Do you know how to handle bullying?

Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2010 04:11 pm
I've just been informed by another member of this forum that hawkeye10, whom I'd placed on "Ignore," dismissed me as an overly emotional whiner for defending kids who are bullied in school. What a pathetic excuse for a human being! How can anyone agree with his nonsense? Again, I say, what a jerk!
Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2010 06:52 pm
By the way, a whiner is someone who constantly bemoans over something bad that happened to him in the past. I've said nothing about my own past. Not a word. I'm concerned about what has happened to other people (including a few of my friends) as well as kids today. So, I don't exactly qualify as a whiner.
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Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 11:32 am
Wow, he's really getting to you isn't he? Funny you've supposedly had him on ignore for the last 3 pages or something...yet here you are, continuing to respond with more angry rants.
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Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 01:45 pm
I've still got you on "Ignore," you little nazi. So, rant all you want. Laughing

By the way, I work out at a health club. If you ever met me in real life and tried to bully me, I'd knock your block off.
Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 01:49 pm
Francis wrote:

Pangloss wrote:
We do also all have the right to be clueless, if we so choose.

Some of us don't choose..


That made me spew drinking water Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 02:35 pm
wmwcjr wrote:

I've still got you on "Ignore," you little nazi. So, rant all you want. Laughing

By the way, I work out at a health club. If you ever met me in real life and tried to bully me, I'd knock your block off.

LOL. Yea, I bet you're real scary, in real-life...

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Fat Man 1951
Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 05:50 pm
Well, It's been quite a while since I have posted anything in these forums, the last time being when I posted in the topic Welcome Sports Haters.

The mindless and moronic rantings by hawkeye10 and Pangloss were recently brought to my attention by a fellow member of another anti-sports forum of which I'm also a member.

So now, I feel the need to respond to both hawkeye10 and Pangloss.

The two of you seem to regard, kids being bullied around in school, as a good thing, as some sort of a "rite of passage" that you believe all children must go through.

The concept of a "rite of passage" for young people, that is something that is done in primitive societies where people are still living in the jungle, where they are still hunters and gatherers and still living in mud or straw huts. They make their children go through a "rite of passage" which sometimes involves mutilation or other painful and dangerous rituals, and some children do not survive it.

We live in a modern technological society, and have rejected past superstitions, so our children should not be forced to go through a "rite of passage", and anybody who justifies bullying or getting bullied around as a "rite of passage" they belong back in the jungles. They have no business living in homes with electricity and indoor plumbing, or driving motor vehicles, or using cell phones and computers.

Yeah! I mean you guys, both hawkeye10 and Pangloss!

Instead, these bullies should be banished from civilization, and deported to some desert island somewhere out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean where they can live in mud huts, and will have to hunt for meat, and gather roots and berries, and if they get sick, they should see a witch doctor.

All bullies should also be sterilized so that they can't reproduce and have children, and make them go through a "rite of passage" while, if the choose, they may put themselves through there own "rites of passage" and cut and mutilate themselves and brand themselves, just like primitives in the jungle.

Now, here is what I admire about the Jewish culture. Their young people do go through a "rite of passage" and it's known as a Bar Mitzvah for boys or (Bat Mitzvah for girls in Reform Judaism) at the age of 13 years. This is a "rite of passage" that involves reading the Torah in front of the congregation. To prepare for a Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah, children must study the Torah and learn to read and write and speak in Hebrew. Also young people are required to study hard in school and make good grades in all of their academic subjects.

OK. Judaism has nothing against kids getting into sports, but sports is NOT the most important thing. Academics is what is the most important. A young boy after going through the Bar Mitzvah is then considered to be a young man, and a young girl after going through a Bat Mitzvah is considered to be a young lady.

In the Jewish culture, a young man who studies hard in school and passes all his academic subjects, he is not considered to be a "sissy" or a "queer" or a "fag" as he would be in most Anglo Saxon (or should I say, Anglo Suxon?) cultures just simply because he prefers academics over athletic achievement. No, in the Jewish culture, a young male who achieves academically, he wears the mantel of masculinity.

In Judaism, it is said that a "fool despises instruction" and a guy who can not make the grade academically, but who cares only about sports, he would be considered a fool and still just a boy!

Therefor, some Macho Jocko monkey-boy who is in his 30s who can't read or write above the second or third grade level, even if he makes millions of dollars every year just for chasing a ball, in Judaism, he would NOT be considered a real man. He would be considered a fool and still just a boy!!!

