Obama calls for permanent ban on assault rifles

scooby-doo cv
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 12:38 pm
Pinochet73;27610 wrote:
I own guns to be able to fight against COMMUNIST GOVERNANCE, which I see as the ultimate objective of American liberals.

i wouldnt give you the remote control for the tv pino :thumbup:
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 12:41 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;27737 wrote:
i wouldnt give you the remote control for the tv pino :thumbup:

I am quite sure he is not the type to censor what you wish to view or read or discuss. He's an open minded, free thinking patriot.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 12:59 pm
socalgolfguy;27738 wrote:
I am quite sure he is not the type to censor what you wish to view or read or discuss. He's an open minded, free thinking patriot.

it was a bit of sarcasm ian :thumbup:
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 01:06 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;27741 wrote:
it was a bit of sarcasm ian :thumbup:

So was mine, mister no name.....
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 02:05 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;27737 wrote:
i wouldnt give you the remote control for the tv pino :thumbup:

I know you wouldn't, which is precisely why I own and train with guns. Thanks. You've helped reinforce my point.:thumbup:
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 10:03 am
Pinochet73;27751 wrote:
I know you wouldn't, which is precisely why I own and train with guns. Thanks. You've helped reinforce my point.:thumbup:

do you smear dirt on your face when your out hunting pino ? pretending your hunting those dirty liberal pinko commies :eek: lol
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 04:06 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;27869 wrote:
do you smear dirt on your face when your out hunting pino ? pretending your hunting those dirty liberal pinko commies :eek: lol

Nah....I just sit or stand at the boring gun ranges we have around here, quietly blowing the chit out of paper targets. It's really quite anti-climactic. In fact, it's dull. I need some new scenary, and a different kind of shooting. Feel sorry for me yet? :frown:
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 04:55 pm
Pinochet73;27903 wrote:
Nah....I just sit or stand at the boring gun ranges we have around here, quietly blowing the chit out of paper targets. It's really quite anti-climactic. In fact, it's dull. I need some new scenary, and a different kind of shooting. Feel sorry for me yet? :frown:

You are such an politically uneducated piece of garbage. For god's sake you thinky your rambo.
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 06:35 pm
IM-A-DEMOCRAT-BABY!;27908 wrote:
You are such an politically uneducated piece of garbage. For god's sake you thinky your rambo.

I will mash your bag, Karl Marx. I'm already visualizing the millions of holes I'm going to punch into it with my track cleats. When I get through with it, it's gonna look just like your face -- a golf ball. Laughing Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 07:30 pm

Oh no, all the more reason to vote 'for" him. Assault weapons (there's a reason they're called "that") have absolutely no place in society.

"The Firearms Act 1968 placed an absolute ban on certain types of weapons, including automatic or self-loading guns.[26] Since then only the armed forces and police have any right to these types of arms. The Firearms Act 1982 extended the provision of the 1968 Act, including control of imitation firearms. The Firearms (Amendment) Act 1997 and Firearms (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 1997 introduced further very significant restrictions.[27] This has led, in effect, to a total ban on private possession of pistols even for competitive sporting purposes. Small-bore rifles remain permitted for competition however."

In my book, "hunting" ought to be "outlawed", on the grounds of cruelty to animals, and the idea of hunting as "sport" is barbaric..( I'm sure that statement is going to go over well)
There is no place for guns in a civilized society...if all guns were done away with...and legislation were enacted to criminally prosecute anyone who discharged a weapon...this would be a better country, and crime would decrease markedly. IMHO
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 07:43 pm
aaronssongs;28035 wrote:
Oh no, all the more reason to vote 'for" him. Assault weapons (there's a reason they're called "that") have absolutely no place in society.

"The Firearms Act 1968 placed an absolute ban on certain types of weapons, including automatic or self-loading guns.[26] Since then only the armed forces and police have any right to these types of arms. The Firearms Act 1982 extended the provision of the 1968 Act, including control of imitation firearms. The Firearms (Amendment) Act 1997 and Firearms (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 1997 introduced further very significant restrictions.[27] This has led, in effect, to a total ban on private possession of pistols even for competitive sporting purposes. Small-bore rifles remain permitted for competition however."

In my book, "hunting" ought to be "outlawed", on the grounds of cruelty to animals, and the idea of hunting as "sport" is barbaric..( I'm sure that statement is going to go over well)
There is no place for guns in a civilized society...if all guns were done away with...and legislation were enacted to criminally prosecute anyone who discharged a weapon...this would be a better country, and crime would decrease markedly. IMHO

Please I would love to hear you rationalize your comments. I really hope you make your own clothing, harvest your own food, built your own house out of mud. Firearms are a TOOL. Just like a knife, spoon, bat or car. Also if I where to attain my Class III weapons permit I would own a full auto firearm. Please I would love for you to explain your opinion to me.

How would you feel if you could not go to this website anymore because your government didnt want you to. What about only watching USA News on Channel 666 as your only source of global info? By the way USA News is owned by the feds as well. Lets give away our 2nd right and watch the rest follow. I always wanted to live in North Korea only with clean water.
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 08:19 pm
aaronssongs;28035 wrote:
Oh no, all the more reason to vote 'for" him. Assault weapons (there's a reason they're called "that") have absolutely no place in society.

Yes, they do, right next to my bed.

"The Firearms Act 1968 placed an absolute ban on certain types of weapons, including automatic or self-loading guns.

I don't know where you got this from, but no it did not. Title II firearms, which are machine guns, suppressors, shortbarrel rifles, short barrel shotguns, destructive devices are controlled under the 1934 National Firearms Act, controlled by the Department of Treasury via the BAFTE.

In my book, "hunting" ought to be "outlawed", on the grounds of cruelty to animals, and the idea of hunting as "sport" is barbaric..( I'm sure that statement is going to go over well)
There is no place for guns in a civilized society...if all guns were done away with...and legislation were enacted to criminally prosecute anyone who discharged a weapon...this would be a better country, and crime would decrease markedly. IMHO

It's a good thing there are more than just one book floating around. The 2nd Amendment is American citizens get out of dictatorship free card. I thin we should enact legislation to criminally prosecute anyone that wants to take our rights away.
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 09:11 pm
Drakej;28038 wrote:
Please I would love to hear you rationalize your comments. I really hope you make your own clothing, harvest your own food, built your own house out of mud. Firearms are a TOOL. Just like a knife, spoon, bat or car. Also if I where to attain my Class III weapons permit I would own a full auto firearm. Please I would love for you to explain your opinion to me.

Excuse me, but a tool for what? Killing? A jackhammer is a tool...never once thought about having one...so that argument doesn't fly. My opinion is as it stands...I don't believe in guns...never have, and never will...once I was robbed and attacked with a gun...someone shoved it into my teeth, which broke them. I managed to get away...the whole experience left me traumatized. Perhaps, you'd feel the same, if it happened to you. Now I suppose some would say, if I had a gun of my own, I could have defended myself....to that I would say...live by the sword, die by the sword. I would vote in a New York minute to outlaw "ALL" guns!

How would you feel if you could not go to this website anymore because your government didnt want you to. What about only watching USA News on Channel 666 as your only source of global info? By the way USA News is owned by the feds as well. Lets give away our 2nd right and watch the rest follow. I always wanted to live in North Korea only with clean water.

Overreacting, I'm sure....outlawing guns = world domination by North Korea.
Some people!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 09:18 pm
92b16vx;28041 wrote:
Yes, they do, right next to my bed.

I don't know where you got this from, but no it did not. Title II firearms, which are machine guns, suppressors, shortbarrel rifles, short barrel shotguns, destructive devices are controlled under the 1934 National Firearms Act, controlled by the Department of Treasury via the BAFTE.

I got it from Wikipedia, under The Right to Bear Arms

It's a good thing there are more than just one book floating around. The 2nd Amendment is American citizens get out of dictatorship free card. I thin we should enact legislation to criminally prosecute anyone that wants to take our rights away.

Just like there are people who have no business creating children, as they have no idea of what it means to be a parent...likewise, there are people who have no business possessing a firearm, because either they are careless, or they have no respect for human or animal life.
How is a gun-toting society any different from the "wild, wild West", where anytime you have a dispute, disagreement, or a problem with another individual, you just commence to firing your firearm...and don't tell me that doesn't happen.
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 09:27 pm
aaronssongs;28044 wrote:
Just like there are people who have no business creating children, as they have no idea of what it means to be a parent...likewise, there are people who have no business possessing a firearm, because either they are careless, or they have no respect for human or animal life.
How is a gun-toting society any different from the "wild, wild West", where anytime you have a dispute, disagreement, or a problem with another individual, you just commence to firing your firearm...and don't tell me that doesn't happen.

