Setana, Just want to correct you a little. The Diggers did not surrender at Tobruk. In fact it was Rommel's first ever defeat at the hands of the Allies. The Australian Division did lose a lot of lives at Tobruk, but held that Town for nearly eight months with very little resupply. The resupply that did come, came from a very old Australian naval vessels.
You were right when you said that Australia did not have an "Army" in Europe. In Fact Australia did not really establish a regular Army until the Korean War. In any Rate, Australia only ever had Volunteers in the world theatres right up to present day. We have had conscription to a point and National Service to a point, but never anything as significant. A point of fact, the Australian population refused Conscription in two referendums during WW1.
It is interesting to note, and It still seems prevelant today, that the Diggers of both world wars had more respect from their enemies than from their own Allies. Gen McArthur, of whom you speak so highly of, disregarded the efforts of our CMF soldiers and AIF who effectively stopped the land invasion of the Japanese along the Kokoda trail. by using a tried and proven method of a fighting withdrawal. This caused the Japanese supply lines to dry up and they could not sustain the battle. This meant that these "Cowards" (named by Gen Blamey) had caused the defeat of a yet undefeated. Incidentally the Japanese outnumbered the AIF by about 8 -1.
Acia, I have read the statement that Rommel made a while ago. What your Dad said wasn't quite accurate. I'm looking for it myself for a presentation I'm giving. It was a conversation that he had with Hitler when he stated something along the lines of Give me two Australain Divisions and I will capture Jerusalem in two weeks". I still have to confirm this. Rommel Did, however, regard the Australian Soldier as an incredibly tough fighter. This reputation was forged on the battlefield and only given to the Australian Soldier by their enemies. This started the moment we hit the battlefield in the Boer Wars.
Incidentally guys, let's not get so sensitive about name calling and just stick to the question