... & on a more cheerful note ...
Let me introduce you to a few of A2K's cat lovers, who frequent the Cat Room & numerous other threads about animals here.
There's neko nomad, snood, roger, margo, mm, BorisKitten urs, tsarstepan & many more ...
Snood & BorisKitten are heroes of mine. Compassionate souls who have rescued many an abandoned critter. Who have all thrived under their care.
Are any of you philosophers cat people? (I understand that cats are often the chosen companions of intelligent people, because they are so smart,
infinitely superior to dogs!

) If you are, I'm your friend. For life!
Consider posting photographs of your cat, too, so we can all droll & coo over it. You'll enjoy that, I promise you.
Oops, I see that I mistakenly included ehBeth & edgar in my not-yet-mentioned post, a way back. In fact, they had already been mentioned. I'm worried they'll get swollen heads now.
I read this thread way too fast, the first time. So may I now say thank you to Deb & littlek for your kind comments. Very nice of you both.