warmonger ***heads like you puke up your vile, chicken****, ignorant, blind hatred. You haven't done **** in the "war on terror", you are a ***ing useless rhetoric spewing douchebag. You sit behind your computer crying about morals, talking about the mass murder of a whole race, and religion, and call yourself a christian, you are ***ing disgusting. I **** on people like you.

You're saying what we're all thinking. I love watching hypocrisy getting bitch slapped.
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scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 9 Dec, 2007 09:55 am
Pinochet73;47999 wrote:
Just remember all the lame crap you Brits have done in your rather long exercise of global power. Don't preach to me, Limey.

hey pino,i have said before,i hate imperialism,the old british empire has a lot to answer for,stay out of other country's affairs :thumbup:
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 9 Dec, 2007 09:57 am
Pinochet73;48000 wrote:
I think your only relief is to be found in actually joining Al Qaeda. Only then will you be able to breathe and loosen up. You must be hell to live with. :no:

Behave yourself,you big baby :wtf:
Reply Sun 9 Dec, 2007 12:28 pm
92b16vx;48045 wrote:
Kill yourself you ***ing bigot ***. I watched my friends die because warmonger ***heads like you puke up your vile, chicken****, ignorant, blind hatred. You haven't done **** in the "war on terror", you are a ***ing useless rhetoric spewing douchebag. You sit behind your computer crying about morals, talking about the mass murder of a whole race, and religion, and call yourself a christian, you are ***ing disgusting. I **** on people like you.
Looks like some one is getting a little emotional? I believe personal attacks are not allowed, mods?

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