911, The consequences we paid for our actions

Reply Sun 3 Jun, 2007 09:42 pm
"It was a reaction to our foreign policy actions partly in Israel since it's formation and occupying Saudi Arabia and building numerous permanent bases there over the past 16 years."

Yeah....but you're overlooking one very important detail: Islam has been at war with the West since the 8th Century. We are dealing with an ancestral enemy. There is simply no way for the West to to get along with Islam. Moreover, Israel is a Western nation, located in the middle of the Islamic world. Of course we're going to have close relations with it, for a lot of reasons.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Jun, 2007 09:46 pm
92b16vx;18952 wrote:
Well, according to Draline, and pinoc, you have to be a mindless Bush puppet, and believe he ****s roses to be a patriot, and if you don't, you are a islamofascist sympathizer.

Rambo Jr.,

Are you saying that anyone who likes the U.S. President is a puppet? You do recall the fact the guy was elected twice, don't you?
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 07:15 pm
wow, What a pillow bitting thumbsucker bed wetting nancy boy. Now it's our fault we got attacked. Are you actually that mooshy brained to fall for the propaganda the al-queda is spouting? 9-11 was one of many attacks by a group of gangsters who we equiped with weapons and helped to push invading russia out of their lands. Then turned on us. What graditude they show. Three American soilders, three of your fellow citizens, No three of your bretheren where kidnapped, one of wich was found dead, Brutally murdered and there is no telling what has or what is happening to the others. POWs getting thier heads chopped off and you and your kind have the nerve to say it is our fault and yell and scream when one of our ENEMY gets a pair of panties put on thier head? :wtf: You People make me sick to my stomach. You make me ashamed to say i am an American if that is what "most" Americans think. The brain washed masses that make the left wing nutt bags. Oh no there are dogs barking at barbarians who would do worse if it were you in prisoned from them. NO MY MOOSHY BRAINED FRIEND, THEY DO NOT DESERVE BETTER THAN THAT!!!!!!!!! I am two democratinc debates away from loosing my freaking mind. What the hell is wrong with this country. AND I'M NOT EVEN REPUBLICAN!!!!!! don't worry, we are in for the worst 4 to 8 years of our lives. Mark my words. So we have stopped a few "terror plots" In wich the bone head terrorsts make videos saying this is retaliation, So we what, appologize to them and give them a victory? Tell them, "oh since you put it that way......We give up"? I'm sorry mister barbarian who has never known anything other than barbary, bloodshed, killing, and war against your own people, I think you are right, we have seen the light of the islam way, your are absolutley right i should convert! Are you actually that dimwhitted that you think we can pull out and everything will be flowers and peace signs? NO you fool they will still attack, only worse than before cuz then we are cowards and sissys in thier eyes. They have said time and again, "We know we will have victory becouse Americans can't stomach a war." They want us to pull out so they can regroup and regain strong numbers. This is common sense. This is why they send videos over here that get leaked to the media. Then eventually get exploited and become brain wash juice for people like you. These people are not stupid contrary to popular belief. They know how to play the political field just as well as our leaders do. They also get quit a bit of help from the left. Bottom line, pulling out will not save anyones life. It's like having sex, just cuz you pull out doesn't mean the girl won't get pregnant, the sperm are determined to fullfill thier said duty. You need better protection than that!!!
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 07:24 pm
trapped.by.parties;19124 wrote:
wow, What a pillow bitting thumbsucker bed wetting nancy boy. Now it's our fault we got attacked. Are you actually that mooshy brained to fall for the propaganda the al-queda is spouting? 9-11 was one of many attacks by a group of gangsters who we equiped with weapons and helped to push invading russia out of their lands. Then turned on us. What graditude they show. Three American soilders, three of your fellow citizens, No three of your bretheren where kidnapped, one of wich was found dead, Brutally murdered and there is no telling what has or what is happening to the others. POWs getting thier heads chopped off and you and your kind have the nerve to say it is our fault and yell and scream when one of our ENEMY gets a pair of panties put on thier head? :wtf: You People make me sick to my stomach. You make me ashamed to say i am an American if that is what "most" Americans think. The brain washed masses that make the left wing nutt bags. Oh no there are dogs barking at barbarians who would do worse if it were you in prisoned from them. NO MY MOOSHY BRAINED FRIEND, THEY DO NOT DESERVE BETTER THAN THAT!!!!!!!!! I am two democratinc debates away from loosing my freaking mind. What the hell is wrong with this country. AND I'M NOT EVEN REPUBLICAN!!!!!! don't worry, we are in for the worst 4 to 8 years of our lives. Mark my words. So we have stopped a few "terror plots" In wich the bone head terrorsts make videos saying this is retaliation, So we what, appologize to them and give them a victory? Tell them, "oh since you put it that way......We give up"? I'm sorry mister barbarian who has never known anything other than barbary, bloodshed, killing, and war against your own people, I think you are right, we have seen the light of the islam way, your are absolutley right i should convert! Are you actually that dimwhitted that you think we can pull out and everything will be flowers and peace signs? NO you fool they will still attack, only worse than before cuz then we are cowards and sissys in thier eyes. They have said time and again, "We know we will have victory becouse Americans can't stomach a war." They want us to pull out so they can regroup and regain strong numbers. This is common sense. This is why they send videos over here that get leaked to the media. Then eventually get exploited and become brain wash juice for people like you. These people are not stupid contrary to popular belief. They know how to play the political field just as well as our leaders do. They also get quit a bit of help from the left. Bottom line, pulling out will not save anyones life. It's like having sex, just cuz you pull out doesn't mean the girl won't get pregnant, the sperm are determined to fullfill thier said duty. You need better protection than that!!!