Gun control is based on a fantasy world were criminals obey, and care about laws. You can not be a sane person and believe that criminals are going to disarm because there's more gun control legislature. Gun control only effects people that obey the law in the first place. Sorry, just because law abiding people have guns does NOT mean that it is the "wild west" where bullets are flying, that is a fantasy also. I carry daily, as well as my father and have never pulled my gun on someone, nor has he. That scenerio just is NOT true.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 01:23 am
I am not over reacting. I am telling you what this will do. The flood gates will open. The 2nd Amendment is a RIGHT! It is my RIGHT to own a firearm and guess what it is your RIGHT to tell me I am a blood crazed foul and I should just jump off a cliff because I am crazy. I respect your right, I respect your thoughts opinions and ideas. People always assume we are just talking about GUNS. It is so much bigger then guns. That was my whole point. I did not say that taking guns away would turn us into North Korea. What I was saying is you taking away my 2nd Amendment will lead to the 1st amendment being pissed on. So on and so forth. The repercussions from an action like this would destroy America.

Please disagree with me. Do you know why I say that? Because I want you to exercise your RIGHT to disagree. Just like I exercise my right to carry a gun lawfully in my state of permit issue. I respect your words even though I disagree so please have the same respect towards me.

Also, I understand you had a bad experience with firearms. But please do not let your self assume that everyone that owns a firearm is out to do harm. I train, I take classes, I study cases of self defense. I am a responsible American exercising my rights.

Just because a very small group of people break the law why should we outlaw some thing? What about the KKK and Neo-Nazi want to bes? Well we should get ride of freedom of speech because they spread hate and violence.
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 02:04 am
Drakej;28055 wrote:
I am not over reacting. I am telling you what this will do. The flood gates will open. The 2nd Amendment is a RIGHT! It is my RIGHT to own a firearm and guess what it is your RIGHT to tell me I am a blood crazed foul and I should just jump off a cliff because I am crazy. I respect your right, I respect your thoughts opinions and ideas. People always assume we are just talking about GUNS. It is so much bigger then guns. That was my whole point. I did not say that taking guns away would turn us into North Korea. What I was saying is you taking away my 2nd Amendment will lead to the 1st amendment being pissed on. So on and so forth. The repercussions from an action like this would destroy America.

Please disagree with me. Do you know why I say that? Because I want you to exercise your RIGHT to disagree. Just like I exercise my right to carry a gun lawfully in my state of permit issue. I respect your words even though I disagree so please have the same respect towards me.

Also, I understand you had a bad experience with firearms. But please do not let your self assume that everyone that owns a firearm is out to do harm. I train, I take classes, I study cases of self defense. I am a responsible American exercising my rights.

Just because a very small group of people break the law why should we outlaw some thing? What about the KKK and Neo-Nazi want to bes? Well we should get ride of freedom of speech because they spread hate and violence.

We can agree to disagree...I fully respect your 2nd Amendment right. In fact, I respect and support every right. What's right for me, may not be right for you. And vice versa. You're entitled to believe as you choose, as I am. Free country (at least, for a little while longer...but watch out)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 09:24 am
That is exactly my point. If anyone lobby's to have one right revoked the rest will soon follow. To many people are being suckered into stuff out of "Fear" of the enemy.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 09:53 am
aaronssongs;28044 wrote:
Just like there are people who have no business creating children, as they have no idea of what it means to be a parent...likewise, there are people who have no business possessing a firearm, because either they are careless, or they have no respect for human or animal life.
How is a gun-toting society any different from the "wild, wild West", where anytime you have a dispute, disagreement, or a problem with another individual, you just commence to firing your firearm...and don't tell me that doesn't happen.

There is no relationship between creating a child and bearing arms. Where did you go to school..?
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 10:08 am
socalgolfguy;28082 wrote:
There is no relationship between creating a child and bearing arms. Where did you go to school..?

Ah, that's because your limited reasoning ability prevents you from making the connection. I went to Jack Yates Sr. High, in Houston, Tx, graduating in the upper 25% of my class of approx. 2000...and I was the recipient of the Dr. J.S. Stone scholarship for prospective medical students, and later attended University of Houston, in pre-med.
And your schooling?
0 Replies

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