1,000,000 Dead - Thanks bush

Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 08:06 am
mlurp;37168 wrote:
We had that same statement on our bunker in the rear AO. here it is in use again 40 years later. We only saw the rear AO every 15 to 20 days for maybe 3 days.
hummmmmm fact is we as humans haven't learned a thing in that time. Ask Whom gets us in this mess and Why?
But the developments of the land warrior is clearly inproved. Man the equipment they have now over what junk we used in the Nam. Bush has spent some $ well.
And the number of deaths. Like in 5 years in the jungles of Nam, there were around 40,000 or around that number. Look at the fact i 5-7 years in two countries an dthe nmbers are under 2,000. As a grunt I know that sonds real good.
Yes war is not healthy for the creaters God, created or his grand work humans (he might of failer to see how Free Will of Choice, was a bad choice on His part. Which I really doubt. I like the idea He, might enjoy a joke)
But He, told us it would be happening in many places and even His, return would be the final battle. Gosh I love being alive now, in this time period.
Besides we don't count for squat on th etopic. The manchne just slowly grinds away like our HWY bridges. lol

Airborne, I like your avatar. I wore it proudly for 20 years. Hoooaaahhh!!!
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 12:40 pm
Thanks I got mine on my birthday in 1966. I would have done 20-30 years like my father and you. But the Nam, opened my eyes. Being Westmorelands rapid development force and having a major from the Quartermaster Corps as our troop commander made me realize war (at that time) was an officers retention program. He got several men killed and half a dozen wounded. before he was blown away! Just so he might not get passed over for promotion and be forced to retire.

So did you ever get a chance to serve in the 173 ABN BDE. (SEP) Or was Bragg your stomping ground?

I gave my wife my blood wings. Later on she had them made into a ring for me on one of our anniversary. I still wear them. She passed away in Feb. 2006.
I notice I forgot to use my spell checker on that last post. When I went to school girls took typing and boys took wood/metal shop. lol
I did a great belt hanger. lol
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 01:14 pm
Pinochet73;37214 wrote:
Yeah...and he also caused the first Persian Guld War. :gotsearch:

Evidently, he had bigger cojoneses than Dubya....he kept all the factions in line...they didn't f...around with him, did they? Dubya made a big photo op , last week, in Iraq...didn't stay long, did he? Had a quick lunch, and got the hell out of there? Why? Everything is improving...why, that Anbar province sheik that got blown to bits, a week after meeting with Bush, is evidence that ain't nothing secure or changed...and Americans are dying for nothing...so Bush can prove his manhood...I'm sorry but that ain't reason enuf to die...nothing can be won...we gonna realize that sooner or later....the choice is about whether or not pride is worth dying for...it's the Vietnam War times 10.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 02:14 pm
mlurp;37290 wrote:
Thanks I got mine on my birthday in 1966. I would have done 20-30 years like my father and you. But the Nam, opened my eyes. Being Westmorelands rapid development force and having a major from the Quartermaster Corps as our troop commander made me realize war (at that time) was an officers retention program. He got several men killed and half a dozen wounded. before he was blown away! Just so he might not get passed over for promotion and be forced to retire.

So did you ever get a chance to serve in the 173 ABN BDE. (SEP) Or was Bragg your stomping ground?

I gave my wife my blood wings. Later on she had them made into a ring for me on one of our anniversary. I still wear them. She passed away in Feb. 2006.
I notice I forgot to use my spell checker on that last post. When I went to school girls took typing and boys took wood/metal shop. lol
I did a great belt hanger. lol

