Whoa! Yes...I can see why you would!! Resign, I mean.
You know, some of the less stressful things about the job I am in now, are that:
1. I am in such a specialist area, that, although it is sometimes very hard (that's how I lost control of the paperwork) I can generally respond quickly to the kids, parents and the systems surrounding them....whereas, in the last job, we had an eternal, crushing waiting list. Senior people only ever saw the urgentest of the urgentest, so I (and experienced colleagues) saw only the most difficult stuff...year after year after year...
Now I sometimes see functional families who have had a single trauma!
2. I don't have to be an expert in every goddam thing that afflicts kids!
3. A lot of the work is consultation and training,,,and sometimes people are actually GRATEFUL!!!
I think teachers get a really raw deal, with not very good or nice parents (and governments!) blaming you for every damn thing, and expecting you to fix every damn thing!
I really feel, in my current line of work, for the police and the front-line welfare folk.
They (police, especially), SEE the dead kids (we don't, often...they generally go to the coroner), the injured kids, the truly awful conditions in which kids have been living.
They have to pick up the pieces on the scene when, for example, a father has killed mum in front of the kids, and maybe himself, ...or tried to kill the kids, too...but maybe failed, with at least one.
I don't get a lot of that stuff, only when I am on duty....but my colleagues (often painfully young) are there for the medicals and do the interviews with the kids about what they have experienced.
I am pretty damn strong stomached, because I have seen so much for so long....but I have to say that seeing babies and little children covered with injuries, or neglected until they are terribly sick, is stomach churning. Especially when they have severe brain injuries, for instance, and will basically be near vegetables.
The poor police, for whom there is a horrid macho code where it's not ok to say how bad you feel, or ask for help, get dead eyes. Too bloody many of them kill themselves.
One of my friends is in major crime (includes murders) and has been for ages. He scares the **** out of me, he is clearly suffering from PTSD, but can't admit to it.