Whew !! Thanks a lot guyz !! All these wishes really mean a lot to me !!!
Just went to meet the new boss - he is very excited abt me joining him - and was going on and on abt the great things we can do together (he is also new to this department, and plans a complete overhaul)
The great things you can do together? Hmmm...sounds good all around.

Yep, specially when he called me for a meeting at 0700 hrs !!!
Keep us informed, as you can, G. :cool:
Cav, you wouldn't be thinkin' what I'm thinkin', now wouldya?
So, G, just how did you get your job?

Now that would be telling
G - I hope you realize that was a little joke at your expense. We, of course, know you got your job by talent, ability, intelligence and all that. We know the other comes later...perhaps with your mentors

Gautam, the fact that your boss is new, too, is actually huge. Having a boss who has been there forever and is entrenched in his/ her ways means you have to figure out not only the factual stuff but the way the boss does things. If your boss is new, too, you can help forge the path in a way that fits your skills and personality better.
Plus the boss is likely to be more open to new ideas, rather than just "this is the way it's always been done, this is the way it always will be." And your suggestions won't carry that implicit criticism; I have a better idea, ergo your idea is worse than mine.
Anyway, sounds like a great new situation all around. Good for you!
Absolutely soz. I know this guy, I worked for him 8 yrs ago - he is a go getter and just like me, has got a very low tolerance level for bearucratic bullshit, which this team seems to have oodles of. When I used to run a business segment, I use to tear my hair out when dealing with technology folks who supported my business unit. Now is my chance to set things right !!!
I am gonna have a great time working for him I am sure.....
Yee haw! Go get 'em, tiger.
Soz, you are so right about how good it is that both G and his boss are new! What an opportunity. . .
G - can we come visit on 'take your daughters to work day'?
congrats gautam, i'm sure you'll do fine.
Suzette wrote:
G - can we come visit on 'take your daughters to work day'?

But dahlings, I would have a tough time passing you two as my daughters !!!
Oh, G, I rushed over here from the other thread (ahem) only to find this -jeez!
That's no answer...there's always adoption, dearie :wink: .
Today is my last day in my old position. From Monday I take over my new department. The reality and enormity of the job has just started t set in, and has left me feeling very apprehensive !!
Crates have been shipped to my new office, my desk and new phone have been sorted out, a new laptop has been ordered (yippeeee !!!). My secy out there is bloody efficient I have to admit !!!
Wish me luck !!!
Gautam wrote:My secy out there is bloody efficient I have to admit !!!
Wish me luck !!!
So you've got one (human) to get your job done - why bother? :wink:
Good luck for Monday morning
Phoenix32890 wrote:
Just remember, be like a swan.............serenely gliding across the water, and paddling like hell underneath!
This had me roaring with laughter - I have to admit, this is excatly what I have to do !!!