1,000,000 Dead - Thanks bush

Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 08:16 am
Campbell34;40527 wrote:
For three thousand Americans durning 911 the sky did fall, and for them and others that was reality. Your problem is, you think 911 won't happen again.

Thats where you're wrong. (AGAIN)

Another terrorist attack CAN happen again. Our difference is that I'm not going to live my life in fear that it will.


And I don't believe in fairy tales either, and what I do believe can be seen to be the truth. The Bible tells us near the end of time that the Jews will return to Israel, they will retake Jerusalem, and Jerusalems sealed East Gate will remain shut until Christ returns. There is nothing phony about that. It's all true.

Thats another one of your problems. You take every word of the Bible as truth.

Why do you believe in such fairy tales???

Do you believe Humpty Dumpty was real too?

How about Jack and Jill??? Were they real people too?

Or the three bears?

Or Rapunzell?

Or the three little pigs?

Your Jesus, ANOTHER fairy tale, will NEVER return through your east gate or any other orifice.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 10:00 am
FedUpAmerican;40536 wrote:
Its not just Democrats that support troop withdrawl from Iraq and that doesn't mean they care nothing for American security. Iraq was NOT the birth place or training ground for terrorists until bushie INVADED.

You talk about how you are against abortion yet you could care less about the killing that is going on in the middle east, because of the so called "Christian" (LOL!) president you support.

That my friend is hypocrisy.

Tell me, how can killing something that is not yet alive differ in your obviously unstable mind from killing something that is?

The situation in Iraq IS a disaster. bush blew it. The chance for any stability in their government will only occur when we get out and let their government evolve on their own.

Think for yourself instead of letting bush, Fox News or that fat ass blowhard rush limbaugh do it for you.

Yeah we will get out, and who is going to win the war? I will tell you, the one's who support terror, and the one's who want to destroy us. And what Iraq is now is a magnet for every Islamic terrorist. We will either fight them there, or we will fight them here, but what ever happens, we are going to have to fight these people somewhere because they will not stop. The Bible gives a nation the right to defend it's self.
An unborn child is alive just not born, and life begins at conception. Please don't shed to many of your tears for the thousands kill in Iraq, when you never lifted a finger to stop the sixty million children murdered by abortion here in our own country. Now suddenly your worried about children, how touching.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 10:16 am
Campbell34;40539 wrote:
Yeah we will get out, and who is going to win the war? I will tell you, the one's who support terror, and the one's who want to destroy us. And what Iraq is now is a magnet for every Islamic terrorist. We will either fight them there, or we will fight them here, but what ever happens, we are going to have to fight these people somewhere because they will not stop. The Bible gives a nation the right to defend it's self.
An unborn child is alive just not born, and life begins at conception. Please don't shed to many of your tears for the thousands kill in Iraq, when you never lifted a finger to stop the sixty million children murdered by abortion here in our own country. Now suddenly your worried about children, how touching.

Unfounded fear-mongering. So the bible gives the Iraq insurgents the right to defend their country against the American invasion? Glad you admitted that.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 10:53 am
Campbell34;40539 wrote:
Yeah we will get out, and who is going to win the war? I will tell you, the one's who support terror, and the one's who want to destroy us. And what Iraq is now is a magnet for every Islamic terrorist.

Ande who created that. YOUR assclown president.


We will either fight them there, or we will fight them here,

Is that another one of your original thoughts again? And BTW where do you get this WE **** from? What have YOU done that could even remotely be considered as fighting them?

Is your son not military age? Is he enlisting in the military to support your statement about fighting them over there or is he yet another war monger coward?

The Bible gives a nation the right to defend it's self.

Your Bible tells you not to kill. Remember the sanctity of life. Do you respect the life of an unborn fetus over the life of those poor Iraqi citizens that are being murdered everyday because of the U.S. ILLEGAL OCCUPATION?


An unborn child is alive just not born, and life begins at conception.

Sure. Whatever you say. Thats the subject of another debate. But if you care so much about these poor unborn babies, would you support them with universal healthcare?


