Jeremiah Wright

scooby-doo cv
Reply Mon 14 Apr, 2008 08:04 am
Pinochet73;56115 wrote:
I bet the Brits are buddies with them, too. They have this stuff called 'oil', which a lot of people need....desperately.

I think the term "buddies" is taking it too far,trading partners,no doubt about it.
0 Replies
crackface mcgee
Reply Mon 14 Apr, 2008 09:25 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;55986 wrote:
Did you ever even for a seconded consider why some people are so pissed off they would fly planes into our buildings? Have you?? Of course not. If you want to solve any problem you first have to find the cause. Instead of fixing the problem they've made it worse. Much worse.

Always ready to send an army and bully the world into thinking like we do, but history has shown that doesn't work and it never has. Thats what the neocons don't understand and they never have. Look what has happened over the last few years, do you know how much bigger Al Qaeda and other anti-american groups have gotten? they've ballooned. Why? Because they don't like us ***ing in their business, and invading Iraq made that much worse.

Why are we so afraid to admit when we are wrong?

and as usually i can see you are making silly asumptions about me, simply because you and your ilk and unable to defend the mistakes....

so :lightbulb: think about that for a minute.

When liberals justify the murderous acts of radical Muslims (9/11/01 attacks, sectarian violence in Iraq, suicide bombings in Israel) by blaming America, you drive the indepdent and undecided to the right. So keep up the rhetoric, America haters!

Did you even think for one second why our presence in the Middle East has increased so much over the last few years? Have you? Because we don't like them ***ing in our business, and bombing the WTC and Pentagon made that much worse.

Before 9/11 revealed the extent of the hatred radical Islams possess toward Judeo/Christian democracies like the U.S. (read this - BEFORE the Iraq War), the liberal (largely European) criticism of America was that we were "inward looking" and not concerned with human rights around the world. Now, liberals say we are ***ing in their business....so apparently, you wish that Sadaam was still alive and in power and inflicting torture and mass murder on the people of Iraq. Would this be better? Ironically, you probably consider yourself to be a big Human Rights advocate.

Yes, I am making assumptions about you. And fair assumptions based on your posting. So admiral of you to refrain from making assumptions about "me and my ilk". Ilk. :beat:
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 14 Apr, 2008 04:09 pm
@crackface mcgee,
crackface_mcgee;56149 wrote:
When liberals justify the murderous acts of radical Muslims

Stop right there! You have already made a serious err. When have i ever justified such atrocious acts? <---rhetorical question

I am showing both sides. People are often quick to blame the Muslims, but what they don't realize is that we have brought this upon ourselves. This started long before September 11th, this started in the cold war. When we armed conflicting radical groups, we supported dictators including Saddam and others. We planned coups and assassinations in their countries and supported the Jews in almost every instance and favored them over the Muslims, we used economic sabotage. Yet people continue to believe they hate us for our freedom, thats a bunch of horse-****!:no:

Get this straight: America is as much to blame as the radical Muslims!


by blaming America, you drive the indepdent and undecided to the right. So keep up the rhetoric, America haters!

really? I am an independent.

Did you even think for one second why our presence in the Middle East has increased so much over the last few years? Have you? Because we don't like them ***ing in our business, and bombing the WTC and Pentagon made that much worse.

Like I said before, this began long before 9/11.

the liberal (largely European) criticism of America was that we were "inward looking" and not concerned with human rights around the world. Now, liberals say we are ***ing in their business....so apparently, you wish that Saddam was still alive and in power and inflicting torture and mass murder on the people of Iraq.

Please don't give me that regurgitated propaganda bullshit! The Iraq war isn't about helping the Iraqis and it never has been. As bush said in his own words it was a "preemptive strike!", his plan was to get back the people who attacked us, which made him look like an idiot when no Saddam/Al Qaeda link was found. His second motive was to find the WMDs which were also never found. If Bush was so interested in taking out dictators then has he let the people under Hugo Chavez suffer? Why has he let the people under Kim Jong-il suffer? Why has he let people under Vladimir Putin suffer? Why has he let the people under Fidel Castro suffer? ...and for so many years!

