Jeremiah Wright

scooby-doo cv
Reply Fri 11 Apr, 2008 11:59 am
@crackface mcgee,
crackface_mcgee;55945 wrote:
Nah, just a typical U.S.-hating liberal who has self declare himself to be more well-informed than most Americans on U.S. foreign policy, much like our old friend Aaronssongs feeling the need to declare himself to be "intelligent", "sophisticated", and "well read".

Liberals like to boast, don't they? Such a feeling of self-importance on the left.

Why do you think all liberals hate the US ? because we dont agree with "good christian wholesome conservatives" ?

Alot of americans dont know whats going on outside their borders,yeh i would say i know more about american foreign policy than a good number of americans.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2008 08:24 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;55941 wrote:
Ok your right im an athiest/communist/closet muslim,my surname is MacLaden :headbang:

No. You're an atheist, a liberal and a mild socialist. You're ideologically indifferent, even lazy. You don't value your Western heritage or your traditional national culture. You wouldn't lift a finger to save them from foreign annihilation. Heck, you don't even acknowledge their existence. You foolishly believe your way of life runs on 'auto-pilot', and will always be there, just the way it is now, without anyone at any time doing anything to maintain it, much less defend it. You're passive, with your head in the sand, making no contribution whatsoever to the perpetuation of Western Civilization, yet you reap its benefits. What's more -- you're an easy mark for the foreign fanatics whom your government is encouraging to move in and slowly take over. YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM, NOT THE SOLUTION.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2008 08:50 am
Pinochet73;55975 wrote:
No. You're an atheist, a liberal and a mild socialist. You're ideologically indifferent, even lazy. You don't value your Western heritage or your traditional national culture. You wouldn't lift a finger to save them from foreign annihilation. Heck, you don't even acknowledge their existence. You foolishly believe your way of life runs on 'auto-pilot', and will always be there, just the way it is now, without anyone at any time doing anything to maintain it, much less defend it. You're passive, with your head in the sand, making no contribution whatsoever to the perpetuation of Western Civilization, yet you reap its benefits. What's more -- you're an easy mark for the foreign fanatics whom your government is encouraging to move in and slowly take over. YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM, NOT THE SOLUTION.

Complete rubbish pino,yeh im an athiest but that dosen't mean im a pacifist and would let people just walk over the top of me,you say i wouldn't lift a finger to prevent foreign annihilation,from whm are you talking about ?
You also "your an easy mark for the foreign fanatics whom your government is encouraging to move in and take over. YOUR PART OF THE PROBLEM,NOT THE SOLUTION" again complete rubbish,i hate these Islamist fanatics,i think people are not happy living in a western democracy with western values,then maybe they should think about moving to a country that does,like SAUDI ARABIA,A BRUTAL ISLAMIC REGIME,BUT VERY FRIENDLY WITH YOUR PRESIDENT,WHAT DO YOU THINK ?
crackface mcgee
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2008 10:09 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;55953 wrote:
Yeah and conservatives like to blow **** up. It may be fun but doesn't make for a good foreign policy!

It's not fun, but when a few thousand people are trying to start a typical Tuesday workday and they get blown up, you need to fight back. Can you wrap your naive head around that one?

Of course you probably hate America and have therefore convinced yourself that the attacks on America were an "inside job", so there is probably no point in arguing with you.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2008 11:56 am
@crackface mcgee,
crackface_mcgee;55983 wrote:
It's not fun, but when a few thousand people are trying to start a typical Tuesday workday and they get blown up, you need to fight back. Can you wrap your naive head around that one?

Of course you probably hate America and have therefore convinced yourself that the attacks on America were an "inside job", so there is probably no point in arguing with you.

Did you ever even for a seconded consider why some people are so pissed off they would fly planes into our buildings? Have you?? Of course not. If you want to solve any problem you first have to find the cause. Instead of fixing the problem they've made it worse. Much worse.

Always ready to send an army and bully the world into thinking like we do, but history has shown that doesn't work and it never has. Thats what the neocons don't understand and they never have. Look what has happened over the last few years, do you know how much bigger Al Qaeda and other anti-american groups have gotten? they've ballooned. Why? Because they don't like us ******* in their business, and invading Iraq made that much worse.

Why are we so afraid to admit when we are wrong?

and as usually i can see you are making silly asumptions about me, simply because you and your ilk and unable to defend the mistakes....

so :lightbulb: think about that for a minute.
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2008 10:01 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;55979 wrote:
Complete rubbish pino,yeh im an athiest but that dosen't mean im a pacifist and would let people just walk over the top of me,you say i wouldn't lift a finger to prevent foreign annihilation,from whm are you talking about ?
You also "your an easy mark for the foreign fanatics whom your government is encouraging to move in and take over. YOUR PART OF THE PROBLEM,NOT THE SOLUTION" again complete rubbish,i hate these Islamist fanatics,i think people are not happy living in a western democracy with western values,then maybe they should think about moving to a country that does,like SAUDI ARABIA,A BRUTAL ISLAMIC REGIME,BUT VERY FRIENDLY WITH YOUR PRESIDENT,WHAT DO YOU THINK ?

