The Confederacy was About Slavery

Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2011 05:32 pm
So by your own evidence, slavery was not outlawed a thousand years ago.
Very Happy I love your stupidity . It is classic three stooges .

Of course, your bullshit ignores the slavery of the West Indies sugar trade
A lot of rosey red cheeked Englishmen working the sugar was there, massa ??

It ignores the slavery of the coolees in the Indian subcontinent.
Perhaps if you got a map of the world......you see where India is ? Now see if you can find where England is.....WELL DONE !

Your claim about slavery being outlawed a thousand years ago is bullshit on the face of it
You are making a bigger fool of yourself than I could ever hope to make of you.......read my quote in a previous post...are you saying it didnt happen, **** for brains ?

ignores the pervasive slavery in the British Empire.
In your mind the British Empire only existed in England ? Really ?
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Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2011 05:34 pm
slavery WAS NOT banned in Britain until 1807
Then you should be able to present historical documents showing where Englishmen were sold and traded.....or just admit to being dickless and **** off .

Gomer the Turd must seek help .
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Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2011 06:07 pm
You only raised thepoint re: England because you were being shown to be quite incorrect about your argument regarding the basis of the Confederacy and the Civil War. You have consistently tried to divert attention when your arguments are being demolished . Thats ok, (the only person who is even remotely fooled is, apparently, you)
Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2011 10:50 pm
He's also now attempting to change his claim about slavery in England to the enslavement of Englishmen, because he's gotten his dick knocked in the dirt on that one, too.

However, the thread is about the Confederate States and slavery, and not about this sad clown's specious and wandering rants.
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2011 03:07 am
you were being shown to be quite incorrect about your argument regarding the basis of the Confederacy and the Civil War
You mean the aside which you jumped on to get relief from having your arse dragged around on the Civil War and slavery ?

You have consistently tried to divert attention when your arguments are being demolished .
Very Happy Then continue away, Betty, demolish my argument ...why did you stop ?

Gomer the Turd must seek help .
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2011 03:12 am
now attempting to change his claim about slavery in England to the enslavement of Englishmen,
????You are an unbelievable joke . You do not comprehend anything but blame others for your stupidity . You were totally wrong and no blame me for your lack of comprehension . Isnt there an old folks home you can go to and argue with nursey ?

the thread is about the Confederate States and slavery
Slow clap for being able to comprehend SOMETHING . Who ever told you, **** for brains, that you knew ANYTHING about history was laughing in your face but you didnt get the joke .
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Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2011 03:14 am
You got your pathetic unknowledgable arses kicked . You didnt produce a single shred of evidence to contradict what I said, you simply went off at a tangent, thought you had distracted people eno0ugh, and now want to return to the subject because you realise what a pair of dickheads you look like .
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Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2011 04:02 am
What you "said" has no bearing on the subject of the thread, besides being a tissue of fabrications on your part. No amount of name-calling will change that.
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2011 04:13 am
a tissue of fabrications on your part
Oh yeah, dickless ? Which of the following is fabricated ? Feel free to drag up any quote you like from my post that contained the following :
At the Council of Westminster the British clergy condemn slavery as contrary to Christ's teaching and declare, "Let no one hereafter presume to engage in that nefarious trade in which hitherto in England men were usually sold like brute animals."
The Normans moved steadily to outlaw slavery

No amount of name-calling will change that.
So you are a coward AND a bully....no suprises there......will you be swearing off name calling on this forum or will you be using it as soon as it suits you again ?

You are gutless gutter slime with delusions of being an historian .
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2011 04:49 am
I have never claimed to be an histoian, you have even less basis to claim that for yourself. You have failed to cite any act of any monarch outlawing slavery in England, and you won't find any, until you can cite an act of parliament in the 19th century. You have failed to show how this is relevant to the issue of slavery in the Confederate States. Continued name-calling won't change that.
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2011 05:35 am
You notice, ANUS has stopped claiming that the basis of the Confederacy or the Civil War was NOT about slavery. .
Im really amazed at him that, even with facts staring him in the face about when England actually outlawed slavery (this is amply presented in the mass of links on the web from reputable sources), ANUS continues to rant and continues to insult us with his insistance that slavery was banned at a time when there even wasnt an industrial base that demanded the use of slavery as a industrial commodity.

Its fun watching him twist and turn in his belief that hes even making sense.He would continue his blowhard rants if grownups would allow him. I will, as set reminded, return to the topic of this thread and just let ANUS dangle.
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2011 05:38 am
you won't find any, until you can cite an act of parliament in the 19th century
Read :

Continued name-calling won't change that.
So are you swearing off swearing or not ? For example :
he's gotten his dick knocked in the dirt
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2011 05:45 am
slavery was banned at a time when there even wasnt an industrial base that demanded the use of slavery as a industrial commodity.
You mean like in the Roman Empire of a thousand years before where the main use of slaves was in the fields or the American slave trade for farm workers ?

I cant believe you get yourself into such stupid predicaments and then try to bluff and spin your way out of them . It was an aside comment, but like all trolls you couldnt let it ride...you had to agitate and now it has all come back to haunt you....did you think you had me on that one ? Poor poor pitiful Gomer the Turd.....(he thinks he is a geo)....

Who do you think believes your bullshit ? By the way, your behaviour is not very grown up....an ageing drunk losing his mind.....sad !