Would this be better? Ironically, you probably consider yourself to be a big Human Rights advocate.

funny Bush hasn't gone into Darfur if he cared about human rights violations so much...
crackface mcgee
Reply Mon 14 Apr, 2008 04:27 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;56155 wrote:
People are often quick to blame the Muslims, but what they don't realize is that we have brought this upon ourselves

YOU stop right there! Actually, I just wanted to pull out this sentence just in case somebody reading your lengthy post missed it.


There it is, folks! This is the mentality of the radical left (or as he claims, "independent"). Beware.
crackface mcgee
Reply Mon 14 Apr, 2008 04:30 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;56155 wrote:
If Bush was so interested in taking out dictators then has he let the people under Hugo Chavez suffer? Why has he let the people under Kim Jong-il suffer? Why has he let people under Vladimir Putin suffer? Why has he let the people under Fidel Castro suffer?QUOTE]

To your credit, AT LEAST you don't view Chavez and Castro sympathetically, as do Jimmy Carter, Michael Moore, and all of the Hollywood douchebags.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 14 Apr, 2008 07:13 pm
@crackface mcgee,
crackface_mcgee;56160 wrote:
YOU stop right there! Actually, I just wanted to pull out this sentence just in case somebody reading your lengthy post missed it.


There it is, folks! This is the mentality of the radical left (or as he claims, "independent"). Beware.

Typical. Conservatives are unable to accept it when America has done wrong, it is more of a matter of pride for you than reason. Look don't get me wrong America has done a lot of great things but I'm not one to ignore our own faults. I've said it before it's best to acknowledge our mistakes so they don't happen again.

If you go poking a snake with a stick don't be surprised when it bites you.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 14 Apr, 2008 07:15 pm
@crackface mcgee,
crackface_mcgee;56161 wrote:

To your credit, AT LEAST you don't view Chavez and Castro sympathetically, as do Jimmy Carter, Michael Moore, and all of the Hollywood douchebags.

Have your refuted a single thing I've said or are you just gonna sit there and spew your spite for the left?
Reply Mon 14 Apr, 2008 07:36 pm
@crackface mcgee,
crackface_mcgee;56160 wrote:
YOU stop right there! Actually, I just wanted to pull out this sentence just in case somebody reading your lengthy post missed it.


There it is, folks! This is the mentality of the radical left (or as he claims, "independent"). Beware.


Who was it that helped to put the Shah in power? (Overthrowing a democratic government in doing so, by the way)

Who was it that helped to put Saddam in power?

Who trained the first of the people you call Al-Qeada? Including, but not limited to ol Sammy himself...

We have meddled around in the Middle East far too much for far too long. Nobody will let you rattle their cage forever.
crackface mcgee
Reply Mon 14 Apr, 2008 10:40 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;56165 wrote:
Have your refuted a single thing I've said or are you just gonna sit there and spew your spite for the left?

Better to spew spite for those on the left who do not value or appreciate their freedom, democracy, and opportunities as American than to sit there and spew spite toward the country which provides these opportunities.

Good Lord! Where do I start with refuting your statements? You've heard it all before but you're so sucked into your hateful opinions, it won't do any good. Honestly, the problems with your statements are so obvious to anybody who does not bathe in the Huffington Post hatred that I really don't need to refute them, but ****....here we go. I'll give you a few sentences.

America is not perfect. We have made mistakes. But our intentions are good, and we certainly did NOT deserve to be attacked by radical Muslims.

There was overwhelming evidence of WMD's in Iraq. Bush didn't dream it up. Clinton didn't dream it up. Neither John Kerry nor any of the other countless leaders on the left and right who made definitive statements that Sadaam was producing WMD's dreamed it up. America aside....many other countries had collected their own intelligence leading them to believe the same. Sadaam didn't help to ease the suspicions by blocking the inspectors for a dozen years. Where the weapons went, I don't know....but the "Bush lied about WMD" argument doesn't hold water. YouTube will show you plenty of clips of Bill Clinton discussing this threat in the 90's. I'm not a Bill Clinton fan, but he wasn't lying either. He was working with the collected intelligence as well.

The attacks of 9/11 presented the true urgency for dealing with the radical Islamic mindset. Never mind any accurate or inaccurate perceptions of ties between Iraq, Iran, Taliban, Hamas, Al Qaeda.....it's the irrational radical Muslim mindset that HATES democracy, Jews, Christians, and freedom. It has to be dealt with or we'll see more skyscrapers crumble to the ground.

