911, The consequences we paid for our actions

Reply Tue 5 Jun, 2007 04:57 pm
92b16vx;19274 wrote:
Haha ok. Maybe you and Draline should sign up with the KKK, then you can defend white chiristian democracy against the evil brown world.

Islam is calling you! Praise be Allah!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Jun, 2007 04:59 pm
Reagaknight;19277 wrote:
Please tell me where i said anything about race. I am sure my fellow clan members would have to kill me if I did join.
They'd have to kill me too. Us Browny's infultrate every where.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Jun, 2007 05:00 pm
92b16vx;19279 wrote:
They don't JUST descriminate against race, they hate all kinds of people, they are great protectors of the christian faith.

They are great protector of there Christian faith. Just like you were when you were in Iraq.
Reply Tue 5 Jun, 2007 05:07 pm
Drnaline;19307 wrote:
They are great protector of there Christian faith. Just like you were when you were in Iraq.

No, I was the great protector of American oil remember?
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Reply Tue 5 Jun, 2007 05:18 pm
Protector or stealer?
Reply Tue 5 Jun, 2007 05:30 pm
Drnaline;19320 wrote:
Protector or stealer?

You know me, a little of both.
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Reply Tue 5 Jun, 2007 05:37 pm
Figured you wouldn't want to be nailed down to anything.
Reply Tue 5 Jun, 2007 05:40 pm
Drnaline;19324 wrote:
Figured you wouldn't want to be nailed down to anything.

Kind of like you and facts, never seen together.
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Red cv
Reply Tue 5 Jun, 2007 06:12 pm
DesertDave;18912 wrote:
I'm still amazed about how many people still think 911 was an unprovolked attack, bull****. It was a reaction to our foreign policy actions partly in Israel since it's formation and occupying Saudi Arabia and building numerous permanent bases there over the past 16 years.

Since the illegal invasion of Iraq and the genocide of it's people through "collateral damage" a Republican term for accidental murder, we've got it coming. I personally fear having to pay the price for a foreign policy I never agreed to, thaks again Republicans, I gotta potentially take a bullet for your ****?

The Republican agenda may very well cause you your life in the next attack, oh yes, I think it's only a question of when thanks to the Iraq invasion that has been the poster boy for recruiting an endless stream of young muslim, Islamic volunteer attackers - thanks Bush! and *** pro war supporters. How about keeping your death wishes out of my politics!

What utter horse ****, mods a shovel is needed in isle five.

First of all the old tired and not true "It was because of the US's foreign policy is utter rot, cow poo," but as per norm the left love to blame innocents whilst hugging hard core criminals. Radical Islamist hate us because these Animals have been thought to hate us. They resent our freedoms, they hate democracy because it goes against "Allahs" teachings or so the radical filth think (not that they do much of that, the Imams do their thinking for them). Radical Islam declaired war on the west, we didn't declaire it on them. Saudi Arabia has been funding Wahhabi Islam and it's violent arse backwards teachings and where was Billy Bob (getting a blow job) when the Saudis were funding radical terrorists? They hate us because they can, do and are tought it. Leave Israel out of the equation, as far as I'm concerned Palestine is Jorden let them leave Isreal and go there.

For the life of me I can't see a peacenik, left/left leaning idiot like you going off to war unless it's the war on Global Warming. People like you make me ill, you regale in the death of innocents and lament the death of Terrorist. Twisted plucks.
Reply Tue 5 Jun, 2007 06:25 pm
@Red cv,
Red;19327 wrote:
What utter horse ****, mods a shovel is needed in isle five.

First of all the old tired and not true "It was because of the US's foreign policy is utter rot, cow poo,"

Actually, in the Republican Debate going on at this very moment, Waffilaini just pretty much said it was, which is completely hilarious, since the last debate he said just what you did, that it was absurd to think that.
Reply Tue 5 Jun, 2007 09:41 pm
Reagaknight;19282 wrote:
Yeah, that's why they lynched Catholic immigrants.

don't get me started on this:no:
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 07:56 am
I'm still waiting for the libbys to declare a war on global warming.
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Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 09:08 am
Hmm.....what prompted the Moslems to attack Spain in AD 711? What about the Ottoman Turks' invasion and occupation of the Balkans until after WWI? How can Islamic aggression against the West be solely attributed to U.S. foreign policy, when the aggressions began less than a century after Islam's invention by Mohammad in AD 610, in Mecca?
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Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 09:12 am
Think anyone will answer, not likely?
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I Understand
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 09:56 am
92b16vx;19329 wrote:
Actually, in the Republican Debate going on at this very moment, Waffilaini just pretty much said it was, which is completely hilarious, since the last debate he said just what you did, that it was absurd to think that.