Please don't shed to many of your tears for the thousands kill in Iraq

I don't. I care more about people here in the U.S.


when you never lifted a finger to stop the sixty million children murdered by abortion here in our own country. Now suddenly your worried about children, how touching.

Not children. The unborn are not considered to be alive. No matter how you try to spin it.

If you care so much about life, why aren't you crying about the diminishing rain forest's? Are tree's not alive? Where do you draw the line on what is considered a worthy life?

Does it have to be a life that shares your delussions?
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 11:08 am
92b16vx;40540 wrote:
Unfounded fear-mongering. So the bible gives the Iraq insurgents the right to defend their country against the American invasion? Glad you admitted that.

Iraq as a people voted for their present government, they did not vote for the insurgents, the insurgents would oppose the will of the people at the point of a gun. Many of the people who have voted for that government, have sided with the Americans and have killed a number of these insurgents. America could leave if the will of the people was not going to be over ruled by bullets.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 11:13 am
Campbell34;40544 wrote:
Iraq as a people voted for their present government, they did not vote for the insurgents, the insurgents would oppose the will of the people at the point of a gun. Many of the people who have voted for that government, have sided with the Americans and have killed a number of these insurgents. America could leave if the will of the people was not going to be over ruled by bullets.

They are defending their country, you can not spin that away. Most of the people that voted, only did so, so that America would hurry up and get out of their country. How do I know this? Because I was there, and have talked to I garantee, more Iraqis than you have. Democracy doesn't mean anything to the average Iraq, America getting out of their country does, some choose to play our game, and go along, some choose to fight us. Everytime we accidently waste civilians, or everytime AQ bombs Iraqis, they get MORE recruits because we are the root cause of the destruction in their country.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 11:37 am
FedUpAmerican;40542 wrote:
Ande who created that. YOUR assclown president.

Is that another one of your original thoughts again? And BTW where do you get this WE **** from? What have YOU done that could even remotely be considered as fighting them?

Is your son not military age? Is he enlisting in the military to support your statement about fighting them over there or is he yet another war monger coward?

Your Bible tells you not to kill. Remember the sanctity of life. Do you respect the life of an unborn fetus over the life of those poor Iraqi citizens that are being murdered everyday because of the U.S. ILLEGAL OCCUPATION?

Sure. Whatever you say. Thats the subject of another debate. But if you care so much about these poor unborn babies, would you support them with universal healthcare?

I don't. I care more about people here in the U.S.

Not children. The unborn are not considered to be alive. No matter how you try to spin it.

If you care so much about life, why aren't you crying about the diminishing rain forest's? Are tree's not alive? Where do you draw the line on what is considered a worthy life?

Does it have to be a life that shares your delussions?

In 1969 when many were burning their draft cards I enlisted in the Navy, and I tried to get into their UDT program. I was willing to serve my country then, and I would be willing to serve now. Yet I understand they have not been taking to many 57 year old guys.

My son charts his own course.

The actual wording is thou shalt not murder. Another words, you are not to take a life without cause. And the Bible states, if POSSIBLE, live at peace with all men. That is what we should strive for. Yet, sometimes that is not possible.

Universal health care sounds great, can you tell me where it really works? We have family in Canada who use to say how great it was there, now they wait months to see a doctor. They have told us that in recent years they sometimes pay full price, and come to United States in order to be treated.

Back in High School they taught us that science states that life begins at conception. The Bible teaches that life begins at conception, and the Bible teaches that every human life has an eternal spirit. A tree does not have such a spirit which makes human life special above all living things, except God.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 12:01 pm
92b16vx;40545 wrote:
They are defending their country, you can not spin that away. Most of the people that voted, only did so, so that America would hurry up and get out of their country. How do I know this? Because I was there, and have talked to I garantee, more Iraqis than you have. Democracy doesn't mean anything to the average Iraq, America getting out of their country does, some choose to play our game, and go along, some choose to fight us. Everytime we accidently waste civilians, or everytime AQ bombs Iraqis, they get MORE recruits because we are the root cause of the destruction in their country.

Then if the insergents really wanted us out, they would stop fighting us then. And what are they defending against? Are they afraid of new schools, running water, and eletricity. Is that the reason when we build something to help Iraq, the insergents blow it up. And your right, we accidently kill civilians, the insergents TARGET THEM. BIG DIFFERENCE. It is the insergents that are the root cause, they are the one's purposely blowing people up, rather then trying to rebuild and helping in reconstruction.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 01:00 pm
Campbell34;40548 wrote:
In 1969 when many were burning their draft cards I enlisted in the Navy, and I tried to get into their UDT program. I was willing to serve my country then, and I would be willing to serve now. Yet I understand they have not been taking to many 57 year old guys.

My son charts his own course.

The actual wording is thou shalt not murder. Another words, you are not to take a life without cause. And the Bible states, if POSSIBLE, live at peace with all men. That is what we should strive for. Yet, sometimes that is not possible.

Universal health care sounds great, can you tell me where it really works? We have family in Canada who use to say how great it was there, now they wait months to see a doctor. They have told us that in recent years they sometimes pay full price, and come to United States in order to be treated.

Back in High School they taught us that science states that life begins at conception. The Bible teaches that life begins at conception, and the Bible teaches that every human life has an eternal spirit. A tree does not have such a spirit which makes human life special above all living things, except God.

AGAIN you fail to cite your sources for your claim that the Bible teaches life begins at conception.


Remember Campbell, you're not talking to someone that is ignorant to the ways of Christianity and the Bible. I have wasted many years of my life believing as you do; that Jesus is the only way to God.

Need I repeat my history to you?

A human life begins at birth. It may be created during conception but that does not make it a living breathing human being. That's 1st grade science.

Quit making **** up. You are showing yourself to be quite the fool and we both know that you are smarter than that.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 01:02 pm
Campbell34;40549 wrote:
Then if the insergents really wanted us out, they would stop fighting us then. And what are they defending against? Are they afraid of new schools, running water, and eletricity. Is that the reason when we build something to help Iraq, the insergents blow it up. And your right, we accidently kill civilians, the insergents TARGET THEM. BIG DIFFERENCE. It is the insergents that are the root cause, they are the one's purposely blowing people up, rather then trying to rebuild and helping in reconstruction.

Not at all. They are defending their country from foreign invaders. Same way I would fight till the death if someone invaded America.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 02:55 pm
FedUpAmerican;40556 wrote:
AGAIN you fail to cite your sources for your claim that the Bible teaches life begins at conception.


Remember Campbell, you're not talking to someone that is ignorant to the ways of Christianity and the Bible. I have wasted many years of my life believing as you do; that Jesus is the only way to God.

Need I repeat my history to you?

A human life begins at birth. It may be created during conception but that does not make it a living breathing human being. That's 1st grade science.

Quit making **** up. You are showing yourself to be quite the fool and we both know that you are smarter than that.

God reveals to us in His Word that not only does life begin at conception, but God knows who we are even before then. Jeremiah 1:5 Kind David said this about God's role in our conception; "For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb.... Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them" (Psalm 139: 13, 16)

Scientists attest to life beginning at conception

Dr. Alfred M. Bongioanni, professor of pediatrics and sbstetrics at the University of Pennsylvania, stated:
I have learned from my earliest medical education that life begins at the time of conception.....
Dr. Jerome Lejeune, professor of genetics at the University of Descartes in Paris, was the discoverer of the chromosome pattern of Down syndrome. "after fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being."
Professor Hymie Gordon,Mayo Clinic: "By all the criteria of modern molecular biology, life is present from the moment of conception."
Professor Micheline Matthews-Roth, Harvard University Medical School: It is scientifically correct to say that an individual human life begins at conception.
Dr. Watson A. Bowes, University of Colorado Medical School: "The beginning of a single human life is from a biological point of view a simple and straightforward matter- the beginning is conception.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 03:01 pm
AGAIN, you're making **** up.

Cmon man, produce something, ANYTHING that can be verified.

BTW, why do you ALWAYS hijack threads with your bullshit? Thats why you were banned from Hipforums. You can't play by the rules.

Typical Christian hypocrite.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 03:06 pm
Campbell34;40549 wrote:
Then if the insergents really wanted us out, they would stop fighting us then.

Or, we could, since WE invaded THEIR country. We are the AGGRESSORS, just in case you forgot.

And what are they defending against?

Probably the samething you'd be fighting against if commie China invaded the US.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 03:15 pm
Poor Campbell's mouth (posts) keep writing checks his ass cant cash.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 03:17 pm
FedUpAmerican;40568 wrote:
AGAIN, you're making **** up.

Cmon man, produce something, ANYTHING that can be verified.

BTW, why do you ALWAYS hijack threads with your bull****? Thats why you were banned from Hipforums. You can't play by the rules.

Typical Christian hypocrite.

EPM Resource - Scientists Attest To Life Beginning At Conception
This is the site where scientists Attest to life beginning at conception

Psalm 139:13,16 is where King David talks about God's role in our conception.

I'm just trying to answer your questions FedUp, and I'm not making up anything. If you can read, you can go to these sites and find out for yourself.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 03:41 pm
FedUpAmerican;40557 wrote:
Not at all. They are defending their country from foreign invaders. Same way I would fight till the death if someone invaded America.

If someone took over our government, and then told us we want to rebuild your schools and help out your children, improve your streets, and get your eletric back in order, I think I would ask them if I could help.
FedUp, I bet you would make a good insergent. Instead of making things better for your country, you could go around killing it's citizens. And blowing up cars in market places.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 04:15 pm
Campbell34;40578 wrote:
If someone took over our government, and then told us we want to rebuild your schools and help out your children, improve your streets, and get your eletric back in order, I think I would ask them if I could help.
FedUp, I bet you would make a good insergent. Instead of making things better for your country, you could go around killing it's citizens. And blowing up cars in market places.

The bottom line is we're unwanted there.....can we understand that...most folks don't go where they are not wanted...oh, but not us...it's like we don't understand "NO"....so, let's just force Western-styled democracy on an unwilling populace...let's even lie, and say they really, really want it, they just don't know it. And let's lie to ourselves, that we're doing the right thing....ooooo, Yay...makes me so proud to be an American.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 04:17 pm
Campbell34;40574 wrote:
EPM Resource - Scientists Attest To Life Beginning At Conception
This is the site where scientists Attest to life beginning at conception

Psalm 139:13,16 is where King David talks about God's role in our conception.

I'm just trying to answer your questions FedUp, and I'm not making up anything. If you can read, you can go to these sites and find out for yourself.

Propaganda and Bible abuse.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 04:55 pm
Campbell34;40578 wrote:
If someone took over our government, and then told us we want to rebuild your schools and help out your children, improve your streets, and get your eletric back in order, I think I would ask them if I could help.
FedUp, I bet you would make a good insergent. Instead of making things better for your country, you could go around killing it's citizens. And blowing up cars in market places.

Really? So if commie China set up shop in America you would take them by the hand and ask if you could help? Sounds like treason to me.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 07:09 pm
aaronssongs;40173 wrote:
We're all going to some kind of hell in handbasket...Cheney and Bush are gunning for war with Iran. Why am I reminded of Germany in 1939. Condoleeza Rice is looking more and more like Neville Chamberlain. Somebody please take us out of the Twilight Zone...this is a very bad episode.

Hum where have I hear that Iran is the target before???????? But I do agree on your post aaronssong.
Oh yes now I remember I was saying the same thing now for 3 years +! And Rice is just an insult to the middle east delegates and a yes woman for the Bush talk show. As far as taking us out of this Twilight Zone, to late! We are in it for the whole merry go around ride.
But please do shout it from the roof tops. Iran, Iran over and over as the majority are still is blind to the facts.
0 Replies

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