Hmmmmmm - NOW will you marry me?????
I'm not THAT far from Canberra.....
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ GAUTAM }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Congratulations to a unique and wonderful individual!
I hope you truly realize how happy we all are for you. You are one of those a2kers who make this place so interesting and so much fun.
When things settle down a little, please come back and tell us how you're doing.
Oh, and please send pics of the Gucci underwear!!!
Diane wrote:Oh, and please send pics of the Gucci underwear!!!
I'm looking, if I can find those pics, where he is wearing his usual (until now) Macintosh-wax-boxer-shorts or woolen ones by Burberry ...
(To compare "now" and "yesterday", I mena)
Super congrats, Guatam! And, as has been mentioned, as far as technosavvy goes, you've got a helluva resource right here. We'd all love a chance to help you shine.
Particularly given the entertainment budget you'll have
Yeah. What Asherman said...
So pleased for you!
Due to my European location, I'm glad to present an actual pic of Gautam's office-party from tonight:
Many, many best wishes, Gautam. Be just a little distant from us, we think of you as family, which is why we feel so glad for your success and a little selfishly sad that we will not hear from you as often as we like.
Bon Voyage.
Thats cool - good luck, Gautam!
I hate to say it but those with management and leadership skills don't know much about what the people do under them. Look at George Bush...

However, I actually don't believe Dubya has very good leadership or management skills. He's a two-bit salesman.
All kidding aside (reeaaallly?) Congratulations and Walter's rooftop party soungs great. I'll bring the champagne and the dancing, sorry, Gautam. That will be dancing boys. :wink:
BTW, Bill Clinton knew what people did under him. Under the desk, that is.
Oh, Gautam, I am thrilled.
I think part of the trick will be not to be just one more ignorant appearing manager, I do think you need to have an overview sense of the sheer mechanics of what is supposed to go on, and that the problem will be how to ask what, huh, how? and not appear dullard - while not becoming techflash yourself. Turn it around and ask for, or look for, cogent, um, coherent, summaries for the state of (wherever/whatever).
Then come back here and some of the smarties can help with questions. Don't be worried about exposing techdumminess here, get over that.
I know you are a good manager, that is why they are kicking you up. You are so coooooooooool.
I am proud of you, gautam. It could not happen to a nicer gentleman.
Gautam, Best of luck in your new job. You deserve it!
Gautam, the news just travelled to my parts!
I am so completely thrilled for you. You have been a HUGE part of my fun @ A2K so far and I know you will great as a Tzar.
Just don't forget to keep throwing around your cute signature line; give the straight mens the troubles, the gay mens and all the womens the promotions.
(((kiss))) CONGRATULATIONS! (((hug)))
Be careful what you wish for. It may come true.
Congratulations, Gautam.....but have you done your blood work? Nag. Nag. Nag--and more congratulations.
I don't think Gautam knows how to draw blood. I suppose he could but he'll have to sharpen his fangs.
Hail to the veep.
Fiona will send her congratulations too, as soon as we are talking again and I can tell her your good news.