So....once again, it's Bush's fault. You're hopeless. Yes....you would side with the Islamists if they told you that they too see Bush as the world's greatest evil.
Reply Sun 13 Apr, 2008 09:09 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;55979 wrote:
Complete rubbish pino,yeh im an athiest but that dosen't mean im a pacifist and would let people just walk over the top of me,you say i wouldn't lift a finger to prevent foreign annihilation,from whm are you talking about ?
You also "your an easy mark for the foreign fanatics whom your government is encouraging to move in and take over. YOUR PART OF THE PROBLEM,NOT THE SOLUTION" again complete rubbish,i hate these Islamist fanatics,i think people are not happy living in a western democracy with western values,then maybe they should think about moving to a country that does,like SAUDI ARABIA,A BRUTAL ISLAMIC REGIME,BUT VERY FRIENDLY WITH YOUR PRESIDENT,WHAT DO YOU THINK ?
There an ally, just like you guys are.
Reply Sun 13 Apr, 2008 09:17 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;55986 wrote:
Did you ever even for a seconded consider why some people are so pissed off they would fly planes into our buildings? Have you?? Of course not. If you want to solve any problem you first have to find the cause. Instead of fixing the problem they've made it worse. Much worse.

Always ready to send an army and bully the world into thinking like we do, but history has shown that doesn't work and it never has. Thats what the neocons don't understand and they never have. Look what has happened over the last few years, do you know how much bigger Al Qaeda and other anti-american groups have gotten? they've ballooned. Why? Because they don't like us ***ing in their business, and invading Iraq made that much worse.

Why are we so afraid to admit when we are wrong?

and as usually i can see you are making silly asumptions about me, simply because you and your ilk and unable to defend the mistakes....

so :lightbulb: think about that for a minute.
Did you ever even for a seconded consider why some people are so pissed off they would fly planes into our buildings? Have you?
Who gives a **** why they do it. If you would of had prior knowledge to that kid at V tech would you of let him do it or killed him on the spot? There is no indifference in some one who is already indifferent. You cannot reason with people like this, whether they be fanitical muslims or crazy Americans, in any moral persons judgement these people need being disposed of. If i'm ever confronted in a situation i hope i make the right decision.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 13 Apr, 2008 11:09 am
DiversityDriven;56059 wrote:
Who gives a **** why they do it.

Anyone who wants to stop it from ever happening again.


Is there anything about the above statement that isn't clear? A ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.

If you would of had prior knowledge to that kid at V tech would you of let him do it or killed him on the spot?

If we had prior knowledge of his mental state we could have institutionalized him preventing the tragedy at Virginia tech, which the same knowledge we could prevent other similar shootings at other universities.

There is no indifference in some one who is already indifferent. You cannot reason with people like this,

you don't need to reason with them, simply knowing whats wrong and stopping it before it happens.

whether they be fanatical Muslims or crazy Americans, in any moral persons judgment these people need being disposed of.

There is a problem with that....THERE IS TOO ******* MANY OF THEM!

no matter how many you 'dispose' there will always be more, you might actually be making more in the process. Which is happening in the middle east right now, they have actually become more organized and more deadly since we went in there.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 13 Apr, 2008 01:01 pm
Pinochet73;56033 wrote:
So....once again, it's Bush's fault. You're hopeless. Yes....you would side with the Islamists if they told you that they too see Bush as the world's greatest evil.

Did i say it was Bush's fault ? The Saudis are a Radical Islamic regime,with known terrorist connection,yet your Presdent is best buddys with them,Bush is all for democracy in the Middle-east,is he going to invade Saudi Arabia if they dont become a democracy.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 13 Apr, 2008 01:03 pm
DiversityDriven;56058 wrote:
There an ally, just like you guys are.

Is that what you call them :eek: Bin-laden - Saudi,15 of the 9/11 bombers -saudi's,what does Bush do ? invades Iraq :lightbulb:
Reply Sun 13 Apr, 2008 05:25 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;56069 wrote:
Anyone who wants to stop it from ever happening again.


Is there anything about the above statement that isn't clear? A ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.

If we had prior knowledge of his mental state we could have institutionalized him preventing the tragedy at Virginia tech, which the same knowledge we could prevent other similar shootings at other universities.

you don't need to reason with them, simply knowing whats wrong and stopping it before it happens.

There is a problem with that....THERE IS TOO ******* MANY OF THEM!

no matter how many you 'dispose' there will always be more, you might actually be making more in the process. Which is happening in the middle east right now, they have actually become more organized and more deadly since we went in there.
Anyone who wants to stop it from ever happening again.


