Sorry, been a while !!
It is going pretty well I think. I have finally structred my team. Have got 4 direct reports and the rest of the team under them - need to have as little touch points into me - as most of my time goes in upwards and sidewards management - plus the learning. Every day I learn something new abt my dept !! And some of it does cause some surprises !!
The biggest battle I am facing is the promises which were made on behalf of the group, and which I am struggling to deliver - simply because they were the easy way out, the least complex solution, without doing any impact analysis.
Priortising, and restructing has also saved me $250,000 in the month of January alone (projected over 2004) and I am looking to do even more cost saves, but bringing in some efficiency, a radical change in thinking in the way we do our work. Have submitted a proposal to the senior management, which if approved, will save us $1.5 million by mid 2005, though it will entail some cuts, and being more aggressive with the business and operational partners.
There are several things which I have made very clear to my team. I will not compromise on delivery and quality. If we commit a date, then that date will not slip, come what may. And when we deliver, it has to be quality stuff. technology has a reputation of cutting corners, not doing enough testing, and delivering sub-standard solutions to the business. I want that image to change. Delivering poor quaility stuff not only is bad for the business, it makes the user lose faith in us - and then anything we try and do, we face an uphill battle. The other discipline which I am trying to bring in is to keep the customer in mind always. Most of the time hard core technologists focus too much on technology without giving much thought to the preception of the end user - our customers. And this has to change.
It is uphill all the way. I think I am liked, though I have been called a task master to my face

but hey this is a new regime!!