1,000,000 Dead - Thanks bush

Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 02:17 pm
FedUpAmerican;40137 wrote:
At what price? :dunno:

How many lives must be lost? :dunno:

How much blood must spill? :dunno:

How much more money is going to be spent? :dunno:

America is going bankrupt financing this ILLEGAL OCCUPATION of Iraq.

WE had our own wars to get to where we are now... WIKI search how many, that actually brough us to this point... Civil war.... there is your Iraqi conflict right now. Could you imagine the death toll if USA was NOT involved?

Let us say there have been 1 million Iraqi deaths (no not even 10 percent are from american fire, but that is another debate) 1 million deaths since 2003...

Sadam killed 600,000 kurds in 1 year.

So much better before US involvement eh?
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 07:32 pm
rugonnacry;40146 wrote:
WE had our own wars to get to where we are now... WIKI search how many, that actually brough us to this point... Civil war.... there is your Iraqi conflict right now. Could you imagine the death toll if USA was NOT involved?

Let us say there have been 1 million Iraqi deaths (no not even 10 percent are from american fire, but that is another debate) 1 million deaths since 2003...

Sadam killed 600,000 kurds in 1 year.

So much better before US involvement eh?

I guess you are completely oblivious to the fact that that happened 20 years ago, and there was no alarming death toll in Iraq before we started a ******* war in their country.
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 07:39 pm
92b16vx;40169 wrote:
I guess you are completely oblivious to the fact that that happened 20 years ago, and there was no alarming death toll in Iraq before we started a ***ing war in their country.

We're all going to some kind of hell in handbasket...Cheney and Bush are gunning for war with Iran. Why am I reminded of Germany in 1939. Condoleeza Rice is looking more and more like Neville Chamberlain. Somebody please take us out of the Twilight Zone...this is a very bad episode.
Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 03:34 am
Silverchild79;37074 wrote:
So our military puts up a children's school

a week later a terrorist blows up said school killing 20 kids

and that's Bush's fault?

That's what the cycle of violence looks like, and it's radical islam that's killing them

You have to understand, the left supports terrorist and they our against Bush. Democrats want the terrorist to take charge over in Iraq so they can blame Bush for losing the war. The Democrats could care less about American security, and some how in their warped thinking believe that when the troops come home everything will be wonderful. If we leave Iraq now, that nation will fall into the hands of the terrorist, and Iraq will become a future base for terrorism. Democrats can't see past their backyard.
Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 08:26 am
Campbell34;40205 wrote:
You have to understand, the left supports terrorist and they our against Bush. Democrats want the terrorist to take charge over in Iraq so they can blame Bush for losing the war. The Democrats could care less about American security, and some how in their warped thinking believe that when the troops come home everything will be wonderful. If we leave Iraq now, that nation will fall into the hands of the terrorist, and Iraq will become a future base for terrorism. Democrats can't see past their backyard.

Democrats, and the current republican administration are of the same ilk, no real difference otehr than their personal opinions. But this..."the left supports terrorist and they our against Bush." is probably the stupidest line ever. More of the ol' if you don't swallow the load we are shitting down your throats, you are a traitor bullshit is what that is.
Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 10:23 am
Campbell34;40205 wrote:
You have to understand, the left supports terrorist and they our against Bush. Democrats want the terrorist to take charge over in Iraq so they can blame Bush for losing the war. The Democrats could care less about American security, and some how in their warped thinking believe that when the troops come home everything will be wonderful. If we leave Iraq now, that nation will fall into the hands of the terrorist, and Iraq will become a future base for terrorism. Democrats can't see past their backyard.

Oh sure, anyone that doesn't support bushies ILLEGAL OCCUPATION automatically supports terrorists. :beat:

bush HAS lost his "war." Lost it a LONG time ago.

Please back up your statement about Democrats not caring about American security.

I always thought that you went over the deep end. Your post now renews that belief.
Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 10:28 am
rugonnacry;40146 wrote:

Sadam killed 600,000 kurds in 1 year.

So what. Try answering my questions which you so conveniently disregarded.

Before bushies ILLEGAL OCCUPATION, how many Iraqi babies did you adopt since you seem to care so much about them? :no:
Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2007 10:50 am
FedUpAmerican;40225 wrote:
So what. Try answering my questions which you so conveniently disregarded.

Before bushies ILLEGAL OCCUPATION, how many Iraqi babies did you adopt since you seem to care so much about them? :no:

It is funny that neocon thinkers once all other ideas run dry fall back on the same emotional platfrom that they try to bash the left for having in the first place.
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 09:16 pm
92b16vx;40218 wrote:
Democrats, and the current republican administration are of the same ilk, no real difference otehr than their personal opinions. But this..."the left supports terrorist and they our against Bush." is probably the stupidest line ever. More of the ol' if you don't swallow the load we are ****ting down your throats, you are a traitor bull**** is what that is.