Is there anything about the above statement that isn't clear? A ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.
I say again, i don't give a ****. Until they are reasonable, we have nothing to talk about.
If we had prior knowledge of his mental state we could have institutionalized him preventing the tragedy at Virginia tech, which the same knowledge we could prevent other similar shootings at other universities.
Try and stick to the question. You alone have prior knowledge. The choices are either he lives to do what he did yor or you kill and stop him, WOULD YOU?
Reply Sun 13 Apr, 2008 05:28 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;56082 wrote:
Did i say it was Bush's fault ? The Saudis are a Radical Islamic regime,with known terrorist connection,yet your Presdent is best buddys with them,Bush is all for democracy in the Middle-east,is he going to invade Saudi Arabia if they dont become a democracy.
So what is britons official statement on the house of Saudi? Friend or foe?
Reply Sun 13 Apr, 2008 05:34 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;56083 wrote:
Is that what you call them :eek: Bin-laden - Saudi,15 of the 9/11 bombers -saudi's,what does Bush do ? invades Iraq :lightbulb:
When did Iraq start for you?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 13 Apr, 2008 05:35 pm
DiversityDriven;56094 wrote:
I say again, i don't give a ****. Until they are reasonable, we have nothing to talk about.

This is where the problem begins. They feel the exact same way, wouldn't you think? You and your ilk are as just unreasonable to them.

Try and stick to the question. You alone have prior knowledge. The choices are either he lives to do what he did your or you kill and stop him, WOULD YOU?

This is not the point as it is rather obvious the answer to your question, this is about understanding why people do things and what you can do to prevent and not provoke these attacks.
Reply Sun 13 Apr, 2008 05:45 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;56097 wrote:
This is where the problem begins. They feel the exact same way, wouldn't you think? You and your ilk are as just unreasonable to them.

This is not the point as it is rather obvious the answer to your question, this is about understanding why people do things and what you can do to prevent and not provoke these attacks.
This is where the problem begins. They feel the exact same way, wouldn't you think? You and your ilk are as just unreasonable to them.
We don't fly planes into building, do we? You believe suicide bombing is reasonable? What about market bombing? What about using women and children to hide behind? Why do you have a double standard for there conduct and one for ours? Why can they lop off a head and if we pour water over there head with a rag covering it you freak out? Your biased buddy, no doubt about it. You would give them the advantage at every turn if you could wouldn't you?
This is not the point as it is rather obvious the answer to your question, this is about understanding why people do things and what you can do to prevent and not provoke these attacks
You keep trying to understand and we'll keep killing them. We arn't asking them to reason any more, just that they show us who they are, we'll do the rest. Were done with reasoning, dont you get it.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 13 Apr, 2008 06:23 pm
DiversityDriven;56101 wrote:
We don't fly planes into building, do we? You believe suicide bombing is reasonable? What about market bombing? What about using women and children to hide behind? Why do you have a double standard for there conduct and one for ours?

Yet we do support dictators, we do plan assassinations and coups in foreign nations, we do commit economic sabotage, we do arm terrorist groups...all of these things are 'reasonable' to you? There is no doubt that the Muslim fundamentalists are unreasonable, but there is enough blame to pass around.

You would give them the advantage at every turn if you could wouldn't you?

No I'm leveling the playing field is what I'm doing. I'm giving Americans like yourself a good look in the mirror. Americans are quick to blame the Muslims but they don't realize a lot of this is our fault as well.

You keep trying to understand and we'll keep killing them. We arn't asking them to reason any more, just that they show us who they are, we'll do the rest. Were done with reasoning, dont you get it.

reason, compromise, negotiation

they will never cease to be problem solving tools, and more often than not they are more effective than waging war.

"You'll attract more bees with honey than you will with vinegar"
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Apr, 2008 07:53 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;56082 wrote:
Did i say it was Bush's fault ? The Saudis are a Radical Islamic regime,with known terrorist connection,yet your Presdent is best buddys with them,Bush is all for democracy in the Middle-east,is he going to invade Saudi Arabia if they dont become a democracy.

I bet the Brits are buddies with them, too. They have this stuff called 'oil', which a lot of people need....desperately.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Mon 14 Apr, 2008 07:52 am
DiversityDriven;56095 wrote:
So what is britons official statement on the house of Saudi? Friend or foe?

In diplomatic terms they would be classed as friend,but that is not my opinion,and they are not personal friends of the Prime Minister,Bush IS personal friends with the Saidi Royal Family,a brtutal Radical Islamic Regime.
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Mon 14 Apr, 2008 07:59 am
DiversityDriven;56096 wrote:
When did Iraq start for you?

When do you think bright spark :lightbulb:

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