Quote:Israel will never agree to the Right of Return, therefore the state of Israel must be eliminated.
Thats a joke, right???
You are saying that any country that wont allow people whose ancestry is from there to return and claim their ancestral lands should therefore be eliminated.
My moms side of the family is originally from Sweden.
My grandmother emigrated to the US, along with her parents, in 1922.
Should I be allowed to go to Sweden and demand that my grandmothers family home and property be returned to me?
If you really think that Israel should just roll over and give in to the Palestinians, many of whom were not born in Israel and have no claim to anything in Israel, then you need to learn a little more.
If anything, Israel should conduct a scorched earth policy.
If they decide to give in to the Palestinians, then Israel should destroy every building, every hospital, every road, every factory, every water treatment plant, every gas station, every farm, and everything else that was built by Israeli's.
They should return to the Palestinians land that has absolutely nothing on it, land that is totally barren and let the Palestinians improve it themselves, if they can.
As for the "aid" convoy approaching Israel, they have every right to stop, board, and inspect ANY vessel that is entering their territorial waters, irregardless of where that vessel is flagged.
The US Coast Guard does it all the time with vessels entering or approaching US waters.
And Coast Guard boarding parties are also armed, so that they can defend themselves if needed.
Are you actually saying that Israel does not have that same right?