WEll Fred is still waiting since she hasnt showed up yet!
Oooo, she is not coming to your place, is she? Please tell me you are going to meet up in a cafe or some other neutral territory!
at the gym! Then probly talk after
How late is she? Are you there now?
she is an hour late

yea I am at the library across from the gym
Hm. Well, how do you feel right now, Fred? Want to stay on this rollercoaster? How's it sound to get off of it and find someone else?
grrrrrrr. see? another head game. i do not like this lady, let me tell you!
take it easy fred, think about other things if possible. or at least think of the big picture- how small of a problem in the scope of the universe, and even in the scope of your entire life as it will unfold ahead of you this really is. you have quite a few folks right there with ya!
Well my intentions were and still are to tell her that I am letting her go : '(
Thank you everyone! I dont think that I would have been able to cope this far without you guys
Well I am heading back to the gym everyone wish me luck I need all that I can get!
you got it. if she indeed does show up (she better!) and you stick to your agenda, i think you will feel great relief very soon. Merde! (that's for good luck)
merde is for god luck? What's for bad luck?
Stick to your guns Fred..... we're rooting for you.
The very best of luck to you Fred.
The only time I ever waited an hour for someone was when I was in Europe on vacation and my guy got lost. This is insightful into how she treats you.
Sooo, Fred, how did it go?
Well everyone she showed up but with friends so I really didnt get a chance to talk to her. She told me that she was going to come by later that evening. And she never did! WEll I told her that if she didnt show up that I was going to let a certain person that she didnt want to know that we had sex all this past week! WEll I am going too
And I truly dont feel bad I could care less if she ever talks to me again now.
I'm so sorry Fred. Just be honest with her and that will be enough.
Fred, you don't need to do that. That would only worsen things. At this point you may consider writing to her. Tell her you wanted to tell her all these things in person because of your feelings for her, but she did everything to avoid such a meeting. Do not involve other people into this, it will only turn against you. So sorry it didn't go as planned, but your determination is of the right kind. Hang in there!
I have to agree with dag here....don't complicate things, just cut her loose.