So, Hawkeye10 and Pangloss, whoever the **** your are, you're both obviously members of the loin cloth crowd and you both should be living in the jungle and chucking spears.

You are a fool, and still just a boy!

You got that??? BOY!!!
Fat Man 1951
Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 06:06 pm
One more thing I need to add.

Bullies are NOT real men. They are cowards!

Any coward can beat up on somebody smaller and weaker. That takes no balls at all.

We should be teaching our children, that if you beat up on someone who is smaller and weaker, then that makes you a sniveling coward!

And anybody who supports bullying, saying that it's a good thing, then you are morally reprehensible, and you are also cowards.

If hawkeye10 and Pangloss were in the Army, they would probably get court martialed and shot for desertion, being the reprehensible moral cowards that they are, they would probably run away in the thick of battle.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 06:30 pm
@Fat Man 1951,
All bullies should also be sterilized so that they can't reproduce and have children, and make them go through a "rite of passage" while, if the choose, they may put themselves through there own "rites of passage" and cut and mutilate themselves and brand themselves, just like primitives in the jungle.
so tell me, in your vision is it the only the underclass bullies who get this treatment, or do we also go after the corporate class which uses its power to bully and swindle the rest of the society out of wealth? Is physical abuse so much worse than political abuse or economic abuse that it gets a special standard, or are we rather going to banish and sterilize tens of millions of Americans so that you can pursue your fantasy Utopian vision of a life where everyone is cuddly and nice and fair and always ready with the treats?

We live in the world we have, not the one we want to have, and our duty to to prepare our children to inhabit that world and thrive doing so. Opening their eyes and toughening them up is part of that process, it has to be, as even if they buy into your fantasy they can't will it into reality.

Kids will take into account anti bullying laws and the speeches they get at school, they will also take into account that the American society is at is core a bully centric model. Kids are not stupid, they know what adults really care about, how we really operate. And they dont as a rule have any respect for people who teach one thing and then don't do it themselves. They also don't have a lot of respect for adults who have spent their kids into poverty so that they themselves could live high on the hog then going around and giving speeches on morality, and on how advanced a species we are.
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Fat Man 1951
Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 07:25 pm
In response to hawkeye10:

So, you're OK with bullies beating up on the other students in our schools! Eh?

I believe it's called assault and battery and you would go to jail for that. Bullying can cause severe injuries and it interferes with getting a decent education in school.

If I had kids going to school, and if any of them were assaulted by bullies, I would file charges against the parents and they would wind up in jail, and the bullies would ed up in detention.

You seem to see nothing wrong with bullying, like it's a good thing, a rite of passage.

Tell me Jimbo. What do you think of rape?

Sorry Jimbo Bubbah Booey, but I really don't feel like wasting my time arguing with scum!

Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 07:34 pm
@Fat Man 1951,
Sorry Jimbo Bubbah Booey, but I really don't feel like wasting my time arguing with scum!
You are not the first a2k'er who defines scum as a person who believes that something which is not morally acceptable is none the less true. You know where to find me if you ever develop big enough balls to talk about reality.
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Fat Man 1951
Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 07:37 pm
Oh! And another thing . . .

When I was in school, I was bullied around, and I did confront the bully, and I stood up to the bully, and defended myself.

And guess what . . . . .

I was punished for defending myself and was sent home for the rest of the day.

In the meantime, the bully was never held accountable for his actions, because he happened to be an athlete who was good at sports.

So, you say bullying is a good thing because teaches kids to be strong and stand up for themselves.

Yeah! What good is standing up for yourself if your punished for doing so?

Nah! I guess when some bully attacked me, I was just suppose to stand there and let him use me as a human punching bag.

Obviously, because I got punished for defending myself.

You're scum!!!
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Fat Man 1951
Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 10:10 pm
I have been going back to all the previous pages in this topic and reviewing all of the moronic posts made by hawkeye10.

One retarded post in particular really stands out.

Bullying and hazing serve critical societal functions, a fact that we moderns ignore to our detriment.
End Quot:

So, should I assume, that according to hawkeye10, the ancients possessed more knowledge and greater wisdom then we moderns???

Well, let's see . . . OK?

The ancients believed that the earth was flat. But today we moderns know better, that the earth is round.

The ancients believed that the earth was the center of the cosmos, the Geocentric concept with all the planets and the heavens revolving around the earth. But today, we moderns know better after Copernicus and Galileo put forth their Heliocentric theory with the earth and all the planets revolving around the sun, and we moderns know better that the earth is not the center of the cosmos.

The ancients believed that all diseases were caused by demons and diseases were treated with magical rituals which failed to work. But today, we moderns know better. We know what causes most diseases, and thanks to medical science, we moderns have better ways to treat diseases, and thanks to moderns, human life expectancy has increased from a mere 30 or 40 years to about 70 to 80 years on average.

The ancients believed that left-handed children were of the devil and in our schools more than a century ago, left-handed children were punished. But now we moderns know better. We no longer punish children for being left-handed.

I could go on and on, but I'll stop here for now.

Well, so much for the wisdom of the ancients.

So, when hawkeye10 says " Bullying and hazing serve critical societal functions, a fact that we moderns ignore to our detriment." he might as well be saying that witch trials serve a critical societal function.

And so, I say to hawkeye10 . . . . .

. . . . . go crawl back into your cave, Alley Oop!!!

My God! What a ******* moron!!!

Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2010 12:50 am
@Fat Man 1951,
Do you seriously want to argue that humans are better than we used to be after the last 100 years of history? After so many humans have been killed by military and political struggle, after our host planet has been so badly poisoned by us over that time, after we perfected to ability to finish the job once and for all with the nuclear bomb?
Fat Man 1951
Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2010 01:07 am
I'm not saying that we are perfect. Far from it.

But it is my most sincere hope that bullying in our schools will eventually become a thing of the past, just as we have abolished slavery, the Jim Crow laws, and that we no longer hold witch trials.

Yes, we still have a long way to go yet.

But the idea that young people have to go through a violent rite of passage, that sort of thing belongs in only primitive hunter gatherer jungle cultures.

Our schools should be a safe haven for serious students who go there to study science and math and not to be harassed by bullies who interfere with getting a decent education.

If you are to moronic to understand that, then get the **** out of Dodge and go live on some desert island, you imbecilic jungle bunny!!!
Fat Man 1951
Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2010 07:51 pm
Another response to hawkeye10:

Bullying is NOT a form of free speech, no more than rape, or robbing banks, or murder!

In fact, bullying in our schools hinders the educational process, and is detrimental to intellectual and academic freedom.

Not only are students verbally harassed and physically assaulted, sometimes a student's property is vandalized.

For exampe:

A student's art project or science project destroyed. Notebooks stolen and pages torn out, things which can set a student's progress back.

As has happened to me when I was in school.

I had been working on some oil paintings in my art class, and some low-life gutter-thug smeared brown paint all over my oil paintings.

I had notebooks stolen with science notes, and history notes, and pages torn out, which had set me back in my progress.

Bullying in our schools is sometimes a threat to a student's future.

NO! Being bullied around in school is NOT a rite of passage!

Only a low-life gutter-scum like you would condone bullying!

You're a dangerous sociopath who should be locked up for the rest of your rotten miserable worthless little life.

You should be locked up so far away that you won't even hear the dogs barking!

0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2010 08:07 pm
@Fat Man 1951,
Fat Man 1951 wrote:

But it is my most sincere hope that bullying in our schools will eventually become a thing of the past, just as we have abolished slavery, the Jim Crow laws, and that we no longer hold witch trials.

Yes, we still have a long way to go yet.

But the idea that young people have to go through a violent rite of passage, that sort of thing belongs in only primitive hunter gatherer jungle cultures.

Our schools should be a safe haven for serious students who go there to study science and math and not to be harassed by bullies who interfere with getting a decent education.

If you are to moronic to understand that, then get the **** out of Dodge and go live on some desert island, you imbecilic jungle bunny!!!

I would agree with the above. We move forward, not backwards. Bullying should be a thing of the past, and is fast becoming so. Who would disagree, and for what reason?
Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2010 08:14 pm
I tend to think of fat man as over the top in arguing manners, which are offputting to the extreme, but, at first glance, agree with that last post.

FM, don't assume that all of us that don't rant do not have opinions. Ranting isn't all that useful.
Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2010 08:35 pm
Oh, I see that Fat Man typed quite a few posts. I didn't read them, shame on me. I was moreorless disagreeing with Hawkeye.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2010 08:42 pm
I would agree with the above. We move forward, not backwards. Bullying should be a thing of the past, and is fast becoming so. Who would disagree, and for what reason?
Adults can drive the dynamic underground, kids will play nice in front of the adults if need be but they will always get their point across. Until adults figure out a way to force kids who don't like each other to be friends this problem will be with us. Of course a lot of the time it is not even a problem, it is a necessary and natural part of the process of individual discovery.

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