No, Airborne. I was a 'five-jump cherry'. I was knocked unconscious on my first landing, but faked it to make it through the rest of Airborne School with a serious concussion (sp). Then, on my last jump, I broke all the toes in my left foot. I decided then my days of parachuting were over. I did get the badge and qualification, however, and wore those wings proudly for the rest of my career. I was a Fort Benning fan.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 02:15 pm
aaronssongs;37305 wrote:
Evidently, he had bigger cojoneses than Dubya....he kept all the factions in line...they didn't f...around with him, did they? Dubya made a big photo op , last week, in Iraq...didn't stay long, did he? Had a quick lunch, and got the hell out of there? Why? Everything is improving...why, that Anbar province sheik that got blown to bits, a week after meeting with Bush, is evidence that ain't nothing secure or changed...and Americans are dying for nothing...so Bush can prove his manhood...I'm sorry but that ain't reason enuf to die...nothing can be won...we gonna realize that sooner or later....the choice is about whether or not pride is worth dying for...it's the Vietnam War times 10.

I find this rather offensive. Shall I report you?
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 02:19 pm
Pinochet73;37321 wrote:
I find this rather offensive. Shall I report you?

I really don't care...who did I insult? Bush? He is not a member of this board.
Report on.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 02:38 pm
Pinochet73;37320 wrote:
No, Airborne. I was a 'five-jump cherry'. I was knocked unconscious on my first landing, but faked it to make it through the rest of Airborne School with a serious concussion (sp). Then, on my last jump, I broke all the toes in my left foot. I decided then my days of parachuting were over. I did get the badge and qualification, however, and wore those wings proudly for the rest of my career. I was a Fort Benning fan.

Sorry to hear about your sad experience. Yes the wings like other rewards in the military help one carry themselves better most of the time. My CIB is my badge of honor as well as the wings. And of course the Code of Conduct.
Like you most of us Airborne earned them the hard way. I have a few more jumps than you. I was picked to become a Rigger (Red Hat) while in jump school and before volunteering for the Nam I packed chutes and rigged equipment loads. About every 2 weeks we would pull 10 chutes (5 I packed and 5 other Riggers packed) went out to the DZ and used choppers or L-19's to jump all ten quickly. It was a blast. And when I got to the Nam (I used my Infantry MOS) the 173rd was having that combat jump. So repo depo changed my MOS back to 43 E 20 p and I went to the 173 and not the 101st Airborne. I have the orders. but the Army is right. lol
Took 2 to 3 months to get out of support batt. I had to re-enlist for L.R.R.P. of the 17 Cav. E-Troop as a 11 Bravo 1 P, Scout observer. I guess growing up as an Army Brat with a father in the 10th Special Forces I thought if in a combat zone one carried a weapon and fought. WOW what an eye opener. lol
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 05:17 pm
aaronssongs;37147 wrote:
What a racist comment....how do blacks figure into the equation of the Iraqi War?
Black on black crime, in any urban setting, is a concern..and the root causes are myriad. Certainly, it is a problem which the black community as a whole has to address...without snide remarks from disinterested parties, who, no doubt, "gloat" at the idea. Yet, I'm deemed "a racist" for pointing out the obvious "racism' in others...Stop making race an issue, and it will be a non sequitur.
Millions dead.....yeah, Bush and Co.'s fault....no question.

It is not racist to point out a statistical fact. If you think it is, and it hurts your feelings, you should probably end your online tenure immediately.

Bush's Fault again, Aaron you cannot be serious, you MUST be playign devils advocate JUST to get a rise out of people.

So all the killing before Either Bush was president, was GW's fault too.

I will stop making race an issue when RACE is NO LONGER an issue.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 05:18 pm
Freeman15;37062 wrote:
Saddam didn't put up with this kind of ****. He was an asshole, but he kept these people in line. I wish we could un-hang somebody.

He didnt put up with it, he just killed them.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 05:27 pm
rugonnacry;37058 wrote:
Yeah 1million dead is Bush's fault right? Because Iraqis arent offing eachother in greater numbers than black on black in south central los angeles.

aaronssongs;37147 wrote:
What a racist comment....how do blacks figure into the equation of the Iraqi War?
Black on black crime, in any urban setting, is a concern..and the root causes are myriad. Certainly, it is a problem which the black community as a whole has to address...without snide remarks from disinterested parties, who, no doubt, "gloat" at the idea. Yet, I'm deemed "a racist" for pointing out the obvious "racism' in others...Stop making race an issue, and it will be a non sequitur.
Millions dead.....yeah, Bush and Co.'s fault....no question.

I wish I still had my "Forget Iraq, Pull out of California" email
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 05:30 pm
found it

Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 11:00 pm
Silverchild79;37844 wrote:

I was like you and after the speech on the aircraft carrier I started to question our envelopment and the reason we were drawing down forces from Afghanistan. But after reconsidering the facts I fear what you wrote there won't work and many more deaths will happen. Sure they will fight themselves and nothing will come of it. Except destruction and pain and a new source of freedom die-ers. Strap it on and pay my family.
Can anyone believe if we leave Iraq, this war will go away? And then there is the real reason why we took out Saddam and his boys. Iran!
Saddam kept everyone on their toes with the only thing everyone in Iraq understood, violence.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 11:59 pm
rugonnacry;37836 wrote:
It is not racist to point out a statistical fact. If you think it is, and it hurts your feelings, you should probably end your online tenure immediately.

You might want to go back and check your statistics....propaganda is not factual. Oh, and don't think you have the power to hurt anyone's feelings...though you possess the power to repeatedly embarrass yourself...which you have done.
May I remind you of your vicious and vile insinuation :
" Yeah 1million dead is Bush's fault right? Because Iraqis arent offing eachother in greater numbers than black on black in south central los angeles."

'Black on black' crime is problematic for the black community-at- large, and a phenomenon that we, as black people, must address as a community. For you to equate that with the genocide and murder and mayhem being perpetrated on the Iraqi and Afghani people, forcing a "western-styled" democracy on an unwilling populace, with the puppet strings being pulled by Washington...is to carry hyperbole to the extreme.
The ethnic cleansing, factional fighting and jockeying for position and power is no way comparable to black relations in South Central Los Angeles. You, obviously have been watching too many editions of The O'Reilly Factor.
I doubt, seriously, that you even know any "black people", on a "personal" level. If you did, and you said what you have said here, you might have found a fist upside your head...in fact , I dare you to go anywhere there are any "black people" in numbers, and say what you have said....you won't ...because you already know what would be in store. Easy to hide behind a screen and issue verbiage, which wouldn't rank any higher than "truckers talk", outside of Meridian Mississippi.

Bush's Fault again, Aaron you cannot be serious, you MUST be playign devils advocate JUST to get a rise out of people.

I have much better things to do that to seek some kind of morbid satisfaction out of "getting a rise out of people".....Honestly, I can't think of anything worse than George Bush. Really...besides being a poor excuse for a human being...a liar, and a downright moronic criminal...he, single-handedly, has caused the death of thousands of human beings, making 9/11 "pale" in comparison. American life is not more valuable than any other life...we're human first, and nations seconds, if not third or fourth or fifth. I'm sure many will disagree...which is their right.

So all the killing before Either Bush was president, was GW's fault too.

If this sentence made any sense, I might be able to answer it...but I realize you have a problem being clear and concise.

I will stop making race an issue when RACE is NO LONGER an issue.

Again, you don't make any sense.....you make racist comments, then you claim innocence, and blame the chickens for being eaten by the fox....so to speak.
0 Replies
crackface mcgee
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 11:51 am
You lost me here:

FedUpAmerican;37056 wrote:
From: The Los Angeles Times
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 02:04 pm
@Red cv,
Red;37084 wrote:
with not a thought or care for the total genocide of some Muslim Clans that will ensue once the troops leave.

is it really such a bad thing? as far as i'm concerened, let them kill each other off, and all our middle east problems will be over with.

