I've seen that one, edgar, and it is funny.
Another oddity.
Alice cooper and his boa.
NEW YORK – Alice Cooper came into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with a friend — a boa constrictor.
The theatrical rock band with a lead singer who takes the same name was inducted Monday into the Hall of Fame. His class includes New Orleans piano maestro Dr. John, Tom Waits, Neil Diamond, Darlene Love and Leon Russell.
Cooper wore a blood-splattered shirt and also brought schoolkids along to sing "School's Out." It all seemed appropriate for a band that inductor Rob Zombie said invented the rock show.
Says Cooper: "We've always been a hard rock band. We just wanted to decorate it a little differently."
The work by the inducted artists will be celebrated in perpetuity at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland.
Alice ought to put some soap on his face. His mascara is running.

Letty wrote:Alice cooper and his boa.
What do you think? He's getting a bit old for that kind of thing, don't you think?:
Glad I made yawl smile with Alice.
More oddities and humor.
Pterodactyls were too heavy to fly, scientist claims
Now, the humor.
I don't think pterodactyls flew like birds. I think they were more like gliders.
How did they get off the ground?
check out the humor. It was hilarious
I checked the video. Uh - - - It was unique.
Pigeon breeder faked plumage
Allan Hall, Berlin
March 18, 2011
A CHAMPION German pigeon breeder is in disgrace after creating a "glue-bird" to win top competitions.
Gerhard Bachmann used glue to stick feathers onto a roller pigeon at two events in Germany last year. While it pales compared to recent global events, the scandal has rocked the world of pigeon fanciers in Germany and shocked all those interested in such pursuits.
Bachmann, 69, stuck the feathers on the tail end of the champion roller — a breed so named for their ability to roll gracefully while in flight — at the prestigious LIPSIA Show in Leipzig in December last year, the German Crufts of the racing-bird world. He also won with the bird the previous month at another show in Erfurt.
His cheating has caused some introspection among the Teutonic chattering classes, still coming to terms as they are with the recent loss of their defence minister, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, whose doctoral thesis was copied from others, and the continuing fallout from rescuing state banks to the tune of billions following the financial crash.
"How many cheats do we have among us?," posed the online headline of the news magazine Focus recently.
A master breeder whose home in Stassfurt near Leipzig is a shrine to all things pigeon, Bachmann is in the kind of disgrace that will prove almost impossible to recover from.
He has been stripped of his best-bred-bird title, ordered to pay back the $A80 prizemoney and banned from entering competitions for at least a year.
"This breeder has severely damaged the reputation of our organisation," said Werner Westfar, the head of the breeding group in which Bachmann is clearly no longer welcome.
He said Bachmann had nearly got away with the crime.
But lone judge Helmut Kuehlhorn was perturbed by the "almost too perfect" nature of the bird's feathers.
"It didn't appear natural," he said. After the prize was awarded the second time around an investigation was launched that involved a closer inspection of the pigeon at the Leipzig fair.
The feathers were plucked out of the bird's behind and the crime unmasked.
Bachmann has dozens of trophies and medals in his home, testament to 60 years of successful pigeon breeding.
He told a journalist: "I was very excited on the day.
"Some feathers came loose when I was grooming the bird so I replaced them with glue. I swear, they were not alien feathers I used."
The bird is still in his possession.
The glue had no lasting harmful effects on it, pigeon authorities said.
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – No doubt Sammy Hagar, a former lead singer for Van Halen, has enjoyed a lot of far out experiences in life, but on Monday, the rocker told perhaps his farthest out tale to MTV. He was abducted by aliens.
Or, at least, his brain was.
In an interview for his new book, "Red: My Uncensored Life in Rock" at mtvhive.com, Hagar lets go of what even he admits might make him "sound like a crazy person" to some readers.
He and the reporter are talking about dreams he claims to have had about UFOs, and when asked whether he believed he had been abducted, Hagar answers: "I think I have."
The reporter seemed surprised. "What? Really? I was kidding. You seriously believe that?" he asks.
Hagar laughs and goes on to explain that a passage in the book described as a dream in which he is contacted by aliens from outer space in California was, in fact, reality.
The tale describes how the beings tapped into his mind through a wireless connection.
