Timber, I have been thinking about your recent posts.
If you have any deficiency in the Squad Leader role, it is that you tend to be patronizing. Nuf said. Think about it.
I have my own deficiency. It is that I can see the other fellow's viewpoint to a fault. (This does not keep me from being passionate on certain issues. For example, I think that the death penalty is fundamentally flawed, even if one believes in state-sanctioned murder. Until we see rich people -- like the murderer O.J. Simpson -- convicted and sentenced to death, then I will not believe in the fairness of this penalty. As to whether the penalty is moral, well, that is another issue. Glad to discuss it another time.)
I have read your well articulated viewpoints on the positive moves of the Bush Administration. I would not count as one of them (your WAV's) that we have not had a major terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11. It could happen tomorrow, or never. The motivations of terrorists are not within our purview, nor within our control. It is a fantasy that our Homeland Security is protecting us from same. The attempt to do so has been a big political point and will provide much fodder for GOP flak against Dem candidates. And this issue may well re-elect GWB. The fear factor is huge. We were "safe" or thought ourselves so until 9/11. We withdrew into our boundaries after that and needed to be protected. We have become a different country.
As anyone here knows, I was against the war. I do not think that we should go to war on flimsy pretexts. I am not totally, (but almost ) against war, but that is another discussion.
I find your sunny optimism about the policies of this adminstration difficult to countenance. There are so many things you do not want to talk about. You toss us a sop...you say that you are unhappy with the after war. There was not sufficient planning, etc. Okay. What is it about a country that rules the world and moves dramatically to protect its interests but does not foreward plan or fumbles the after game?
Are you just tossing this into the mix? Well, we are the good guys and we will always know and decide what is best, and we are benign, and so what if there are a few missteps? Does this not bring to mind Master Chess Players, moving countries around on the chess board of the world?
Quote:As simplistic as it sounds, Steve, "The Big Picture" to me is the liberation of humankind from the yokes of tyrany and terrorism. I know others don't see it that way, and I know some who do see it that way do not feel the current US course is a reasonable approach. I'm just not one of them.
I want very much to know how you feel that the US approach, which is the PNAC aggressive course, is the way to go. Do you think that wars of agression, to accomplish this goal, are excusable? Do you think that we must force this course on other nations?