Re: Scouting out guys at the grocery store.
littlek wrote:So, ehBeth and I have been emailing about how to tell single guys from coupled guys at the grocery store by what they have in their baskets. It's gotten me thinking about shopping styles and such. So, anyone who'll post answers to these Qs would be helping me in my quest for knowledge (it's gone beyond picking up guys).
1. Age (-ish)-35
2. Gender (in case we don't already know)-Male
3. married/single/coupled-Single
4. Typical grocery list- AND
5. Typical method of collecting groceries- Roughly in this order:
Any and all breakfast cereals with raisins (except that low-fat crap)
Multi-grain bread
Bath supplies
Any and all crap that catches my eye (God forbid its on sale; I'll buy a lot, whether I'll ever use it or not).
Bottled "Dannon" water by the cart-load
Blueberry Yogurt
International Delight coffee creamer (French Vanilla or Vanilla-Hazelnut mix)
Eggs (brown free range)
Jimmy Dean Hot sausage
Thick cut, lean bacon (oxymoron?)
Deli lunch meat
Occasionally I'll stock up on steak (to sit in my freezer until its time to throw it away).
Frozen pre-formed hash-browns
Frozen Pizza-
Frozen, microwaveable Swedish Meatballs- (2.5 minutes-stir, 1.33 minutes-stir and eat (repeat once)) Love it!
Quote:What else should we know?
Now that I've got a hefty load of crap in my cart; I'm ready to scope out the produce department (I always shop at the store most frequented by pretty ladies :wink: ).
Caesar Salad kits (Romaine, croutons and dressing in one package). Ask the most knowledgeable looking (preferably fat and old) lady (near a young pretty one whom I'm ignoring completely) "do you think this is a good one

" while holding out a bad cantaloupe or something. Appreciatively listen to my tutor on how to choose the right one (while covertly checking if I've been "noticed"). Now; it is time to hit on the pretty girl (whether I've been "noticed" or not :wink: ). Conspicuously peer into her cart load of healthy looking stuff and say something like; "you're not going to eat that are you? That stuff'll kill ya" Patiently wait for her to deride me for the crap that's in my cart
Share a laugh

and then ask offhandedly; "do you like Japanese? (Of course she does) "Have you been to YOKO?" (The best Japanese food in town; but few know about it)
(better than 50/50 close ratio. :wink: )
When asked over dinner "how many times have you used that routine?" I answer "countless thousands" and refuse to comment further.
As for "picking up guys"; I haven't tried
but I'll bet my universal line would work (don't exploit this fellas): "HOLA!" (good and loud). If they look at me like I'm a kook, I lean in, and, in a conspiratorial manner whisper "that means Hello in Spanish". If that doesn't break the ice, move on. (normally a better than 50/50 except if used on Latin ladies
then it's 80/20. :wink: )
Any real food (meat, fish, procuce)(Wine too); I buy at Carmine's Gourmet Food Store (food to be used within 24 hours). One meal a week, tops. Since I can't really cook

, I eat out or have meals delivered more often than not. I do make a mean breakfast though! :wink:
Also: Women who invite me for a "real meal" have a better than 50/50 chance of me accepting.
Quote:6. Typical time/day to go to the grocery store.-
Dinner time! :wink: