Quote:I am convinced they actually think they are doing the right thing. Combine Bush's misguidedness with post-9/11 blind patriotism and you have recipe for disaster.
ILZ, I often find myself thinking the same thing. But then I wonder if they can't learn, can't question, can't stop blindly defending everything they do.
Quote:America has given this fool unconditional support and a blank cheque.
This has bothered me for over a year. Why, why, why did this country's citizens sit back and accept what they were told? When I spoke out strongly against the war back in December and January, my acquaintances and family let their eyes slide away from mine. No one wanted to appear disloyal or unpatriotic. No one wanted to question what we were being fed by the administration. Even if they thought they were "doing the right thing," they never let us hear any skeptism, any doubt. They never let us try to form a conclusion on our own, after we were presented with both sides of an argument. We were told that "they knew" things from intelligence that they could not reveal but that supported their first-strike plans.
I agree with you that comparisons between 1930's Germany and the present-day world are weak at best. But there is one similarity I see: the German people accepted blindly what they were told and did not protest their leaders' actions. We in this country did the same thing. The voice of us dissenters, we who marched against the war and wrote letters and made phone calls, were drowned out by the greater lock-step acceptance of the populace, afraid to question after 9-11.
Now, finally, some of the dissenters are joining the Dean bandwagon. Their voices are loud now that they have companions walking on each side of them, in great number. Where were they when their voices would have counted? If our march in Washington had been 500,000 or a million, rather than the 100,000 who walked, the White House would have had to listen, if only to slow down, look more closely at the evidence, ask if there might be political fall-out from a pre-emptive war. Because we all know -- cynically but truthfully -- that only negative political fall-out would have stopped the President and his PNAC advisors.
Quote: That lack of dissent, in my opinion, is more of a threat to America than any terrorist organization.
Yes, ILZ, Yes.