Tartar, Most of us understand the motivations for these photo ops, but let's give some credit to our military that really appreciated both Hillary and GWBush's visit. That had value IMHO.
Yes, of course it was wonderful to see those guys/gals happy. But...
they were props for PR. At election time when excerpts are run in the glorious leader tv ads, perhaps they'll put a circle around each smiling face which no longer exists as a living human.
It wasn't about them. Which of course it pretends to be. Compassionate warmongering.
blatham wrote:I think I'll just walk around my house naked all day, eating nothing but ice cream and fried chicken, listening to some Ira Gershwin songs and trying to remember inspirational words from my grandma.
Gershwin and fried chicken just don't go together.
Switch to Johnny Cash or switch to potatoes and tomatoes (long a). :wink:
on today's BBC news(shown here on the CBC network) a reporter spent time with some u.s. soldiers in afghanistan on patrol in the northern territories. they came under some pretty nasty attacks and you certainly did not see any smiling faces; instead you saw tears welling up when they spoke of their comrades that had been killed in action. a less inspiring picture (and sound) than shown from baghdad. i'm sure president bush's visit gave the soldiers a temporary lift - but how long is it going to last ??? hbg
Someone that will not be swayed .....
CNN, this morning, reported that most of the soldiers (other than those few chosen to be inside the hanger) didn't even know of the president's visit this morning until the news media asked them about it. They were not encouraged by his presence........they were mostly uninterested. What they're interested in is when they can go home and be with their families again.
Those traitors! They should be shot!
CI -- The point I was making (and which I think Blatham also makes) is that these soldiers have been political tools in the hands of the Bush administration -- as soldiers in Iraq and as photo-ops for the administration. It's very nice that they were cheered up, if that's the case, but it doesn't change the basic equation which puts these guys at the mercy of an administration which is using them... badly... for its own political purposes. (I'd like to have heard their conversation after Bush left...)
As for food to eat while listening to Gershwin, you happen to be talking about my first love (and I still love him). So no food is appropriate. Rapt adoration and a little dance here and there doesn't leave room for crass food.
After 15,000+ Iraqis and 300+ Americans dead, I would hope they'll be honest about Iraq's WMD program, but that's a little too late. The dead are dead, and more are dying every day. They are now claiming, they may have been wrong. Jeeesh!
That is not at all what was written. Jeeesh indeed.
For balance on Cohen's statement, one would be advised to read the following.
Quote, "If we eventually are proven wrong—that is, that there were no weapons of mass destruction and the WMD programs were dormant or abandoned—the American people will be told the truth; we would have it no other way."
What is written c.i. is that the truth will be known, one way or the other, no matter who may be inconvenienced, or in what manner. There is nothing else there.

I hardly consider the dead (of both sides) to have been "inconvenienced!"
Quote:"The last time we followed instructions from a Bush, we wandered the desert for forty years."
--my Jewish father-in-law
(edited to correct a chronological gaffe by Papi-in-law -- thanks to that renowned biblical scholar, blatham :wink: )
Let's keep an eye on that Cohen fella and see which boards he's appointed to, what sudden upticks become noticeable in his "life-style"!!
Inconvienced Indeed!!!
All those deaths and those wounded and maimed. Let's be real. This President was going to invade Iraq no matter what. God instructed him to do so. Now the Iraqis will just have to be inconvienced some more and more Americans will need to die, be wounded &/or maimed. How can we disagree with the instructions of God?
Iraq will never be a Democracy. Hell, America is not a Demcracy. Come on folks, time for some reality.
Your jewish father-in-law must have read the Readers Digest Condensed old testament.