The real traitors are the one's who undercuts the presidents efforts durring a time of war. When Democrats keep telling the American people we must bring the troops home, they do so to the glee of terrorist everywhere. And don't forget this, it was the eight years of the Clinton administration that gutted America's intelligence community. Many of the senior members of the CIA quit in disgust, when Clinton stripped them of the funds needed to operate, and then used that money for his social programs. No I'm not a traitor, I'm just telling the truth. And just to let you know, back in 1969 when America was at war, I volunteered, I was not one of those burning my draft card.
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 09:27 pm
Campbell34;40428 wrote:
The real traitors are the one's who undercuts the presidents efforts durring a time of war. When Democrats keep telling the American people we must bring the troops home, they do so to the glee of terrorist everywhere. And don't forget this, it was the eight years of the Clinton administration that gutted America's intelligence community. Many of the senior members of the CIA quit in disgust, when Clinton stripped them of the funds needed to operate, and then used that money for his social programs. No I'm not a traitor, I'm just telling the truth. And just to let you know, back in 1969 when America was at war, I volunteered, I was not one of those burning my draft card.

Bush undercut himself by relying on his neocon cronies to mismanage his ill war, and ignore the wisdom of MANY military leaders and still invade a secular, sovereign nation, that did not attack America, nor had hte means to attack America. He counts on his bootlickers.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 09:42 pm
Campbell34;40428 wrote:
The real traitors are the one's who undercuts the presidents efforts durring a time of war. When Democrats keep telling the American people we must bring the troops home, they do so to the glee of terrorist everywhere. And don't forget this, it was the eight years of the Clinton administration that gutted America's intelligence community. Many of the senior members of the CIA quit in disgust, when Clinton stripped them of the funds needed to operate, and then used that money for his social programs. No I'm not a traitor, I'm just telling the truth. And just to let you know, back in 1969 when America was at war, I volunteered, I was not one of those burning my draft card.

No, wrong...the "real" traitors are the ones who refuse to hold the fire to this poor excuse for a president's feet. The war was wrong from the very beginning..it was based on "a lie"....then to change the mission, to something like "protecting the American public from terrorism", while exploiting and pillaging, and torturing, is hardly "the moral high ground"...some are actually "drinking the kool-aid", and believing that this is a war that can be "won"...they don't want us there, any more than than we'd want them here...get that through your thick skulls...We don't have carte blanche, to just invade countries, based on lies and innuendo, try to sell it to the American people that it's in their best interest...and meantime, contractors, like the VP's nest egg, Halliburton, is awarded no-bid contracts to clean up the mess we made, and to wheel and deal for the oil, and political clout.
What abject whores! Bush and Co., is selling us out for profit...didn't he try to get the ports administered by foreign entities??? What? Our brains have fallen out of our heads and onto the floor??????
And only folks like Chuck Hagel and Bill Bradley are decrying the machinations of this corrupt and unsavory administrations "illusions of grandeur" and enterprise? Not a single Republican is crying "foul"?????? Well, if the handwriting isn't already on the wall....get you some crack...Jim Beam, chocolate cheesecake, Philly cheesesteak sandwiches, Blue Bell ice cream, heroin, porn, and all of the rest of the stuff that is not supposed to be good for you, and have yourself the biggest orgy of a party, ever...because we're doomed....can't you just see how the movie ends? People have lost their monkey minds...let's just drop the nukes and get it over with...cause the rest is just masturbation. Be "prayed up", though.
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 09:47 pm
92b16vx;40229 wrote:
It is funny that neocon thinkers once all other ideas run dry fall back on the same emotional platfrom that they try to bash the left for having in the first place.

