Smash radical Islam. Smash it hard, flat and repeatedly. Keep smashing it, too.:devilheadbang:
This is what I mean - all you pro-war people say it's about liberating the Iraqi people - you attempt to portray yourselves as people who believe what they are doing is good - and what they support is good but really down inside your just murderous bastards with a cold heart - wanting war and hating the people of the middle east - because of irrational, ignorant and racisct ideas that you either got from you mommy and daddy - or your military training - I don't know but you think your statement was funny and in fact it was quite revealing. I am glad most Americans aren't like you - I would move out of this country - Something is really wrong here though - and what you have said is totally indicative of what I mean. How very sad. People have lost their hearts.
It's not prowar. This isn't a slogan, it's survival.
I take it you are a "liberal" based on your posts. Then, depending on your zeal and exposure, you'll have heard the term old cold-warrior. I claim that title and have served in that capacity to keep you safe for at least 28 years.
Pinochet73 does not exactly see eye to eye with me, nor me to him. Please don't paint us all with that broad brush of yours. That is a favorite technique of people who try to discredit others, usually because they have a predjudice that was just energized.
If you really wish to screw yourself into the ceiling, please see the thread about the Bible Party of the USA. There is no murder, racisim, or hatred there, although you may wish to think there is. That thread really got Pinochet73 going too.
Exactly - it is survival for you guys. This is what really sucks - they put you in a position to kill or be killed. That takes a part of your soul and it is a huge sacrifice for anyone to be making. When a decision is made to send our military off to war - whoever makes that decision better be damned certain the facts are in order. They better check and recheck and they better make sure that our men have the best equipment, the best training the best leaders the plan A and the plan B - When war happens people die and when people die someone has got to answer for it - this administration is making a freakin boat load of money and our leaders from both sides of the fence in congress and the senate are making their fortunes off of your sacrifice - off of the sacrifice you make and are told you are making for all of us - and the Iraqi people. We know differently and we are stupid enough to buy this support your troops **** by supporting this idea to send them off to die or kill is supporting them - if there was a good reason for you to be there in the first place then you would be the heroes - and you still are heroes to all of us even those of us who are against this war - it's not your fault - you are doing your job and only that - and probably well too - It's their fault. We don't want your lives wasted n their freaking idea of how to make their next million - we don't want you coming home to practically nothing if you make t home at all but they won't give us what we want them to give - we want decent medical care for you guys - psychological care for those who will need it - we don't want them sticking you in some rat infested moldy hospital with transient doctors and roaches - o sending you for 3 or 4 rounds even if you are injured - we want reasons and damned good ones for this war in the first place not the ever changing stories - our military belongs to us - the people they are our sons and daughters and loved ones their sons and daughters and loved ones are not serving - ours are - and you better be ***ed sure, there senator or congressmen that you are taking them to war for a ***ed good reason - and most of us have determined that this is not good reasn - we want you home - not being used by these dirty rotten rat bastards. That is how it is for us so called anti-war - people - if war is necessary than it is - but this one is not - they have used you and us and our money for their own benefit and they should all be hung or given a gun and sent to war must be hard for you to hear this and I am truley sorry I do actually find you all to be heros even the gun ho - punks - they are just young - but they are brave - but this is absolutely ridiculous - I know enough ex vets from vietnam and korea who have become loud voices in the peace movement because their experiences were similiar - and they are sick of seeing it too. Something has got to change -
Exactly - it is survival for you guys. This is what really sucks - they put you in a position to kill or be killed. That takes a part of your soul and it is a huge sacrifice for anyone to be making. When a decision is made to send our military off to war - whoever makes that decision better be damned certain the facts are in order. They better check and recheck and they better make sure that our men have the best equipment, the best training the best leaders the plan A and the plan B - When war happens people die and when people die someone has got to answer for it - this administration is making a freakin boat load of money and our leaders from both sides of the fence in congress and the senate are making their fortunes off of your sacrifice - off of the sacrifice you make and are told you are making for all of us - and the Iraqi people. We