Geert Wilders is a hero and champion of Western Civilization. Those Europeans who protested against his film are traitors. The Muslims who did so in Europe are trespassers. They have no business living there. We have to make a choice: are we liberal secularists who feel compelled to internationalize ourselves to the point of losing our cultural identity, or are we Western Christian nationalists, proud of and determined to remain who and what we are for as long as Mankind exists?
I say we're the latter, and should never forget that. I say that the non-believers amongst us should be shouted down, if they are in the minority. If, by some sad trick of fate, they are now the
majority in our once Christian lands, we nationalists should stage a rebellion, and recapture Europe and the Greater West.
Should the West ever lose touch with its Christian heritage and abandon its Christian consciousness, it will find itself in dire straits, soon thereafter. It will perish, and engender the re-ascendancy of barbarism across the entire Eurasian Continent. Christianity made Western Man. Without it, he has no reason for being.:AR15firing: