Quote:i feel bad for the hispanic folks in AZ.
Hispanic folks have their destiny in their own hands. If they want this to stop, they need to make it stop.
First, more Hispanic Americans need to register and vote. This is the first, best way to stand up for your rights in the the US. Anyone who complains about how they are treated and doesn't vote is an idiot.
Second, it is absolutely appropriate for Hispanic Americans and their supporters to use their financial/business clout to stand up for their rights. Arizona is hurting because they passed this law-- the question is how much we can make them hurt. When injustice hurts, people will stop doing it.
Millions of dollars have already been lost from groups, ranging from city governments to Black fraternities, canceling travel plans.
Third, these laws are being pushed and passed almost exclusively by Republicans. These are the Republicans who are both blaming the federal government from passing an immigration bill while they are blocking an immigration bill.
All the while, Republican politicians and public figures are waging a fear campaign-- exaggerating crime statistics, attacking Mexico (who has been a US partner and ally through Republican and Democratic administrations) and defaming Hispanic Americans and civil rights groups.
We can't stop Republicans from demagoguing.... but hell if we aren't going to ram it down their throats.
Every Hispanic-American child understands in a very real way that Republicans hate Latinos... this understanding will affect the fasting growing voting block in a very real way for generations to come.
These laws are offensive and discriminatory. We plan to make them pay for it.
I can't stop the