ANUS continued rants about slavery NOT being the principal cause has caused me to question the AUstralian education and UNI system. IS their world history taught with some sort of "bias" that has afflicted theoir own country?
I think in the US we are coming to terms with the imprtance of the past institution of slavery and how little regard the African slaves were afforded generally . It was a national tragedy where human life was actually afforded a "Value " as mere property and not given the respect of equality .
WQe recognize that whatever we wrote took a long time to actually be realized and that anyone with more than half a brain will recognoze that the Civil War was a battle to preserve slavery (ALl the language of states rights was merely the language used to give an air of respecibility to the distillation of the fact that it was (within a states rights to hold slaves.)
I think its been a matter of coming to terms with the facts , evidence , and ultimately the truth. We still have pockets of Aryans and rednecks in the US who would love to return to antibellum life (mostly because of ingrained racist attitudes).
I wonder whether ANUS is merely one of those Australian yahoos who are trying to compose silly arguments to cover their own racism ?. Im sure hes gonna come out screaming but I just wonder , in a purely scientific dispassionate manner.
Most all of the other Ozzians on this board are reasonable human beings not dissimilar to the many USers and WEuropeans. We do have a few outspoken racists here who still cant deal with a black president and take every opportunity to make up racial slurs ("eg Obunga" etc) and yet they feel that their argumenst also make sense. MAybe ANUS is just the Oz version of gungasnake.
AGAin, this is an opinion, freely offered and not heavily supported (nor having a major **** given over it). JUst a thought.