Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2008 04:03 pm
rugonnacry;51335 wrote:
Plausible deniability would be someone else made the decision without telling him In this case he did the job we the American people hired him to do. He has to make the tough decisions he has that burden of the job. He made the BEST informed decision possible, and it turns out the information was wrong. IMPEACH HIM for having faulty information. (STRONG SARCASM)

My countrymen died doing there job... Who the hell are you to take away from the importance of their sacrifice and handing out the dishonor to the job they did by labeling it a LIE. Answer this question. Would the world be a better place if Saddam was still alive and in control?

Thousands of innocent iraqis died, do I care. I care as much as saying I dont wish death on them, the world is NOT a better place with death of INNOCENTS. But I think the greater atrocity would be the death of iraqis in the ratio that Saddams regime was dropping them off. Roughly 5 to 1 (ssddam to current respectively.)

"if this war is so great then why arent you in Iraq fighting it?, you believe it's the right thing to do than do it or shut up."

That comment is so dripping with ignorance it made me gag.

It is the right thing to do and I support it. I have to be inthe millitary to express my support?

If its so wrong WHAT ARE YOU DOING to NOT support it? besides posting your disgust on this message forum? Either YOU do something to stop it or YOU shut up.

you have to be ignorant to believe ANYTHING coming from the mouth of someone with an agenda.

OUR country would be MUCH better off if we did not depose Saddam Hussein, and seriously if the Iraqi's cared enough to do that particular job for themselves, they would have done it. How many of Saddams parades through the streets of bagdhad do you need to see on CNN with him surrounded by hundreds of people armed with AK-47's to know they didn't want him dead?

if Kuwait wanted protection they would have built a national defense budget and had an army that THEY pay for, not have us do it for them.

if saudi Arabia wants our troops in their country than they need to tell Bin Laden to lay off, he is their responsibility (and apparently most of the 9/11 attackers too)

America needs to WAKE UP and unwrap the collective sphincter form around it's neck and realize we are responsible for America ONLY!!!!!!!!

I HATE to see people die, and to die for no real reaason is an atrocity, to kill for profit is CRIMINAL!

to manipulate public opinion to support your ideals is both condecending to your country and the exact same thing Hitler did to his.
Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2008 06:15 pm
hatukazi;51361 wrote:
you have to be ignorant to believe ANYTHING coming from the mouth of someone with an agenda.

OUR country would be MUCH better off if we did not depose Saddam Hussein, and seriously if the Iraqi's cared enough to do that particular job for themselves, they would have done it. How many of Saddams parades through the streets of bagdhad do you need to see on CNN with him surrounded by hundreds of people armed with AK-47's to know they didn't want him dead?

if Kuwait wanted protection they would have built a national defense budget and had an army that THEY pay for, not have us do it for them.

if saudi Arabia wants our troops in their country than they need to tell Bin Laden to lay off, he is their responsibility (and apparently most of the 9/11 attackers too)

America needs to WAKE UP and unwrap the collective sphincter form around it's neck and realize we are responsible for America ONLY!!!!!!!!

I HATE to see people die, and to die for no real reaason is an atrocity, to kill for profit is CRIMINAL!

to manipulate public opinion to support your ideals is both condecending to your country and the exact same thing Hitler did to his.

This was the most foaming lunacy I have read in a long time. Your debate ... rephrase, your rant with me is concluded here. I leave you with this, The USA has an open door policy, in or out... You have this much disgust for how we do things, no one will stop you, or put up an argument for you leaving.
Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2008 06:16 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;51351 wrote:
Come on,who was he planning to attack ?

Besides, Kuwait, Iran, and the US... Nobody.
Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2008 06:17 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;51352 wrote:
Hurry back Very Happy

Awww you missed me Wink
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2008 06:18 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;51353 wrote:
statements such as?

All you had to do was turn on the news in the 90's for such statements. Saddam was issuing a statement a week.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2008 06:21 pm
rugonnacry;51374 wrote:
This was the most foaming lunacy I have read in a long time. Your debate ... rephrase, your rant with me is concluded here. I leave you with this, The USA has an open door policy, in or out... You have this much disgust for how we do things, no one will stop you, or put up an argument for you leaving.

not lunacy, that would be someone else...

...I'm a pragmatist.
Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2008 06:35 pm
and I love the land this country is built on, and I believe in our Constitution, and I also believe MY kids should not bear the brunt of guilt and cost of a war they werent even old enough to experience or know why.

that you think they should is lunacy.

overlooking the lies, deception,greed, and blatant profiteering by condoning a WAR that kills our citizens as well as innocent lives elsewhere is lunacy.
Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2008 06:38 pm
Nuke A Lying, Stealing, Bankrupt, Corporate, Corrupt Government For The Usa!
Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2008 08:09 pm
Mister.....you had me at 'hello'.:leghumper:
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 01:03 am
rugonnacry;51343 wrote:
He acted on information that turned out to be inaccurate and/or completely wrong. Yes it was a mistake. One that could NOT have been avoided less we Do nothing. Which I do not think anyone woudl say would have yielded better results.

The fact remains, they refuse to admit they made a huge mistake (which at this point isn't even debatable) and they refuse to take corrective action.
Why? because this "mistake" due to "bad intelligence" made them a shitload of money. If I hit the wrong button on an ATM and hundreds of 20's blew out, I probably wouldn't try to fix the machine either.

I also love how their excuse is that they had "bad intelligence". ROF ******* L
It's not my fault that I have bad intelligence, LOL, why didn't they just say that they have superb stupidity?
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 09:35 am
klyph;51428 wrote:
The fact remains, they refuse to admit they made a huge mistake (which at this point isn't even debatable) and they refuse to take corrective action.
Why? because this "mistake" due to "bad intelligence" made them a ****load of money. If I hit the wrong button on an ATM and hundreds of 20's blew out, I probably wouldn't try to fix the machine either.

I also love how their excuse is that they had "bad intelligence". ROF ***ing L
It's not my fault that I have bad intelligence, LOL, why didn't they just say that they have superb stupidity?

October 8th 2004 It was admitted that no WMD's were in Iraq.

What is the corrective action? Withdraw all troops and leave the Iraqis we promised liberation too like we did in Vietnam? (We did a great job with the complete evacuation of troops there didn't we) Vietnam is still a near 4th world nation (I coined that term) Now on the other hand... Occupation of Germany World War 2... we STILL have not pulled out completely and Germany is the 4th largest power house in the world. (See Frankfurt stock Exchange for this verification)

Who has made a **** load of money? Not Cheney, anyone with internet access can see the only company in the region with Cheneys name attached is Haliburton, and Cheney holds NO controlling interest only stock options which has been dedicated to a charity (United Way I believe) And I guarantee Cheney (A multi millionaire in his own right) will give up those LEGITIMATE MILLIONS to make 10 or 20 illegitimate millions?

And not Bush... POTUS cannot have any controlling interest in a company while in office, (besides companies he has had controlling interests in he has bankrupted (twice)

As far as bad intelligence... You act as if Only OUR CIA provided the information... every Country in the world though Saddam was a threat and had WMD's Aussie Intel, Russian Intel, English Intel, French, German, Israeli, even Palestinian Intel.

But The world is supremely stupid :rolleyes:
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 10:21 am
hatukazi;51380 wrote:
and I love the land this country is built on, and I believe in our Constitution, and I also believe MY kids should not bear the brunt of guilt and cost of a war they werent even old enough to experience or know why.

that you think they should is lunacy.

overlooking the lies, deception,greed, and blatant profiteering by condoning a WAR that kills our citizens as well as innocent lives elsewhere is lunacy.

and I also believe MY kids should not bear the brunt of guilt and cost of a war they werent even old enough to experience or know why.
So you think it's fine that they enjoy the spoils of our victory's but not in any of it's defeats?
that you think they should is lunacy.
So your saying you have not payed any cost for any engagement prior to your birth, lunacy indeed. You think your childrens freedom is free? And that they should incur no cost, nice dream you got there.
overlooking the lies, deception,greed, and blatant profiteering by condoning a WAR that kills our citizens as well as innocent lives elsewhere is lunacy
War is hell, to the victor goes the spoils. Have you profited lately, if your an American how can you say no?
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 10:25 am
rugonnacry;51435 wrote:
October 8th 2004 It was admitted that no WMD's were in Iraq.