Don't they though....I used to think highly of John McCain...but since he shirked his maverick mantle for Bush butt kisser, I have no respect for him, at all.
But what do you expect from a man...a soldier who was held prisoner of war...he is angry, and wants someone to pay....looks like its' Arabs.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 11:37 pm
aaronssongs;40430 wrote:
No, wrong...the "real" traitors are the ones who refuse to hold the fire to this poor excuse for a president's feet. The war was wrong from the very beginning..it was based on "a lie"....then to change the mission, to something like "protecting the American public from terrorism", while exploiting and pillaging, and torturing, is hardly "the moral high ground"...some are actually "drinking the kool-aid", and believing that this is a war that can be "won"...they don't want us there, any more than than we'd want them here...get that through your thick skulls...We don't have carte blanche, to just invade countries, based on lies and innuendo, try to sell it to the American people that it's in their best interest...and meantime, contractors, like the VP's nest egg, Halliburton, is awarded no-bid contracts to clean up the mess we made, and to wheel and deal for the oil, and political clout.
What abject whores! Bush and Co., is selling us out for profit...didn't he try to get the ports administered by foreign entities??? What? Our brains have fallen out of our heads and onto the floor??????
And only folks like Chuck Hagel and Bill Bradley are decrying the machinations of this corrupt and unsavory administrations "illusions of grandeur" and enterprise? Not a single Republican is crying "foul"?????? Well, if the handwriting isn't already on the wall....get you some crack...Jim Beam, chocolate cheesecake, Philly cheesesteak sandwiches, Blue Bell ice cream, heroin, porn, and all of the rest of the stuff that is not supposed to be good for you, and have yourself the biggest orgy of a party, ever...because we're doomed....can't you just see how the movie ends? People have lost their monkey minds...let's just drop the nukes and get it over with...cause the rest is just masturbation. Be "prayed up", though.

America has lost more men in one day of war in the past then we have lost in this entire war. If American's of the past thought as you do back in our war with Germany in the 40s, we would all be speaking German right now. If you and the Democratic party want to leave right now then who do you think is going to take over?
And tell me, do you really think it is better to fight the terrorist over here, or over there? Because I got news for you, when we leave they will follow. Did you like 911, wait until you see what other things they have planned for us, only this time it will be in our back yard, again. And we will have already showed them what cowards we are so they will be coming. Yes, lets get our troops out now, and let Allah be praised. Show them how weak we are, and they will show us how strong they can be. Once the troops come home, then Iran and others will be free to build the nukes they always wanted. We are in the middle of a war, to leave now only means you are surrendering to terror. And if that happens, then forget about world peace and get ready for reality.
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 08:28 am
Campbell34;40428 wrote:
The real traitors are the one's who undercuts the presidents efforts durring a time of war. When Democrats keep telling the American people we must bring the troops home, they do so to the glee of terrorist everywhere. And don't forget this, it was the eight years of the Clinton administration that gutted America's intelligence community. Many of the senior members of the CIA quit in disgust, when Clinton stripped them of the funds needed to operate, and then used that money for his social programs. No I'm not a traitor, I'm just telling the truth. And just to let you know, back in 1969 when America was at war, I volunteered, I was not one of those burning my draft card.

Campbell, you must admit that YOUR truth is not what the REAL truth is. You are obviously still suffering the effects of that jolt of electricity you took some years back.

Remember. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. :eek:
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 08:35 am
Campbell34;40439 wrote:
And tell me, do you really think it is better to fight the terrorist over here, or over there? Because I got news for you, when we leave they will follow.

Oh really???

Is that from your phony Bible prophecies or are you just repeating the bullshit bushie is telling everyone?


Did you like 911,

9/11 brought people together as Americans.

bushie changed all that.


wait until you see what other things they have planned for us, only this time it will be in our back yard, again. And we will have already showed them what cowards we are so they will be coming. Yes, lets get our troops out now, and let Allah be praised. Show them how weak we are, and they will show us how strong they can be. Once the troops come home, then Iran and others will be free to build the nukes they always wanted. We are in the middle of a war, to leave now only means you are surrendering to terror. And if that happens, then forget about world peace and get ready for reality.

You wouldn't know reality if it jumped up wearing a pink bunny suit and spit tobacco juice in your face. You remind me of Chicken Little running around screaming "the sky is falling, the sky is falling."

At least I think it was Chicken Little. Could have been Henny Penny.

Unlike you, I dont believe in fairy tales.

Regardless, you get my point.
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 09:05 am
Campbell34;40439 wrote:
America has lost more men in one day of war in the past then we have lost in this entire war. If American's of the past thought as you do back in our war with Germany in the 40s, we would all be speaking German right now. If you and the Democratic party want to leave right now then who do you think is going to take over?
And tell me, do you really think it is better to fight the terrorist over here, or over there? Because I got news for you, when we leave they will follow. Did you like 911, wait until you see what other things they have planned for us, only this time it will be in our back yard, again. And we will have already showed them what cowards we are so they will be coming. Yes, lets get our troops out now, and let Allah be praised. Show them how weak we are, and they will show us how strong they can be. Once the troops come home, then Iran and others will be free to build the nukes they always wanted. We are in the middle of a war, to leave now only means you are surrendering to terror. And if that happens, then forget about world peace and get ready for reality.

