Honey mustard it is. I've also got...let's see...some chipotle mayo as well.
Is everyone on this thread over three hundred pounds like me?
This has turned out to be one knee slappin party. Hey Crazy, stop eating all them yam fries and pass some over here. All this wrestlin makes a gal hungry you know.
Eva is waiting for you Crazy. Look.... there she is.... as montana swipes the fries from Crazy.
God damn I'm taking a seat with the chef here.Montana dear would you pass me a bib.Oh sorry you still look busy.
Wrestling burns the calories, and is entertaining to watch, especially when it's chicks.
Did you say ribs? Montana wipes the grease from her hands on her overalls and grabs a hand full of ribs for Crazy.
Now wheres the keg?If its in the barn ...lets go Eva.
Sorry Crazy, I rolled the keg over to another thread, but I'll go roll it back because they only want bottles over there.
I prefer my beer in wine glasses anyway.
Hands off the ribs there Montana, good ribs need a proper slow-cooking....they will be done soon.
Me Me! I! I! what happened?!?! where am i? oh, now that i got my consciousness back can i get some brain puree and a blood sausage? shaaanks.
Okey dokey smokey.
So sorry. I thought they were done. I really have to learn some manners.
hey, montana -there littlek is in the ring, making rude gestures your way, you better show her how the mudwrestling is done! in the meantime i'll have some of those ribs, since no one is watching here in the shade.
(Don't worry about me. I just have to stand here with this garden hose and make sure the mud is mudlike. I am only hardly gonna look a little.)
Heeeeeeyyyy, I signed on for a spa day, not wrestling. I'm going for an herb wrap....
well, you paid for a spa day, a mud balm is what you'll get! montana paid for a mudwrestling session, that's what she's getting. all shall be happy!
Look what I found in the barn, guys! It appears to be a cask of wine, except that it's metal, not wood. I wonder if it's red or white wine? Would someone please check for me?...(Crazy opens keg)...Ooh, it's sort of amber. It must have gone bad.
Do not drink it, no matter what! Here, I will take it upon myself to rid you of the vile liquid.
<walking away with the keg>
at 4am? she is fast asleep!!! and so should be I, but I am too much of a philanthrope, bailing my sister out of deadline trouble - helping with a translation of an article. The good old days, I tell you, I would be crocheting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!