know differently and we are stupid enough to buy this support your troops **** by supporting this idea to send them off to die or kill is supporting them - if there was a good reason for you to be there in the first place then you would be the heroes - and you still are heroes to all of us even those of us who are against this war - it's not your fault - you are doing your job and only that - and probably well too - It's their fault. We don't want your lives wasted n their freaking idea of how to make their next million - we don't want you coming home to practically nothing if you make t home at all but they won't give us what we want them to give - we want decent medical care for you guys - psychological care for those who will need it - we don't want them sticking you in some rat infested moldy hospital with transient doctors and roaches - o sending you for 3 or 4 rounds even if you are injured - we want reasons and damned good ones for this war in the first place not the ever changing stories - our military belongs to us - the people they are our sons and daughters and loved ones their sons and daughters and loved ones are not serving - ours are - and you better be ***ed sure, there senator or congressmen that you are taking them to war for a ***ed good reason - and most of us have determined that this is not good reasn - we want you home - not being used by these dirty rotten rat bastards. That is how it is for us so called anti-war - people - if war is necessary than it is - but this one is not - they have used you and us and our money for their own benefit and they should all be hung or given a gun and sent to war must be hard for you to hear this and I am truley sorry I do actually find you all to be heros even the gun ho - punks - they are just young - but they are brave - but this is absolutely ridiculous - I know enough ex vets from vietnam and korea who have become loud voices in the peace movement because their experiences were similiar - and they are sick of seeing it too. Something has got to change -
Exactly - it is survival for you guys. This is what really sucks - they put you in a position to kill or be killed. That takes a part of your soul and it is a huge sacrifice for anyone to be making. When a decision is made to send our military off to war - whoever makes that decision better be damned certain the facts are in order. They better check and recheck and they better make sure that our men have the best equipment, the best training the best leaders the plan A and the plan B - When war happens people die and when people die someone has got to answer for it - this administration is making a freakin boat load of money and our leaders from both sides of the fence in congress and the senate are making their fortunes off of your sacrifice - off of the sacrifice you make and are told you are making for all of us - and the Iraqi people. We know differently and we are stupid enough to buy this support your troops **** by supporting this idea to send them off to die or kill is supporting them - if there was a good reason for you to be there in the first place then you would be the heroes - and you still are heroes to all of us even those of us who are against this war - it's not your fault - you are doing your job and only that - and probably well too - It's their fault. We don't want your lives wasted n their freaking idea of how to make their next million - we don't want you coming home to practically nothing if you make t home at all but they won't give us what we want them to give - we want decent medical care for you guys - psychological care for those who will need it - we don't want them sticking you in some rat infested moldy hospital with transient doctors and roaches - o sending you for 3 or 4 rounds even if you are injured - we want reasons and damned good ones for this war in the first place not the ever changing stories - our military belongs to us - the people they are our sons and daughters and loved ones their sons and daughters and loved ones are not serving - ours are - and you better be ***ed sure, there senator or congressmen that you are taking them to war for a ***ed good reason - and most of us have determined that this is not good reasn - we want you home - not being used by these dirty rotten rat bastards. That is how it is for us so called anti-war - people - if war is necessary than it is - but this one is not - they have used you and us and our money for their own benefit and they should all be hung or given a gun and sent to war must be hard for you to hear this and I am truley sorry I do actually find you all to be heros even the gun ho - punks - they are just young - but they are brave - but this is absolutely ridiculous - I know enough ex vets from vietnam and korea who have become loud voices in the peace movement because their experiences were similiar - and they are sick of seeing it too. Something has got to change -
