May I see your papers, citizen?

Reply Thu 29 Apr, 2010 09:20 pm
Catholics were hated through the Kennedy presidency. Jews had to make themselves the subject of their own jokes in order to enter the mainstream. Tal about intellectual dishonesty! You embody it.
Reply Fri 30 Apr, 2010 04:11 pm
@ebrown p,
Because extreme pressure was applied to immigrants to conform
ebrown p wrote:
The extreme pressure you talk about was directed at Jews and Catholics.
You will notice that there are still Jews and Catholics in the US--
suggesting that the attempt to force conformity widely failed.
My father was a Catholic; I was briefly a Catholic b4 I decided to become a Protestant.
My father was gregarious and loquacious, but I never heard him complain, nor mention that ANYONE
had brought up the subject of religion with him, let alone coerced him on that basis, nor on any basis.

I never felt coerced, except briefly, by some Catholic nuns.

My ex-law partner and my ex-girlfriend, Marilyn, were Jews.
I knew them both for years n Marilyn lived with me, but I never heard either of them
complain nor mention coercion in America.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Apr, 2010 04:39 pm
plainoldme wrote:
Catholics were hated through the Kennedy presidency.
The hatred & loathing that I bore to the Kennedys after he stole the election of 1960 is ineffable.
In their leftism, thay were anathema nite after nite on the news, but I never gave a damn about his religion.
I knew plenty of good, admirable Americans whose abhorence of the Kennedys was most extremely intense
but none of us commented on his religion. We did not care.

plainoldme wrote:
Jews had to make themselves the subject of their own jokes
in order to enter the mainstream. Tal about intellectual dishonesty! You embody it.
I have lived in NYC for many decades.
I have never heard a Jew tell an anti-Jewish joke.

I suspect u of intellectual dishonesty.

ebrown p
Reply Fri 30 Apr, 2010 05:05 pm

In 1924 the KKK had 6 million members.

What do you think the KKK stood for that got it so much popularity?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Apr, 2010 05:28 pm
Arizona's tough new illegal immigration enforcement law would not be right for Texas, Gov. Rick Perry said on Thursday, upholding the state's long-held tradition of rejecting harsh anti-immigrant policies. ...

Interesting. I would have thought Perry would push the idea, seeing he is up for re-election.
Reply Fri 30 Apr, 2010 05:33 pm
You know what Thought did don't you Ed?
Reply Fri 30 Apr, 2010 05:51 pm
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Apr, 2010 06:28 pm
Skipping along (I'm only on page 23), I have some sympathy for illegales, and it never occurred to me, before this thread, that calling people illegals could be some kind of abuse.

As a lot of us know, I'm from California and am too old to bear discussion. A friend's grandmother sold tamales on the street in the Los Angeles of the early 1900-1910's. My famous to me japanese american boss in landscape architecture learned from, grew up with, a bracero family. There may or may not have been illegals on crews on jobs I was involved with. Probably not, over time.

I've watched as illegals of x amount of years were granted amnesty. Fine with me.

Personally, the only people I fear are the cartel types, f.ing scary. Which is related to what I think of as drug disorder at least partially promulgated by us in the u.s.

Ordinary people back and forth, it's all good to me.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Apr, 2010 09:14 pm
Your post is incredibly inept. Good for you! I am so happy that you hated KEnnedy . . . because in the 1960s. . . Kennedy was not a leftists . . . in fact, Kennedy never was a leftist at all. Kennedy sent money to a Nixon campaign because he liked Nixon's international politics.

How you can say that I said Jews told anti-Jewish jokes is just plain stupid. Between your misreading of simple words and your misreading of the Constitution and your lack of knowledge of political systems, it is no wonder that people here do not believe you were a lawyer.
Reply Fri 30 Apr, 2010 09:16 pm
I have heard several commentators, including Republican speech writers, discuss how the Repugs have forgotten the moderate wing of the party and how the Tea Totalitarians are tearing the Republicans apart. The prediction has been made that moderate Republicans are going to bolt the party and leave the drek to the Tea Baggers.
Reply Fri 30 Apr, 2010 09:26 pm
plainoldme wrote:
I have heard several commentators, including Republican speech writers, discuss how the Repugs have forgotten the moderate wing of the party and how the Tea Totalitarians are tearing the Republicans apart. The prediction has been made that moderate Republicans are going to bolt the party and leave the drek to the Tea Baggers.
Fortunately, there are a lot of conservative Demos
(the ones who gave oboy so much trouble with his health care bill).

The purpose of the GOP is to serve as America 's orthodox party,
defending the Founders' Original philsophy as set forth in the Constitution, as amended.

Reply Fri 30 Apr, 2010 09:42 pm
Perry normally panders to tea party types.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Apr, 2010 09:43 pm
plainoldme wrote:
Your post is incredibly inept. Good for you!
Thank u.

plainoldme wrote:
I am so happy that you hated KEnnedy . . .
He was disgusting; a traitor to freedom and a real help to the commies.
The Cuban slaves of communism owe their degraded existence to Kennedy's betrayal of the Freedom Fighters.

plainoldme wrote:
because in the 1960s. . . Kennedy was not a leftists . . . in fact, Kennedy never was a leftist at all.
Kennedy sent money to a Nixon campaign because he liked Nixon's international politics.
Spoken as a loyal sycophant of Mao tse tung.

plainoldme wrote:
How you can say that I said Jews told anti-Jewish jokes is just plain stupid.
In your post Post: # 3,977,248
u said: "Jews had to make themselves the subject of their own jokes
in order to enter the mainstream.
Tal about intellectual dishonesty! You embody it." directed to Hawkeye.
I ratify, re-iterate, and reaffirm what I said.

plainoldme wrote:
Between your misreading of simple words and your misreading
of the Constitution and your lack of knowledge of political systems,
it is no wonder that people here do not believe you were a lawyer.
Drivelling nonsense. Do your students laff at u ?
Do u really HAVE any students ??
Did u even graduate from high school ?

Reply Sat 1 May, 2010 03:26 am
But findings from three opinion polls released in the past two days seem to counter the anger and outrage being expressed in and about Arizona's move:

• A Gallup poll concludes that more than three-quarters of Americans have heard about Arizona's new immigration law, and of these, 51 percent say they favor it and 39 percent oppose it.

• An online Angus Global Monitor poll found 71 percent of respondents in favor of requiring state and local police to determine a person's residency status if there is "reasonable suspicion" that the person is an illegal immigrant, as well as arresting people who are unable to provide documentation to prove they are in the US legally. Also, 53 percent of respondents would make it a crime to hire day laborers off the street.

• A Zogby Interactive poll of 2,108 adults conducted from April 16-19 found broad support for major immigration reform and immigration regulations that are more restrictive. “79 percent do not agree that illegal aliens are entitled to the same rights and basic freedoms as US citizens,” said the poll.

These results reflect another kind of anger over illegal immigration, says Jonette Christian, founder of Mainers for Immigration Reform. "The people are angry and confused " but they're not totally out to lunch," she says. "They know that something really big and bad has been happening to their country " and [they] never asked for it."

This should clear up any illusion that the outrage towards the Arizona law expressed by some a2k members is the prevailing view. They are the vocal minority. They are also fools.
ebrown p
Reply Sat 1 May, 2010 06:16 am
Cherry picked polls prove nothing.

Find me a poll that asks how many Americans would support a plan where undocumented immigrants can earn citizenship after paying a fine and learning English which is combined with increased border security.
Reply Sat 1 May, 2010 06:55 am
I think the poll should ask if it is OK for the police to stop people and arrest them if they cannot produce id. My concern has always been about the erosion of citizen rights and the expansion of police power. No one is asking about that. People continue to imply that this law only affects immigrants. It affects all people.
ebrown p
Reply Sat 1 May, 2010 07:35 am
It affects all people.

In practice, this isn't true at all.
Reply Sat 1 May, 2010 08:07 am
I heard that the doubling of the murder rate in, I think, Phoenix precipitated the new law. Crime will eventually destroy the fabric of a city. Isn't this a good reason for draconian laws?

Please refrain from going over the top in your replies.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 May, 2010 08:12 am
The mix in the public mind of Mexican drug criminals with the honest hard working Mexican family is over the top. Mere collateral damage, I suppose some would say.
Reply Sat 1 May, 2010 08:15 am
Anyone who has at least an IQ of 100 who has read as much of your writing as the a2k crew has would never describe you as orthodox. If I were to construct a model of the American political spectrum as it traditionally is illustrated, as a line segment (remember that a line goes on into infinity while a line segment has definite ends and, therefore, a middle which, by definition a line can not have as it has no ends) that is a yard long, you would be at 17 inches to the right. Remember that the two halves the spectrum are 18 inches long.
0 Replies

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