Is it crack or kool-aid? One of the two...will you right wingers stop it already with the "better to fight them over there than to fight them here" crap....THEY'VE BEEN HERE. REMEMBER 9/11???? THAT WASN'T OVER THERE.
So that argument is moot. We exacerbated the situation and guaranteed that they will be BACK OVER HERE, SOMETIME IN THE FUTURE, by executing this war. It's a war that cannot be won...what do you think military might can do...it can't change hearts and minds....or didn't we learn anything, as a nation about slavery? In the slaves' minds was always revolution...was always revenge for injustices...Thank God for the Christian Church, which, for the most part alllowed for forgiveness. Islam is not Christianity. We are occupying their lands...they want us gone...they will fight to the death...we cannot win...not even if we nuke the place...what don't you understand?
I absolutely despise the image of us as bloodthirsty, oil-lusting, murderous villains, who will stop at nothing, including losing our souls, to get at that oil, and the profits to be reaped...if that isn't the face of evil incarnate...then I don't know what is.,
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 09:49 am
Campbell34;40439 wrote:
America has lost more men in one day of war in the past then we have lost in this entire war. If American's of the past thought as you do back in our war with Germany in the 40s, we would all be speaking German right now.

wie geht es Ihnen? Haben Sie ein Problem mit Deutschen?

If you and the Democratic party want to leave right now then who do you think is going to take over?
And tell me, do you really think it is better to fight the terrorist over here, or over there? Because I got news for you, when we leave they will follow.
Did you like 911, wait until you see what other things they have planned for us, only this time it will be in our back yard, again. And we will have already showed them what cowards we are so they will be coming. Yes, lets get our troops out now, and let Allah be praised. Show them how weak we are, and they will show us how strong they can be. Once the troops come home, then Iran and others will be free to build the nukes they always wanted. We are in the middle of a war, to leave now only means you are surrendering to terror. And if that happens, then forget about world peace and get ready for reality.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 05:30 am
FedUpAmerican;40224 wrote:
Oh sure, anyone that doesn't support bushies ILLEGAL OCCUPATION automatically supports terrorists. :beat:

bush HAS lost his "war." Lost it a LONG time ago.

Please back up your statement about Democrats not caring about American security.

I always thought that you went over the deep end. Your post now renews that belief.

If Democrats are willing to hand Iraq over to our enemies, then no they don't care about American security. And if we leave now, that's whats going to happen. And Iraq will be a new base for them to operate from. We have a chance to create a stable government, and their are signs of this slowly happening. To cut and run now would be a disaster. The only way this war will be lost, is if the Democrats prevail.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 05:44 am
FedUpAmerican;40457 wrote:
Oh really???

Is that from your phony Bible prophecies or are you just repeating the bull**** bushie is telling everyone?

9/11 brought people together as Americans.

bushie changed all that.

You wouldn't know reality if it jumped up wearing a pink bunny suit and spit tobacco juice in your face. You remind me of Chicken Little running around screaming "the sky is falling, the sky is falling."

At least I think it was Chicken Little. Could have been Henny Penny.

Unlike you, I dont believe in fairy tales.

Regardless, you get my point.

For three thousand Americans durning 911 the sky did fall, and for them and others that was reality. Your problem is, you think 911 won't happen again.
And I don't believe in fairy tales either, and what I do believe can be seen to be the truth. The Bible tells us near the end of time that the Jews will return to Israel, they will retake Jerusalem, and Jerusalems sealed East Gate will remain shut until Christ returns. There is nothing phony about that. It's all true.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 08:06 am
Campbell34;40526 wrote:
If Democrats are willing to hand Iraq over to our enemies, then no they don't care about American security. And if we leave now, that's whats going to happen. And Iraq will be a new base for them to operate from. We have a chance to create a stable government, and their are signs of this slowly happening. To cut and run now would be a disaster. The only way this war will be lost, is if the Democrats prevail.

Its not just Democrats that support troop withdrawl from Iraq and that doesn't mean they care nothing for American security. Iraq was NOT the birth place or training ground for terrorists until bushie INVADED.

You talk about how you are against abortion yet you could care less about the killing that is going on in the middle east, because of the so called "Christian" (LOL!) president you support.

That my friend is hypocrisy.

Tell me, how can killing something that is not yet alive differ in your obviously unstable mind from killing something that is?

The situation in Iraq IS a disaster. bush blew it. The chance for any stability in their government will only occur when we get out and let their government evolve on their own.

Think for yourself instead of letting bush, Fox News or that fat ass blowhard rush limbaugh do it for you.

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