wow, What a pillow bitting thumbsucker bed wetting nancy boy. Now it's our fault we got attacked. Are you actually that mooshy brained to fall for the propaganda the al-queda is spouting? 9-11 was one of many attacks by a group of gangsters who we equiped with weapons and helped to push invading russia out of their lands. Then turned on us. What graditude they show. Three American soilders, three of your fellow citizens, No three of your bretheren where kidnapped, one of wich was found dead, Brutally murdered and there is no telling what has or what is happening to the others. POWs getting thier heads chopped off and you and your kind have the nerve to say it is our fault and yell and scream when one of our ENEMY gets a pair of panties put on thier head? :wtf: You People make me sick to my stomach. You make me ashamed to say i am an American if that is what "most" Americans think. The brain washed masses that make the left wing nutt bags. Oh no there are dogs barking at barbarians who would do worse if it were you in prisoned from them. NO MY MOOSHY BRAINED FRIEND, THEY DO NOT DESERVE BETTER THAN THAT!!!!!!!!! I am two democratinc debates away from loosing my freaking mind. What the hell is wrong with this country. AND I'M NOT EVEN REPUBLICAN!!!!!! don't worry, we are in for the worst 4 to 8 years of our lives. Mark my words. So we have stopped a few "terror plots" In wich the bone head terrorsts make videos saying this is retaliation, So we what, appologize to them and give them a victory? Tell them, "oh since you put it that way......We give up"? I'm sorry mister barbarian who has never known anything other than barbary, bloodshed, killing, and war against your own people, I think you are right, we have seen the light of the islam way, your are absolutley right i should convert! Are you actually that dimwhitted that you think we can pull out and everything will be flowers and peace signs? NO you fool they will still attack, only worse than before cuz then we are cowards and sissys in thier eyes. They have said time and again, "We know we will have victory becouse Americans can't stomach a war." They want us to pull out so they can regroup and regain strong numbers. This is common sense. This is why they send videos over here that get leaked to the media. Then eventually get exploited and become brain wash juice for people like you. These people are not stupid contrary to popular belief. They know how to play the political field just as well as our leaders do. They also get quit a bit of help from the left. Bottom line, pulling out will not save anyones life. It's like having sex, just cuz you pull out doesn't mean the girl won't get pregnant, the sperm are determined to fullfill thier said duty. You need better protection than that!!!