back in the barn we are. and there we go again. what is that purple thing floating above littlek and montana's heads as they take on gus? could it be.......a ghost? of a.......chicken?
Ghost???? Hey, I'm out of here!!! I ain't messin with no ghost!!!
gus is still in the ring. but i bet he is seing some chickens, if you act quick, he'll be knocked out cold.
(See, this is the kind of lowlife activity that goes on on these sites.)
(AG Ashcroft: And yet you are on this site night after night.)
(I feel it is my patriotic duty to expose this, this... this...)
(A: debauchery?)
(Well, actually there hasn't been of that, but I know they are thinking about it.)
(A: I know they are thinking about it too.)
(Let's continue monitoring)