of course, that's not "christian" of me, now is it? :lightbulb:
crackface mcgee
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 02:12 pm
FUA, I am actually surprised you were still living in the bad ol' USA when the War in Iraq starte, given that you feel a true utopia existed in the Middle East until the President intervened.
0 Replies
crackface mcgee
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 02:13 pm
Yes, I left the "d" off of the word "started". Oops.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 06:04 pm
briansol;38006 wrote:
is it really such a bad thing? as far as i'm concerened, let them kill each other off, and all our middle east problems will be over with.

of course, that's not "christian" of me, now is it? :lightbulb:

Hummmmm I think not! Iraq, is the key in a wedge the New World Order wants. And the Iran leader and his crew. I think one should give mor ethough to what it is they don't care for. I would love to be able to join Blackwater (if they get to stay in Iraq) they have 5,000 to 10,000 fighting alone with our troops. Yes it would be Holy to me. But I understand it isn't just these diaper heads,, it is Islam. If the ones with peace in mind then let them stand up and say the terroist are wrong to use Islam for the cause they fight for. All these American Muslims and in othe rWestern Countries. Other wise they to are going to become enemies of freedom and free will of choice for the entire world.
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 06:15 pm
briansol;38006 wrote:
is it really such a bad thing? as far as i'm concerened, let them kill each other off, and all our middle east problems will be over with.

of course, that's not "christian" of me, now is it? :lightbulb:

I feel that way when I hear another Canadian or US lad is killed trying to help the Afghanie/Iraqie people. It's like they have no loyality to those that want to aide them, and they refuse to help themselves. They steal and loot aide to sell on the black market and then lament on camera for CNN and CBC and BBC that their children are starving so they have to sell their little girls for cash (female children are used as currency in Afghanistan).

Is it worth it, I just don't know.

For the record here's the current death toll, contrary to propaganda from the left. A million spare me the tripe and manure I already own two composters.

The Real 2006
'Iraq Body Count'

Iraqi civilians killed last year by ISLAMIC Terrorists

Iraqi civilians killed collaterally in incidents involving Americans
(and Islamic Terrorists)
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 08:14 pm
@Red cv,
Red;38036 wrote:
I feel that way when I hear another Canadian or US lad is killed trying to help the Afghanie/Iraqie people. It's like they have no loyality to those that want to aide them, and they refuse to help themselves. They steal and loot aide to sell on the black market and then lament on camera for CNN and CBC and BBC that their children are starving so they have to sell their little girls for cash (female children are used as currency in Afghanistan).

Is it worth it, I just don't know.

For the record here's the current death toll, contrary to propaganda from the left. A million spare me the tripe and manure I already own two composters.

The Real 2006
'Iraq Body Count'

Iraqi civilians killed last year by ISLAMIC Terrorists

Iraqi civilians killed collaterally in incidents involving Americans
(and Islamic Terrorists)

iCasualties: OIF Iraqi Deaths

This is not a complete list, nor can we verify these totals. This is simply a compilation of deaths reported by news agencies. Actual totals for Iraqi deaths are much higher than the numbers recorded on this site.

Deaths Since April 28, 2005
(Shiite-led government announced):
Police/Mil: 5644
Civilians: 37567
Total: 43211
Deaths Since February 22, 2006
(Al Askari Mosque bombing):
Police/Mil: 3346
Civilians: 31459
Total: 34805


Contact Us
Our Methodology
Designed and maintained by Michael White
Data Analysis Glenn Kutler
Correspondence: Michal, Piotr, and Karen
U.S. City fatality map: Pete Chamberlain
iCasualties logo: Carrie Phillips

(1) Department of Defense press releases @ DoD
(2) CENTCOM press releases @ CENTCOM
(3) MNF press releases @ MNF
(4) British Ministry of Defense website @ MoD

Uh, excuse me..I don't know where you got your figures, which are undoubtedly, suitable to be written on toilet paper...but my figures are from the Dept. of Defense...whose should we believe, yours or theirs? LOL

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