"It was real," Hagar told the reporter, according to the story on MTV's Hive website. "They were plugged into me. It was a download situation ... Or, they uploaded something from my brain, like an experiment."
Hagar goes on to describe another experience at the age of four where he believes he saw an alien space ship in broad daylight hovering over a country field where his family lived
A Cordova man died of a gunshot wound that officials say was caused by his own homemade security device.
Mark Alan Garrett, 45, was found dead inside his Eugenia Court home late Monday.
"There was a gun cabinet that was secured but that if the door was opened beyond a certain point, a weapon in the case would fire," Orangeburg County Coroner Samuetta Marshall said.
"The door was opened beyond that point," she said.
The official cause of death is a shotgun blast to the abdomen.
Foul play has been ruled out in Garrett death for the time being, according to Orangeburg County Sheriff Office's spokesperson Keisa Peterson.
"Based on forensic evidence and the autopsy results, at this point we are ruling the shooting accidental," Peterson said.
Orangeburg County Sheriff's deputies were sent to Garrick's residence around 9 p.m. Monday. A relative called authorities to say Garrick had not been seen in four days. Garrick was reportedly on medication and could be in need of medical help, the relative said.
When deputies arrived, they found the house locked. There was no answer when they knocked on the door.
A deputy "made forced entry into the residence through the rear door," the incident report states. "The victim was found deceased on the floor in his bedroom doorway with a gunshot wound to the abdominal area."
Contact the writer: rwalker
A Chinese man spent 55 years with the opening to his rectum in the wrong place. That's an unusually long time to live without a normal anus.
He had a relatively common birth defect known as imperforate anus, a condition in which one out of every 5,000 infants is born with a misplaced, blocked, or missing rectal opening. The problem occurs slightly more frequently in boys than girls, and its cause is unknown.
Surgeons typically repair the abnormality during infancy. Unfortunately for Wu, a Chinese farmer from Hubei Province, he couldn't afford this operation until middle age.
So, how did he move his bowels for more than half a century?
"Wu endured a .5 centimeter diameter surgical hole, or stoma, near his urethra for excrement, through which he could squeeze stools out with his hands," according to a story originally reported in the Wuhan Morning News.
It sounds gross, but medically speaking, he had a colostomy, a procedure that created a less than 1/4-inch wide "surgical hole," which substituted as his anus. This opening was located closer to his scrotum in a more forward position on his body than rear. Colostomy is the first stage of a two-part operation needed to correct imperforate anus.
Still, it's an awfully messy -- and weird -- way to go to the bathroom. Although living this way wasn't easy, he made do. "Wu had to pay attention to the food he ate, avoid constipation and was a frequent user of laxatives," explains the newspaper account. "The dilemma left him very thin but it did not prevent him [from] getting married and having children."
This January, the poor fellow finally saved up enough money so a surgeon could give him something he had waited a lifetime for -- an anatomically correct anus.
"What I find most unique about this case is that this gentleman went for more than five decades without getting proper treatment," says Dr. Rafael Pieretti, chief of pediatric urology at MassGeneral Hospital for Children in Boston. "In developed countries, children have imperforate anus surgically repaired within the first year of life." In fact, surgery to correct a less-serious form of the abnormality can be done by any pediatric surgeon; the more complicated cases go to pediatric urologists like Pieretti.
Fortunately for Wu, within three days of the operation, he reportedly "could excrete like normal
edgarblythe wrote:... So, how did he move his bowels for more than half a century? ...
The million dollar question.
This isn't one of those yogi things, is it?
You would have tobe smarter than the average bear to know that, reyn.
Quote:A Cordova man died of a gunshot wound that officials say was caused by his own homemade security device.
The official cause of death is a shotgun blast to the abdomen.
They got that wrong. Official cause of death should be stupidity.
Condom machine stolen in Washington state burglary
BELLINGHAM, Wash. – A condom machine has been stolen from a shuttered Washington state sports bar, where fixtures are being auctioned off.
Police spokesman Mark Young also says an ATM machine was damaged in the break-in early Tuesday at the old Quarterback Pub. It's been closed for more than a year.
The Bellingham Herald reports an auction company employee discovered the burglary.
It's unknown if any condoms were left in the machine when it was stolen.
.5 cm???? It must have taken him FOREVER to poop. Jeeze, louise! That is this ---- long!!!!!