I could go on and on, but you're going to say it's our fault, and the nuts are going to agree with you. I'm going to say it's not our fault, and the sane will agree with me. And as I sit here and waste my time typing this, I am getting a clear recollection as to why I removed myself from this site a few months ago when the same old **** was coming from another couple of ultra-liberal fools (who probably agree with Jeremiah Wright as well). If I check back a few months from now, you'll be gone, and that Sabaz bastard will be gone but more haters will have surfaced and will be spewing the same hatred.
crackface mcgee
Reply Mon 14 Apr, 2008 10:41 pm
Sabz5150;56167 wrote:

Who was it that helped to put the Shah in power? (Overthrowing a democratic government in doing so, by the way)

Who was it that helped to put Saddam in power?

Who trained the first of the people you call Al-Qeada? Including, but not limited to ol Sammy himself...

We have meddled around in the Middle East far too much for far too long. Nobody will let you rattle their cage forever.

You should be waterboarded.
Reply Tue 15 Apr, 2008 04:40 am
@crackface mcgee,
crackface_mcgee;56170 wrote:
You should be waterboarded.

No debate, nor any sort of refutation whatsoever.

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Typical Rightie.
Reply Tue 15 Apr, 2008 04:48 am
@scooby-doo cv,
Yeah.....Wright keeps blabbering away, eroding Obama's support amongst White folks. It would appear Wright can't get enough attention. Just think -- if he helps torpedo Obama, he'll really be able to attack Whitie from the pulpit henceforth. Obama's probably regretting his relationship with that old kook Wright about now in a big way. Serves him Wright. :thumbup:
0 Replies
crackface mcgee
Reply Tue 15 Apr, 2008 07:13 am
Sabz5150;56171 wrote:
No debate, nor any sort of refutation whatsoever.

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Typical Rightie.

Nothing to refute. All you did was ask questions. And blame America for everything that is wrong in the world.

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Typical Leftie.
Reply Tue 15 Apr, 2008 07:43 am
@crackface mcgee,
crackface_mcgee;56182 wrote:
Nothing to refute. All you did was ask questions. And blame America for everything that is wrong in the world.

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Typical Leftie.

Wow, you sound like those wackos you hear on the AM band where every third word is 'liberal' or 'god'.

Don't see anywhere I blamed America for all that is wrong in the world. See, you're living up to the usual right-winger attitude and taking any critique as outright hatred. Conform, conform, conform.

My questions were to show that we reap what we sow. What we're dealing with now is what we created a little while back. Take a look at Saddam... didn't we have a bit of a hand in putting him in power? The same with Iran, isn't the government we're rattling sabers with the same one we thought would be good to see installed?

No reasonable debate or answer to these besides "waterboarding"? For some reason I am not surprised.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Tue 15 Apr, 2008 03:22 pm
Sabz5150;56171 wrote:
No debate, nor any sort of refutation whatsoever.

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Typical Rightie.

Yeah, I'm starting to see a pattern. :beat:
Reply Tue 15 Apr, 2008 06:01 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
I have news for all you Bush-haters: everything wrong Bush has ever done is Clinton's fault. Ha. Laughing
Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2008 05:28 am
Pinochet73;56203 wrote:
I have news for all you Bush-haters: everything wrong Bush has ever done is Clinton's fault. Ha. Laughing


You can put a good number of things on Billy, but some stuff just won't stick. Ol W's gotten himself into quite a few of the pickles he's currently stuck in.

Remember, "That man tried to kill my daddy."
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2008 06:58 am
@crackface mcgee,
crackface_mcgee;56182 wrote:
Nothing to refute. All you did was ask questions. And blame America for everything that is wrong in the world.

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Typical Leftie.

Nothing to refute ? so are you denying it then,or just turning a blind eye ?
Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2008 09:18 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;56220 wrote:
Nothing to refute ? so are you denying it then,or just turning a blind eye ?

Pride enough to say when we're right but not enough to say when we're wrong.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Apr, 2008 04:28 am
@crackface mcgee,
Wright hates Whites, and has hijacked the Christian religion for personal gain as a racist demogogue. Obama is his friend and student. They're both on my 'excrement list'.

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