Wow....This should be made known that he totally flip flopped. The media got all on John Kerry for flip flopping but why not Rudy. I have no hope for this country. The only glimmer of hope is with the Ron Paul campaign and hopefully we can gain enough supporters for an uprising.
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 10:17 am
@I Understand,
I Understand;19430 wrote:
Wow....This should be made known that he totally flip flopped. The media got all on John Kerry for flip flopping but why not Rudy. I have no hope for this country. The only glimmer of hope is with the Ron Paul campaign and hopefully we can gain enough supporters for an uprising.

Kind of funny how it is being completely ignored eh?
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I Understand
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 12:02 pm
Its too bad that people like us are the minority.
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 01:11 pm
I think we are truly through the looking glass in this country. Black is white, up is down, and 2+2=5. Example: So-called conservatives foam at the mouth attacking Ron Paul while constantly raving over "tough guy" Fred Thompson.

Let's compare the two: Ron Paul is a medical doctor, former Flight Surgeon in the Air Force, and 10-term congressman who has never voted for a tax increase, federal gun law, a congressional pay raise, etc. He's served on the House Banking, Finance, and Foreign Affairs Committees, supported Reagan in 1976 (one of only 4 Republicans to do so), is pro-life, pro-Constitution, and for securing our southern border while opposing amnesty.

Fred Thompson is a lawyer, lobbyist, actor, CFR member, who has spent his entire adult life inside the Beltway or on Hollywood sets. He never served in the military and yet--like Giuliani--is a shameless war hawk.

What's wrong with this picture?
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 01:27 pm
trapped.by.parties;19352 wrote:
don't get me started on this:no:

I don't see how you coul be mad if I point out that the KKK lynched Catholic immigrants, making them not protectors of the Christian faith.
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Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 01:52 pm
DesertDave wrote:
"I'm still amazed about how many people still think 911 was an unprovolked attack, bull****. It was a reaction to our foreign policy actions partly in Israel since it's formation and occupying Saudi Arabia and building numerous permanent bases there over the past 16 years.

Since the illegal invasion of Iraq and the genocide of it's people through "collateral damage" a Republican term for accidental murder, we've got it coming. I personally fear having to pay the price for a foreign policy I never agreed to, thaks again Republicans, I gotta potentially take a bullet for your ****?

The Republican agenda may very well cause you your life in the next attack, oh yes, I think it's only a question of when thanks to the Iraq invasion that has been the poster boy for recruiting an endless stream of young muslim, Islamic volunteer attackers - thanks Bush! and *** pro war supporters. How about keeping your death wishes out of my politics!"

In keeping with the better interests of this country the U.S. foriegn policy is about protecting spheres of influence around the globe. In this world the U.S. garners it's resources from many different countries. Being a capitalistic entity, much money and influence is poured into peoples and foriegn governments pockets in order to protect our interests. It is and always has been the American way to protect the American way. The current President and his administration have a much more bullish way of doing this then previous administrations. History will judge him accordingly. However, would you be so kind as to point out a single country in this world, who does not protect their own interests first and foremost, I would appreciate it. The fact that America can use it's vast resources (military and economic) to protect the American way of life more comprehensibly then other countries can, does not mean that we are evil and they are good. They just want you to think that way.
So DesertDave, "we got it coming" is what you implied, by that do you mean you agree with what the terrorist did? Because you certainly made it sound that way, is it your opinion that the U.S. deserved to be attacked in such a manner? Should the U.S. stop protecting our supply lines and global trade and influence out of fear that others will hate us and may possibly attack us again? What exactly are your politics? Please explain.
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