Exactly - it is survival for you guys. This is what really sucks - they put you in a position to kill or be killed. That takes a part of your soul and it is a huge sacrifice for anyone to be making. When a decision is made to send our military off to war - whoever makes that decision better be damned certain the facts are in order. They better check and recheck and they better make sure that our men have the best equipment, the best training the best leaders the plan A and the plan B - When war happens people die and when people die someone has got to answer for it - this administration is making a freakin boat load of money and our leaders from both sides of the fence in congress and the senate are making their fortunes off of your sacrifice - off of the sacrifice you make and are told you are making for all of us - and the Iraqi people. We know differently and we are stupid enough to buy this support your troops **** by supporting this idea to send them off to die or kill is supporting them - if there was a good reason for you to be there in the first place then you would be the heroes - and you still are heroes to all of us even those of us who are against this war - it's not your fault - you are doing your job and only that - and probably well too - It's their fault. We don't want your lives wasted n their freaking idea of how to make their next million - we don't want you coming home to practically nothing if you make t home at all but they won't give us what we want them to give - we want decent medical care for you guys - psychological care for those who will need it - we don't want them sticking you in some rat infested moldy hospital with transient doctors and roaches - o sending you for 3 or 4 rounds even if you are injured - we want reasons and damned good ones for this war in the first place not the ever changing stories - our military belongs to us - the people they are our sons and daughters and loved ones their sons and daughters and loved ones are not serving - ours are - and you better be ***ed sure, there senator or congressmen that you are taking them to war for a ***ed good reason - and most of us have determined that this is not good reasn - we want you home - not being used by these dirty rotten rat bastards. That is how it is for us so called anti-war - people - if war is necessary than it is - but this one is not - they have used you and us and our money for their own benefit and they should all be hung or given a gun and sent to war must be hard for you to hear this and I am truley sorry I do actually find you all to be heros even the gun ho - punks - they are just young - but they are brave - but this is absolutely ridiculous - I know enough ex vets from vietnam and korea who have become loud voices in the peace movement because their experiences were similiar - and they are sick of seeing it too. Something has got to change -
Nah....people just don't want to die. That's about the size of it. When I board a plane to take a trip, I don't want the dang old thang to get blown up in mid-flight. I want to be safe. I also want my country's oil supply to be safe, and fully operational, all the time. I like my life-style. I'm an American.
Is this also a manifestation of your personal feeling of guilt that someone else is fighting and dying to keep you free? What are you doing to help that fight? Telling people to stop fighting when they are fighting for your doesn't stop the fight, it only delays it.
Who are they? Aren't They your reps? Aren't they doing what you ask them to do in the "peace years?" Don't those years create the conditions that lead to wars?
Hey Liz,
Why would a dude call himself Liz Witch? Are you confused? Isn't that the name for a dudette?
You are not fighting and dieing to keep me free - your fighting - and your killing is further endangering my life, my family's life, an our country's well being but I don't blame you - I blame those that send you there.
I shortened it to save space. Good post Pino. Sorry Liz Witch, he's right.
What in the hell are you talking about? I am not a dude!
You send me. This is a government by the people, for the people, and of the people. You send every troop and every foreign officer to every foreign post to accomplish whatever mission is required to maintain your freedom.
You can't delude yourself into divorcing your responsibility for this from the activities of your representatives. If you don't like it and think you can do a better job, run for office or join the government as a civil servant. Then you can really make a difference instead of throwing rocks at the windows.
Blood for oil - nope they are right - this is blood for oil then isn't it. You won't mind if some other country decides they want something that belongs to us and comes in and kills your loved ones for it then? That is lovely - you all have some integrity talking like that and the rest of america wonders why the world hates us so much. For christ sake - it is getting better all the time - we got war profiteering, oil theiving, conservative christian compassionate pro-lifers in our white house pushingwars capital punishment and torture and we have our freedom fighters fighting for no ones freedom but the oil man's oil so they can turn around and sell it to his own people for a price that we can barely afford but the oil men are making record breaking profits - profits that break records for all industries in the entire history of the united states and then they call that economics. This is one crazy freakin twisted scene and getting worse all the time. Come on you guys - are you securing oil - are you liberating those Iraqis and saving them from the tyrant are you fighting for our freedom and keepingamerica safe - which the *** is it and explain how you are doing whichever one it is you claim to do -