Ever heard of a paragraph?
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 07:36 pm
92b16vx;19125 wrote:
Ever heard of a paragraph?

I'm sorry, next time i will be more grammatically correct!:thumbup:
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 07:37 pm
trapped.by.parties;19127 wrote:
I'm sorry, next time i will be more grammatically correct!:thumbup:

well, it does help when people have to read what you have written. Face to face a spirited exclamation is always welcome, but come on, we have to decifer that Smile
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 07:46 pm
92b16vx;19128 wrote:
well, it does help when people have to read what you have written. Face to face a spirited exclamation is always welcome, but come on, we have to decifer that Smile

Yeah, rereading it i see what you mean. It's just one big bunch run-on sentences.:frown: i suck at life.lol.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 07:56 pm
Na you don't you just haven't has as much practice as others, LOL.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 08:34 pm
Drnaline;18958 wrote:
Doesn't ol Ron Paul know the difference between a monarchy and state power? I personally liked the way he trys to misslead us with the word Opression, slick this guy is, LOL.

Beyond semantics, what is the difference?

DesertDave--You still haven't really gotten a response to your question and you likely never will. I've been hearing so-called conservatives refrain, "We went to Iraq because he was in violation of UN resolutions" out of one side of their mouths while talking about how corrupt and illegitimate the UN is out of the other. I happen to think the UN IS corrupt, illegitimate, and anti-democratic BTW.

But I, like you, would still like to hear a good reason we toppled perhaps the most secular government in the Middle East in our war against "Islamofascists." After all, he was a good customer, for a little while anyway.

Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 08:46 pm
lancesorbenson;19138 wrote:


I find it extraordinarily ironic that Rumsfeld was practically micro managing our war against his ol' buddy.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 08:50 pm
Islam only stopped overtly attacking the West since the end of WWI. Yeah.....that was one heck of a long time ago, but when viewed as the end of a 1,300-year continuum, that's a lot of time devoted to trying to kill and/or tyrannize others. Why are Liberals so determined now to convince us Muslims are really 'peace-loving', and that it's our fault they struck on 911? History directly teaches otherwise.
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 09:03 pm
Pinochet73;19140 wrote:
Islam only stopped overtly attacking the West since the end of WWI. Yeah.....that was one heck of a long time ago, but when viewed as the end of a 1,300-year continuum, that's a lot of time devoted to trying to kill and/or tyrannize others. Why are Liberals so determined now to convince us Muslims are really 'peace-loving', and that it's our fault they struck on 911? History directly teaches otherwise.

No one is saying that muslims as a whole are peace loving, as a matter of fact, I have first hand knowledge that some are not, as well as the recent happenings we are all knowledgable of. But the war on terror has become synonomous of a war on islam. Every society has it's fringe, and crazies, even you christians.
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 09:25 pm
92b16vx;19142 wrote:
No one is saying that muslims as a whole are peace loving, as a matter of fact, I have first hand knowledge that some are not, as well as the recent happenings we are all knowledgable of. But the war on terror has become synonomous of a war on islam. Every society has it's fringe, and crazies, even you christians.

We 'crazies' laid the strongest part of the foundation of the society you just risked your life defending.
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 09:27 pm
lancesorbenson;19138 wrote:
Beyond semantics, what is the difference?

DesertDave--You still haven't really gotten a response to your question and you likely never will. I've been hearing so-called conservatives refrain, "We went to Iraq because he was in violation of UN resolutions" out of one side of their mouths while talking about how corrupt and illegitimate the UN is out of the other. I happen to think the UN IS corrupt, illegitimate, and anti-democratic BTW.

But I, like you, would still like to hear a good reason we toppled perhaps the most secular government in the Middle East in our war against "Islamofascists." After all, he was a good customer, for a little while anyway.


Beyond semantics, what is the difference?
Semantics is all that is needed. Pointedly a fact you cannot get past.
DesertDave--You still haven't really gotten a response to your question and you likely never will.
Really? Or he got one, it just wasn't the one he wanted?
I've been hearing so-called conservatives refrain, "We went to Iraq because he was in violation of UN resolutions" out of one side of their mouths while talking about how corrupt and illegitimate the UN is out of the other.
Are both statement not factual?
I happen to think the UN IS corrupt, illegitimate, and anti-democratic BTW.
I say we scrap it then.
But I, like you, would still like to hear a good reason we toppled perhaps the most secular government in the Middle East in our war against "Islamofascists." After all, he was a good customer, for a little while anyway.

I was a damn good reason just ask Congress. As far as customers go he wasn't that good, they always end up biting the hand the feed then and they have to be put down, that's politics.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 09:28 pm
Pinochet73;19146 wrote:
We 'crazies' laid the strongest part of the foundation of the society you just risked your life defending.

I didn't call all christians crazy, just like I said not all muslims are radicals. But if you want to try denying that christians have done some whack ass **** in the name of the lord, be my guest.
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 09:31 pm
92b16vx;19142 wrote:
No one is saying that muslims as a whole are peace loving, as a matter of fact, I have first hand knowledge that some are not, as well as the recent happenings we are all knowledgable of. But the war on terror has become synonomous of a war on islam. Every society has it's fringe, and crazies, even you christians.

"Some" not all, are war is with radical Islam. We do not target civilians.
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 09:33 pm
92b16vx;19148 wrote:
I didn't call all christians crazy, just like I said not all muslims are radicals. But if you want to try denying that christians have done some whack ass **** in the name of the lord, be my guest.
Yup, we've whacked up some radical Muslim ass lately.
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 09:39 pm
Drnaline;19150 wrote:
"Some" not all, are war is with radical Islam. We do not target civilians.

The problem being that radical islam is not a place on a map. It is not an enemy in and of itself. You can not have a REAL war without a defined enemy. Kind of like the war on drugs, a failure of behemoth proportions Cocaine will just sit there while you shoot it, it doesn't fight back. It should be called the War on Drug Users, or the War on Drug Dealers. War on{insert catch phase of the week here} is fine, as long as it is keep in the proverbial sense, but when you go and try to attach an agenda to it under a false pretense it is a false war. Terror is an abstract, it is a tactic, it is a way of thinking, you can not kill it with guns, as a matter of fact, that is counterproductive to reducing terror. But as long as it is wrapped up in the American flag, you people swallow it whole, and that is a disgrace to Old Glory.
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 09:40 pm
Drnaline;19153 wrote:
Yup, we've whacked up some radical Muslim ass lately.

I was thinking more about shooting doctors and bombing abortion clinics.
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 10:19 pm
92b16vx;19155 wrote:
The problem being that radical islam is not a place on a map. It is not an enemy in and of itself. You can not have a REAL war without a defined enemy. Kind of like the war on drugs, a failure of behemoth proportions Cocaine will just sit there while you shoot it, it doesn't fight back. It should be called the War on Drug Users, or the War on Drug Dealers. War on{insert catch phase of the week here} is fine, as long as it is keep in the proverbial sense, but when you go and try to attach an agenda to it under a false pretense it is a false war. Terror is an abstract, it is a tactic, it is a way of thinking, you can not kill it with guns, as a matter of fact, that is counterproductive to reducing terror. But as long as it is wrapped up in the American flag, you people swallow it whole, and that is a disgrace to Old Glory.
and that is a disgrace to Old Glory
No it is not, it is our God given right.
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