What is the corrective action? Withdraw all troops and leave the iraqis we promised liberation too like we did in Vietnam? (We did a great job with the complete evacuation of troops there didnt we) Vietnam is still a near 4th world nation (I coined that term) Now on the other hand... Occupation of Germany World War 2... we STILL have not pulled out completely and Germany is the 4th largest power house in the world. (See Frankfurt stock Exchange for this verification)

Who has made a **** load of money? Not Cheney, anyone with internet access can see the only company in the region with Cheneys name attached is Haliburton, and Cheney holds NO controlling interest only stock options which has been dedicated to a charity (United Way I believe) And I guarantee Cheney (A multi millionaire in his own right) will give up those LEGITIMATE MILLIONS to make 10 or 20 illegitimate millions?

And not Bush... POTUS cannot have any controlling interest in a company while in office, (besides companies he has had controlling interests in he has bankrupted (twice)

As far as bad intelligence... You act as if Only OUR CIA provided the information... every Country in the world though Sdaddam was a threat and had WMD's Aussie intel, Russian Intel, English, Intel, French, German, Israeli, even Palestenian Intel.

But The world is supremely stupid :rolleyes:
I'm with ya on this one.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 12:25 pm
DiversityDriven;51439 wrote:
So you think it's fine that they enjoy the spoils of our victory's but not in any of it's defeats? So your saying you have not payed any cost for any engagement prior to your birth, lunacy indeed. You think your childrens freedom is free? And that they should incur no cost, nice dream you got there.War is hell, to the victor goes the spoils. Have you profited lately, if your an American how can you say no?

I served in the army because I chose to.
I should be able to pay the way for my childrens freedom by the time they are grown.

how has our country ever been victorious in a war? besides the revolutionary war.

even when we win, we end up losing by paying to "rebuild infrastructure" which usually means setting up corporate business ventures for the proponents of each particular war in the losing countries, which means digging us further into debt and fostering world wide hatred at the same time.

and for FYI no, no I, nor anyone that I know personally has profited from this war, or any war. I do know casualties.

I also know that Dick Cheney has made over $50 million since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, what's the salary of a vice pres. of the US anyway?
scooby-doo cv
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 12:44 pm
rugonnacry;51375 wrote:
Besides, Kuwait, Iran, and the US... Nobody.

So Saddam was planning to attck these country's ?
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 12:46 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
I can't think of a single middle eastern country that has the capability to attack the US on it's own soil.
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 12:50 pm
hatukazi;51452 wrote:
I can't think of a single middle eastern country that has the capability to attack the US on it's own soil.

Not a country perhaps, but a Regime has proven it can.
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 12:51 pm
rugonnacry;51453 wrote:
Not a country perhaps, but a Regime has proven it can.

whose would that be?
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 12:56 pm
In politics, a regime is the form of government: the set of rules, both formal (for example, a constitution) and informal (common law, cultural or social norms, etc.) that regulate the operation of government and its interactions with society. For instance, the United States has one of the oldest regimes still active in the world, dating to the ratification of its Constitution in 1789.

The term need not imply anything about the particular government to which it relates, and most political scientists use it as a neutral term. However, informal use of the word usually carries a negative connotation, usually referring to a government considered oppressive or dictatorial, whether it is in power through a consistent application of its constitution or not.[citation needed]

Other uses
Another political use of "regime" concerns international regulatory agencies (see International regime), which lie outside of the control of national governments. These have more power over a greater range than postal or telecommunications agreements, for example, and constrain national governments.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 01:35 pm

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