Gomer the Turd must seek help .
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2011 05:52 am
That's because he hasn't an argument for that. Notice also that he's now backpeddling furiously on his claim about slavery being outlawed more than a thousand years ago in England. This is because he can't support the claim. I find it hilarious, too, that he goes to Wikipedia after all the bile he's spewed about people using Google. He's a pathetic character, and basically a troll, who only comes here to pick fights and turn the spotlight on himself. I shall follow my advice to you regarding Spurious, and stop reading his tripe, and stop responding to him, because it would only be feeding the troll.
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2011 05:54 am
Can you pair of fools cite one document that lists an English slave being sold in England after the Norman Conquest ? And the relevance is simple . Britain was strongly against slavery .

It turned a blind eye to it outside Britain for the mighty dollar . The War of Independence and the Civil War were about expansionism . The British wouldn't let the Colonies expand into Indian territory so the Terrorists and Revolutionaries started the War of Independence . The Civil War was about addressing issues that should have been solved during the signing of the USA Constitution, slavery being one of them but that was not why the war was fought . It was about the power of one continent one country and no amount of white icing is going to make that cake taste good .
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2011 05:57 am
Thnk you for providing your own evidence. This is a clip from the very "Wiki" clip you linked.(QUESTION: do you even read any of your own ****?)


The Church of England was implicated in slavery. Slaves were owned by the Anglican Church's Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (SPGFP), which had sugar plantations in the West Indies. When slaves were emancipated by Act of the British Parliament in 1834, the British government paid compensation to slave owners. Among those they paid were the Bishop of Exeter and three business colleagues, who received compensation for 665 slaves.[24]

William Wilberforce’s Slave Trade Act 1807 abolished the slave trade in the British Empire. It was not until the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 that the institution finally was abolished.

Now can we get back with this threads main point? Ionus has been vanquished by his own links
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2011 06:09 am
Notice also that he's now backpeddling furiously on his claim about slavery being outlawed more than a thousand years ago in England.
Very Happy No I'm not . The Normans outlawed slavery and moved to extinguish it . This took time and was replaced by serfdom . I noticed you are too stupid to back peddle on your claim all this took place hundreds of years later . Do you still think you are right ?

he goes to Wikipedia after all the bile he's spewed about people using Google.
I acknowledged the source and it was to show you something you had no knowledge of....how to cite a reference rather than change a couple of words and claim it as original, something you are quite fond of doing . You can use Google just don't pretend to be knowledgeable . Incidentally, I saw several errors in those articles . You don't write into Wikipedia do you ?

stop responding to him
Very Happy I am devastated....you were only wasting my time explaining history to you that you claimed you knew .

It was your stupidity and enthusiasm, the "now we have him" moment that led you to make idiots of yourselves AGAIN...you know, being a troll....

When you two are finished in the shower together, you might want to have a read back and see how stupid you look . Abbott and Costello stuff, truly....
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Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2011 06:14 am
What amazes me the most is the number of people who, in apparent good faith, believe that Lincoln started the war, and that it was not about slavery. This is understandable, if still uninformed, among those who hale from the Old South. But such points of view are also held among northerners, who have no stake in the "Lost Cause" mystique of the Old South. The evidence clearly shows that the South started the war by attacks on Federal facilities, and that it took place almost two months before Lincoln was inaugurated.

Yet the bullshit lives on, and it is peddled by people who not only should know better, but who do know better. I've often wondered what they get out of that song and dance.
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Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2011 06:21 am
You are the dumbest **** I ever heard of......so if I find a marijuana smoker in the USA it must be legal ? I have already said some of the Wikipedia articles are wrong on certain points . As you are too stupid and tiresome to educate, I'll let it go at that.....unless you think you are going to "win" and want to be a troll....
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2011 06:22 am
ANUS continued rants about slavery NOT being the principal cause has caused me to question the AUstralian education and UNI system. IS their world history taught with some sort of "bias" that has afflicted theoir own country?
I think in the US we are coming to terms with the imprtance of the past institution of slavery and how little regard the African slaves were afforded generally . It was a national tragedy where human life was actually afforded a "Value " as mere property and not given the respect of equality .
WQe recognize that whatever we wrote took a long time to actually be realized and that anyone with more than half a brain will recognoze that the Civil War was a battle to preserve slavery (ALl the language of states rights was merely the language used to give an air of respecibility to the distillation of the fact that it was (within a states rights to hold slaves.)

I think its been a matter of coming to terms with the facts , evidence , and ultimately the truth. We still have pockets of Aryans and rednecks in the US who would love to return to antibellum life (mostly because of ingrained racist attitudes).

I wonder whether ANUS is merely one of those Australian yahoos who are trying to compose silly arguments to cover their own racism ?. Im sure hes gonna come out screaming but I just wonder , in a purely scientific dispassionate manner.

Most all of the other Ozzians on this board are reasonable human beings not dissimilar to the many USers and WEuropeans. We do have a few outspoken racists here who still cant deal with a black president and take every opportunity to make up racial slurs ("eg Obunga" etc) and yet they feel that their argumenst also make sense. MAybe ANUS is just the Oz version of gungasnake.

AGAin, this is an opinion, freely offered and not heavily supported (nor having a major **** given over it). JUst a thought.


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