@Fatal Freedoms,
Not only do I believe in Jesus Christ, but I also advocate the militant defense of The Christian Order. Yes, some Christians are called to be pacifists. Others have withdrawn completely from the world, refusing to do anything that might contrbute to the triumph of Good over Evil. Others of us, however, are called to
fight for Christianity, to serve Christ as
warriors, in the tradition of the knights of old, to protect the flock and spread our civilization.
Now is the time for decisive action, as we face direct attacks from terrorist and fanatical Islam, and the subversive assistance it is receiving from
traitors of many stripes within our own communities (i.e., secular progressives, atheists, Communists, and anti-Western biggots, etc., etc.). We must stand up for our ancestral religion and the social order it forged out of the chaos and barbarity of the Middle Ages.
Appeasement will kill us in the end, quite predictably.:cussing::AR15firing: